Maltese language

Spoken in: Flag of Malta.svg Malta

Flag of Australia.svg Australia
Flag of Canada.svg Canada
Flag of Gibraltar.svg Gibraltar
Flag of Italy.svg Italy
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg UK
Flag of the United States.svg USA [1]

Total speakers: 330 000[1]
Language family: Afro-Asiatic
  West Semitic
   Central Semitic
    South Central Semitic
      Maghrebi Arabic
Official status
Official language in: Flag of Europe European Union
Flag of Malta Malta
Regulated by: Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali ta' l-Ilsien Malti
Language codes
ISO 639-1: mt
ISO 639-2: mlt
ISO 639-3: mlt

Maltese (Maltese: Malti) is the national language of Malta, and a co-official language of the country alongside English,[2] while the language also serves as an official language of the European Union, the only Semitic language so distinguished. Maltese is descended from Siculo-Arabic (the Arabic dialect that developed in Sicily and the rest of Southern Italy),[3] but with a large percentage of borrowed vocabulary from Italian (particularly Sicilian) and English. It is the only Semitic language written in the Latin alphabet in its standard form.



Maltese became an official language of Malta in 1934, alongside English, when Italian was dropped from official use.[4] Today there are an estimated 500,000 Maltese speakers, of whom 400,000 reside in Malta. Thousands of Maltese emigrants in Australia, Canada, Gibraltar, Italy, the UK, the United States still speak the language.[1] In 2007 it was reported that Maltese is spoken by descendants of Maltese immigrants in Tunisia.[5]

The oldest reference to Maltese comes from the Benedictine Monks of Catania, who were unable to open a monastery in Malta, in 1364, because they could not understand the native language. In 1436, in the will of a certain Pawlu Peregrino, Maltese is first identified as lingua maltensi. The oldest known document in Maltese is "Il Cantilena" (Maltese:Xidew il-Qada) a poem from the 15th century, written by Pietro Caxaro[6] and the first known Maltese dictionary was written by the French Knight Francois de Vion Thezan Court in 1640. It includes notes about Maltese grammar and a concluding section detailing, in Italian and Maltese, phrases to be used when giving orders to soldiers. Facsimilies of the work are currently published.

A discredited hypothesis is that it was not Siculo-Arabic, but instead the ancient Punic language that formed the original base of the language.[7][8][9] This hypothesis was first put forward in 1565 by Gian Battista Tebaldi, a visitor to the island who described the Maltese language as Phoenician. In 1572 the Italian poet and historian Tommaso Porcacchi, is his book L’isole più famose del mondo (English: The Most Famous Islands in the World):, claimed the language descended from Carthaginian. Hieronymus Megiser, a German traveller, wrote a list of Maltese words in his Thesaurus Polyglottus (published in 1603) and also in the celebrated Propugnaculum Europae (published in 1606). Megiser also described Maltese as a Punic descendent.[10]

Athanasius Kircher spent two years in Malta (1637-38) and developed theories running counter to those accepted by his contemporaries. In his Mundus Subterraneus he says of the Maltese, "they speak the purest form of Arabic, corrupted by neither Italian nor any other language". Other theories include those in Johann Friedrich Breithaupt's Christliche Helden Insel Malta (English: Malta, Home of Christian Heros), published in 1632, where he calls Maltese a mixed 'barbaric' language and John Dryden's description of the language as 'Berber' on his visit to the islands (the memoires of those journeys appeared in 1776).[11]

In his book Dell’Istoria della Sacra Religione et Illustrissima Militia di San Giovanni Gierosolimitano (English: The History of the Sacred Religion and Illustrious Militia of St John of Jerusalem), written between 1594 and 1602, Giacomo Bosio endorses the hypothesis that Maltese descended from Carthaginian. Bosio writes that when the cornerstone of Valletta was placed, a group of Maltese elders said "Iegi zimen en fel wardia col sceber raba iesue uquie" (Which in modern Maltese reads, "Jiġi żmien li fil-Wardija [l-Għolja Sciberras] kull xiber raba’ jiswa uqija," and in English, "There will come a time when every piece of land on Sciberras Hill will be worth its weight in gold"). This is the oldest example of printed Maltese.

