Maria Theresa of Austria

Maria Theresa
Holy Roman Empress; German Queen
Queen of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia; Archduchess of Austria
Kaiserin Maria Theresia (HRR).jpg

20 October 1740 - 29 November 1780
1745 - 1765
Predecessor Charles VI
Successor Joseph II
Consort to Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor
Archduchess Maria Anna
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor
Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen
Archduchess Maria Elisabeth
Archduke Charles Joseph
Maria Amalia, Duchess of Parma
Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor
Archduchess Maria Johanna Gabriela
Archduchess Maria Josepha
Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples and Sicily
Ferdinand, Duke of Modena
Archduchess Maria Antonia (Marie Antoinette), Queen of France
Archduke Maximilian Francis
Titles and styles
HIM The Dowager Holy Roman Empress
HIM The Holy Roman Empress
HM The Queen
HI&RH The Archduchess
HI&RH Archduchess Maria Theresia of Austria
Royal house House of Habsburg-Lorraine
Father Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Mother Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Born 13 May 1717
Died 29 November 1780 (aged 63)
Burial Imperial Crypt Vienna

Maria Theresa (German: Maria Theresia, see also names in other languages; May 13, 1717 – November 29, 1780) was the Archduchess regnant of Austria, Queen regnant of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia, and a Holy Roman Empress by marriage.

Maria Theresa helped initiate financial and educational reforms, promoted commerce and the development of agriculture, and reorganized the army, all of which strengthened Austria's resources. Continued conflict with the Kingdom of Prussia led to the Seven Years' War, (1756 - 1763), and later to the War of the Bavarian Succession. She became, formally, dowager empress after the death of her husband Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor in 1765 and shared the direction of the Empire on the accession of her son Joseph as emperor in 1765.

Maria Theresa criticised many of Joseph's actions but agreed to the First Partition of Poland (1772). A key figure in the power politics of 18th century Europe, Maria Theresa brought unity to the Habsburg Monarchy and was considered one of its most capable rulers. Her 16 children also included Marie Antoinette, queen consort of France, and Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor.



Maria Theresa at age eleven in 1728

Maria Theresia Walburga Amalia Christina was born in Vienna, the oldest daughter of Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, a sister of the wife of unfortunate Tsarevich Alexis of Russia, and Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, whose sole male heir - his son Leopold Johann - died as an infant in 1716.

In 1713 Charles issued the Pragmatic Sanction which guaranteed his daughter the right to succeed to the Austrian throne and inherit his united lands on his death. Charles spent years carefully negotiating with other rulers to remove potential politico-legal objections to a woman inheriting the Habsburg territories, even making strategic concessions of territory. Initially, many Northern European monarchs agreed to the Pragmatic Sanction when it was issued. One of the few not to sign was Frederick the Great of Prussia who, soon after Maria Theresa assumed the throne upon Charles' death on October 20, 1740, began the War of Austrian Succession.

After the so called Emperor Charles VII, died in 1745, Maria Theresa, because she was assimilated a female "unfit" for this over 500 years old "symbolic" Roman Popish title, obtained the dignity of Holy Roman Emperor for her husband, Francis I, a mere "Duke of Lorraine".

Although she was technically empress consort, aged 28, it is obvious that even then, this legal technicality on account of her gender, was not very important really, and there has always been a wide consensus that Maria Theresa was the de facto ruler of the Empire. Maria Theresa, daughter of Emperor Charles VI, had in fact already begun her rule, aged 23, on the death of her father in 1740 during the War of the Austrian Succession.


