
A plasmodium is also the macroscopic form of the protist known as a slime mold.
Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Superphylum: Alveolata
Phylum: Apicomplexa
Class: Aconoidasida
Order: Haemosporida
Family: Plasmodiidae
Genus: Plasmodium

Plasmodium accipiteris
Plasmodium achiotense
Plasmodium achromaticum
Plasmodium acuminatum
Plasmodium adunyinkai
Plasmodium aegyptensis
Plasmodium aeuminatum
Plasmodium agamae
Plasmodium alloelongatum
Plasmodium anasum
Plasmodium anomaluri
Plasmodium arachniformis
Plasmodium ashfordi
Plasmodium atheruri
Plasmodium audaciosum
Plasmodium aurulentum
Plasmodium australis
Plasmodium attenuatum
Plasmodium azurophilum
Plasmodium balli
Plasmodium bambusicolai
Plasmodium basilisci
Plasmodium beebei
Plasmodium beltrani
Plasmodium berghei
Plasmodium bertii
Plasmodium bigueti
Plasmodium bitis
Plasmodium biziurae
Plasmodium booliati
Plasmodium bouillize
Plasmodium bowiei
Plasmodium brodeni
Plasmodium brasilianum
Plasmodium brasiliense
Plasmodium brumpti
Plasmodium brucei
Plasmodium brygooi
Plasmodium bubalis
Plasmodium bucki
Plasmodium bufoni
Plasmodium buteonis
Plasmodium capistrani
Plasmodium carinii
Plasmodium cathemerium
Plasmodium causi
Plasmodium cephalophi
Plasmodium cercopitheci
Plasmodium chabaudi
Plasmodium chalcidi
Plasmodium chiricahuae
Plasmodium circularis
Plasmodium circumflexum
Plasmodium clelandi
Plasmodium cordyli
Plasmodium cnemaspi
Plasmodium cnemidophori
Plasmodium coatneyi
Plasmodium coggeshalli
Plasmodium colombiense
Plasmodium columbae
Plasmodium corradettii
Plasmodium coturnixi
Plasmodium coulangesi
Plasmodium cuculus
Plasmodium cyclopsi
Plasmodium cynomolgi
Plasmodium diminutivum
Plasmodium diploglossi
Plasmodium dissanaikei
Plasmodium divergens
Plasmodium dominicana
Plasmodium draconis
Plasmodium durae
Plasmodium effusum
Plasmodium egerniae
Plasmodium elongatum
Plasmodium eylesi
Plasmodium fabesia
Plasmodium fairchildi
Plasmodium falciparum
Plasmodium falconi
Plasmodium fallax
Plasmodium fieldi
Plasmodium fischeri
Plasmodium foleyi
Plasmodium formosanum
Plasmodium forresteri
Plasmodium floridense
Plasmodium fragile
Plasmodium galbadoni
Plasmodium garnhami
Plasmodium gallinaceum
Plasmodium gemini
Plasmodium georgesi
Plasmodium giganteum
Plasmodium giganteumaustralis
Plasmodium giovannolai
Plasmodium girardi
Plasmodium gonderi
Plasmodium globularis
Plasmodium gologoense
Plasmodium gonatodi
Plasmodium gracilis
Plasmodium griffithsi
Plasmodium guangdong
Plasmodium gundersi
Plasmodium guyannense
Plasmodium heischi
Plasmodium hegneri
Plasmodium hermani
Plasmodium herodiadis
Plasmodium heteronucleare
Plasmodium hexamerium
Plasmodium holaspi
Plasmodium holti
Plasmodium huffi
Plasmodium hylobati
Plasmodium incertae
Plasmodium icipeensis
