Princeton University

Princeton University

Motto: Dei sub numine viget (Latin)
Motto in English: Under God's power she flourishes[1]
Established: 1746
Type: Private
Endowment: US$17 billion[2]
President: Shirley M. Tilghman
Staff: 1,103
Undergraduates: 4,918[3]
Postgraduates: 2,416[4]
Location: Flag of the United States Borough of Princeton,
Princeton Township,
and West Windsor Township
, New Jersey, USA
Campus: Suburban, 600 acres (2.4 km²)
(Princeton Borough and Township
Former names: College of New Jersey (1746-1756)
Athletics: 38 sports teams
Colors: Orange and Black         
Mascot: Tigers
Affiliations: MAISA; AAU

Princeton University is a private research university located in three municipalities in the Princeton area of New Jersey, United States. The school, located within the boundaries of Borough of Princeton, Princeton Township, and West Windsor Township, is one of the eight universities that comprise the Ivy League.

Originally founded in 1746 at Elizabeth, New Jersey, as the College of New Jersey, it was moved to Princeton in 1756 and renamed “Princeton University” in 1896.[5] Princeton was the fourth institution of higher education in the U.S. to conduct classes.[6][7] The university, unlike most American universities that were founded at the same time, did not have an official religious affiliation. At one time, it had close ties to the Presbyterian Church, but today it is nonsectarian and makes no religious demands of its students.[8][9] The university has ties with the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton Theological Seminary, and the Westminster Choir College of Rider University.[10]

Though Princeton University has traditionally focused on undergraduate education, it has almost two thousand five hundred graduate students[11] enrolled, and its Carnegie classification is "research university."[12] Princeton is a liberal arts university and does not offer professional schools generally, but it does offer professional master's degrees (mostly through the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs) and doctoral programs in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences, as well as engineering. In addition to the research conducted on the main campus, the Forrestal Campus has special facilities for the study of plasma physics and meteorology.



Main article: History of Princeton University
Sculpture by J. Massey Rhind (1892), Alexander Hall, Princeton University

The history of Princeton goes back to its establishment by "New Light" Presbyterians; Princeton was originally intended to train Presbyterian ministers. It opened at Elizabeth, New Jersey, under the presidency of Jonathan Dickinson as the College of New Jersey. Its second president was Aaron Burr, Sr.; the third was Jonathan Edwards. In 1756, the college moved to Princeton, New Jersey.

Between the time of the college's move to Princeton in 1756 and the construction of Stanhope Hall in 1803, the college's sole building was Nassau Hall, named for the Dutch William III of England of the House of Orange-Nassau. (A proposal was made to name it for the colonial Governor, Jonathan Belcher, but he declined.) The college also adopted orange as its school color from William III. During the American Revolution, Princeton was occupied by British and American forces on different occasions and, consequently, the college's buildings were heavily damaged. The Battle of Princeton, fought in a nearby field in January of 1777, proved to be a decisive victory for General George Washington and his troops. Two of Princeton's leading citizens signed the United States Declaration of Independence: Richard Stockton and Clergyman John Witherspoon, who was later president of the college. During the summer of 1783, the Continental Congress met in Nassau Hall, making Princeton the country's capital for four months. The much-abused landmark survived bombardment with cannonballs in the Revolutionary War when General Washington struggled to wrest the building from British control, as well as later fires in 1802 and 1855 that left only its walls standing. Rebuilt by Joseph Henry Latrobe, John Notman and John Witherspoon, the modern Nassau Hall has been much revised and expanded from the original one that was designed by Robert Smith. Over the centuries, its role shifted from an all-purpose building, comprising office, dormitory, library, and classroom space, to classroom space exclusively, to its present role as the administrative center of the university. Originally, the sculptures in front of the building were lions, as a gift in 1879. These were later replaced with tigers in 1911.[13]

In 1812 Princeton Theological Seminary was established as a separate institution in the interest of advancing and extending the theological curriculum of the college. The plan met with enthusiastic approval on the part of the College, for they were coming to see that specialized training in theology required more attention than they could give. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church established The Theological Seminary at Princeton, New Jersey in 1812, as the first graduate theological school in the United States. Archibald Alexander, a professor at the college, was its first professor and principal. The Seminary remains an institution of the Presbyterian Church (USA), being the largest of the ten theological seminaries affiliated with the 2.5-million member denomination. The two institutions currently enjoy a close relationship based on common history and shared resources.

Nassau Hall, the university's oldest building. Note the tiger sculptures beside the steps.

James McCosh took office as the college's president in 1868 and lifted the institution out of a low period that had been brought about by the Civil War. During his two decades in power, he overhauled the curriculum, oversaw an expansion of inquiry into the sciences, and supervised the addition of a number of buildings in the High Victorian Gothic style to the campus.[14] McCosh Hall is named in his honor.

