Polish government-in-exile

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Underground State
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The Polish government-in-exile ("Government of the Republic of Poland in Exile") was the government of Poland after the country had been occupied by Germany and the Soviet Union at the start of World War II (September and October 1939). Thereafter, for the remainder of the war, it commanded Polish armed forces operating outside Poland.

Though largely unrecognized and without effective power after the end of World War II, it remained in existence until the end of Communist rule in Poland in 1990, when it formally passed on its responsibilities to the new government.




On September 17, 1939, the President of the Polish Republic, Ignacy Mościcki, who was then in the small town of Kuty[1][2][3] near the southern Polish border. Whilst at Kuty he issued a proclamation about his plan to transfer power and appointing Władysław Raczkiewicz, the Speaker of the Senate, as his successor[1][2]. This was done in accordance with Article 24[4][5] of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, adopted in April 1935[4][6], which provided as follows:

In event of war, the term of the President's office shall be prolonged until three months after the conclusion of peace; the President of the Republic shall then, by a special act promulgated in the Official Gazette, appoint his successor, in case the office falls vacant before the conclusion of peace. Should the President's successor assume office, the term of his office shall expire at the end of three months after the conclusion of peace.[5]

It was not until 29th [6] or 30th [5] [7][8] September 1939 that Mościcki resigned. Raczkiewicz, who was already in Paris, immediately took his constitutional oath at the Polish Embassy and became President of the Republic of Poland. He then appointed General Władysław Sikorski to be Prime Minister[8][9] and following Edward Rydz-Śmigły being relieved by the President[10] was also made Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Armed Forces[9][10].

Most of the Polish Navy escaped to Britain[11], and tens of thousands of Polish soldiers and airmen escaped through Hungary and Romania or across the Baltic Sea to continue the fight in France[12]. Many Poles subsequently took part in Allied operations in Norway (Narvik)[13], France, the Battle of Britain, the Battle of the Atlantic, North Africa (notably Tobruk[14]), Italy (notably at Cassino and Ancona), Arnhem, Wilhelmshaven and elsewhere beside other Allied forces. Even after the fall of Poland, and before the Soviet Union's entry into the war, Poland remained the third strongest Allied belligerent, after France and Britain. (Other Polish military units, formed in the Soviet Union after Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, fought alongside and under the command of the Soviets.)

Wartime history

The Polish Government in Exile, based first in Paris, then Angers[15] and then in London, was recognized by all the Allied governments. Politically, it was a coalition of the Polish Peasant Party, the Polish Socialist Party, Labour Party and the National Democratic Party[6], although these parties maintained only a vestigial existence in the circumstances of exile.

When Germany attacked the Soviet Union in 1941, the Polish Government in Exile established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union[16][17], despite Stalin's role in the earlier dismemberment of Poland. Hundreds of thousands of Polish soldiers who had been taken prisoner by the Soviets in eastern Poland in 1939, and many civilian Polish prisoners and deportees, were released[18] and allowed to form military units ("Anders' Army"); they were evacuated to Iran and the Middle East, where they were desperately needed by the British, hard pressed by Rommel's Afrika Korps. These Polish units formed the basis for the Polish II Corps, led by General Władysław Anders, which together with other, earlier-created Polish units fought alongside the Allies.

In April 1943 the Germans announced that they had discovered at Katyn Wood, near Smolensk, Russia, mass graves of 10,000 Polish officers[19][20] (The German investigation later found 4,443 bodies[21]) who had been taken prisoner in 1939 and murdered by the Soviets. The Germans invited the International Red Cross to visit the site, and the graves were confirmed to contain the corpses of Polish officers who had been killed with Soviet weapons. The Soviet government said that the Germans had fabricated the discovery. The other Allied governments, for diplomatic reasons, formally accepted this; the Polish Government in Exile refused to do so.

Władysław Sikorski, first Prime Minister of the Polish Government in Exile

Stalin then severed relations with the Polish Government in Exile. Since it was clear that it would be the Soviet Union, not the western Allies, who would liberate Poland from the Germans, this breach had fateful consequences for Poland. In an unfortunate coincidence, Sikorski, widely regarded as the most capable of the Polish exile leaders, was killed in an air crash at Gibraltar in July 1943[22]. He was succeeded as head of the Polish Government in Exile by Stanisław Mikołajczyk.

