Oskar Schindler

Oskar Schindler

Born April 28, 1908
Svitavy, Austria-Hungary, today Czech Republic
Died October 9, 1974 (aged 66)
Hildesheim, West Germany
Occupation Industrialist
Spouse(s) Emilie Pelzl
Parents Hans Schindler
Franziska Luser

Oskar Schindler (April 28, 1908 – September 10, 1974) was a Sudeten German industrialist credited with saving almost 1,200[1][2] Jews during the Holocaust by having them work in his enamelware and ammunitions factories located in what is now Poland and the Czech Republic respectively.[3] He was the subject of the book Schindler's Ark, and the film based on it, Schindler's List.[4]


Early life

Schindler was born April 28, 1908 in Svitavy (German: Zwittau), Moravia, then part of Austria-Hungary, now in the Czech Republic. Oskar Schindler's parents, Hans Schindler and his wife Franziska Luser, divorced when Oskar was 27. Oskar was very close to his younger sister, Elfriede. Although brought up in the Catholic faith, he was not particularly religious. After school he worked as a commercial salesman. On March 6, 1928, Schindler married Emilie Pelzl (1907-2001) [5], daughter of Josef and Maria Pelzl. The marriage was childless. In the 1930s he changed jobs several times. He also tried starting various businesses, but soon went bankrupt because of the Great Depression. He joined the separatist Sudeten German Party in 1935. Though a citizen of Czechoslovakia, Schindler started to work for German military intelligence (the Abwehr). He was exposed and jailed in July 1938, but after the Munich Agreement he was set free as a political prisoner. In 1939, Schindler joined the Nazi Party. One source (based on Nazi documents and postwar investigation) contends that he also continued to work for the Abwehr, paving the way for a German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939.[6]

World War II

An opportunistic businessman, Schindler was one of many who sought to profit from the German invasion of Poland in 1939. He gained ownership of an idle enamelware factory in Kraków from a bankruptcy court,[3] and renamed the factory Deutsche Emaillewaren-Fabrik, or DEF.[7] With the help of his Jewish accountant Itzhak Stern he obtained around 1,000 Jewish slave labourers to work there. When Stern and Schindler were first introduced to each other, Schindler held out his hand. Stern declined to take it. When Schindler asked why, he explained that he was a Jew and it was forbidden for a Jew to shake a German's hand. Schindler replied with a German expletive, "Scheisse".

Schindler soon adapted his lifestyle to his income. He became a well-respected guest at SS parties, having easy chats with high-ranking SS officers, often for his benefit.[7] Initially Schindler may have been motivated by money — Jewish labor was least costly— but later he began shielding his workers without regard for cost. He would, for instance, claim that unskilled workers were essential to the factory.

While witnessing a 1942 raid on the Kraków Ghetto, where soldiers were used to round up the inhabitants for shipment to the concentration camp at Płaszów, Schindler was appalled by the murder of many of the Jews who had been working for him.[7] He was a very persuasive individual, and after the raid, increasingly used all of his skills to protect his Schindlerjuden ("Schindler's Jews"), as they came to be called. Schindler went out of his way to take care of the Jews who worked at DEF, often calling on his legendary charm and ingratiating manner to help his workers get out of difficult situations.[7] Once, says author Eric Silver in The Book of the Just, "Two Gestapo men came to his office and demanded that he hand over a family of five who had bought forged Polish identity papers. 'Three hours after they walked in,' Schindler said, 'two drunk Gestapo men reeled out of my office without their prisoners and without the incriminating documents they had demanded'".[8] The special status of his factory ("business essential to the war effort") became the decisive factor for his efforts to support his Jewish workers. Whenever the "Schindler Jews" were threatened with deportation he could claim exemptions for them. Wives, children and even handicapped persons were shown to be necessary mechanics and metalworkers.[3] He arranged with Amon Göth, the commandant of Plaszow, for 700 Jews to be transferred to an adjacent factory compound, where they would be relatively safe from the depredations of the German guards. Schindler also reportedly began to smuggle children out of the ghetto, delivering them to Polish nuns, who either hid them from the Nazis or claimed they were Christian orphans.

Schindler was arrested twice on suspicion of black market activities and complicity in embezzlement; Göth and other SS-guards used Jewish property (such as money, jewellery, and works of art) for themselves, although according to law, it belonged to the Reich. Schindler mediated such sales on black market and also preserved many stolen items. He managed to avoid being jailed after each arrest. Schindler would typically bribe government officials to avoid investigation.

Schindler's factory at Brněnec in 2004

As the Red Army drew nearer to Auschwitz and the other easternmost concentration camps, the SS began evacuating the remaining prisoners westward. Schindler persuaded the SS officials to allow him to move his 1,100 Jewish workers to Brněnec (German: Brünnlitz) in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia (then in the Sudetenland province), thus sparing the Jews from certain death in the extermination camps. In Brněnec, he gained another former Jewish factory, where he was supposed to produce missiles and hand grenades for the war effort. However, during the months that this factory was running, not a single weapon produced could actually be fired. Hence Schindler made no money; rather, his previously earned fortune grew steadily smaller as he bribed officials and cared for his workers.