Plasmodium iguanae
Plasmodium inconstans
Plasmodium inopinatum
Plasmodium inui
Plasmodium japonicum
Plasmodium jefferi
Plasmodium jiangi
Plasmodium josephinae
Plasmodium joyeuxi
Plasmodium juxtanucleare
Plasmodium kempi
Plasmodium kentropyxi
Plasmodium knowlesi
Plasmodium koreafense
Plasmodium lacertiliae
Plasmodium lagopi
Plasmodium lainsoni
Plasmodium landauae
Plasmodium leanucteus
Plasmodium lemuris
Plasmodium lepidoptiformis
Plasmodium limnotragi
Plasmodium lionatum
Plasmodium lophurae
Plasmodium loveridgei
Plasmodium lutzi
Plasmodium lygosomae
Plasmodium mabuiae
Plasmodium mackerrasae
Plasmodium mackiei
Plasmodium maculilabre
Plasmodium maior
Plasmodium majus
Plasmodium malariae
Plasmodium marginatum
Plasmodium matutinum
Plasmodium megaglobularis
Plasmodium megalotrypa
Plasmodium melanoleuca
Plasmodium melanipherum
Plasmodium mexicanum
Plasmodium michikoa
Plasmodium minasense
Plasmodium minuoviride
Plasmodium modestum
Plasmodium morulum
Plasmodium multiformis
Plasmodium murinus
Plasmodium narayani
Plasmodium necatrix
Plasmodium neotropicalis
Plasmodium neusticuri
Plasmodium nucleophilium
Plasmodium octamerium
Plasmodium odocoilei
Plasmodium osmaniae
Plasmodium ovale
Plasmodium paddae
Plasmodium papernai
Plasmodium paranucleophilum
Plasmodium parvulum
Plasmodium pedioecetii
Plasmodium pelaezi
Plasmodium percygarnhami
Plasmodium pessoai
Plasmodium petersi
Plasmodium pifanoi
Plasmodium pinotti
Plasmodium pinorrii
Plasmodium pitheci
Plasmodium pitmani
Plasmodium polare
Plasmodium pulmophilum
Plasmodium pythonias
Plasmodium quelea
Plasmodium reichenowi
Plasmodium relictum
Plasmodium rhadinurum
Plasmodium rhodaini
Plasmodium robinsoni
Plasmodium rousetti
Plasmodium rousseloti
Plasmodium rouxi
Plasmodium sandoshami
Plasmodium sasai
Plasmodium saurocaudatum
Plasmodium schweitzi
Plasmodium scelopori
Plasmodium scorzai
Plasmodium semiovale
Plasmodium semnopitheci
Plasmodium shortii
Plasmodium siamense
Plasmodium silvaticum
Plasmodium simium
Plasmodium simplex
Plasmodium smirnovi
Plasmodium stuthionis
Plasmodium tanzaniae
Plasmodium tenue
Plasmodium tejerai
Plasmodium telfordi
Plasmodium tomodoni
Plasmodium torrealbai
Plasmodium toucani
Plasmodium traguli
Plasmodium tribolonoti
Plasmodium tropiduri
Plasmodium tumbayaensis
Plasmodium tyrio
Plasmodium uilenbergi
Plasmodium uluguruense
Plasmodium uncinatum
Plasmodium uranoscodoni
Plasmodium utingensis
Plasmodium uzungwiense
Plasmodium watteni
Plasmodium wenyoni
Plasmodium vacuolatum
Plasmodium vastator
Plasmodium vaughani
Plasmodium vautieri
Plasmodium venkataramiahii
Plasmodium vinckei
Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium volans
Plasmodium voltaicum
Plasmodium wenyoni
Plasmodium yoelii
Plasmodium youngi
Plasmodium zonuriae