During 1943 and 1944 the Allied leaders, particularly Winston Churchill, tried to bring about a resumption of talks between Stalin and the Polish Government in Exile. But these efforts broke down over several matters. One was the Katyń massacre (and others at Kalinin and Kharkiv). Another was Poland's postwar borders. Stalin insisted that the territories annexed by the Soviets in 1939, which had millions of Poles in addition to Ukrainian and Belarusian populations[23], should remain in Soviet hands, and that Poland should be compensated with lands to be annexed from Germany. Mikołajczyk, however, refused to compromise on the question of Poland's sovereignty over her prewar eastern territories. A third matter was Mikołajczyk's insistence that Stalin not set up a Communist government in postwar Poland.

Postwar history

Mikołajczyk and his colleagues in the Polish government-in-exile insisted on making a stand in the defense of Poland's pre-1939 eastern border (the Curzon Line and Kresy region) as a basis for the future Polish-Soviet border[24]. However, this was a position that could not be defended in practice – Stalin was in occupation of the territory in question. The government-in-exile's refusal to accept the proposed new Polish borders infuriated the Allies, particularly Churchill, making them less inclined to oppose Stalin on issues of how Poland's postwar government would be structured. In the end, the exiles lost on both issues: Stalin annexed the eastern territories, and took control of the new Polish government. However, Poland preserved its status as an independent state, despite the arguments of some influential Communists, such as Wanda Wasilewska, in favor of Poland becoming a republic of the Soviet Union.

In November 1944, despite his mistrust of the Soviets, Mikołajczyk resigned[25] to return to Poland and take office in the new government established under the auspices of the Soviet occupation authorities. Many Polish exiles opposed this action, believing that this government was a façade for the establishment of Communist rule in Poland, a view that was later proven correct; after losing an election which was later shown to have been fraudulent, Mikołajczyk left Poland again in 1947.

Meanwhile the Polish Government in Exile had maintained its existence but France on 29 June 1945[6], then United States and the United Kingdom on July 5,1945[6][26] withdrew their recognition. The Polish Armed Forces in exile were disbanded in 1945, and most of their members, unable to safely return to Communist Poland, settled in other countries. The London Poles had to vacate the Polish embassy on Portland Place and were left only with the president's private residence at 43 Eaton Place. The Government in Exile became largely symbolic of continued resistance to foreign occupation of Poland, while retaining some important archives from prewar Poland. The Republic of Ireland, Spain and the Vatican City (until 1979) were the last countries to recognize the Government in Exile, though the Vatican – through Secretary of State Domenico Tardini – had withdrawn diplomatic privileges from the envoy of the Polish pre-war government in 1959.[27]

In 1954, political differences led to a split in the ranks of the Government in Exile. One group, claiming to represent 80% of 500,000 anti-Communist Poles exiled since the war, was opposed to President August Zaleski's continuation in office when his seven-year term expired. It formed a Council of National Unity in July 1954, and set up a Council of Three to exercise the functions of head of state, comprising Tomasz Arciszewski, General Władysław Anders, and Edward Raczyński. Only after Zaleski's death in 1972 did the two factions reunite.

Some supporters of the Government in Exile eventually returned to Poland, such as Prime Minister Hugon Hanke in 1955 and his predecessor Stanisław Mackiewicz in 1956. The Soviet installed government in Warsaw actively campaigned for the return of the exiles, promising decent and dignified employment and forgiveness of past transgressions.

Despite these setbacks, the Government in Exile continued in existence. When Soviet rule over Poland came to an end in 1989, there was still a president and a cabinet of eight meeting every two weeks in London, commanding the loyalty of many of about 150,000 Polish veterans and their descendants living in Britain, including 35,000 in London alone.

In December 1990, when Lech Wałęsa became the first post-Communist president of Poland, he received the symbols of the Polish Republic (the presidential banner, the presidential and state seals, the presidential sashes, and the original text of the 1935 Constitution) from the last president of the Government in Exile, Ryszard Kaczorowski[28], thus re-establishing the continuity of the Republic and in effect retroactively recognizing the legitimacy of the Government in Exile. In 1992, military medals and other decorations awarded by the Government in Exile were officially recognized in Poland.

