
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A.
Type Semi-Public (BM&F Bovespa:PETR3/PETR4, NYSE: PBR / PBRA, Latibex:XPBR / XPBRA, Merval APBR)
Founded 1953
Headquarters Flag of Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Key people José Sérgio Gabrielli de Azevedo (current President)
Industry Oil and Gasoline
Products Petroleum and derived products
BR service stations
Lubrax motor oil
Market cap US$ 295.6 Billion (2008)
Revenue US$ 96,3 billion (2008) billion[1] [2]
Net income US$ 12.1 billion[3] USD (2008)
Employees 68.931[4]. (2007)

Petrobras (BM&F Bovespa:PETR3/PETR4, NYSE: PBR / PBRA, Latibex:XPBR / XPBRA, Merval APBR), short for Petróleo Brasileiro S.A., is a semi-public[5] Brazilian energy company headquartered in Rio de Janeiro. The company was founded in 1953 mainly due to the efforts of the Brazilian President Getúlio Vargas. While the company ceased to be Brazil's oil monopoly in 1997, it remains a significant oil producer, with output of more than 2 million barrels of oil equivalent per day, as well as a major distributor of oil products. The company also owns oil refineries and oil tankers. Petrobras is a world leader in development of advanced technology from deep-water and ultra-deep water oil production.



Headquarters of Petrobras in downtwn of Rio de Janeiro.

Petrobras controls significant oil and energy assets, as well as related business activities, outside Brazil in 18 nations in Africa, North America, South America, Europe and Asia. These holdings as well as its activities in Brazil give it total assets of $133.5 billion. The Brazilian government owns 55.7% of Petrobras' common shares (with voting rights),[6] however, privately held portions are traded on BM&F Bovespa, where it is part of the Ibovespa index.

Petrobras also has oil shale processing activities started in 1953 by developing Petrosix technology for extracting oil from oil shale. The pilot plant started in 1982 and the commercial production started in 1992. At present, the company operates 2 retorts, the largest of which processes 260 tonnes/hour of oil shale.

Petrobras operated the world's largest oil platform - the Petrobras 36 Oil Platform - until an explosion on 15 March 2001 led to its sinking on 20 March 2001.

Petrobras is also recognized for being the largest sponsor of arts, culture, and the environment in Brazil through several projects. Among the environmental initiatives, Petrobras is the main supporter of whale conservation and research through the Brazilian Right Whale Project [7] and the Instituto Baleia Jubarte (Brazilian Humpback Whale Institute).[8] Petrobras is a long-term sponsor of the Williams Formula-1 team. The company employs the H-Bio process to produce biodiesel.[9]

As of 19 May 2008, Petrobras is the 3rd largest company of the Americas, after Exxon Mobil and General Electric making it larger than Microsoft, AT&T, and Wal-Mart, and the 6th largest in world. [10]


Petrobras was created in 1953 during the government of Brazilian president Getúlio Vargas, with great popular support under the motto "The Petroleum is Ours!". The company's creation provoked the wrath of the Brazil's elite, which reacted fervently against the institution and Vargas himself, who committed suicide in 1954. Many attempts were made to privatize the company, especially during Brazil's dictatorship period (1969-1974).


Petrobras standard model for its land oil pump, popularly known as Wood Horse (Cavalo de Pau in portuguese) in UFRN, Natal, Brazil.

Bolivian Controversy

On May 2006, Bolivia's president Evo Morales announced the nationalization of all gas and oil fields in the country. In a political discourse, trying to justify this act, he said: (translated from Portuguese)

Evo Morales ordered the occupation of all fields by the Bolivian Army. Petrobras was heavily affected by the nationalization. At the time, the company's Bolivian subsidiary had great importance in the country's economy[11]:

The dipomatic relationship between Petrobras and the Bolivian government was affected. After a long period of negotiation, on October 28, 2006, Petrobras signed a deal, which stated that the company would stay with 18% of the gas and oil exploration's profit. The Bolivian government would stay with 82% of this profit.[12]


Petrobras' most important business keys are its oil reserves in Brazil (the company's main oil field nowadays is the Campos Basin, which represents over 80% of the Brazilian oil production). The so called "green energy" is gaining considerable importance in the company's business, which was very well-succeeded with the biodiesel fuel. Petrobras recently opened its business to the ethanol fuel, facing great competition against the North American ethanol. However, based on infrastructure investments, the biofuels will represent only 1% of the company's profit between 2008 and 2012.[14]

Petrobras makes money, in general, with the following markets:

Petrobras' financial growth between 2002 and 2006

Petrobras works extensively with foreign acquisitions too, buying and controlling the most important energy companies in South America and exploring huge deep-water fields of West Africa and the Gulf of Mexico. Petrobras is known for its leadership in deep-water exploration: the Tupi field itself, that is said to be the world's third largest oil field (information that is still unverified), is a deep-water discovery, located in the pre-salt layer.