Pasquale Vassallo, a Dominican friar, wrote a collection of songs in Italian and Maltese in 1584. They were burned at the order of the Inquisition in 1585 for allegedly 'obscene' content.[12]


Maltese is a Semitic language descended from Siculo-Arabic,[13] that in the course of its history has absorbed large numbers of loan words from Sicilian, Standard Italian,[14] and more recently from English. Due to these borrowings, Maltese is occasionally described as "mixed",[4] "creoloid",[15] or a language with "massive borrowing".[16] Maltese has added loan words to its Siculo-Arabic base, but without the grammatical changes that creoles undergo or the wholesale replacement of core vocabulary seen in mixed languages. The percentage of borrowed vocabulary, 57%, excludes basic vocabulary and does not meet the typical connotation of "massive",[15] and is substantially less than the 75% found in English.[16]



Consonants of Maltese[17]
  Bilabial Labio-
Dental Post-
Velar Pharyn-
Nasal m   n        
Plosive voiceless p   t   k   ʔ
voiced b   d   g    
Fricative voiceless   f s ʃ   ħ  
voiced   v z     ʕ  
Affricate voiceless     t͡s t͡ʃ      
voiced     d͡z d͡ʒ      
Trill     r        
Approximant     l        


Maltese has five short vowels, /ɐ ɛ ɪ ɔ ʊ/, written a e i o u; six long vowels, /ɐː ɛː ɪː iː ɔː ʊː/, written a, e, ie, i, o, u, of which all but ie /ɪː/ require an orthographic or h to show they're long; and seven diphthongs, /ɐɪ ɐʊ ɛɪ ɛʊ ɪʊ ɔɪ ɔʊ/, written aj or għi, aw or għu, ej or għi, ew, iw, oj, and ow or għu.[18]



Main article: Maltese alphabet

Below is the Maltese alphabet, with IPA symbols and approximate English pronunciation:

Letter Name Maltese example IPA Approximate English pronunciation
A a a anġlu (angel) a similar to 'a' in father
B b be ballun (ball) b bar, but at the end of a word it is devoiced to [p].
Ċ ċ ċe ċavetta (key) church (note: undotted 'c' has been replaced by 'k', so when 'c' does appear, it is to be spoken the same way as 'ċ')
D d de dar (home) d day, but at the end of a word it is devoiced to [t].
E e e envelopp (envelope) ɛ end
F f effe fjura (flower) f far
Ġ ġ ġe ġelat (ice-cream) gem, but at the end of a word it is devoiced to [tʃ].
G g ge gallettina (biscuit) ɡ game, but at the end of a word it is devoiced to [k].
GĦ għ ajn għasfur (bird) ˤː, ħː has the effect of lengthening and pharyngealizing associated vowels (għi and għu are [aˤj] and [oˤw]). When found at the end of a word or immediately before 'h' it has the sound of a double 'ħ' (see below).
H h akka hu (he)   not pronounced unless it is at the end of a word, in which case it has the sound of 'ħ'.
Ħ ħ ħe ħanut (shop) ħ no English equivalent; sounds like /h/ to English speakers.
I i i ikel (food) i seat
IE ie ie ieqaf (stop) , yet, feet
J j je nazzjonali (national) j yard
K k ke kelb (dog) k kettle
L l elle libsa (dress) l line
M m emme mara (woman) m march
N n enne nanna (granny) n next
O o o ors (bear) o like 'aw' in law, but shorter.
P p pe paġna (page, sheet) p part
Q q qe qattus (cat) ʔ glottal stop, found in the Cockney English pronunciation of "bottle" or the phrase "uh-oh".
R r erre re (king) r road
S s esse salib (cross) s sand
T t te tieqa (window) t tired
U u u uviera (egg-cup) u food
V v ve vjola (violet) v vast, but at the end of a word it is devoiced to [f].
W w we widna (ear) w west
X x exxe xadina (monkey) ʃ / ʒ shade, sometimes as measure; when doubled the sound is elongated, as in "Cash shin" vs. "Cash in."
Z z ze zalza (sauce) ts / dz pizza; when doubled may change to gods
Ż ż że żraben (shoes) z maze, but at the end of a word it is devoiced to [s].

Final vowels with grave accents (à, è, ì, ò, ù) are also found in some Maltese words of Italian origin, such as libertà ("freedom"), sigurtà (old Italian: sicurtà, "security"), or soċjetà (Italian: "società; "society").