In 1896, the college officially changed its name from the College of New Jersey to Princeton University to honor the town in which it resides. During this year, the college also underwent large expansion and officially became a university. Under Woodrow Wilson, Princeton introduced the preceptorial system in 1905, a then-unique concept that augmented the standard lecture method of teaching with a more personal form in which small groups of students, or precepts, could interact with a single instructor, or preceptor, in their field of interest.

In 1969, Princeton University first admitted women as undergraduates. In 1887, the university had actually maintained and staffed a sister college, Evelyn College for Women, in the town of Princeton on Evelyn and Nassau streets. It was closed after roughly a decade of operation. After abortive discussions with Sarah Lawrence College to relocate the women's college to Princeton and merge it with the University in 1967, the administration decided to admit women and turned to the issue of transforming the school's operations and facilities into a female-friendly campus. The administration barely finished these plans by April 1969 when the admission's office began mailing out its acceptance letters. Its five-year coeducation plan provided $7.8 million for the development of new facilities that would eventually house and educate 650 women students at Princeton by 1974. Ultimately, 148 women, consisting of 100 freshwomen and transfer students of other years, entered Princeton on September 6, 1969 amidst much media attention. (Princeton enrolled its first female graduate student, Sabra Follett Meserve, as a Ph.D. candidate in Turkish history in 1961. A handful of women had studied at Princeton as undergraduates from 1963 on, spending their junior year there to study subjects in which Princeton's offerings surpassed those of their home institutions. They were considered regular students for their year on campus, but they were not candidates for a Princeton degree.)

As a result of a 1979 lawsuit by Sally Frank, Princeton's eating clubs were required to go coeducational in 1991, after Tiger Inn's appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court was denied.[15]


Many campus buildings have Neo-gothic archways and lanterns. Seen here is Blair Arch, the largest and most famous archway on campus.

Princeton's campus features buildings designed by noted architects such as Benjamin Latrobe, Ralph Adams Cram, McKim, Mead & White, Robert Venturi, and Nick Yeager. The campus, located on 2 km² of landscaped grounds, features a large number of Neo-gothic-style buildings, most dating from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It is situated about one hour from New York City and Philadelphia. The first Princeton building constructed was Nassau Hall, situated in the north end of Campus on Nassau Street. Stanhope Hall (once a library, now home of the University's Center for African-American Studies) and East and West College, both dormitories, followed. Though many of the succeeding buildings—particularly the dormitories of the Northern campus—were built in a Collegiate Gothic style, the university's architecture is a mixture of American architectural movements. Greek Revival temples (Whig and Clio Halls) abut the lawn south of Nassau Hall whereas a crenellated theater (Murray-Dodge) guards the route west to the library. Modern buildings are confined to the east and south of the campus, a quarter overlooked by the fourteen-story Fine Hall. Fine Hall, the Math Department's home, designed by Warner, Burns, Toan and Lunde and completed in 1970, is the tallest building on campus.[16] Contemporary additions feature a number of big-name architects, including IM Pei's Spelman Halls, Robert Venturi's Frist Campus Center, Rafael Vinoly's Carl Icahn Laboratory, the Hillier Group's Bowen Hall, and Demetri Porphyrios' Whitman College. A science library, designed by Frank Gehry, is presently under construction. A variety of sculptures adorn the campus. They include pieces by Henry Moore (Oval with Points, also nicknamed "Nixon's Nose"), Clement Meadmore (Upstart II), and Alexander Calder (Five Disks: One Empty). At the base of campus is the Delaware and Raritan Canal, dating from 1830, and Lake Carnegie, a man-made lake donated by the steel magnate Andrew Carnegie. The lake is used for crew (rowing) and sailing.

Cannon Green

Cannon Green is located on the south end of the main lawn. Buried in the ground at the center is the "Big Cannon." Its top protrudes from the earth and is traditionally spray-painted in orange with the current senior class year. A second "Little Cannon" is buried in the lawn in front of nearby Whig Hall. Both cannons were buried in response to periodic thefts by Rutgers students. The "Big Cannon" is said to have been left in Princeton by Hessians after the Revolutionary War but moved to New Brunswick during the War of 1812. Ownership of the cannon was disputed and the cannon was eventually taken back to Princeton partly by a military company and then by a hundred Princeton students. The "Big Cannon" was eventually buried in its current location behind Nassau Hall in 1840. In 1875, Rutgers students, in an attempt to recover the original cannon, stole the "Little Cannon" instead. The smaller cannon was subsequently recovered and buried as well. The protruding cannons are occasionally painted scarlet by Rutgers students who continue the traditional dispute.[17]

A Beautiful Mind, the Academy Award-winning movie, contains a scene that takes place on Cannon Green. John Nash plays Go with his college rival while sitting on stone benches in the middle of the green. (The benches do not exist; like many elements of the Princeton setting that is depicted in the movie, they were introduced by the filmmakers.) Additional scenes were filmed around Holder Courtyard.