Plasmodium is a genus of parasitic protozoa. Infection with these parasites can cause the disease malaria. The genus Plasmodium was created in 1885 by Marchiafava and Celli. Currently over 200 species in this genus are recognized and new species continue to be described.[1] [2]

Of the 200+ known species of Plasmodium, at least 10 species infect humans. Other species infect animals, including birds, reptiles and rodents. The parasite always has two hosts in its life cycle: a mosquito vector and a vertebrate host.

The genus is currently (2006) in need of reorganization as it has been shown that parasites belonging to the genera Haemocystis and Hepatocystis appear to be closely related to Plasmodium. It is likely that other species such as Haemoproteus meleagridis will be included in this genus once it is revised.



Main article: History of malaria

The organism itself was first seen by Laveran on November 6th 1880 at a military hospital in Constantine, Algeria, when he discovered a microgametocyte exflagellating. Manson (in 1894) hypothesised that mosquitoes could transmit malaria. This hypothesis was experimentally confirmed independently by the Italian professor Giovanni Battista Grassi and the British physician Ronald Ross both in 1898. Ross demonstrated the existence of Plasmodium in the wall of the midgut and salivary glands of a Culex mosquito. For this discovery he won the Nobel Prize in 1902. Grassi showed that human malaria could only be transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes. It is worth noting, however, that for some species the vector may not be a mosquito.

Grassi also proposed in 1900 the existence of an exerythrocytic stage in the life cycle: this was later confirmed by Short, Garnham, Covell and Shute (in 1948) who found Plasmodium vivax in the human liver.

Life cycle

Mosquitoes of the genera Culex, Anopheles, Culiceta, Mansonia and Aedes may act as vectors. The currently known vectors for human malaria (> 100 species) all belong to the genus Anopheles. Bird malaria is commonly carried by species belonging to the genus Culex. Only female mosquitoes bite. Aside from blood both sexes live on nectar, but one or more blood meals are needed by the female for egg laying as the protein content of nectar is very low. The life cycle of Plasmodium was discovered by Ross who worked with species from the genus Culex.

The life cycle of Plasmodium is complex. Sporozoites from the saliva of a biting female mosquito are transmitted to either the blood or the lymphatic system [3] of the recipient. The sporozoites then migrate to the liver and invade hepatocytes. This latent or dormant stage of the Plasmodium sporozoite in the liver is called the hypnozoite.

The development from the hepatic stages to the erythrocytic stages has until very recently been obscure. In 2006[4] it was shown that the parasite buds off the hepatocytes in merosomes containing hundreds or thousands of merozoites. These merosomes have been subsequently shown[5] to lodge in the pulmonary capilaries and to slowly disintegrate there over 48-72 hours releasing merozoites. Erythrocyte invasion is enhanced when blood flow is slow and the cells are tightly packed: both of these conditions are found in the alveolar capilaries.

Within the erythrocytes the merozoite grow first to a ring-shaped form and then to a larger trophozoite form. In the schizont stage, the parasite divides several times to produce new merozoites, which leave the red blood cells and travel within the bloodstream to invade new red blood cells. The parasite feeds by ingesting haemoglobin and other materials from red blood cells and serum. The feeding process damages the erythrocytes. Details of this process have not been studied in species other than Plasmodium falciparum so generalisations may be premature at this time.

At the molecular level a set of enzymes known as plasmepsins which are aspartic acid proteases are used to degrade hemoglobin. The parasite digests 70-80% of the erythrocyte's haemoglobin [6] but utilises only ~15% in de novo protein synthesis [7] The excess amino acids are exported from the infected erythorocyte by new transport pathways created by the parasite. [8] The reason proposed for this apparently excessive digestion of haemoglobin is the colloid-osmotic hypothesis [9] which suggests that the digestion of haemoglobin increases the osmotic pressure within the infected erythrocyte leading to its premature rupture and subsequent death of the parasite. To avoid this fate much of the haemoglobin is digested and exported from the erythrocyte. This hypothesis has been experimentally confirmed. [10]

Most merozoites continue this replicative cycle, but some merozoites differentiate into male or female sexual forms (gametocytes) (also in the blood), which are taken up by the female mosquito.

