Margaret I of Denmark

Margaret I
Queen of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway (more...)
Margrete 1.jpg
Queen of Denmark (more...)
Reign 1375 - 1412
Predecessor Oluf II
Successor Eric of Pomerania
Queen of Norway (more...)
Reign 1388 - 1412
Predecessor Olav IV
Successor Eric of Pomerania
Queen of Sweden (more...)
Reign 1389 - 1412
Predecessor Albert
Successor Eric of Pomerania
Consort Haakon VI of Norway
Olav II of Denmark and IV of Norway
Father Valdemar IV
Mother Helvig of Sønderjylland
Born 1353
Vordingborg Castle
Died 28 October 1412
Ship in Flensburg Fjord.
Burial Roskilde Cathedral

Margaret Valdemarsdatter (Norwegian: Margrete Valdemarsdotter) (1353 - October 28, 1412) was Queen of Denmark and of Norway and Regent of Sweden, and founder of the Kalmar Union, which united the Scandinavian countries for over a century.



She is known in Denmark as "Margrethe I", to distinguish her from the current queen. Denmark did not have a tradition of allowing women to rule and so when her son died she was named "all powerful lady and mistress (regent) of the Kingdom of Denmark.[1] She only styled herself Queen of Denmark during 1375. Usually Margrethe referred to herself as "Margrethe, by the grace of God, Valdemar the King of Denmark's daughter" and "Denmark's rightful heir" when referring to her position in Denmark. Others simply referred to her as the "Lady Queen" without specifying what she was queen (or female king) of, but not so Pope Boniface IX, who wrote to her as "Queen of Denmark" or "Queen of Denmark, Norway and Sweden".

With regards to Norway, she was known as Queen (queen-consort, then dowager queen) and regent. In Sweden, she was Dowager Queen and Plenipotentiary Ruler. When she married Haakon, in 1363, he was yet co-king of Sweden making Margaret queen, and despite being deposed, they never relinquished the title. When the Swedes expelled Albert I in 1389, in theory Margaret simply resumed her original position.


Margaret was born in Vordingborg Castle, the daughter of Valdemar IV of Denmark and Helvig of Sønderjylland. She married, at the age of ten, King Haakon VI of Norway, who was the younger and only surviving son to Magnus VII of Norway, Magnus II of Sweden.

Her first act after her father's death in (1375) was to procure the election of her infant son Oluf as king of Denmark, despite the claims of her elder sister's husband Duke Henry of Mecklenburg and their son. She insisted the he be proclaimed rightful heir of Sweden among the other titles. Oluf was too young to rule in his own right and Margrethe proved herself a competent and shrewd ruler in the years that followed. In 1380 on the death of his father, Oluf succeeded his father as King of Norway. Young Oluf died at age 17 rather suddenly. The following year Margaret, who had ruled both kingdoms in his name, was chosen regent of Norway and Denmark. She had already given proofs of her superior statesmanship by recovering possession of Schleswig from the Holstein counts, who had held it absolutely for more than a generation, and who now received it back indeed as a gift by the compact of Nyborg, but under such stringent conditions that the Danish crown got all the advantage of the arrangement. By this compact, moreover, the chronically rebellious Jutish nobility lost the support they had hitherto always found in Schleswig-Holstein. Margaret, free from all fear of domestic sedition, could now give her undivided attention to Sweden, where the mutinous nobles were already in arms against their unpopular king, Albert of Mecklenburg. Several of the powerful nobles wrote to Margrethe advising her that if she would help rid Sweden of King Albrecht, she would become regent. She lost no time gathering an army and invading Sweden.

At a conference held at Dalaborg Castle, in March 1388, the Swedes were compelled to accept all Margaret's conditions, elected her "Sovereign Lady and Ruler", and engaged to accept from her any king she chose to appoint. On February 24, 1389, Albert ("Albrecht"), who had returned from Mecklenburg with an army of mercenaries, was routed and taken prisoner at Aasle near Falköping, and Margaret was now the omnipotent mistress of three kingdoms.

Stockholm, then almost entirely a German city, still held out; fear of Margaret induced both the Mecklenburg princes and the Wendish towns to hasten to its assistance; and the Baltic and the North Sea speedily swarmed with the privateers of the Victual Brothers or Vitalian Brotherhood, so called because their professed object was to revictual Stockholm. Finally the Hansa intervened, and by the compact of Lindholm (1395) Albrecht was released by Margaret on promising to pay 60,000 marks within three years, the Hansa in the meantime to hold Stockholm in pawn. Albrecht failed to pay his ransom within the stipulated time, the Hansa surrendered Stockholm to Margaret in September 1398, in exchange for commercial privileges.