Early years

The coronation of Maria Theresa in St. Martin´s Cathedral.
Maria Theresa and her husband, Francis, in 1746
Maria Theresa with a mask, 1744
Maria Theresa, 1762, by Jean-Étienne Liotard

Maria Theresa's father had not given her any training in government, leaving her to learn for herself. Additionally, the army was weak and the treasury depleted as a result of two wars near the end of her father's reign. Maria Theresa was crowned Queen of Hungary in the St. Martin’s Cathedral in the then-Hungarian royal town and coronation place Pozsony (now Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia) on 25 June 1741.[1]

The War of the Austrian Succession began when Frederick II of Prussia invaded and occupied Silesia. While Bavaria and France also invaded Austria's western territories, it was "Frederick the Great" who became Maria Theresa's primary foe during her reign. Therefore, she focused her internal and external policies towards the defeat of Prussia, which would help her regain the lands which had been taken from Austria. In the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748), France gave the Austrian Netherlands that it conquered back to Maria Theresa. In exchange, Maria Theresa ceded Parma, Piacenza, and Guastalla to the Infante Philip of Spain, later to be King of Sicily and Naples as Charles VI and then, in 1759, King Charles III of Spain.

After having been defeated in the First, (1742), and Second, (1744 - 1745), Silesian Wars, Maria Theresa began to modernize her realms with the assistance of Friedrich Wilhelm Graf von Haugwitz. She increased the size of the army by 200% and increased taxes in order to guarantee a steady income for the government, and in particular for the military. She centralized the government by combining the Austrian and Bohemian chancellaries, formerly separate, into one administrative office.

Before these changes, justice and administration had been overseen by the same officials- afterwards, she created a supreme court with the sole responsibility of upholding justice in her lands. These reforms strengthened the economy and the state in general.

"The world's most famous coin," the Maria Theresa thaler. The Latin inscription is M[ARIA] THERESIA D[EI] G[RATIA] R[OMANORVM] IMP[ERATRIX] HV[NGARIAE] BO[HEMIAE] REG[INA], or in English, "Maria Theresa, by the Grace of God, Empress of the Romans, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia." This particular coin was struck in Vienna in 1890, although production continued for many years after her death.

Maria Theresa, like the other Habsburgs, was a devout Roman Catholic. She was educated by Jesuits at Mariazell, and in later life lacked the religious cynicism or real indifference of royal contemporaries such as Frederick II of Prussia . Her conservative outlook involved an intolerant view of other faiths. In 1741, she expelled the Jews from Prague. Her political distrust of Great Britain rested in part on her view of the established Church of England, whom she regarded as Protestant heretics.

Maria Theresa dropped Great Britain as an ally on the advice of her state chancellor, Wenzel Anton von Kaunitz, and allied with Russia and France. She established the Theresian Military Academy (the first worldwide) in 1752 and an academy of engineering science in 1754. She also demanded that the University of Vienna be given money to make the medical faculty more efficient.

When she felt her army was strong enough, she prepared an attack on Prussia in 1756. However, it was Frederick II who attacked first, invading Saxony, another ally of Austria, thus initiating the Seven Years' War. The war ended in 1763 when Maria Theresa signed the Treaty of Hubertusburg, recognizing Prussian ownership of most of Silesia.

Her husband Francis died two years later. Maria Theresa's devotion to him was so great that she dressed in mourning until her own death 15 years later. During this time, she became more closeted from her people. Her focus changed from attempting to regain Silesia to maintaining the peace. She also recognized Joseph II, her eldest son, as coregent and Emperor since 1765. However, she allowed him only limited powers because she felt that he was too rash and arrogant.

Influence on Medicine

During the reign of Maria Theresa, infant mortality was a big problem in Austria. After calling in a renowned Dutch physician Gerard van Swieten to study the problem, she followed his recommendation and made a decree that autopsies would be mandatory for all hospital deaths in city of Graz--Austria's second largest city. This law--still in effect today--combined with the relatively stable population Graz, has resulted in one of the most important and complete autopsy records in the world.[2] [3] Some modern researchers have credited the Graz autopsy records with helping to make breakthroughs in their research. One such physician, Broda Otto Barnes, claimed that these records helped him discover that hypothyroidism--not diet and cholesterol--was the cause of heart disease and heart attacks. And furthermore that hypothyroidism is strongly linked to certain forms of cancer: lung cancer, prostate cancer and cancer in children. [2][3] [4]

Civil reforms

In the 1760s, smallpox claimed several victims in the imperial family. Maria Theresa was infected and received last rites in 1767, although she recovered. Afterward, Maria Theresa became a strong supporter of inoculation (a predecessor immunisation method to smallpox vaccination), setting a strong example by requiring all of her children to be inoculated.