McCarter Theater

McCarter Theater

The Tony-award-winning[18] McCarter Theatre was built by the Princeton Triangle Club, a student performance group, using club profits and a gift from Princeton University alumnus Thomas McCarter. Today, the Triangle Club performs its annual freshmen revue and fall musicals in McCarter. McCarter is also recognized as one of the leading regional theaters in the United States.

Art Museum

The Princeton University Art Museum was established to give students direct, intimate, and sustained access to original works of art that complement and enrich instruction and research at the university. This continues to be its primary function.

Numbering nearly 60,000 objects, the collections range from ancient to contemporary art and concentrate geographically on the Mediterranean regions, Western Europe, China, the United States, and Latin America. There is a collection of Greek and Roman antiquities, including ceramics, marbles, bronzes, and Roman mosaics from faculty excavations in Antioch. Medieval Europe is represented by sculpture, metalwork, and stained glass. The collection of Western European paintings includes examples from the early Renaissance through the nineteenth century and features a growing collection of twentieth-century and contemporary art.

One of the best features of the museums is its collection of Chinese art, with important holdings in bronzes, tomb figurines, painting, and calligraphy. Its collection of pre-Columbian art includes examples of Mayan art. The museum has collections of old master prints and drawings and a comprehensive collection of original photographs. African art and Northwest Coast Indian art are also represented. Other works include those of the John B. Putnam, Jr., Memorial Collection of twentieth-century sculpture. They including works by such modern masters as Alexander Calder, Jacques Lipchitz, Henry Moore and Pablo Picasso. The Putnam Collection is overseen by the Museum, but it is exhibited outdoors around campus.

University Chapel

Princeton University Chapel

Princeton University Chapel is the third-largest university chapel in the world. Known for its gothic architecture, the chapel houses one of the largest and most precious stained glass collections in the country. Both the Opening Exercises for entering freshmen and the Baccalaureate Service for graduating seniors take place in the University Chapel. Construction on the Princeton University Chapel began in 1924 and was completed in 1927 at a cost of $2.4 million. Princeton's Chapel is the world's third-largest university chapel, behind those of Valparaiso University and King's College, Cambridge, England.[19] It was designed by the University's lead consulting architect, Ralph Adams Cram, previously of Boston's architectural firm Cram, Goodhue, and Ferguson, leading proponents of the Gothic revival style. The vaulting was built by the Guastavino Company, whose thin Spanish tile vaults can be found in Ellis Island, Grand Central Terminal, and hundreds of other significant works of 20th century architecture.

The 270-foot (82 m)-long, 76-foot (23 m)-high, cruciform church has a collegiate Gothic style and it is made largely from Pennsylvania sandstone and Indiana limestone. It seats two thousand people, many in pews made from wood salvaged from Civil War-era gun carriages. Seats in the chancel are made from oak from Sherwood Forest. The sixteenth century pulpit was brought from France and the primary pipe organ has eight thousand pipes and 109 stops.

One of the most prominent features of the chapel are its stained glass windows, which have an unusually academic leaning. Three of the large windows have religious themes: The north aisle windows shows the life of Jesus, the north clerestory shows the spiritual development of the Jews, and the south aisle shows the teachings of Jesus. The stained glass in the south clerestory portrays the evolution of human thought from the Greeks to modern times. It has windows on such topics as science, law, poetry, and war.


With an endowment of US$15.8 billion, Princeton University is among the wealthiest universities in the world. Ranked as the fourth largest endowment in the United States, the university has the greatest per-student endowment in the world (US$2.15 million). Such a significant endowment is sustained through the continued donations of its alumni and is maintained by investment advisers.[20] Some of Princeton's wealth is invested in its art museum, which features works by Claude Monet and Andy Warhol among other prominent artists.

This watercolor shows Cleveland Tower as seen from just outside Procter Hall at the Old Graduate College in the noon autumn sun. The tower was built in 1913 as a memorial to former United States President Grover Cleveland, who also served as a university trustee. One of the largest carillons in the world, the Class of 1892 Bells, was installed in 1927. The Chapel Music program plays the bells Sunday afternoons during each semester, except during exam periods.