In the mosquito's midgut, the gametocytes develop into gametes and fertilize each other, forming motile zygotes called ookinetes. The ookinetes penetrate and escape the midgut, then embed themselves onto the exterior of the gut membrane. Here they divide many times to produce large numbers of tiny elongated sporozoites. These sporozoites migrate to the salivary glands of the mosquito where they are injected into the blood and subcutaneous tissue of the next host the mosquito bites. The majority appear to be injected into the subcutaneous tissue from which they migrate into the capillaries. A proportion are ingested by macrophages and still others are taken up by the lymphatic system where they are presumably destroyed. The sporozoites which successfully enter the blood stream move to the liver where they begin the cycle again.

The pattern of alternation of sexual and asexual reproduction which may seem confusing at first is a very common pattern in parasitic species. The evolutionary advantages of this type of life cycle were recognised by Mendel.

Under favourable conditions asexual reproduction is superior to sexual as the parent is well adapted to its environment and its descendents share these genes. Transferring to a new host or in times of stress, sexual reproduction is generally superior as this produces a shuffling of genes which on average at a population level will produce individuals better adapted to the new environment.

Reactivation of the hypnozoites has been reported for up to 30 years after the initial infection in humans. The factors precipating this reactivation are not known. In the species Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium vivax hypnozoites have been shown to occur. Reactivation was not thought to occur in infections with Plasmodium falciparum but there are been two reports to date suggesting that this may occur (see below) . It is not known if hypnozoite reactivaction may occur with any of the remaining species that infect humans but this is presumed to be the case.

A report of recurrence of P. falciparum in a patient with sickle cell anaemia has been published [11] but this needs confirmation as hypnozoites are not known to occur in P. falciparum infections. A second report of P. falciparum malaria eight years after leaving an endemic area has also been published.[12] While this is consistent with the existence of a hypnozoite stage additional confirmation seems desirable.


The life cycle is probably best understood in terms of its evolution. At the present time (2007) DNA sequences are available from fewer than sixty species of Plasmodium and most of these are from species infecting either rodent or primate hosts. The evolutionary outline given here should be regarded as speculative and subject to revision as data becomes available.

The Apicomplexa — the phylum to which Plasmodium belongs - are thought to have originated within the Dinoflagellates — a large group of photosynthetic protozoa. It is thought that the ancestors of the Apicomplexa were originally prey organisms that evolved the ability to invade the intestinal cells and subsequently lost their photosynthetic ability. Many of the species within the Apicomplexia still possess a plastid (the organelle in which photosynthesis occurs in eukaryotes): some that do not have evidence of plastid genes within their genome. These plastids - unlike those found in algae - are not photosynthetic. Its function is not known but there is some suggestive evidence that it may be involved in reproduction.

Some extant dinoflagelates, however, can invade the bodies of jellyfish and continue to photosynthesize, which is possible because jellyfish bodies are almost transparent. In other organisms with opaque bodies this ability would most likely rapidly be lost. The recent (2008) description of a photosynthetic protist related to the Apicomplexia with a functional plastid supports this hypothesis.[13]

Current (2007) theory suggests that the genera Plasmodium, Hepatocystis and Haemoproteus evolved from one or more Leukocytozoon species. Parasites of the genus Leukocytozoan infect white blood cells (leukocytes), liver and spleen cells and are transmitted by 'black flies' (Simulium species) — a large genus of flies related to the mosquitoes.

It is thought that Leukocytozoon evolved from a parasite that spread by the orofaecal route and which infected the intestinal wall. At some point this parasite evolved the ability to infect the liver. This pattern is seen in the genus Cryptosporidium to which Plasmodium is distantly related. At some later point this ancestor developed the ability to infect blood cells and to survive and infect mosquitoes. Once vector transmission was firmly established the previous orofecal route of transmission was lost.

Leukocytes, hepatocytes and most spleen cells actively phagocytose particulate matter making entry into the cell easier for the parasite. The mechanism of entry of Plasmodium species into erythrocytes is still very unclear taking as it does less than 30 seconds. It is not yet known if this mechanism evolved before mosquitoes became the main vectors for transmission of Plasmodium.