In the later years of her reign, Maria Theresa focused on reforming laws along the lines of enlightened absolutism, especially to strengthen the economy of the Habsburg territories, especially after the loss of Silesia.

In 1771, she and Joseph II issued the Robot Patent, a reform that regulated a serf's labor payments in her lands, which provided some relief. Other important reforms included outlawing witch-burning and torture, and, for the first time in Austrian history, taking capital punishment off the penal code, as it was replaced with forced labor. It was later reintroduced, but the progressive nature of these reforms remains noted.

In 1772 Maria Theresa founded the Imperial and Royal Academy of Science and Literature in Brussels. Mandatory education was introduced in 1774; the goal was to form an educated class from which civil servants could be recruited.

Another innovation of Maria Theresa's was the decency police which was to patrol everywhere, especially Vienna, and apprehend anyone suspected of doing something that could be deemed indecent (possibly due to her husband's supposed infidelity). Arrested prostitutes, for example, would be sent into villages in the eastern parts of the realm, leading some contemporary writers to note that these villages had 'exceptionally beautiful women' living there.


Maria Theresa had quite a few arranged marriages. One was to the son of a monarch of Eastern Europe but he died after a while in Austria. So Maria regarded herself a widow at the age of five because her betrothed was dead. She was eventually married to Francis of Lorraine, then only Duke of Lorraine in 1736 at the age of 19. He tended to leave day to day administration to Maria Theresa.[5] Unlike many monarchs of her time, she married for love. She had 16 children with him, eleven daughters all having the first name "Maria" in honor of the Virgin Mary.[6] and five sons. The youngest daughter was Maria Antonia, better known under her French name, Marie Antoinette, who would be promised in marriage to the future King Louis XVI of France.

After her husband's death, Joseph II succeeded in the elective monarchy of the Holy Roman Empire, maintaining the imperial Crown in the Habsburg line, in accordance with tradition. Maria Theresa then made Joseph II co-regent of her Austrian dominions, but she actually kept most of the power to herself, which led to tension between her and her son. It was not until her death that Joseph could fully exercise his powers.


Name Birth Death Notes
Archduchess Maria Elisabeth of Austria February 5, 1737 June 6, 1740 died in childhood.
Archduchess Maria Anna October 6, 1738 November 19, 1789 died unmarried, no issue.
Archduchess Maria Karolina of Austria January 12, 1740 January 25, 1741 died in childhood.
Joseph II March 13, 1741 February 20, 1790 married 1) Infanta Isabel of Spain (1741-1763), married 2) Princess Marie Josepha of Bavaria (1739-1767) - second cousin, had issue from his first marriage (two daughters, who died young)
Archduchess Maria Christina of Austria May 13, 1742 June 24, 1798 married second-cousin Prince Albert of Saxony, Duke of Teschen (1739-1822) , had issue (one stillborn daughter)
Archduchess Maria Elisabeth of Austria August 13, 1743 September 22, 1808 died unmarried, no issue
Archduke Charles Joseph of Austria February 1, 1745 January 18, 1761 died of smallpox, no issue
Archduchess Maria Amalia of Austria February 26, 1746 June 9, 1804 married Ferdinand, Duke of Parma (1751-1802), had issue.
Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II May 5, 1747 March 1, 1792 married Infanta Maria Louisa of Spain (1745-1792), had issue. Grand Duke of Tuscany from 1765 (abdicated 1790), Holy Roman Emperor from 1790, Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary and King of Bohemia from 1790.
Archduchess Maria Carolina September 17, 1748 September 17, 1748 stillborn
Archduchess Maria Johanna Gabriela of Austria February 4, 1750 December 23, 1762 died of smallpox, no issue
Archduchess Maria Josepha of Austria March 19, 1751 October 15, 1767 died of smallpox, no issue
Archduchess Maria Carolina of Austria August 13, 1752 September 7, 1814 married King Ferdinand IV of Naples and Sicily (1751-1825); had issue
Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, Duke of Breisgau June 1, 1754 December 24, 1806 married Maria Beatrice d'Este, heiress of Breisgau and of Modena, had issue (Austria-Este). Duke of Breisgau from 1803.
Archduchess Maria Antonia of Austria November 2, 1755 October 16, 1793 married Louis XVI of France (1754-1793) and became the famous Queen Marie Antoinette, had issue
Archduke Maximilian Franz of Austria December 8, 1756 July 27, 1801 Archbishop-Elector of Cologne, 1784. died unmarried, no issue
Maria Theresa I of Austria