In short, the company begun to increase its profit from 2002, with the government's heavy investments on it. In the first quarter of 2008, Petrobras reached US$295.6 billion of market value, surpassing Microsoft (US$274 billion) and becoming America's third largest company, ahead of giant oil companies such as BP and Chevron-Texaco, and only behind of ExxonMobil and General Electric. Petrobras' market value is also bigger than Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (US$289.3 billion), making it the sixth biggest company in market value in the world.


Comparison with world-wide companies

Company Reserves (MM boe) Current Years of Production Oil & Gas Production (1000s boe/d) 2006 Oil & Gas Production Growth (%) 2006
Petrobras 11,458 14.2 2,287 4.5
BP 17,368 10.4 3,926 -1.9
ChevronTexaco 11,020 10.9 2,667 6.1
ExxonMobil 21,518 11.3 4,238 3.8
Royal Dutch Shell 11,108 6.7 3,474 -1.0


General Oil Reserves Situation

During a presentation made at the 20th National Forum, it was revealed that Petrobras has the 4th biggest oil reserves among petrochemical companies with shares in trading markets, with 11.7 billion barrels of oil (this information does not include the recent discoveries of the mega-fields of Tupi, Jupiter, Carioca and Bem-te-vi).[15]



From May 1997 to June 2006, the company's value in the Ibovespa increased about 1200%, reaching a record profit in 2006, with approximately R$25.9 billion becoming the most profitable public company in Latin America of 2006. The discovery of large reserves in Santos increased its stock price by about 19% in one day. Petrobras, is considered the most reliable Blue Chip of the Bovespa Stock Exchange. While the North American Crisis of 2007 decreased the value of the stocks of a great majority of stock markets in the world, Petrobras, helped hold the Bovespa's activities steady, making it one of the least affected stock exchanges in the world by the crisis.

Investment Grade

On April 30, 2008, Brazil received an "investment grade" rating from Standard & Poor's, given to countries with stable and consistent growing economy. According to Standard & Poor's, Brazil jumped from a BB+ grade to a BBB-, the minimum level any country needs to reach to receive the grade. Petrobras had great importance in the grade, since its performance played a big part in the country's growth. It is expected that the grade will be of great importance to the company's international operations, attracting foreign investments.

Investors criticized the company for increasing the gasoline prices in Brazil, despite the record oil production. The company is having problems adapting its business to the ethanol's market as well.


After a great advance on its stock shares (reaching R$52.30 in Ibovespa) in May 2008, Petrobras faced a great devaluation in the following month, with its shares decreasing to R$43.90 in June 19, 2008[16]. The most probable explanation about the great fall was the lack of information about the mega-fields recently discovered by the company. The great instability in Wall Street's markets also had great weight in those terrible results.[17]

Petrobras' fall also guided the bad results on the entire BM&F Bovespa: as Petrobras and Vale responds for more than 25% of BM&F Bovespa's trade value[18], the devaluation of those companies' shares led it to lose more than 6,000 points in just 25 days.

However, with the continuous decrease of the oil prices, Petrobras' stock shares fell to R$33,00 on August 14, 2008. Its market cap presented the biggest devaluation of Americas, with a loss of US$93 billion (August 13, 2008).

Significant milestones in company history

List of recent oil field discoveries

From 2002-2005, Petrobras doubled its success rate at drilling new wells.[23]

Petrobras latest Oil Discoveries
Date Basin Field API gravity
April 18, 2006 Espirito Santo Golfinho 40
June 11, 2006 Santos 1-RJS-628A 30
March 2, 2007 Campos Caxareu 30
March 29, 2007 Santos below the salt layer 30
June 8, 2007 Espirito Santo Pirambu 29
September 4, 2007 Santos Tupi 27
September 10, 2007 Campos Xerelete 18
September 20, 2007 Santos Tupi 28
October 11, 2007 Sergipe Piranema 44
January 21, 2008 Santos Jupiter


The company's most important discoveries started at the end of 2007, when the first mega-field, named Tupi, was found at a depth of 5,000 meters below the sea level, the first discovery of the company in the pre-salt layer. The second discovery was announced on January 21, 2008: the new mega-field was named Jupiter and had the same size as Tupi.[24]. The company revealed no more information about the field, forcing many investors to regard those facts as an "industrial secret".