University housing is guaranteed to all undergraduates for all four years. More than 95 percent of students live on campus in dormitories. Freshmen and sophomores must live in residential colleges, while juniors and seniors typically live in designated upperclassman dormitories. The actual dormitories are comparable, but only residential colleges have dining halls. Nonetheless, any undergraduate may purchase a meal plan and eat in a residential college dining hall. Recently, upperclassmen have been given the option of remaining in their college for all four years. Juniors and seniors also have the option of living off-campus, but high rent in the Princeton area encourages almost all students to live in university housing. Undergraduate social life revolves around the residential colleges and a number of coeducational "eating clubs," which students may choose to join in the spring of their sophomore year. Eating clubs, which are not officially affiliated with the university, serve as dining halls and communal spaces for their members and also host social events throughout the academic year.

Princeton has six undergraduate residential colleges, each housing approximately 500 freshmen, sophomores, some juniors and seniors, and a handful of junior and senior resident advisers. Each college consists of a set of dormitories, a dining hall, a variety of other amenities—such as study spaces, libraries, performance spaces, and darkrooms—and a collection of administrators and associated faculty. Two colleges, Wilson College and Forbes College (formerly Princeton Inn College), date to the 1970s; three others, Rockefeller, Mathey, and Butler Colleges, were created in 1983 following the Committee on Undergraduate Residential Life (CURL) report, which suggested the institution of residential colleges as a solution to an allegedly fragmented campus social life. The construction of Whitman College, the university's sixth residential college, was completed in 2007.

Rockefeller College and Mathey College are located in the northwest corner of the campus; Princeton brochures often feature their Collegiate Gothic architecture. Like most of Princeton's Gothic buildings, they predate the residential college system and were fashioned into colleges from individual dormitories.

Wilson College and Butler College, located south of the center of the campus, were built in the 1960s. Wilson served as an early experiment in the establishment of the residential college system. Butler, like Rockefeller and Mathey, consisted of a collection of ordinary dorms (called the "New New Quad") before the addition of a dining hall made it a residential college. Widely disliked for its edgy modernist design, the dormitories on the Butler Quad were demolished in 2007, and the college is being partially housed in converted upperclassman dormitories until its reconstruction is completed. Butler now consisted of Bloomberg Hall, 1915 Hall, and Cuyler Hall.

Forbes is located on the site of the historic Princeton Inn, a gracious hotel overlooking the Princeton golf course. The Princeton Inn, originally constructed in 1924, played regular host to important symposia and gatherings of renowned scholars from both the university and the nearby Institute for Advanced Studies for many years.[21] Forbes currently houses over 400 undergraduates and a number of resident graduate students in its residential halls. Butler and most of Forbes are in a different municipality, Princeton Township, from the rest of the main campus, which is in Princeton Borough.

In 2003, Princeton broke ground for a sixth college that is named Whitman College after its principal sponsor, Meg Whitman, the former CEO of eBay and a member of the Princeton Class of 1977. The new dormitories were constructed in the neo-Gothic architectural style and were designed by architect Demetri Porphyrios. Construction finished in 2007, and Whitman College was inaugurated as Princeton's sixth residential college that same year.

The precursor of the present college system was originally proposed by university president Woodrow Wilson in the early 20th century. Wilson's model was much closer to Yale's present system, which features four-year colleges. Lacking the support of the trustees, the plan languished until 1968. That year, Wilson College was established to cap a series of alternatives to the eating clubs. Fierce debates raged before the present residential college system emerged. The plan was first attempted at Yale, but the administration was initially uninterested; an exasperated alum, Edward Harkness, finally paid to have the college system implemented at Harvard in the 1920s, leading to the oft-quoted aphorism that the college system is a Princeton idea that was executed at Harvard with funding from Yale.

Princeton has one graduate residential college, known simply as the Graduate College, located beyond Forbes College at the outskirts of campus. The far-flung location of the G.C. was the spoil of a squabble between Woodrow Wilson and then-Graduate School Dean Andrew Fleming West. Wilson preferred a central location for the College; West wanted the graduate students as far as possible from the campus. Ultimately, West prevailed.[21] The Graduate College is composed of a large Collegiate Gothic section crowned by Cleveland Tower, a local landmark that also houses a world-class carillon. The attached New Graduate College departs in its design from Collegiate Gothic; it is reminiscent of Butler College, the newest of the five pre-Whitman residential colleges.


The courtyard of East Pyne

Undergraduate students at Princeton benefit from the resources of a world-class research institution that is simultaneously dedicated to undergraduate teaching. Princeton faculty have a reputation for balancing excellence in their respective fields with a dedication to their students as classroom instructors and as advisors of independent work.

Undergraduates fulfill general education requirements, choose among a wide variety of elective courses, and pursue departmental concentrations and interdisciplinary certificate programs. Required independent work is a hallmark of undergraduate education at Princeton. Students graduate with either the Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) or the Bachelor of Science in engineering (B.S.E.).

The Graduate School offers advanced degrees spanning the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering. Doctoral education is available in all disciplines. It emphasizes original and independent scholarship whereas master's degree programs in architecture, engineering, finance, and public affairs and public policy prepare candidates for careers in public life and professional practice.


