Mars Science Laboratory

Mars Science Laboratory
MSL concept February 2007 - PIA09201.jpg
2007 Mars Science Laboratory concept
Organization NASA
Major contractors Boeing, Lockheed Martin
Mission type Rover
Orbital insertion date 2012
Launch date 2011
Launch vehicle Atlas V 541
Mission duration 668 Martian sols (686 Earth days)
Home page Mars Science Laboratory
Mass 1,984 pounds (900 kg)
Power RTG
Schematic diagram of the planned rover components.

The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) is a NASA rover scheduled to be launched between October and December 2011 and perform the first-ever precision landing on Mars.[1] This rover will be three times as heavy and twice the width of the Mars Exploration Rovers (MERs) that landed in 2004. It will carry more advanced scientific instruments than any other mission to Mars to date, including analysis of samples scooped up from the soil and drilled powders from rocks. It will also investigate the past or present ability of Mars to support microbial life. The United States, Germany, France, Russia and Spain will provide the instruments onboard.

The MSL rover will be launched by an Atlas V 541 rocket and will be expected to operate for at least 1 martian year (668 Martian sols/686 Earth days) as it explores with greater range than any previous Mars rover. The program cost is estimated to surpass $1.7 billion USD.[2]


Goals and objectives

The MSL has four goals: To determine if life ever arose on Mars, to characterize the climate of Mars, to characterize the geology of Mars, and to prepare for human exploration. To contribute to the four science goals and meet its specific goal of determining Mars' habitability, Mars Science Laboratory has eight scientific objectives:[3]

  1. Determine the nature and inventory of organic carbon compounds.
  2. Inventory the chemical building blocks of life: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur.
  3. Identify features that may represent the effects of biological processes.
  4. Investigate the chemical, isotopic, and mineralogical composition of the martian surface and near-surface geological materials.
  5. Interpret the processes that have formed and modified rocks and soils.
  6. Assess long-timescale (i.e., 4-billion-year) martian atmospheric evolution processes.
  7. Determine present state, distribution, and cycling of water and carbon dioxide.
  8. Characterize the broad spectrum of surface radiation, including galactic radiation, cosmic radiation, solar proton events and secondary neutrons.


In September 2006, MSL was approved by NASA for a 2009 launch.

In April 2008, it was reported that the project is $235 million USD, or 24% over budget. The money to compensate this overrun should come from other NASA Mars missions that will need to be cut.[4]

In August 2008, it was announced that the third MSL workshop would be held to summarize the data on the 7 potential landing sites.[5] The result of the voting for the third MSL workshop is that the top three candidate sites in order of votes are: the Eberswalde Crater, the Holden Crater, and the Gale Crater.[6]

In October 2008, MSL is getting closer to a 30% cost overrun and without additional funding may be cancelled if additional funds are not granted by the United States Congress.[7] Doug McCuistion, director of the Mars Exploration Program at NASA has said that the rover's progress will be assessed again in January, but that he "fully believe that Congress will support [MSL] as we go forward on this because they recognize the importance of the mission as well."[8]

On November 18 2008, a contest began for students 5 to 18 years old to name the rover. The essays will be received by January 25, 2009. In March 2009, the general public will have an opportunity to rank nine finalist names through the Internet as additional input for judges to consider during the selection process. NASA will announce the winning rover name in April 2009.[9]

On November 19 2008, NASA announced that MSL project leaders at JPL had reduced the list of candidate landing sites to four: Eberswalde, Gale, Holden, Mawrth[10].

On December 3 2008, NASA announced that the MSL launch will be delayed until the fall of 2011 as a result of the current progress in building the hardware and testing it. Although the delay will increase the overall cost of the mission it was decided that for testing purposes the schedule for the October 2009 launch was not feasible.[11]

The MSL after a successful test of the suspension system by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on August 20, 2008


MSL mockup compared with the Mars Exploration Rover and Sojourner rover by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on May 12, 2008
A comparison of sizes for the Sojourner rover, the Mars Exploration Rovers, the Phoenix Lander and the Mars Science Laboratory.
The MSL Assembly, Test and Launch Operations (ATLO) in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory


The MSL will have a length of 9 feet (2.7 m) and weigh 1,984 pounds (900 kg) including 176 pounds (80 kg) of scientific instruments.[4] It will be the same size as a Mini Cooper automobile.[12] This compares to the Mars Exploration Rovers which have a length of 5 feet 2 inches (1.6 m) and weigh 384 pounds (174 kg) including 15 pounds (6.8 kg) of scientific instruments.[4][13]