On May 21, 2008, the company announced the discovery of a third oil megafield[25], located 250Km distant from the state of São Paulo, at a depth between 6000 and 6300 meters below sea level. The discovery was made by a consortium formed by Petrobras (66% of participation), Shell (20%) and Galp Energia (14%). The field's oil reserves had an API gravity between 25 and 28.


According to the Brazilian economy website, the North American Stock Companies are considering the oil mega-fields' discoveries suspicious. On May 24, 2008, the company' shares fell 4% because of the scarce information given by Petrobras about the fields.[26] (Portuguese)

An article written by Roberto Altenhofen Pires Pereira for said (translated from Portuguese):


By the end of 2003, Petrobras subscribed to the United Nations Global Compact, a voluntary agreement which encompasses a set of principles regarding human rights, working conditions and the environment.

The company's growth since 2006 has made Petrobras the most profitable company in Brazilian economy, and gave it great importance worldwide, being recognized as the eighth biggest oil exploring company in the world.[27]

Since 2006 Petrobras has been listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, an important reference index for environmentally and socially responsible investors.

On February 25, 2008, the Spanish consultancy firm Management and Excellence acknowledged Petrobras as the world's most sustainable oil company.[28]

The civil society named Transparency International, which fights against global corruption, published a list on April 28, 2008 containing the names of 42 companies with high transparency levels, in which Petrobras was included.[29]

The World Trademark Review society has rated Petrobras as the South America's brand management leader, competing with Coca-Cola, Pepsico, and Procter and Gamble. [30]

Global Operations

Petrobras' global oil exploration, as shown in December 2006 with a total of 243,292 BOED [31]

Petrobras global operations extends over 27 countries (including Brazil). Those operations are more related to diplomatic trades than oil exploration, although the company has important fields in India, Turkey, Angola and Nigeria. The most important countries for commercial agreements are Japan, United Kingdom and China. The complete map can be seen in Petrobras official link Petrobras Worldwide.

Refinery in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Petrobras is a member of the following international associations:

Petrobras World Offices

Petrobras in Popular Culture

See also


  1. Economia
  2. [1]
  3. Petrobrás Profit breaks record in 2nd Quarter 2008
  4. Conheça a Petrobras,
  5. Petrobras - Investor Relations
  6. Source: 09-July-2006 - Petrobras Investor Relation Site
  7. Brazilian Right Whale Project
  8. Instituto Baleia Jubarte
  10. Petrobras ultrapassa valor de mercado da Microsoft e soma US$ 287 bi - Portal EXAME
  11. Saiba o tamanho da Petrobras na economia da Bolívia, e a importância da Bolívia para a Petrobras - 02/05/2006 - EFE - Economia
  12. Folha Online - Dinheiro - Acordo com Bolívia garante rentabilidade para Petrobras, diz Silas - 29/10/2006
  14. Microsoft PowerPoint - Petrobras and Biofuels - May 2007.ppt
  16. [2]
  17. InfoMoney: Petrobras: perda de suporte pode levar ações preferenciais aos R$ 43,00
  18. InfoMoney: JPMorgan Chase rebaixa recomendação do Brasil para underweight
  19. "Petróleo mostra que 'Deus pode mesmo ser brasileiro'". BBC Brasil (2007-11-16). Retrieved on 2008-05-26.
  20. "Global 500 2007 accounts" (pdf). Financial Times (2007-07-29). Retrieved on 2008-05-26.
  21. Duffy, G (2008-01-22). "'Huge' oil field found off Brazil". BBC News. Retrieved on 2008-05-26.
  22. "Brazil Finds New Huge Oilfield, Possibly World's Third Largest". Brazzil Mag (2008-04-14). Retrieved on 2008-05-26.
  23. Petrobras 2006 20-f, item 4, p 26 via Wikinvest
  24. Press Release: Important Gas and Condensate field discovered in the Pre-Salt layer
  25. New Oil Accumulation Discovered in the Santos Basin Pre-Salt Layer
  26. InfoMoney: Reação às descobertas da Petrobras é posta em xeque, e compromete rumo da ação
  27. Portuguese: Petrobras Press release (2007-01-30). "Petrobras é 8ª empresa de petróleo com ações em bolsa". Petrobras. Retrieved on 2008-05-26.; "English".
  28. Management And Excellence
  29. "Petrobras is a "transparency reference" in the oil sector" (2008-04-29). Retrieved on 2008-05-29.
  31. Untitled Document

External links