The official rules governing the structure of the Maltese language are found in the official guidebook issued by the Akkademja tal-Malti, the Academy of the Maltese language, which is named Tagħrif fuq il-Kitba Maltija, that is, Knowledge on Writing in Maltese. The first edition of this book was printed in 1924 by the Maltese government's printing press. The rules were further expanded in the 1984 book, iż-Żieda mat-Tagħrif, which focused mainly on the increasing influence of Romance and English words. In 1992 the Academy issued the Aġġornament tat-Tagħrif fuq il-Kitba Maltija, which updated the previous works.[19] All these works were included in a revised and expanded guidebook published in 1996.

Nowadays, the National Council for the Maltese Language (KNM) is the main regulator of the Maltese language (see Maltese Language Act, below) and not the Akkademja tal-Malti. However, these orthography rules are still valid and official.[4]

Written Maltese

Since Maltese evolved after the Normans ended the Arab rule of the islands, a standard, written form of the language was not developed for a long time after the Arabs' expulsion in the eleventh century. Throughout the centuries the use of the Maltese language was discouraged with varying degrees of success. Under the rule of the Order of the Knights of Malta both French and Italian were used for official documents and correspondence. During the British colonial period the use of English was encouraged through education, with Italian regarded as the next most important language.

It was not until 1934 that Maltese was recognised as an official language. Uniquely, no other European country lacked a standardised written form of its language until the nineteenth century, when philologists and academics such as Mikiel Anton Vassalli made a concerted effort to transcribe spoken Maltese in a comprehensive written form. Many examples of written Maltese exist from before this period, always in the Latin alphabet.


From the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe:

English Maltese

The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail.

L-Unjoni hija mibnija fuq il-valuri ta' rispett għad-dinjità tal-bniedem, ta' libertà, ta' demokrazija, ta' ugwaljanza, ta' l-istat tad-dritt u tar-rispett għad-drittijiet tal-bniedem, inklużi d-drittijiet ta' persuni li jagħmlu parti minn minoranzi. Dawn il-valuri huma komuni għall-Istati Membri f'soċjetà karatterizzata mill-pluraliżmu, in-non-diskriminazzjoni, it-tolleranza, il-ġustizzja, is-solidarjetà u l-ugwaljanza bejn in-nisa u l-irġiel.


Although the original vocabulary of the language was Sicilian Arabic, it has incorporated a large number of borrowings from Romance sources of influence (Sicilian, Italian, and French), and more recently Germanic ones (from English).[20]

The historical source of modern Maltese vocabulary is 52% Italian/Sicilian, 32% Siculo-Arabic, and 6% English, with some of the remainder being French.[3][21] In this respect it is similar to English (a Germanic language heavily influenced by Norman French). The result of this highly uneven distribution of loanwords throughout the language is that a speaker of the loanword-source language (in this case Romance or English language speakers) can find a number of familiar words in, for instance, the main page of the Maltese Wikipedia or comprehend the subject of a newspaper article, but cannot understand even such basic Maltese sentences such as Ir-raġel qiegħed fid-dar (The man is in the house). This situation resembles that of a monolingual English speaker, who will often be able to guess the content of something in French if it is formal academic writing, but not understand much simpler sentences.


An analysis of the etymology of the 41,000 words in Aquilina's Maltese-English Dictionary shows that words of Romance origin make up 52% of the Maltese vocabulary,[3] although other sources claim from as low as 40% to as high as 55%.[22][23] These vocabulary tend to deal with more complicated concepts. They are mostly derived from Sicilian and thus exhibit Sicilian phonetic characteristics, such as /u/ in place of /o/ and /i/ in place of /e/ (e.g. tiatru not teatro and fidi not fede). Also, as with Old Sicilian, /ʃ/ (English 'sh') is written 'x' and this produces spellings such as: ambaxxata /ambaʃːaːta/ ('embassy'), xena /ʃeːna/ ('scene' cf. Italian ambasciata, scena).

Maltese Sicilian Italian English
Skola Scola Scuola School
Gvern Cuvernu Governo Government
Repubblika Ripùbblica Repubblica Republic
Re Re Re King
Natura Natura Natura Nature
Pulizija Pulizzìa Polizia Police
Ċentru Centru Centro Centre
Teatru Tiatru Teatro Theatre


There are strong similarities between Maltese and Sicilian words of Arabic origin, on account of the comparable cultural situation and relationship between the two islands. Siculo-Arabic developed into what is now the Maltese language.[24].

