Malcolm II of Scotland

Malcolm II
(Máel Coluim mac Cináeda)
King of the Scots
Malcolm II of Scotland.jpg
Fanciful and anachronistic 17th century depiction of the king. It bears no relationship to the king's actual appearance.
Reign 1005–1034
Born c. 980
Died 25 November 1034
Place of death Glamis
Buried Iona
Predecessor Kenneth III (Cináed mac Duib)
Successor Duncan I (Donnchad mac Crínáin)
Offspring Bethóc, other daughters
Royal House Alpin
Father Kenneth II (Cináed mac Maíl Coluim)

Máel Coluim mac Cináeda (Modern Gaelic: Maol Chaluim mac Choinnich),[1] known in modern anglicized regnal lists as Malcolm II (c. 980–25 November, 1034),[2] was King of the Scots from 1005 until his death.[3] He was a son of Kenneth II (Cináed mac Maíl Coluim); the Prophecy of Berchán says that his mother was a woman of Leinster and refers to him as Máel Coluim Forranach, "the destroyer".[4]

To the Irish annals which recorded his death, Malcolm was ard rí Alban, High King of Scotland. In the same way that Brian Bóruma, High King of Ireland, was not the only king in Ireland, Malcolm was one of several kings within the geographical boundaries of modern Scotland: his fellow kings included the king of Strathclyde, who ruled much of the south-west, various Norse-Gael kings of the western coasts and the Hebrides and, nearest and most dangerous rivals, the Kings or Mormaers of Moray. To the south, in the kingdom of England, the Earls of Bernicia and Northumbria, whose predecessors as kings of Northumbria had once ruled most of southern Scotland, still controlled large parts of the south-east.[5]


Early years

In 997, the killer of Constantine III (Causantín mac Cuilén) is credited as being Cináed mac Maíl Coluim, "Kenneth son of Malcolm". Since there is no known and relevant Cináed mac Maíl Coluim alive at that time (Kenneth II, son of Malcolm I, having died in 995), it is considered an error for either Kenneth, son of Dub (Cináed mac Duib), who succeeded Constantine as Kenneth III, or, possibly, Malcolm himself, the son of Kenneth II.[6] Whether Malcolm killed Constantine or not, there is no doubt that in 1005 he killed Constantine's successor Kenneth III in battle at Monzievaird in Strathearn.[7]

John of Fordun writes that Malcolm defeated a Norwegian army "in almost the first days after his coronation", but this is not reported elsewhere. Fordun says that the Bishopric of Mortlach (later moved to Aberdeen) was founded in thanks for this victory over the Norwegians, but this claim appears to have no foundation.[8]


The first reliable report of Malcolm's reign is of an invasion of Bernicia, perhaps the customary crech ríg (literally royal prey, a raid by a new king made to demonstrate prowess in war), which involved a siege of Durham. This appears to have resulted in a heavy defeat, by the Northumbrians led by Uchtred the Bold, later Earl of Bernicia, which is reported by the Annals of Ulster.[9]

A second war in Bernicia, probably in 1018, was more successful. The Battle of Carham, by the River Tweed, was a victory for the Scots led by Malcolm and the men of Strathclyde led by their king, Eógan II (Owen the Bald). By this time Earl Uchtred may have been dead, and Eric of Norway (Eiríkr Hákonarson) was appointed Earl of Northumbria by his brother-in-law Canute the Great, although his authority seems to have been limited to the south, the former kingdom of Deira, and he took no action against the Scots so far as is known.[10] The work De obsessione Dunelmi (The siege of Durham, associated with Symeon of Durham) claims that Uchtred's brother Eadwulf Cudel surrendered Lothian to Malcolm, presumably in the aftermath of the defeat at Carham. This is likely to have been the lands between Dunbar and the Tweed as other parts of Lothian had been under Scots control before this time. It has been suggested that Canute received tribute from the Scots for Lothian, but as he had likely received none from the Bernician Earls this is not very probable.[11]


Canute, reports the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, led an army into Scotland on his return from pilgrimage to Rome. The Chronicle dates this to 1031, but there are reasons to suppose that it should be dated to 1027.[12] Burgundian chronicler Rodulfus Glaber recounts the expedition soon afterwards, describing Malcolm as "powerful in resources and arms ... very Christian in faith and deed."[13] Ralph claims that peace was made between Malcolm and Canute through the intervention of Richard, Duke of Normandy, brother of Canute's wife Emma. Richard died in about 1027 and Rodulfus wrote close in time to the events.[14]