After the war

By the end of the war, Schindler had spent his entire fortune on bribes and black-market purchases of supplies for his workers. Virtually destitute, he moved briefly to Regensburg, Germany and, later, Munich, but did not prosper in postwar Germany. In fact, he was reduced to receiving assistance from Jewish organizations.[3] Eventually, Schindler emigrated to Argentina in 1948, where he went bankrupt. He left his wife Emilie in 1957 and returned to Germany in 1958, where he had a series of unsuccessful business ventures.[3] Schindler settled down in a little apartment at Am Hauptbahnhof Nr. 4 in Frankfurt am Main, West Germany and tried again – with help from a Jewish organization – to establish a cement factory. This, too, went bankrupt in 1961. His business partner cancelled their partnership. In 1968 he began receiving a small pension from the West German government. In 1971 Oskar Schindler moved to live with friends in Hildesheim, Germany. Due to a heart complaint he was taken to the Sankt Bernward Hospital in Hildesheim on September 12, 1974, where he died on October 9, 1974, at the age of 66. The costs for his stay in the hospital were paid from social welfare of the city of Hildesheim.[9][10]

Oskar Schindler's grave

He is buried at the Catholic cemetery at Mount Zion in Jerusalem, the only member of the Nazi party to be so honored.[3] Schindler's grave is located near Zion Gate. At the bottom of the ramp leading to the parking lot, across the street is a gate to the graveyard with a small sign indicating the way to his grave. It is on the lowest terrace, to the right of the entrance. The GPS location is UTM 711223 East, 3517126 North, Zone 36N (which translates to ). Usually many stones are placed on top of the grave, as a token of gratitude according to Jewish tradition, although Schindler himself was not Jewish.

No one really knows what Schindler's motives were. However, he was quoted as saying "I knew the people who worked for me... When you know people, you have to behave toward them like human beings."[11]

The writer Herbert Steinhouse, who interviewed Schindler in 1948 at the behest of some of the surviving Schindlerjuden (Schindler's Jews), wrote:

Oskar Schindler's exceptional deeds stemmed from just that elementary sense of decency and humanity that our sophisticated age seldom sincerely believes in. A repentant opportunist saw the light and rebelled against the sadism and vile criminality all around him. The inference may be disappointingly simple, especially for all amateur psychoanalysts who would prefer the deeper and more mysterious motive that may, it is true, still lie unprobed and unappreciated. But an hour with Oskar Schindler encourages belief in the simple answer.[3]


In 1967, Schindler was honored at Israel's Yad Vashem memorial to the victims of the Holocaust as one of the Righteous Among the Nations, or "righteous Gentiles", an honor awarded by Israel to non-Jews who saved Jews during the Holocaust, at great personal risk. Schindler was the only former member of the Nazi party to be so recognized by the planting of a tree in his name at the Yad Vashem Memorial. He was also honored with the German Federal Cross of Merit and with the Papal Order of St. Sylvester during the 1960s.[9]

Schindler's story, retold by Holocaust survivor Poldek Pfefferberg, was the basis for Thomas Keneally's book Schindler's Ark (the novel was later renamed Schindler's List), which was adapted into the 1993 movie Schindler's List by Steven Spielberg. In the film, he is played by Liam Neeson, who was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal. The film went on to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. The prominence of Spielberg's film introduced Schindler into popular culture. As the film is the sole source of most people's knowledge of Schindler, he is generally perceived much as Spielberg's film depicts him: as a man who was instinctively driven by profit-driven amorality, but who at some point made a silent but conscious decision that preserving the lives of his Jewish employees was imperative, even if requiring massive payments to induce Nazis to turn a blind eye. While Spielberg's film takes some cinematic liberties, the depiction of Schindler appears to be a rare example of an unromanticized historical protagonist.

In the Autumn of 1999 a suitcase belonging to Schindler was discovered, containing over 7,000 photographs and documents, including the list of Schindler's Jewish workers. The document, on his enamelware factory's letterhead, had been provided to the SS stating that the named workers were "essential" employees. Friends of Schindler found the suitcase in the attic of a house in Hildesheim, Germany, where he had been staying at the time of his death. The friends took the suitcase to Stuttgart, where its discovery was reported by a newspaper, the Stuttgarter Zeitung. The contents of the suitcase; including the list of the names of those he had saved and the text of his farewell speech before leaving "his Jews" in 1945, are now at the Holocaust Museum of Yad Vashem in Israel.[12]

See also


  1. BBC NEWS | Middle East | Schindler list survivor recalls saviour
  2. 1,098 according to the list and additional 100 people according to a letter signed by Isaak Stern, former employee Pal. Office in Krakow, Dr. Hilfstein, Chaim Salpeter, Former President of the Zionist Executive in Krakow for Galicia and Silesia.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Herbert Steinhouse, "The Real Oskar Schindler", Saturday Night Magazine, April, 1994.
  4. Thomas Keneally, Schindler's Ark. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1982 (ISBN 0-340-33501-7).
  5. Emilie Pelzl (1907-2001) was born on October 22, 1907 and died on October 5, 2001.
  6. Jitka Gruntová, Legendy a fakta o Oskaru Schindlerovi. Naše vojsko, 2002 (ISBN 80-206-0607-6).
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 "Oskar Schindler: An Unlikely Hero". U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Retrieved on 2008-05-29.
  8. Eric Silver (1992). The book of the just – the silent heroes who saved Jews from Hitler. London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson. ISBN 0802113478. 
  9. 9.0 9.1 "City of Hildesheim Archives (in German)" (October 2, 1999). Retrieved on 2007-12-16.
  10. Photos of house and plaque located at Göttingstr.30 in Hildesheim where Oskar Schindler lived from 1972 to his death in 1974. He was a guest of Dr. Staehr and his wife.
  11. David M. Crowe, Oskar Schindler: The Untold Account of His Life, Wartime Activities, and the True Story Behind The List. Philadelphia: Westview Press, 2004 (ISBN 0-8133-3375-X).
  12. www.oskarschindler.com

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