The genus Plasmodium evolved (presumably from its Leukocytozoon ancestor) about 130 million years ago, a period that is coincidental with the rapid spread of the angiosperms (flowering plants). This expansion in the angiosperms is thought to be due to at least one genomic duplication event. It seems probable that the increase in the number of flowers led to an increase in the number of mosquitoes and their contact with vertebrates.

Mosquitoes evolved in what is now South America about 230 million years ago. There are over 3500 species recognised but to date their evolution has not been well worked out so a number of gaps in our knowledge of the evolution of Plasmodium remain. There is evidence of a recent expansion of Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles arabiensis populations in the late Pleistocene in Nigeria.[14]

Presently it seems probable that birds were the first group infected by Plasmodium followed by the reptiles—probably the lizards. At some point primates and rodents became infected. The remaining species infected outside these groups seem likely to be due to relatively recent events.


All Plasmodium species examined to date have 14 chromosomes, one mitochondrion and one plastid. The chromosomes whose length is known vary from 500 kilobases to 3.5 megabases in length. It is presumed that this is the pattern throughout the genus. The typical chormosome number of Leukcytozoon has not yet been established.

The genome of four Plasmodium species have been sequenced. These species are Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium knowlesi, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium yoelli. All these species have 14 chromosomes and genomes of about 25 megabases results consistent with earlier estimates.


Plasmodium belongs to the family Plasmodiidae (Levine, 1988), order Haemosporidia and phylum Apicomplexa. There are currently 450 recognised species in this order. Many species of this order are undergoing reexamination of their taxonomy with DNA analysis. It seems likely that many of these species will be re-assigned after these studies have been completed.[15][16] For this reason the entire order is outlined here.

Order Haemosporida

Family Haemoproteidae

Family Garniidae

Family Leucocytozoidae

Family Plasmodiidae

Diagnostic characteristics of the genus Plasmodium


The genera Plasmodium, Fallisia and Saurocytozoon all cause malaria in lizards. All are carried by Diptera (flies). Pigment is absent in the Garnia. Non pigmented gametocytes are typically the only forms found in Saurocytozoon: pigmented forms may be found in the leukocytes occasionally. Fallisia produce non pigmented asexual and gametocyte forms in leukocytes and thrombocytes.

Phylogenetic trees

The relationship between a number of these species can be seen on the Tree of Life website. Perhaps the most useful inferences that can be drawn from this phylogenetic tree are:

While this tree contains a considerable number of species, DNA sequences from many species in this genus have not been included - probably because they are not available yet. Because of this problem, this tree and any conclusions that can be drawn from it should be regarded as provisional.

Three additional trees are available from the American Museum of Natural History.

These trees agree with the Tree of Life. Because of there greater number of species in these trees, some additional inferences can be made:

Subgenera: discussion

The full taxonomic name of a species includes the subgenus but this is often omitted. The full name indicates some features of the morphology and type of host species.

The only two species in the sub genus Laverania are P. falciparum and P. reichenowi. The presence of elongated gametocytes in several of the avian subgenera and in Laverania in addition to a number of clinical features suggested that these might be closely related. This is is no longer thought to be the case.

Species infecting monkeys and apes (the higher primates) with the exceptions of P. falciparum and P. reichenowi are classified in the subgenus Plasmodium. The distinction between P. falciparum and P. reichenowi and the other species infecting higher primates was based on the morphological findings but have since been confirmed by DNA analysis.

Parasites infecting other mammals including lower primates (lemurs and others) are classified in the subgenus Vinckeia. Vinckeia while previously considered to be something of a taxonomic 'rag bag' has been recently shown - perhaps rather surprisingly - to form a coherent grouping.

The remaining groupings are based on the morphology of the parasites. Revisions to this system are likely to occur in the future as more species are subject to analysis of their DNA.