It has been suggested that the root of the quarrel between Canute and Malcolm lies in Canute's pilgrimage to Rome, and the coronation of Holy Roman Emperor Conrad II, where Canute and Rudolph III, King of Burgundy had the place of honour. If Malcolm were present, and the repeated mentions of his piety in the annals make it quite possible that he made a pilgrimage to Rome, as did Macbeth (Mac Bethad mac Findláich) in later times, then the coronation would have allowed Malcolm to publicly snub Canute's claims to overlordship.[15]

Canute obtained rather less than previous English kings, a promise of peace and friendship rather than the promise of aid on land and sea that Edgar and others had obtained. The sources say that Malcolm was accompanied by one or two other kings, certainly Macbeth, and perhaps Echmarcach mac Ragnaill, King of Mann and the Isles, and of Galloway.[16] The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle remarks of the submission "but he [Malcolm] adhered to that for only a little while".[17] Canute was soon occupied in Norway against Olaf Haraldsson and appears to have had no further involvement with Scotland.

Orkney and Moray

A daughter of Malcolm, Donalda of Alba, married Sigurd Hlodvisson, Earl of Orkney.[18] Their son Thorfinn Sigurdsson was said to be five years old when Sigurd was killed on 23 April, 1014 in the Battle of Clontarf. The Orkneyinga Saga says that Thorfinn was raised at Malcolm's court and was given the Mormaerdom of Caithness by his grandfather. Thorfinn, says the Heimskringla, was the ally of the king of Scots, and counted on Malcolm's support to resist the "tyranny" of Norwegian King Olaf Haraldsson.[19] The chronology of Thorfinn's life is problematic, and he may have had a share in the Earldom of Orkney while still a child, if he was indeed only five in 1014.[20] Whatever the exact chronology, before Malcolm's death a client of the king of Scots was in control of Caithness and Orkney, although, as with all such relationships, it is unlikely to have lasted beyond his death.

If Malcolm exercised control over Moray, which is far from being generally accepted, then the annals record a number of events pointing to a struggle for power in the north. In 1020, Macbeth's father Findláech mac Ruaidrí was killed by the sons of his brother Máel Brigte.[21] It seems that Máel Coluim mac Máil Brigti (Malcolm, son of Máel Brigte) took control of Moray, for his death is reported in 1029.[22]

Despite the accounts of the Irish annals, English and Scandinavian writers appear to see Macbeth as the rightful king of Moray: this is clear from their descriptions of the meeting with Canute in 1027, before the death of Máel Coluim mac Máil Brigti. Máel Coluim was followed as king or mormaer by his brother Gille Coemgáin, husband of Gruoch, a granddaughter of King Kenneth III. It has been supposed that Macbeth was responsible for the killing of Gille Coemgáin in 1032, but if Macbeth had a cause for feud in the killing of his father in 1020, Malcolm too had reason to see Gille Coemgáin dead. Not only had Gille Coemgáin's ancestors killed many of Malcolm's kin, but Gille Coemgáin and his son Lulach might be rivals for the throne. Malcolm had no living sons, and the threat to his plans for the succession was obvious. As a result, the following year Gruoch's brother or nephew, who might have eventually become king, was killed by Malcolm.[23]

Strathclyde and the succession

It has traditionally been supposed that King Eógan the Bald of Strathclyde died at the Battle of Carham and that the kingdom passed into the hands of the Scots afterwards. This rests on some very weak evidence. It is far from certain that Eógan died at Carham, and it is reasonable certain that there were kings of Strathclyde as late as the 1054, when Edward the Confessor sent Earl Siward to install "Máel Coluim son of the king of the Cumbrians". The confusion is old, probably inspired by William of Malmesbury and embellished by John of Fordun, but there is no firm evidence that the kingdom of Strathclyde was a part of the kingdom of the Scots, rather than a loosely subjected kingdom, before the time of Malcolm II of Scotland's great-grandson Malcolm III (Máel Coluim mac Donnchada).[24]

By the 1030s Malcolm's sons, if he had had any, were dead. The only evidence that he did have a son or sons is in Rodulfus Glaber's chronicle where Canute is said to have stood as godfather to a son of Malcolm.[25] His grandson Thorfinn would have been unlikely to accepted as king by the Scots, and he chose the sons of his other daughter, Bethóc, who was married to Crínán, lay abbot of Dunkeld, and perhaps Mormaer of Atholl. It may be no more than coincidence, but in 1027 the Irish annals had reported the burning of Dunkeld, although no mention is made of the circumstances.[26] Malcolm's chosen heir, and the first tánaise ríg certainly known in Scotland, was Duncan (Donnchad mac Crínáin).