Undergraduate courses in the humanities are traditionally either seminars or lectures held 2 or 3 times a week with an additional discussion seminar that is called a "precept" (short for "preceptorial"). To graduate, all A.B. candidates must complete a senior thesis and, in most departments, one or two extensive pieces of independent research that are known as "junior papers." Juniors in some departments, including architecture and the creative arts, complete independent projects that differ from written research papers. A.B. candidates must also fulfill a two-semester foreign language requirement and distribution requirements with a total of 31 classes. B.S.E. candidates follow a parallel track with an emphasis on a rigorous science and math curriculum, a computer science requirement, and at least two semesters of independent research including an optional senior thesis. All B.S.E. students must complete at least 36 classes. A.B. candidates typically have more freedom in course selection than B.S.E. candidates because of the fewer number of required classes. Nonetheless, in the spirit of a liberal arts education, both enjoy a comparatively high degree of latitude in creating a self-structured curriculum.

Undergraduates agree to conform to an academic honesty policy called the Honor Code. Students write and sign the honor pledge, "I pledge my honor that I have not violated the Honor Code during this examination," on every in-class exam. (The form of the pledge was changed slightly in 1980; it formerly read, "I pledge my honor that during this examination, I have neither given nor received assistance.") The Code carries a second obligation: Upon matriculation, every student pledges to report any suspected cheating to the student-run Honor Committee. Because of this code, students take all tests unsupervised by faculty members or teaching assistants. Violations of the Honor Code incur suspension or expulsion, the strongest of disciplinary actions. Out-of-class exercises are outside the Honor Committee's jurisdiction. In these cases, students are often expected to sign a pledge on their papers to aver that they have not plagiarized their work ("This paper represents my own work in accordance with University regulations.")


Princeton offers postgraduate research degrees in mathematics, physics, astronomy and plasma physics, economics, geosciences, history, political science, psychology, philosophy, and English. Although Princeton offers professional graduate degrees in engineering, architecture, and finance, it has no medical school, law school, or business school like other research universities.[22] The university's most famous professional school is the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, founded in 1930 as the School of Public and International Affairs and renamed in 1948 after university president Woodrow Wilson.


The university's library system houses over eleven million holdings[23] including six million bound volumes.[24] The main university library, Firestone Library, which houses almost four million volumes, is one of the largest university libraries in the world[25] and among the largest "open stack" libraries in existence. Its collections include the Blickling homilies. In addition to Firestone library, many individual disciplines have their own libraries, including architecture, art history, East Asian studies, engineering, geology, international affairs and public policy, Near Eastern studies, and psychology. Seniors in some departments can register for enclosed carrels in the main library for workspace and the private storage of books and research materials. In February 2007, Princeton became the 12th major library system to join Google's ambitious project to scan the world's great literary works and make them searchable over the Web.[26]

Admissions and financial aid

Princeton is one of the most selective colleges in the United States, admitting only 9.25% of undergraduate applicants in 2008.[27] In September 2006, the university announced that all applicants for the Class of 2012 would be considered in a single pool. In this way, the Early Decision program was effectively ended.[28] In 2001, expanding on earlier reforms, Princeton was the first university to eliminate loans for all students who qualify for aid, . U.S. News & World Report and Princeton Review both cite Princeton as the university that has the fewest number of graduates with debt even though 60% of incoming students are on some type of financial aid.[29] The Office of Financial Aid estimates that Princeton seniors on aid will graduate with an average indebtedness of $2,360, compared to the national average of about $20,000.


From 2001 to 2008, Princeton University was ranked first among national universities by U.S. News & World Report (USNWR).[30] In 2009, it ranked second, behind Harvard.[31] It has been ranked eighth among world universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University [32] and sixth among world universities by THES - QS World University Rankings.[33] This last source also ranked the university third in North America.[34]

In the "America's Best Colleges" rankings by the Forbes magazine in 2008, Princeton University was ranked first among all national colleges and universities.[35] The Forbes ranking also takes into consideration national awards won by students and faculty, as well as number of alumni in the 2008 "Who's Who in America" register.[35]

In Princeton Review's rankings of "softer" aspects of students' college experience, Princeton University was ranked first in "Students Happy with Financial Aid" and third in "Happiest Students", behind Clemson and Brown Universities.[36] These studies, however, discuss only undergraduate happiness.

Clio Hall

The university's individual academic departments have been highly-ranked in their respective fields. The Department of Psychology has been ranked fifth in the nation[37] and its individual graduate programs have received high national rankings as well. The behavioral neuroscience program[38] has been ranked sixth and the social psychology program[39] has been ranked seventh. The Department of History is currently ranked second, relinquishing the top spot to Yale intermittently in the last decade[40].