Eric of Pomerania

It had been understood that Margaret should, at the first convenient opportunity, provide the three kingdoms with a king who was to be a kinsman of all the three old dynasties, although in Norway it was specified that she would continue ruling alongside the new king. In 1389 she proclaimed her great-nephew, Eric of Pomerania (grandson of Henry of Mecklenburg), king of Norway. In 1396 homage was rendered to him in Denmark and Sweden likewise, Margaret reserving to herself the office of regent during his minority. To weld the united kingdoms still more closely together, Margaret summoned a congress of the three Councils of the Realm to Kalmar in June 1397; and on Trinity Sunday, on June 17, Eric was solemnly crowned king of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The proposed act of union divided the three Councils, but the actual deed embodying the terms of the union never got beyond the stage of an unratified draft. Margaret balked at the clauses which insisted that each country should retain exclusive possession of its own laws and customs and be administered by its own dignitaries, as tending in her opinion to prevent the complete amalgamation of Scandinavia. But with her usual prudence she avoided every appearance of an open rupture.

A few years after the Kalmar Union, Eric, when in his eighteenth year, was declared of age and homage was rendered to him in all his three kingdoms, but during her lifetime Margaret was the real ruler of Scandinavia.


The tomb of Margaret I in Roskilde Cathedral.

So long as the union was insecure, Margaret had tolerated the presence near the throne of "good men" from all three realms (the Rigsraad, or council of state, as these councillors now began to be called); but their influence was always insignificant. In every direction the royal authority remained supreme. The offices of high constable and earl marshal were left vacant; the Danehofer or national assemblies fell into desuetude, and the great queen, an ideal despot, ruled through her court officials acting as superior clerks. But law and order were well maintained; the licence of the nobility was sternly repressed; the kingdoms of Sweden and Norway were treated as integral parts of the Danish state, and national aspirations were frowned upon or checked, though Norway, as being more loyal, was treated more indulgently than Sweden.

Margaret also recovered for the Crown all the landed property which had been alienated during the troubled days before Valdemar IV. This so-called "reduktion", or land-recovery, was carried out with the utmost rigour, and hundreds of estates fell into the hands of the Crown.

Margaret also reformed the Danish currency, substituting good silver coins for the old and worthless copper tokens, to the great advantage both of herself and the state. She had always large sums of money to dispose of, and a considerable proportion of this treasure was dispensed in works of charity.

Margaret's foreign policy was sagaciously circumspect, in sharp contrast with the venturesomeness of her father's. The most tempting offer of alliance, the most favourable conjunctures, could never move her from her system of neutrality. On the other hand she spared no pains to recover lost Danish territory. She purchased the island of Gotland from its actual possessors, Albert of Mecklenburg and the Livonian Order, and the greater part of Schleswig was regained in the same way.

In 1402, Queen Margaret entered into negotiations with the King of England, Henry IV about the possibility of a double wedding alliance between England and the Nordic union. The proposal was for a double wedding, whereby King Eric would marry King Henry's daughter, Philippa, and King Henry's son, the Prince of Wales and future King Henry V would marry King Eric's sister, Catherine. The English side wanted these weddings to seal an offensive alliance between the Nordic kingdoms and England, which could have led to the involvement of the Nordic union on the English side in the ongoing Hundred Years' War against France. Queen Margaret led a consistent foreign policy of not getting entangled in binding alliances and foreign wars. She therefore rejected the English proposals. The double wedding did not come off, but Eric's wedding to Philippa was successfully negotiated. On 26 October 1406 King Eric married the 13-year-old Philippa, daughter of Henry IV of England and Mary de Bohun, at Lund. The wedding was accompanied by a purely defensive alliance with England. For Eric's sister Catherine, a wedding was arranged with John, Count Palatine of Neumarkt. Margaret thus acquired a southern German ally, who could be useful as a counterweight to the northern German princes and cities.


Margaret died suddenly on board her ship in Flensburg harbour on October 28, 1412. Her sarcophagus made by the Lübeck sculptor Johannes Junge (1423) stands behind the high altar in the Roskilde Cathedral, near Copenhagen. She had left property to the cathedral on the condition that Masses for her soul would be said regularly in the future. At the Reformation (1536) this was discontinued; however, to this day a special bell is being rung twice daily in commemoration of the Queen.

See also


Born: 1353 Died: October 28 1412
Preceded by
Blanka of Namur
Queen Consort of Norway
Succeeded by
Philippa of England
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Olav IV/Olaf II
as King of Denmark
& King of Norway
Queen regnant of Denmark
with Eric of Pomerania (1396-1412)
Succeeded by
Eric of Pomerania
as King of Denmark
& King of Norway
& King of Sweden
Queen regnant of Norway
with Eric of Pomerania (1396-1412)
Preceded by
Albrekt of Mecklenburg
as King of Sweden
Queen regnant of Sweden
with Eric of Pomerania (1396-1412)
Titles in pretence
Preceded by
Olav Haakonsson
as King of Sweden
Queen regnant of Sweden
Succeeded by
as Queen regnant of Sweden
NAME Margaret I of Denmark
PLACE OF BIRTH Vordingborg Castle
DATE OF DEATH October 28, 1412
PLACE OF DEATH Ship in Flensburg Fjord