Once on the surface, the MSL rover will be able to roll over obstacles approaching 75 centimetres (30 in) in height. Maximum terrain-traverse speed is estimated to be 90 metres (300 ft) per hour via automatic navigation, however, average traverse speeds will likely be about 30 metres (98 ft) per hour, based on variables including power levels, difficulty of the terrain, slippage, and visibility. MSL is expected to traverse a minimum of 12 miles (19 km) in its two-year mission.[14]

Power source

The rover will be powered by radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs), as used by the successful Mars landers Viking 1 and Viking 2 in 1976. Solar power is not an efficient power source for Mars surface operations because solar power systems cannot operate effectively at high Martian latitudes, in shaded areas, nor in dusty conditions. Furthermore, solar power cannot provide power at night, thus limiting the ability of the rover to keep its systems warm, reducing the life expectancy of electronics. RTGs can provide reliable, continuous power day and night, and waste heat can be used via pipes to warm systems, freeing electrical power for the operation of the vehicle and instruments.

The proposed power source will use the latest RTG generation, built by Boeing and it is called the "Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator" (MMRTG), which is a flexible and compact power system under development and based on conventional RTGs. [15] The MSL will generate 2.5 kilowatt hours per day compared to the Mars Exploration Rovers which can generate about 0.6 kilowatt hours per day.[4] Although the mission is programmed to last about 2 years, the MMRTG will have a minimum lifetime of 14 years.


The two identical on-board rover computers are called "Rover Electronics Module" (REM) and they contain radiation hardened memory to tolerate the extreme radiation environment from space and to safeguard against power-off cycles. Each computer's memory includes 256 kB of EEPROM, 256 MB of DRAM, and 2 GB of flash memory.[16] This compares to 3 MB of EEPROM, 128 MB of DRAM, and 256 MB of flash memory used in the Mars Exploration Rovers.

The REM computers use the RAD750 CPU which is a successor to the RAD6000 CPU used in the Mars Exploration Rovers.[17][18] The RAD750 CPU is capable of 300 MIPS while the RAD6000 CPU is capable of 35 MIPS.

The rover carries an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) that provides 3-axis information on its position; the device is used in rover navigation to support safe traverses and to estimate the degree of tilt. The rover's computers will constantly self-monitor its systems, communications and thermal stability at all times. Activities such as taking pictures, driving, and operating the instruments will be performed under commands transmitted in a command sequence to the rover from the flight team. In case of problems, the backup computer can be turned on to take over control and continue the mission.

Proposed scientific payload

At present, 10 instruments have been selected for development or production for the Mars Science Laboratory rover:

Cameras (MastCam, MAHLI, MARDI)

All cameras are being developed by Malin Space Science Systems and they all share common design components, such as on-board electronic imaging processing boxes and 1600x1200 color CCDs.


ChemCam is a remote Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system that can target a rock from up to 13 meters away, vaporizing a small amount of the underlying mineral and then collecting a spectrum of the light emitted by the vaporized rock by using a micro-imaging camera with an angular resolution of 80 microradians. It is being developed by the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the French CESR laboratory. An infrared laser with 1067 nm wavelength and a 5 ns pulse will focus on a spot with 1 GW/cm², depositing 30 mJ of energy. Detection will be done between 240 nm and 800 nm.[21] [22][23] In October 2007 NASA announced that they would cap funding for the ChemCam because of a 70% cost overrun and that the instrument has to be built with the money already provided.[24] The flight model of the Mast Unit was delivered from the French CNES to Los Alamos National Laboratory and was able to deliver the engineering model to JPL in February 2008.[25]

Alpha-particle X-ray spectrometer (APXS)

Main article: APXS

This device will irradiate samples with alpha particles and map the spectra of X-rays that are reemitted for determining the elemental composition of samples. It is being developed by the Canadian Space Agency. The APXS is a form of PIXE and which has previously been used by the Mars Pathfinder and the Mars Exploration Rovers.[26]


Chemin stands for "Chemistry & Mineralogy X-Ray Diffraction/X-Ray Fluorescence Instrument". CheMin is a X-ray diffraction/X-ray fluorescence instrument that will quantify minerals and mineral structure of samples. It is being developed by Dr. David Blake at NASA Ames Research Center and the NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.[27]

Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM)

The SAM instrument suite will analyze organics and gases from both atmospheric and solid samples. It is being developed by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, the Laboratoire Inter-Universitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (LISA) of France's CNRS and Honeybee Robotics, along with many additional external partners.[28][29] The SAM suite consists on three instruments:

The Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (QMS) will detect gases sampled from the atmosphere or those released from solid samples by heating. The Gas Chromatograph (GC) will be used to separate out individual gases from a complex mixture into molecular components with a mass range of 2–235 u. The Tunable Laser Spectrometer (TLS) will perform precision measurements of oxygen and carbon isotope ratios in carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in the atmosphere of Mars in order to distinguish between a geochemical and a biological origin.[29][30][31]

The SAM also has three subsystems: The Chemical Separation and Processing Laboratory (CSPL), for enrichment and derivatization of the organic molecules of the sample; the Sample Manipulation System (SMS) for transporting powder delievered from the MSL drill to a SAM inlet and into one of 74 sample cups. The SMS then moves the sample to the SAM oven to release gases by heating to up to 1000 oC;[32] and the Wide Range Pumps (WRP) subsystem to purge the QMS, TLS, and the CPSL.

Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD)

This instrument will characterize the broad spectrum of radiation found near the surface of Mars for purposes of determining the viability and shielding needs for human explorers. Funded by the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters and developed by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) and the extraterrestrial physics group at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany.

Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN)

A pulsed neutron source and detector for measuring hydrogen or ice and water at or near the martian surface, provided by the Russian Federal Space Agency.

Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS)

Meteorological package and an ultraviolet sensor provided by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. It will be mounted on the camera mast and measure atmospheric pressure, humidity, wind currents and direction, air and ground temperature and ultraviolet radiation levels.

MSL Entry Descent and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI)

The MEDLI project’s main objective is to measure aerothermal environments, sub-surface heat shield material response, vehicle orientation, and atmospheric density for the atmospheric entry through the sensible atmosphere down to heat shield separation of the Mars Science Laboratory entry vehicle. The MEDLI instrumentation suite will be installed in the heatshield of the MSL entry vehicle. The acquired data will support future Mars missions by providing measured atmospheric data to validate Mars atmosphere models and clarify the design margins on future Mars missions. MEDLI instrumentation consists of three main subsystems: MEDLI Integrated Sensor Plugs (MISP), Mars Entry Atmospheric Data System (MEADS) and the Sensor Support Electronics (SSE).

Hazard avoidance cameras

The MSL will use two pairs of navigation cameras, a front and rear stereo-pair Hazcams used for autonomous hazard avoidance during rover drives and for safe positioning of the robotic arm on rocks and soils. The cameras will use visible light to capture three-dimensional (3-D) imagery. This imagery safeguards against the rover inadvertently crashing into unexpected obstacles, and works in tandem with software that allows the rover to make its own safety choices.

Landing system

Entry, descent and landing sequence of the MSL.

Landing on Mars is a difficult challenge: the atmosphere is thick enough to prevent rockets being used to provide significant deceleration, but too thin for parachutes and aerobraking to be effective, so descents to Mars have essentially been controlled crashes.[33] Previous missions have used airbags to cushion the shock of landing, but the MSL is too large for this to be an option; instead, a more complex solution has been adopted.[34]

The entry, descent and landing sequence will break down into four parts:[35]

Proposed landing sites

The essential issue when selecting an optimum landing site, is to identify a particular geologic environment (or set of environments) that would support microbial life. To mitigate the risk of disappointment and ensure the greatest chance for science success, interest is placed at the greatest number of possible science objectives at a chosen landing site. Thus, a landing site with morphologic and mineralogic evidence for past water, is better than a site with just one of these criteria. Furthermore, a site with spectra indicating multiple hydrated minerals is preferred; clay minerals and sulfate salts would constitute a rich site. Hematite, other iron oxides, sulfate minerals, silicate minerals, silica, and possibly chloride minerals have all been suggested as possible substrates for fossil preservation. Indeed, all are known to facilitate the preservation of fossil morphologies and molecules on Earth.[36] Difficult terrain is the best candidate for finding evidence of livable conditions, and engineers must be sure the rover can safely reach the site and drive within it.[37]

The current engineering constraints call for a landing site less than 45° from the Martian equator, and less than 1 km above the reference datum.[38] At the first MSL Landing Site workshop, 33 potential landing sites were identified.[39] By the second workshop in late 2007, the list had grown to include almost 50 sites,[40] and by the end of the workshop, the list was reduced to six;[41] [6][42] in November 2008, project leaders reduced the list to four landing sites.[43] A final workshop in April 2009 is to select a single top choice from the four potential landing sites.[44]

Third (latest) round site list
Name Location
Eberswalde Crater Delta 24°S, 327°E
Holden Crater Fan 26.4°S, 325.3°E
Gale Crater 4.6°S, 137.2°E
Mawrth Vallis 24°N, 341°E