Princeton University also participates in the (NAICU)'s University and College Accountability Network (U-CAN).

Fine Hall, the home of the Department of Mathematics. It is the tallest building on campus, although its height above sea level is not higher than the University Chapel, significantly uphill from Fine.

Princeton University has an IBM BlueGeneL supercomputer, called Orangena, which was ranked as the 89th fastest computer in the world in 2005 (LINPACK performance of 4713 compared to 12250 for other U. S. universities and 280600 for the top-ranked supercomputer, belonging to the U. S. Department of Energy).[41]

Student life and culture

Princeton's six residential colleges host a variety of social events and activities, guest speakers such as Edward Norton, who showed a special sneak preview of Fight Club, and trips. The residential colleges are best known for their performing arts trips to New York City. Students sign up to take trips to see ballets, operas, Broadway shows, sports events, and other activities.

Cuyler, Class of 1903, and Walker Halls are Princeton dormitories with Collegiate Gothic architecture.

The eating clubs, located on Prospect Avenue, are co-ed organizations for upperclassmen. Most upperclassmen eat their meals at one of the ten eating clubs. Additionally, the clubs serve as evening and weekend social venues for members and guests.

Princeton hosts two Model United Nations conferences, PMUNC[42] in the fall for high school students and PICSim[43] in the spring for college students. It also hosts the Princeton Invitational Speech and Debate tournament each year at the end of November. Princeton also runs Princeton Model Congress, an event that is held once a year in mid-November. The 4-day conference has high school students from around the country as participants.

Although the school's admissions policy is need blind, Princeton, based on the proportion of students who receive Pell Grants, was ranked as a school with little economic diversity among all national universities ranked by U.S. News & World Report.[44] While Pell figures are widely used as a gauge of the number of low-income undergraduates on a given campus, the rankings article cautions "the proportion of students on Pell Grants isn't a perfect measure of an institution's efforts to achieve economic diversity."



The Princeton Review, a publication that is unaffiliated with the university, declared Princeton the 10th strongest "jock school" in the nation. It has also been ranked consistently at the top of TIME's "Strongest College Sports Teams" list. Most recently, Princeton was ranked as a top 10 school for athletics by Sports Illustrated. Princeton is well known for its men's and women's crews, which have won several NCAA and Eastern Sprints titles in recent years.

Princeton won a record 21 conference titles from 2000–2001. By the end of 2004, Princeton had garnered 36 Ivy League conference titles from the 2001–2004 sports seasons.

The university's field field hockey team has taken every field hockey conference title since 1994.

Princeton's men's and women's squash teams have earned a strong reputation during the past decade. The men have won the Ivy League championship from 2006-2008 and have placed second nationally in five of the past seven champtionships.

Princeton's basketball team is perhaps the best known team within the Ivy League. It is nicknamed the "perennial giant killer," a nickname that it acquired during Pete Carril's coaching career from 1967–1996. Its most notable upset was the defeat in defense of UCLA, NCAA basketball champion, in its opening round and Carril's final collegiate victory in that season's collegiate basketball playoffs. During that 29-year span, Pete Carril won thirteen Ivy League championships and received eleven NCAA berths and two NIT bids. Princeton won the NIT championship in 1975. The deliberate "Princeton offense" is a legacy of his coaching career. It is employed by a number of other collegiate basketball teams.

From 1992–2001, a nine year span, Princeton's men's basketball team entered the NCAA tournament four times. Notably, the conference has never had an at-large entry in the NCAA tournament. For the last half-century, Princeton and Penn have traditionally battled for men's basketball dominance in the Ivy League; Princeton had its first losing season in 50 years of Ivy League basketball in 2005. Princeton tied the record for fewest points in a Division I game since the 3-point line started in 1986–87 when they scored 21 points in a loss against Monmouth University on December 14, 2005.

The university's men's lacrosse team has enjoyed significant success since the early 1990s and is widely recognized as a perennial powerhouse in the Division I ranks. The team has won thirteen Ivy League titles (1992, 1993, 1995–2004, 2006) and six national titles (1992, 1994, 1996–1998, 2001).[49]

Princeton's women's track & field team has also enjoyed great success under Head Coach Peter Farrell.

The Princeton women's volleyball team has won thirteen Ivy League titles and, in 1998, its men's volleyball team became the first non-scholarship school to make the NCAA Final Four in 25 years.

Princeton also boasts a strong women's soccer program. In 2004, the team went to the Final Four in the NCAA tournament. It became the only Ivy League team (men's or women's) to do so in a 64-team tournament.