Maria Theresa died in Vienna in 1780 at the age of 63, the only female to rule during the 650-year-long Habsburg dynasty. She is buried in tomb number 56 in the Imperial Crypt in Vienna. Her son Joseph II succeeded her.


Maria Theresa


Titles from birth to death

Austrian Royalty
House of Habsburg-Lorraine
Wappen Kaiserin Maria Theresia 1765 (Mittel).png

Armorial of the Holy Roman Empire
Maria Theresa & Francis I
Children include
   Joseph II
   Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen
   Marie Amalie, Duchess of Parma
   Leopold II
   Marie Caroline, Queen of Naples
   Archduke Ferdinand
   Marie Antoinette, Queen of France
   Archduke Maximilian
Grandchildren include
   Francis IV, Duke of Modena
   Archduke Ferdinand Karl
Joseph II
Leopold II
Children include
   Maria Theresia, Queen of Saxony
   Francis II
   Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany
   Charles, Duke of Teschen
   Archduke Alexander Leopold
   Joseph, Palatine of Hungary
   Archduke Johann
   Archduke Rainer
   Archduke Louis
   Archduke Cardinal Rudolph
Grandchildren include
   Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany
   Archduchess Maria Theresa
   Albert, Duke of Teschen
   Archduchess Elisabeth Franziska
   Archduke Joseph Karl
Francis II

Maria Theresa was actually proclaimed King, rather than Queen, of Hungary upon her ascension to the Hungarian throne. Normally, however, she was styled Queen of Hungary.

Full style

Her title after the death of her husband:

Maria Theresa, by the Grace of God, Dowager Holy Roman Empress; Queen of Hungary, of Bohemia, of Dalmatia, of Croatia, of Slavonia, of Galicia, of Lodomeria, etc; Archduchess of Austria; Duchess of Burgundy, of Styria, of Carinthia and of Carniola; Grand Princess of Transylvania; Margravine of Moravia; Duchess of Brabant, of Limburg, of Luxemburg, of Guelders, of Württemberg, of Upper and Lower Silesia, of Milan, of Mantua, of Parma, of Piacenza, of Guastalla, of Auschwitz and of Zator; Princess of Swabia; Princely Countess of Habsburg, of Flanders, of Tyrol, of Hennegau, of Kyburg, of Gorizia and of Gradisca; Margravine of Burgau, of Upper and Lower Lusatia; Countess of Namur; Lady on the Wendish Mark and of Mechlin; Dowager Duchess of Lorraine and Bar, Dowager Grand Duchess of Tuscany.[7]

Names in other languages


8. Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor
4. Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor
9. Maria Anna of Spain
2. Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
10. Philip William, Elector Palatine
5. Eleonore-Magdalena of Neuburg
11. Landgravine Elisabeth Amalie of Hesse-Darmstadt
1. Maria Theresa of Austria
Queen of Hungary & Bohemia
12. Anthony Ulrich, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
6. Louis Rudolph, Duke of Brunswick-Lunenburg
13. Duchess Elisabeth Juliana of Schleswig-Holstein-Sønderburg-Norburg
3. Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
14. Albert Ernest I, Prince of Oettingen-Oettingen
7. Princess Christine Louise of Oettingen-Oettingen
15. Duchess Christine Friederike of Württemberg

Media portrayals

Marianne Faithfull portrayed Maria Theresa in the 2006 film Marie Antoinette.