Maltese Siculo-Arabic English
Bebbuxu Babbaluciu Snail
Kapunata Caponata Caponata
Qassata Cassata [Sicilian cake]
Ġiebja Gebbia Cistern
Ġunġlier Giuggiulena Sesame seed
Saqqajja Saia Canal
Kenur Tanura Oven
Żaffran Zaffarana Saffron
Zahar Zagara Blossom
Żbib Zibbibbu Raisins
Zokk Zuccu Tree trunk

Quranic Arabic

Żammit (2000) found that 40% of a sample of 1,820 Quranic Arabic roots were found in Maltese, a lower percentage than found in Moroccan (58%) and Lebanese Arabic (72%).[25] An analysis of the etymology of the 41,000 words in Aquilina's Maltese-English Dictionary shows that 32% of the Maltese vocabulary is of Arabic origin[3], although another source claims 40%.[22] Usually, words expressing basic concepts and ideas, such as raġel (man), mara (woman), tifel (boy), dar (house), xemx (sun), sajf (summer), are of Arabic origin.

The Maltese language has merged many of the original Arabic consonants together, in particular the emphatic consonants, with others that are common in European languages. Thus, original Arabic /d/, /ð/, and /dˤ/ all merged into Maltese /d/. The vowels, however, separated from the three in Arabic (/a i u/) to five as is more typical of other European languages (/a ɛ i o u/). Some unstressed short vowels have been elided. The common Arabic greeting as salāmu 'alaykum would look like sliem għalikhom in Maltese.


It is estimated that English loanwords, which are becoming more commonplace, make up 20% of the Maltese vocabulary [22], although other sources claim amounts as low as 6%.[3] This percentage discrepancy is due to the fact that a number of new English loanwords are sometimes not officially considered part of the Maltese vocabulary, hence they are not included in certain dictionaries.[3] English loanwords are generally transliterated, although standard English pronunciation is virtually always retained. Below are a few examples:

Maltese English
Futbol Football
Baskitbol Basketball
Mowbajl Mobile [Phone]
Lift Lift/Elevator
Friġġ Fridge


Maltese grammar is fundamentally derived from Siculo-Arabic, although Romance and English noun pluralization patterns are also used on borrowed words.

Adjectives & Adverbs

As in Italian and other Romance languages, adjectives follow nouns. There are no separately formed native adverbs, and word order is fairly flexible. Both nouns and adjectives of Semitic origin take the definite article (for example It-tifel il-kbir, lit. "The boy the elder"="The elder boy"). This rule does not apply to adjectives of Romance origin.


Nouns are pluralized and also have a dual marker. Semitic plurals are complex; if they are regular, they are marked by -iet/-ijiet, e.g., art, artijiet "lands (territorial possessions or property)" (cf. Arabic -at and Hebrew -ot) or -in (cf. Arabic -īn and Hebrew -im). If irregular, they fall in the pluralis fractus category, in which a word is pluralized by internal vowel changes: ktieb, kotba "books", raġel, irġiel "man", "men".

Words of Romance origin are usually pluralized in two manners: addition of -i or -jiet. For example lingwa, lingwi "languages", from Sicilian lingua, lingui.

Words of English origin are pluralized by adding either an "-s" or "-jiet", for example friġġ, friġis from the word fridge. Some words can be pluralized with either of the suffixes to denote the plural. A few words borrowed from English can amalgamate both suffixes together, like brikksa from the English brick, which can adopt either collective form brikks or the plural form brikksiet.


The enclitic il- is the definite article, equivalent to "the" in English.

The Maltese article becomes l- before or after a vowel.

The Maltese article assimilates to a following coronal consonant (called konsonanti xemxin "sun consonants"), namely:

Maltese il- is coincidentally identical in pronunciation to the one of the Italian masculine articles, il, which is also l’ before (though not after) a vowel. Because of this, many nouns borrowed from Standard Italian did not need to change their article when used in Maltese. (However, most Romance vocabulary in Maltese was taken from Sicilian, and as the Sicilian articles are u and a before a consonant, those did need to change.)


Verbs show a triliteral Semitic pattern, in which a verb is conjugated with prefixes, suffixes, and infixes (for example ktibna, Arabic katabna, Hebrew katavnu "we wrote"). There are two tenses: present and perfect. The Maltese verb system incorporates Romance verbs and adds Maltese suffixes and prefixes to them (for example iddeċidejna "we decided" < (i)ddeċieda 'Romance verb' + -ejna, a Maltese first person plural perfect marker). Arabic only rarely does this, although several Arabic dialects do.