It is possible that a third daughter of Malcolm married Findláech mac Ruaidrí and that Macbeth was thus his grandson, but this rests on relatively weak evidence.[27]

Death and posterity

Malcolm died in 1034, Marianus Scotus giving the date as 25 November, 1034. The king lists say that he died at Glamis, variously describing him as a "most glorious" or "most victorious" king. The Annals of Tigernach report that "Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, king of Scotland, the honour of all the west of Europe, died." The Prophecy of Berchán, perhaps the inspiration for John of Fordun and Andrew of Wyntoun's accounts where Malcolm is killed fighting bandits, says that he died by violence, fighting "the parricides", suggested to be the sons of Máel Brigte of Moray.[28]

Perhaps the most notable feature of Malcolm's death is the account of Marianus, matched by the silence of the Irish annals, which tells us that Duncan I became king and ruled for five years and nine months. Given that his death in 1040 is described as being "at an immature age" in the Annals of Tigernach, he must have been a young man in 1034. The absence of any opposition suggests that Malcolm had dealt thoroughly with any likely opposition in his own lifetime.[29]

On the question of Malcolm's putative pilgrimage, pilgrimages to Rome, or other long-distance journeys, were far from unusual. Thorfinn Sigurdsson, Canute and Macbeth have already been mentioned. Rognvald Kali Kolsson is known to have gone crusading in the Mediterranean in the 12th century. Nearer in time, Domnall mac Eógain of Strathclyde died on pilgrimage to Rome in 975 as did Máel Ruanaid uá Máele Doraid, King of the Cenél Conaill, in 1025.

Not a great deal is known of Malcolm's activities beyond the wars and killings. The Book of Deer records that Malcolm "gave a king's dues in Biffie and in Pett Meic-Gobraig, and two davochs" to the monastery of Old Deer.[30] He was also probably not the founder of the Bishopric of Mortlach-Aberdeen. John of Fordun has a peculiar tale to tell, related to the supposed "Laws of Malcom MacKenneth", saying that Malcolm gave away all of Scotland, except for the Moot Hill at Scone, which is unlikely to have the least basis in fact.[31]