Government and politics


Prime ministers

Armed forces

Main article: Polish contribution to World War II

See also

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 Count Edward Raczynski In Allied London Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1962 Page 39
  2. 2.0 2.1 Editor Waclaw Jedrzejewicz Poland in the British Parliament 1939-1945 Volume I Jozef Pilsudski 1946 Page 317
  3. John Coutouvidis & Jamie Reynolds Poland 1939-1947 ISBN 0-7185-1211-1 Page 20
  4. 4.0 4.1 Jozef Garlinski Poland in the Second World War, ISBN 0-333-39258-2 Page 48
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Editor Waclaw Jedrzejewicz Poland in the British Parliament 1939-1945 Volume I Jozef Pilsudski 1946 Page 318
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Editor Peter Stachura Chapter 4 by Wojciech Rojek The Poles in Britain 1940-2000 ISBN 0 7146 8444 9 Page 33
  7. Jozef Garlinski Poland in the Second World War, ISBN 0-333-39258-2 Page 48
  8. 8.0 8.1 John Coutouvidis & Jamie Reynolds Poland 1939-1947 ISBN 0-7185-1211-1 Page 26
  9. 9.0 9.1 Editor Kieth Sword Sikorski: Solider and Statesman ISBN 0 901149 33 0
  10. 10.0 10.1 Jozef Garlinski Poland in the Second World War, ISBN 0-333-39258-2 Page 49
  11. Jozef Garlinski Poland in the Second World War, ISBN 0-333-39258-2 Pages 17-18
  12. Jozef Garlinski Poland in the Second World War, ISBN 0-333-39258-2 Page 55-56
  13. The Poles on the Battlefronts of the Second World War Bellona 2005 Page 29
  14. The Poles on the Battlefronts of the Second World War Bellona 2005 Page 37
  15. Jozef Garlinski Poland in the Second World War, ISBN 0-333-39258-2 Page 81
  16. Stanislaw Mikolajczyk The Pattern of Soviet Domination Sampson Low, Marston & Co 1948 Page 17
  17. Wojciech Roszkowski The Shadow of Yalta ISBN 83-60142-00-9 Page 27
  18. Stanislaw Mikolajczyk The Pattern of Soviet Domination Sampson Low, Marston & Co 1948 Page 19
  19. J.K.Zawodny Death in the Forest ISBN 0-87052-563-8 Page 15
  20. Louis Fitzgibbon Katyn Massacre ISBN 0-552-10455-8 Page 126
  21. J.K.Zawodny Death in the Forest ISBN 0-87052-563-8 Page 24
  22. John Coutouvidis & Jamie Reynolds Poland 1939-1947 ISBN 0-7185-1211-1 Page 88
  23. (Polish)"Among the population of Eastern territories were circa 38% Poles, 37 % Ukrainians, 14,5 % Belarusians, 8,4 % Jewish, 0,9 % Russians and 0,6 % Germans"
    Elżbieta Trela-Mazur (1997). Włodzimierz Bonusiak, Stanisław Jan Ciesielski, Zygmunt Mańkowski, Mikołaj Iwanow. ed.. Sowietyzacja oświaty w Małopolsce Wschodniej pod radziecką okupacją 1939-1941 (Sovietization of education in eastern Lesser Poland during the Soviet occupation 1939-1941). Kielce: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im. Jana Kochanowskiego. pp. 294. ISBN 83-7133-100-2. , also in Wrocławskie Studia Wschodnie, Wrocław, 1997.
  24. John Coutouvidis & Jamie Reynolds Poland 1939-1947 ISBN 0-7185-1211-1 Pages 103-104
  25. John Coutouvidis & Jamie Reynolds Poland 1939-1947 ISBN 0-7185-1211-1 Page 107
  26. Peter D. Stachura, Editor The Poles in Britain 1940–2000, Frank Cass, 2004, ISBN 0-7146-8444-9, Paperback First Edition, p. 8.
  27. Phantoms in Rome, TIME Magazine, January 19, 1959
  28. Peter D. Stachura, Editor The Poles in Britain 1940–2000, Frank Cass, 2004, ISBN 0-7146-8444-9, Paperback First Edition, p. 45.