The first football game played between teams representing American colleges was an unfamiliar ancestor of today's college football because it was played under soccer-style London Football Association rules. The game, between Rutgers College (now Rutgers University) and the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University), took place on November 6, 1869 at College Field (now the site of the College Avenue Gymnasium at Rutgers University) in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Rutgers won by a score of six "runs" to Princeton's four. The 1869 game between Rutgers and Princeton is notable because it is the first documented game of any sport called "football" between two American colleges. It is also noteworthy because it occurred two years before a codified rugby game would be played in England. The Princeton/Rutgers game was significantly different from American rules football today but, nonetheless, it was the first inter-collegiate football contest in the United States. Another similar game took place between Rutgers and Columbia University in 1870 and the popularity of intercollegiate competition in football would spread throughout the country shortly thereafter.

Football championships

Though Princeton is no longer a part of Division I Football Bowl Subdivision football, the Tigers have the most overall national championships of any team in major college football history with 28 consensus and non-consensus national championships dating all the way back to their first one in 1869.

Since 1901, however, they have only 4 consensus national championships, which ranks as tied for 11th all time.


Notable among a number of songs commonly played and sung at various events such as commencement, convocation, and athletic games is Princeton Cannon Song, the Princeton University fight song.

"Old Nassau"

"Old Nassau" has been Princeton University's anthem since 1859. Its words were written that year by a freshman, Harlan Page Peck, and published in the March issue of the Nassau Literary Review (the oldest student publication at Princeton and also the second oldest undergraduate literary magazine in the country). The words and music appeared together for the first time in Songs of Old Nassau, published in April 1859. Before the Langlotz tune was written, the song was sung to Auld Lang Syne's melody, which also fits.[50]

However, Old Nassau does not only refer to the university's anthem. It can also refer to Nassau Hall, the building that was built in 1756 and named after William III of the House of Orange-Nassau. When built, it was the largest college building in North America. It served briefly as the capitol of the United States when the Continental Congress convened there in the summer of 1783. By metonymy, the term can refer to the university as a whole. Finally, it can also refer to a chemical reaction that is dubbed "Old Nassau" because the solution turns orange and then black.

Notable alumni and faculty

Main article: List of Princeton University people

Princeton University has been and is home to a renowned group of scholars, scientists, writers, and statesmen that includes four United States presidents, two of whom graduated from the university. James Madison and Woodrow Wilson graduated from Princeton, Grover Cleveland was not an alumnus but served as a trustee for several years while he spent his retirement in the town of Princeton, and John F. Kennedy spent his freshman fall at the university before leaving due to illness and later transferring to Harvard University.