Main article: Languages of Malta: Media

With Malta being a multilingual country, the usage of Maltese in the mass media is shared with other European languages, namely English and Italian. The majority of television stations broadcast from Malta are in English or Maltese, although broadcasts from Italy in Italian are also received on the islands. Similarly, there are more Maltese language radio programs than English ones broadcast from Malta, but again, as with television, Italian broadcasts are also picked up. Maltese generally receives equal usage in newspaper periodicals to English.[4].

The use of the Maltese language on the internet is not altogether common and the number of websites written in Maltese are few. Out of a survey conducted on 13 Maltese websites, 12 of them were English only, and the remainder was bilingual with neither language being Maltese.[26]


Declining usage

Amongst the population, a language shift towards English has begun,[4] and some argue that Maltese is even comparable to a language like Irish, which has been largely displaced by English in its native country.[27]

Increasing input from English and Italian

A tendency in modern Maltese is to adopt further influences from English and Italian.[4] Maltese people tend to prefer to bring their children up in English, while the number of people speaking Italian has also been noted to be increasing due to media outlets.

English words adopted into Maltese are reshaped to seem more apparently Italian or Sicilian, even if the resulting words do not appear in either of those languages. For instance the words "evaluation", "industrial action" and "chemical armaments" become "evalwazzjoni", "azzjoni industrjali", and "armamenti kemikali" in Maltese: none of these terms are found in standard Italian.[28]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ethnologue entry for Maltese
  2. Constitution of Malta, I.5.(1),
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Brincat (2005)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Badia i Capdevila, Ignasi (Spring/Summer 2004). "A view of the linguistic situation in Malta". Noves SL.: Revista de Sociolingüística. Retrieved on 24 November 2008.
  5. Times of Malta, 11 February 2007
  6. "The 'Cantilena'". Retrieved on 2007-07-29.
  7. Vella, Alexandra (2004). "Language contact and Maltese intonation: Some parallels with other language varieties". in Kurt Braunmüller and Gisella Ferraresi. Aspects of Multilingualism in European Language History. Hamburg Studies on Muliculturalism. John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 263. ISBN 9027219222. 
  8. [1]
  9. [2]
  10. L-Akkademja tal-Malti. ""The Maltese Language Academy"".
  11. L-Akkademja tal-Malti. ""The Maltese Language Academy"".
  12. L-Akkademja tal-Malti. ""The Maltese Language Academy"".
  13. C.F. & F.M. Voegelin. 1977. Classification and Index of the World's Languages. Elsevier.
    Merritt Ruhlen. 1991. A Guide to the World's Languages, Volume 1: Classification. Stanford.
    David Dalby. 2000. The Linguasphere Register of the World's Languages and Speech Communities. Linguasphere Observatory.
    Gordon, Raymond G., Jr., ed. 2005. Ethnologue: Languages of the World. 15th ed. Summer Institute of Linguistics.
    Alan S. Kaye & Judith Rosenhouse. 1997. "Arabic Dialects and Maltese," The Semitic Languages. Ed. Robert Hetzron. Routledge. Pages 263-311.
  14. [3]
  15. 15.0 15.1 Mori, Laura. The shaping of Maltese along the centuries: linguistic evidences from a diachronic-typological analysis. Conference "Maltese Linguistics / Lingwistika Maltija"; Universität Bremen; 18th-20th October 2007; retrieved Jul 2008
  16. 16.0 16.1 Stolz, T. (2003) Not quite the right mixture: Chamorro and Malti as candidates for the status of mixed language, in Y. Matras/P. Bakker (eds.) The mixed languages debate. Theoretical and empirical advances. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, p. 287
  17. Hume (1996:165)
  18. Maltese. Albert J. Borg, Marie Azzopardi-Alexander, Azzopardi-Alexa. Routledge, 1997.
  19. Mifsud, Manwel (1995). Loan Verbs in Maltese: A Descriptive and Comparative Study. Brill Publishers. pp. 31. ISBN 9004100911. 
  20. Friggieri (1994:59)
  21. About Malta; GTS; retrieved on [2008-02-24]
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 BBC Education - Languages
  23. 403 Forbidden
  24. Brincat, Joseph, M;Maltese – an unusual formula MED Magazine; [2005-02]; retrieved on [2008-02-22]
  25. Żammit (2000:241-245)
  26. Country report for MINERVA Plus in 2005; Multilingual issues in Malta; Retrieved on [2008-02-24]
  28. [4]


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