The four subgenera Giovannolaia, Haemamoeba, Huffia and Novyella were created by Corradetti et al[17] for the known avian malarial species. A fifth - Bennettinia - was created in 1997 by Valkiunas.[18] The relationships between the subgenera are the matter of current investigation. Martinsen et al 's recent (2006) paper outlines what is currently (2007) known.[19] The subgenera Haemamoeba, Huffia, and Bennettinia appear to be monphylitic. Novyella appears to be well defined with occasional exceptions. The subgenus Giovannolaia needs revision. [20]

P. juxtanucleare is currently (2007) the only known member of the subgenus Bennettinia.

Unlike the mammalian and bird malarias those affecting reptiles have been more difficult to classify. In 1966 Garnham classified those with large schizonts as Sauramoeba, those with small schizonts as Carinamoeba and the single then known species infecting snakes (Plasmodium wenyoni) as Ophidiella.[21] He was aware of the arbitrariness of this system and that it might not prove to be biologically valid. Telford in 1988 used this scheme as the basis for the currently accepted (2007) system.[22]

Classification criteria for subgenera

Avian species

Species in the subgenus Bennettinia have the following characteristics:

Species in the subgenus Giovannolaia have the following characteristics:

Species in the subgenus Haemamoeba have the following characteristics:

Species in the subgenus Huffia have the following characteristics:

Species in the subgenus Novyella have the following characteristics:

Reptile species

Species in the subgenus Carinamoeba have the following characteristics:

Species in the subgenus Sauramoeba have the following characteristics:


Species listed by subgenera

Plasmodium (Asiamoeba) draconis
Plasmodium (Asiamoeba) vastator

Plasmodium (Bennettinia) juxtanucleare

Plasmodium (Carinamoeba) basilisci
Plasmodium (Carinamoeba) clelandi
Plasmodium (Carinamoeba) lygosomae
Plasmodium (Carinamoeba) mabuiae
Plasmodium (Carinamoeba) minasense
Plasmodium (Carinamoeba) rhadinurum
Plasmodium (Carinamoeba) volans

Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) anasum
Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) circumflexum
Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) dissanaikei
Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) durae
Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) fallax
Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) formosanum
Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) gabaldoni
Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) garnhami

Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) gundersi
Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) hegneri
Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) lophurae
Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) pedioecetii
Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) pinnotti
Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) polare

Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) cathemerium
Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) coggeshalli
Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) coturnixi
Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) elongatum
Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) gallinaceum
Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) giovannolai
Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) lutzi
Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) matutinum
Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) paddae
Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) parvulum
Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) relictum
Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) tejera

Plasmodium (Huffia) elongatum
Plasmodium (Huffia) hermani

Plasmodium (Lacertaemoba) floridense
Plasmodium (Lacertaemoba) tropiduri

Plasmodium (Laverania) falciparum
Plasmodium (Laverania) reichenowi

Plasmodium (Novyella) ashfordi
Plasmodium (Novyella) bertii
Plasmodium (Novyella) bambusicolai
Plasmodium (Novyella) columbae
Plasmodium (Novyella) corradettii
Plasmodium (Novyella) dissanaikei
Plasmodium (Novyella) globularis
Plasmodium (Novyella) hexamerium
Plasmodium (Novyella) jiangi
Plasmodium (Novyella) kempi
Plasmodium (Novyella) megaglobularis
Plasmodium (Novyella) nucleophilum
Plasmodium (Novyella) papernai
Plasmodium (Novyella) paranucleophilum
Plasmodium (Novyella) rouxi
Plasmodium (Novyella) vaughani

Plasmodium (Paraplasmodium) chiricahuae
Plasmodium (Paraplasmodium) mexicanum
Plasmodium (Paraplasmodium) pifanoi

Plasmodium (Plasmodium) bouillize
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) brasilianum
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) cercopitheci
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) coatneyi
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) cynomolgi
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) eylesi
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) fieldi
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) fragile
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) georgesi
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) girardi
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) gonderi
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) inui
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) jefferyi
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) joyeuxi
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) knowlei
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) hyobati
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) malariae
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) ovale
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) petersi
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) pitheci
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) rhodiani
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) schweitzi
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) semiovale
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) semnopitheci
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) silvaticum
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) simium
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) vivax
Plasmodium (Plasmodium) youngi

Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) achiotense
Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) adunyinkai
Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) aeuminatum
Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) agamae
Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) beltrani
Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) brumpti
Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) cnemidophori
Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) diploglossi
Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) giganteum
Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) heischi
Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) josephinae
Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) pelaezi
Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) zonuriae

Plasmodium (Vinckeia) achromaticum
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) aegyptensis
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) anomaluri
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) atheruri
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) berghei
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) booliati
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) brodeni
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) bubalis
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) bucki
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) caprae
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) cephalophi
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) chabaudi
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) coulangesi
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) cyclopsi
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) foleyi
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) girardi
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) incertae
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) inopinatum
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) landauae
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) lemuris
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) melanipherum
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) odocoilei
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) percygarnhami
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) pulmophilium
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) sandoshami
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) traguli
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) tyrio
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) uilenbergi
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) vinckei
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) watteni
Plasmodium (Vinckeia) yoelli


Ophidiella was a subgenus created by Garnham in 1966 for the species infecting snakes. Presently (2007) it is no longer in use.

Host range

Host range among the mammalian orders is non uniform. At least 29 species infect non human primates; rodents outside the tropical parts of Africa are rarely affected; a few species are known to infect bats, porcupines and squirrels; carnivores, insectivores and marsupials are not known to act as hosts.

The listing of host species among the reptiles has rarely been attempted. Ayala in 1978 listed 156 published accounts on 54 valid species and subspecies between 1909 and 1975. [23] The regional breakdown was Africa: 30 reports on 9 species; Australia, Asia & Oceania: 12 reports on 6 species and 2 subspecies; Americas: 116 reports on 37 species.

Because of the number of species parasited by Plasmodium further discussion has been broken down into following pages:

Species reclassified into other genera

The literature is replete with species initially classified as Plasmodium that have been subsequently reclassified. With DNA taxonomy some of these may be once again be classified as Plasmodium. Some of these species are listed here for completeness.

The following species are currently (2007) regarded as belonging to the genus Hepatocystis rather than Plasmodium:

The following species are now considered to belong to the genus Haemoemba rather than to Plasmodium:

The following species been reclassified as a species of Garnia:

Host note: Hepatocystis epomophori infects the bat (Hypsignathus monstruosus)

Species of dubious validity

The following species are currently regarded as questionable validity (nomen dubium). While most of these 'species' have been reported in the literature it has in general been difficult to independently confirm their existence. Some of these may be reclassified into different taxa while others seem likely to be declared to be non species i.e. that a mistake was made by the authors. However until a ruling on these species is made their status is likely to remain unclear.