  1. NASA's Shuttle and Rocket Missions
  2. "MSL Rover Update", NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (17 September 2007). Retrieved on 2008-10-13. 
  3. "Science Objectives of the MSL". JPL. NASA. Retrieved on 2008-10-07.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 "Troubles parallel ambitions in NASA Mars project", USA Today (2008-04-14). Retrieved on 2008-09-22. 
  5. "Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter" (PDF) (August 1, 2008).
  6. 6.0 6.1 "MSL Workshop Voting Chart" (PDF) (September 18, 2008).
  11. "Next NASA Mars Mission Rescheduled For 2011". NASA/JPL (2008-12-04). Retrieved on 2008-12-04.
  13. A YouTube video shows a MSL mockup compared to the Mars Exploration Rover and Sojourner Rover. "Mars Rovers", YouTube (2008-04-12). Retrieved on 2008-09-12. 
  14. "Mars Science Laboratory - Homepage". NASA. Retrieved on 2008-10-07.
  15. "[ Technologies of Broad Benefit: Power]". Retrieved on 2008-09-20.
  16. "Spacecraft: Surface Operations Configuration: Rover". NASA and JPL. Retrieved on 2008-10-07.
  18. "E&ISNow - Media gets closer look at Manassas". BAE Systems (2008-08-01). Retrieved on 2008-11-17.
  19. "Mars Science Laboratory Instrumentation Announcement from Alan Stern and Jim Green, NASA Headquarters". SpaceRef Interactive.
  20. "Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) Update". Malin Space Science Systems (November 12, 2007).
  21. Salle B., Lacour J. L., Mauchien P., Fichet P., Maurice S., Manhes G. (2006). "Comparative study of different methodologies for quantitative rock analysis by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in a simulated Martian atmosphere" (PDF). Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy 61 (3): 301–313. doi:10.1016/j.sab.2006.02.003. 
  22. CESR presentation on the LIBS
  23. ChemCam fact sheet
  24. NASA Caps Funding for Mars Rover Sensor
  25. ChemCam Status April, 2008
  26. R. Rieder, R. Gellert, J. Brückner, G. Klingelhöfer, G. Dreibus, A. Yen, S. W. Squyres (2003). "The new Athena alpha particle X-ray spectrometer for the Mars Exploration Rovers". J. Geophysical Research 108: 8066. doi:10.1029/2003JE002150. 
  27. Sarrazin P., Blake D., Feldman S., Chipera S., Vaniman D., Bish D. (2005). "Field deployment of a portable X-ray diffraction/X-ray flourescence instrument on Mars analog terrain". Powder Diffraction 20 (2): 128–133. doi:10.1154/1.1913719. 
  28. Cabane M., Coll P., Szopa C., Israel G., Raulin F., Sternberg R., Mahaffy P., Person A., Rodier C., Navarro-Gonzalez R., Niemann H., Harpold D., Brinckerhoff W. (2004). "Did life exist on Mars? Search for organic and inorganic signatures, one of the goals for "SAM" (sample analysis at Mars)". Source: Mercury, Mars and Saturn Advances in Space Research 33 (12): 2240–2245. 
  29. 29.0 29.1 "Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Instrument Suite". NASA (October 2008). Retrieved on 2008-10-09.
  30. Tenenbaum, David (June 09, 2008):). "Making Sense of Mars Methane". Astrobiology Magazine. Retrieved on 2008-10-08.
  31. Tarsitano, C.G. and Webster, C.R. (2007). "Multilaser Herriott cell for planetary tunable laser spectrometers". Applied Optics, 46 (28): 6923-6935. 
  33. "The Mars Landing Approach: Getting Large Payloads to the Surface of the Red Planet". Universe Today. Retrieved on 2008-10-21.
  34. "Mars Science Laboratory Entry, Descent, and Landing Triggers". IEEE. Retrieved on 2008-10-21.
  35. "Mission Timeline: Entry, Descent, and Landing". NASA and JPL. Retrieved on 2008-10-07.
  36. "Landing - Discussion Points and Science Criteria" (Microsoft Word), MSL - Landing Sites Workshop, July 15 
  37. "Survivor: Mars - Seven Possible MSL Landing Sites", Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA (18 September 2008). Retrieved on 2008-10-21. 
  38. "MSL Workshop Summary" (pdf) (2007-04-27). Retrieved on 2007-05-29.
  39. "MSL Landing Site Selection User’s Guide to Engineering Constraints" (pdf) (2006-06-12). Retrieved on 2007-05-29.
  40. "Second MSL Landing Site Workshop".
  41. GuyMac. "Reconnaissance of MSL Sites". HiBlog. Retrieved on 2008-10-21.
  42. "Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter" (PDF) (August 1, 2008).

Further reading

M. K. Lockwood (2006). "Introduction: Mars Science Laboratory: The Next Generation of Mars Landers And The Following 13 articles " (PDF). Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 43 (2): 257–257. doi:10.2514/1.20678. 

See also

External links