  1. Máel Coluim mac Cináeda is the Mediaeval Gaelic form.
  2. Skene, Chronicles, pp. 99-100.
  3. Malcolm's birth date is not known, but must have been around 980 if the Flateyjarbók is right in dating the marriage of his daughter and Sigurd Hlodvisson to the lifetime of Olaf Tryggvason; Early Sources, p. 528, quoting Olaf Tryggvason's Saga.
  4. Early Sources, pp. 574–575.
  5. Higham, pp. 226–227, notes that the kings of the English had neither lands nor mints north of the Tees.
  6. Early Sources, pp. 517–518. John of Fordun has Malcolm as the killer; Duncan, p. 46, credits Cináed mac Duib (i.e. King Kenneth III) with the death of Constantine.
  7. Chronicon Scotorum, s.a. 1005; Early Sources, pp. 521–524; Fordun, IV, xxxviii. Berchán places Cináed's death by the Earn.
  8. Early Sources, p. 525, note 1; Fordun, IV, xxxix–xl.
  9. Duncan, pp.27–28; Smyth, pp.236–237; Annals of Ulster, s.a. 1006.
  10. Duncan, pp. 28–29 suggests that Earl Uchtred may not have died until 1018. Fletcher accepts that he died in Spring 1016 and the Eadwulf Cudel was Earl of Bernicia when Carham was fought in 1018; Higham, pp.225–230, agrees. Smyth, pp. 236–237 reserves judgement as to the date of the battle, 1016 or 1018, and whether Uchtred was still living when it was fought. See also Stenton, pp.418–419.
  11. Early Sources, p. 544, note 6; Higham, pp. 226–227.
  12. ASC, Ms D, E and F; Duncan, pp. 29–30.
  13. Early Sources, pp. 545–546.
  14. Ralph was writing in 1030 or 1031; Duncan, p. 31.
  15. Duncan, pp.31–32; the alternative, he notes, that Canute was concerned about support for Olaf Haraldsson, "is no better evidenced."
  16. Duncan, pp.29–30. St. Olaf's Saga, c. 131 says "two kings came south from Fife in Scotland" to meet Canute, suggesting only Malcolm and Macbeth, and that Canute returned their lands and gave them gifts. That Echmarcach was king of Galloway is perhaps doubtful; the Annals of Ulster record the death of Suibne mac Cináeda, rí Gall-Gáedel ("King of Galloway") by Tigernach, in 1034.
  17. ASC, Ms. D, s.a. 1031.
  18. Early Sources, p. 528; Orkneyinga Saga, c. 12.
  19. Orkneyinga Saga, cc. 13–20 & 32; St. Olaf's Saga, c. 96.
  20. Duncan, p.42; reconciling the various dates of Thorfinn's life appears impossible on the face of it. Either he was born well before 1009 and must have died long before 1065, or the accounts in the Orkneyinga Saga are deeply flawed.
  21. Annals of Tigernach, s.a. 1020; Annals of Ulster, s.a. 1020, but the killers are not named. The Annals of Ulster and the Book of Leinster call Findláech "king of Scotland".
  22. Annals of Ulster and Annals of Tigernach, s.a. 1029. Máel Coluim's death is not said to have been by violence and he too is called king rather than mormaer.
  23. Duncan, pp. 29–30, 32–33 and compare Hudson, Prophecy of Berchán, pp. 222–223. Early Sources, p.571; Annals of Ulster, s.a. 1032 & 1033; Annals of Loch Cé, s.a. 1029 & 1033. The identity of the M. m. Boite killed in 1033 is uncertain, being reading as "the son of the son of Boite" or as "M. son of Boite", Gruoch's brother or nephew respectively.
  24. Duncan, pp. 29 & 37–41; Oram, David I, pp. 19–21.
  25. Early Sources, p. 546; Duncan, pp.30–31, understands Rodulfus Glaber as meaning that Duke Richard was godfather to a son of Canute and Emma.
  26. Annals of Ulster and Annals of Loch Cé, s.a. 1027.
  27. Hudson, pp. 224–225 discusses the question and the reliability of Andrew of Wyntoun's chronicle, on which this rests.
  28. Early Sources, pp. 572–575; Duncan, pp. 33–34.
  29. Duncan, pp. 32–33.
  30. Gaelic Notes in the Book of Deer.
  31. Fordun, IV, xliii and Skene's notes; Duncan, p. 150; Barrow, Kingdom of the Scots, p. 39.


For primary sources see also External links below.

  • Anderson, Alan Orr, Early Sources of Scottish History A.D 500–1286, volume 1. Reprinted with corrections. Paul Watkins, Stamford, 1990. ISBN 1-871615-03-8
  • Anon., Orkneyinga Saga: The History of the Earls of Orkney, tr. Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards. Penguin, London, 1978. ISBN 0-14-044383-5
  • Barrow, G.W.S., The Kingdom of the Scots. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2003. ISBN 0-7486-1803-1
  • Duncan, A.A.M., The Kingship of the Scots 842–1292: Succession and Independence. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2002. ISBN 0-7486-1626-8
  • Fletcher, Richard, Bloodfeud: Murder and Revenge in Anglo-Saxon England. Penguin, London, 2002. ISBN 0-14-028692-6
  • John of Fordun, Chronicle of the Scottish Nation, ed. William Forbes Skene, tr. Felix J.H. Skene, 2 vols. Reprinted, Llanerch Press, Lampeter, 1993. ISBN 1-897853-05-X
  • Higham, N.J., The Kingdom of Northumbria AD 350–1100. Sutton, Stroud, 1993. ISBN 0-86299-730-5
  • Hudson, Benjamin T., The Prophecy of Berchán: Irish and Scottish High-Kings of the Early Middle Ages. Greenwood, London, 1996.
  • Smyth, Alfred P. Warlords and Holy Men: Scotland AD 80–1000. Reprinted, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1998. ISBN 0-7486-0100-7
  • Stenton, Sir Frank, Anglo-Saxon England. 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1971 ISBN 0-19-280139-2
  • Sturluson, Snorri, Heimskringla: History of the Kings of Norway, tr. Lee M. Hollander. Reprinted University of Texas Press, Austin, 1992. ISBN 0-292-73061-6

External links

Malcolm II of Scotland
House of Alpin
Born: c. 980 Died: 25 November 1034
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Kenneth (Cináed) III
King of Scots
Succeeded by
Duncan (Donnchad) I