In fiction

See also: List of Princeton University people#Fictional





See also


  1. This is sometimes humorously translated as "God went to Princeton." "Princeton Dictionary A-G," The Daily Princetonian, 15 June 2008, accessed 5 September 2008 at
  2. [1]
  3. [2]. America's Best Colleges. Retrieved on 2007-09-21.
  4. Princeton University Retrieved on -2008-08-16.
  5. ""Princeton's History" — Parent's Handbook, 2005–06". Princeton University (August 2005). Retrieved on 2006-09-20.
  6. Princeton's own phrasing is that it was "the fourth college to be established in British North America."Princeton University, Office of Communications. "Princeton in the American Revolution". Retrieved on 2007-05-07.
  7. Princeton appears to be the fourth institution to conduct classes, based on dates that do not seem to be in dispute. Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania both claim the fourth oldest founding date; the University of Pennsylvania once used 1749 as its founding date, making it fifth, but in 1899, its trustees adopted a resolution that asserted 1740 as the founding date. For the details of Penn's claim, see University of Pennsylvania; and “Building Penn's Brand” for background, and “Princeton vs. Penn: Which is the Older Institution?” for Princeton's view. A Log College was operated by William and Gilbert Tennent, the Presbyterian ministers, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, from 1726 until 1746; it was once common to assert a connection between it and the College of New Jersey, which would justify Princeton pushing its founding date back to 1726. Princeton, however, has never done so and a Princeton historian says that the facts “do not warrant” such an interpretation. [3]. Columbia University and Rutgers began classes in 1754 and 1766; their continuity was severely shaken during the American Revolution.
  8. Compulsory chapel attendance was reduced from twice a day in 1882 and abolished in 1964:
  9. Princeton University, Office of Communications. "Princeton in the American Revolution". Retrieved on 2007-05-07.: "The charter was issued to a self-perpetuating board of trustees who were acting in behalf of the evangelical or New Light wing of the Presbyterian Church, but the College had no legal or constitutional identification with that denomination. Its doors were to be open to all students, "any different sentiments in religion notwithstanding." The announced purpose of the founders was to train men who would become "ornaments of the State as well as the Church."
  10. Princeton Theological Seminary and Westminster Choir College maintain cross-registration programs with the university.
  11. Registrar Office Princeton University Retrieved on 2008-08-16
  12. "Princeton University". Carnegie Foundation (2007). Retrieved on 2008-10-24.. It is classified "RU/VH" indicates a research university with "very high" research activity, the highest research category and the same designation as e.g. Harvard or MIT.
  13. Princeton Companion
  14. Princeton Companion
  15. Associated Press, "Princeton Eating Club Loses Bid to Continue Ban on Women," Los Angeles Times, 23 January 1991, p. A4.
  16. Emporis: Fine Hall
  17. Orange Key Virtual Tour - Princeton-Rutgers Cannon War
  18. The American Theatre Wing's Tony Awards - Official Website by IBM
  19. History of the University Chapel and Architect Ralph Adams Cram: Orange Key Virtual Tour of Princeton University
  20. "Endowment Climbs Past $13 Billion", The Daily Princetonian. 
  21. 21.0 21.1 Andrew Fleming West
  22. A short-lived Princeton Law School folded in 1852.
  23. "Firestone Library". Princeton University. Retrieved on 2006-07-30.
  24. "The Nation's Largest Libraries: A Listing By Volumes Held: ALA Library Fact Sheet Number 22". American Library Association (August , 2005). Retrieved on 2006-07-30.: 6,224,270 volumes reported in August, 2005 fact sheet; 6,495,597 reported by Princeton to the Association of Research Libraries in "ARL STATISTICS 2004‐05" (PDF). Association of Research Libraries, 21 Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20036, Telephone: (202) 296‐2296, FAX: (202) 872‐0884, email: (2006).
  25. Libraries
  26. "Princeton University Joins Google Literature-Scan Project". Reuters, February 6, 2007.
  27. Yale Daily News - Acceptance rates decline across the Ancient Eight
  28. Princeton University - Princeton to end early admission
  29. "America's Best Colleges 2008: Least Debt: National Universities". U.S.News & World Report, L.P. (2008). Retrieved on 2008-02-10.
  30. "America's Best Colleges 2008". U.S. News & World Report (2008). Retrieved on 2008-01-12.
  31. "America's Best Colleges 2009". U.S. News & World Report (2009). Retrieved on 2008-08-27.
  32. "Academic Ranking of World Universities 2007". Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2007). Retrieved on 2007-04-15.
  33. "World University Rankings". The Times Higher Educational Supplement (2006). Retrieved on 2007-11-09.
  34. [4] — A 2006 ranking from the THES - QS of the world’s research universities.
  35. 35.0 35.1 Americas Best Colleges. Forbes
  36. [5]
  37. "America's Best Graduate Schools 2008". U.S. News & World Report (2008). Retrieved on 2008-07-05.
  38. "America's Best Graduate Schools 2008". U.S. News & World Report (2008). Retrieved on 2008-07-05.
  39. "America's Best Graduate Schools 2008". U.S. News & World Report (2008). Retrieved on 2008-07-05.
  40. "America's Best Graduate Schools 2009". U.S. News & World Report (2008). Retrieved on 2008-07-05.
  41. "TOP500 Supercomputing Sites". Retrieved on 2006-06-25.
  42. "Princeton Model United Nations Conference (PMUNC)". Retrieved on 2006-06-25.
  43. "Princeton Interactive Crisis Simulation (PICSIM)". Retrieved on 2006-06-25.
  44. "Economic Diversity Among All National Universities". Retrieved on 2008-10-30.
  45. "Dean's Date". Retrieved on 2008-07-05.
  46. "Poler's Recess". Retrieved on 2008-07-05.
  47. Cheng, Jonathan (2004-04-22), "Film Legend Bothered by Use of Name in Stunt at Princeton", New York Times, 
  48. News-Medical.Net: "Paul Newman urges Princeton to stop tradition of alcohol abuse in honour of his name"
  49. Welcome to the World of Princeton Lacrosse
  50. "History of Old Nassau". Retrieved on 2008-07-05.
  51. article The Fictive Princeton Novelists have been making the grassy gothic campus the setting of stories -- about snobbery, male camaraderie, and now love and sex -- for more than a century
  52. Barnes & - Books: This Side of Paradise, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Paperback, Special Value
  53. 53.0 53.1 Princeton University - 'A Beautiful Mind' opens
  54. Movie Reviews, Showtimes and Trailers - Movies - New York Times
  55. DVD Verdict Review - Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle: Extreme Unrated Edition
  56. Risky Business: Information and Much More from
  57. Princeton University History
  58. In reality, the university does not offer professional schools and the fictional hospital is directly based on Yale-New Haven Hospital, the only Ivy League hospital that combines the name of the host university with the physical location of the hospital. Lisa Sanders, M.D., of Internal Medicine at Yale-New Haven is one of the show's three medical advisers.

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