  1. Chavatte J.M., Chiron F., Chabaud A., Landau I. (March 2007). "Probable speciations by "host-vector 'fidelity'": 14 species of Plasmodium from magpies" (in French). Parasite 14 (1): 21–37. PMID 17432055. 
  2. Perkins S.L., Austin C. (September 2008). "Four New Species of Plasmodium from New Guinea Lizards: Integrating Morphology and Molecules". J. Parasitol.: 1. doi:10.1645/GE-1750.1. PMID 18823150. 
  3. HHMI Staff (22 January 2006) Malaria Parasites Develop in Lymph Nodes. HHMI News Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  4. Sturm A., Amino R., van de Sand C., Regen T., Retzlaff S., Rennenberg A., Krueger A., Pollok J.M., Menard R., Heussler V.T. (2006) Manipulation of host hepatocytes by the malaria parasite for delivery into liver sinusoids. Science 313(5791):1287-1290
  5. Baer K., Klotz C., Kappe S.H., Schnieder T., Frevert U. (2007) Release of hepatic Plasmodium yoelii merozoites into the pulmonary microvasculature. PLoS Pathog. 3(11):e171
  6. Francis S.E., Sullivan D.J., Goldberg D.E. (1997) Hemoglobin metabolism in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Ann. Review Micro. 51: 97–123
  7. Krugliak M., Zhang J., Ginsburg H. (2002) Intraerythrocytic Plasmodium falciparum utilizes only a fraction of the amino acids derived from the digestion of host cell cytosol for the biosynthesis of its proteins. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 119: 249–256.
  8. Ginsburg H., Krugliak M., Eidelman O., Cabantchik Z.I. (1983) New permeability pathways induced in membranes of Plasmodium falciparum infected erythrocytes. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol 8: 177–190
  9. Lew V.L., Tiffert T., Ginsburg H. (2003) Excess hemoglobin digestion and the osmotic stability of Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cells. Blood 101: 4189–4194
  10. Esposito A., Tiffert T., Mauritz J.M., Schlachter S., Bannister L.H., Kaminski C.F., Lew V.L. FRET imaging of hemoglobin concentration in Plasmodium falciparum-infected red cells. PLoS ONE. 2008;3(11):e3780.
  11. Greenwood T., Vikerfors T., Sjöberg M., Skeppner G., Färnert A. (2008) Febrile Plasmodium falciparum malaria 4 years after exposure in a man with sickle cell disease. Clin. Infect. Dis.
  12. Szmitko P.E., Kohn M.L., Simor A.E. (2008) Plasmodium falciparum malaria occurring 8 years after leaving an endemic area. Diagn. Microbiol. Infect. Dis.
  13. Moore RB, Oborník M, Janouskovec J, et al (February 2008). "A photosynthetic alveolate closely related to apicomplexan parasites". Nature 451 (7181): 959–63. doi:10.1038/nature06635. PMID 18288187. 
  14. Matthews SD, Meehan LJ, Onyabe DY, et al (December 2007). "Evidence for late Pleistocene population expansion of the malarial mosquitoes, Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles gambiae in Nigeria". Med. Vet. Entomol. 21 (4): 358–69. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2915.2007.00703.x. PMID 18092974. 
  15. Perkins SL, Schall JJ (October 2002). "A molecular phylogeny of malarial parasites recovered from cytochrome b gene sequences". J. Parasitol. 88 (5): 972–8. PMID 12435139. 
  16. Yotoko, K.S.C., Elisei C. (2006) Malaria parasites (Apicomplexa, Haematozoea) and their relationships with their hosts: is there an evolutionary cost for the specialization? J. Zoo. Syst. Evol. Res. 44(4): 265
  17. Corradetti A., Garnham P. C. C. and Laird M. (1963). New classification of the avian malaria parasites. Parassitologia 5, 1–4
  18. Valkiunas G. (1997). Bird Haemosporidia. Institute of Ecology, Vilnius
  19. Martinsen E.S., Waite J.L., Schall J.J. (2006) Morphologically defined subgenera of Plasmodium from avian hosts: test of monophyly by phylogenetic analysis of two mitochondrial genes. Parasitology 1-8
  20. Martinsen E.S., Waite J.L., Schall J.J. (2007) Morphologically defined subgenera of Plasmodium from avian hosts: test of monophyly by phylogenetic analysis of two mitochondrial genes. Parasitol. 134(4):483-490.
  21. Garnham P.C.C. (1966) Malaria parasites and other haemospordia. Oxford, Blackwell
  22. Telford S. (1988) A contribution to the systematics of the reptilian malaria parasites, family Plasmodiidae (Apicomplexa: Haemosporina). Bulletin of the Florida State Museum Biological Sciences 34: 65-96
  23. Ayala S.C. (1978) Checklist, host index, and annotated bibliography of Plasmodium from reptiles. J. Euk. Micro. 25(1): 87-100

Further reading

Standard reference books for the identification of Plasmodium species
This book remains the standard reference work on malarial species classification.
Other useful references

External links

Some history of malaria -