Alma Kruger portrayed Maria Theresa in the 1938 film Marie Antoinette which starred Norma Shearer.


  1. "Medallion for the coronation of Maria Theresia" at National Bank of Slovakia
  2. 2.0 2.1 Barnes, Broda (1976). Hypothyroidism: the Unsusptected Illness. HarperCollins. ISBN 069001029X. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 Langer, Stephan (2000). Solved: The Riddle of Illness.. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0658002937. "... A prime mover in clinical research on the thyroid gland for half a century, the late Broda O. Barnes, MD, Ph.D., was also a prime mover behind the writing of ...". 
  4. Starr, Mark (2005). Hypothyroidism Type 2. pp. 174. ISBN 0975262408. 
  5. "[[wikisource:Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Maria Theresa of Austria Maria Theresa of Austria]". Catholic Encyclopedia. (1913). New York: Robert Appleton Company. 
  6. Habsburg 5
  7. In German: Maria Theresia von Gottes Gnaden Heilige Römische Kaiserinwitwe, Königin zu Ungarn, Böhmen, Dalmatien, Kroatien, Slavonien, Gallizien, Lodomerien, usw., Erzherzogin zu Österreich, Herzogin zu Burgund, zu Steyer, zu Kärnten und zu Crain, Großfürstin zu Siebenbürgen, Markgräfin zu Mähren, Herzogin zu Braband, zu Limburg, zu Luxemburg und zu Geldern, zu Württemberg, zu Ober- und Nieder-Schlesien, zu Milan, zu Mantua, zu Parma, zu Piacenza, zu Guastala, zu Auschwitz und Zator, Fürstin zu Schwaben, gefürstete Gräfin zu Habsburg, zu Flandern, zu Tirol, zu Hennegau, zu Kyburg, zu Görz und zu Gradisca, Markgräfin des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, zu Burgau, zu Ober- und Nieder-Lausitz, Gräfin zu Namur, Frau auf der Windischen Mark und zu Mecheln, Herzoginwitwe zu Lothringen und Baar, Großherzoginwitwe zu Toskana
  8. Panování císařovny Marie Teresie, Josef Svátek, Praha, 1898

External links


Maria Theresa of Austria
Born: 13 May 1717 Died: 29 November 1780
German royalty
Preceded by
Maria Amalia of Austria
Holy Roman Empress
Succeeded by
Maria Josepha of Bavaria
German Queen
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Charles VI
as duke, archduke and king
Duchess of Parma and Piacenza
Succeeded by
as duke
Archduchess of Austria
Succeeded by
Joseph II
as archduke and king
Queen of Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia
Preceded by
Charles VII
as king
Queen of Bohemia
Italian nobility
Preceded by
Anna Maria Franziska of Saxe-Lauenburg
Grand Duchess consort of Tuscany
Succeeded by
Maria Louisa of Spain
French nobility
Preceded by
Élisabeth Charlotte d'Orléans
Duchess consort of Lorraine
1736 - 1765
Succeeded by
Katarzyna Opalińska
German nobility
Preceded by
Élisabeth Charlotte d'Orléans
Duchess consort of Teschen
1736 - 1765
Succeeded by
Maria Josepha of Bavaria
Titles in pretence
Claimant after death of Charles VI — TITULAR —
Queen of Bohemia
Became Queen of Bohemia
NAME Maria Theresa
SHORT DESCRIPTION Holy Roman Empress consort
DATE OF BIRTH May 13, 1717
DATE OF DEATH November 29, 1780