Mahmoud Abbas

Mahmoud Abbas
محمود عباس
Mahmoud Abbas

President of the Palestinian National Authority
Assumed office 
15 January 2005
Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei
Nabil Shaath
Ahmad Qurei
Ismail Haniyeh
Salam Fayyad
Preceded by Rauhi Fattouh

Prime Minister of Palestinian National Authority=
In office
19 March 2003 – 06 September 2003
Preceded by Office created
Succeeded by Ahmad Qurei

Born 26 March 1935 (1935-03-26) (age 74)
Safed, British Mandate of Palestine
Political party Fatah
Spouse Amina Abbas
Religion Muslim - Sunni

Mahmoud Abbas (Arabic: محمود عباسMaḥmūd ʾAbbās) (born March 26, 1935), also known by the kunya Abu Mazen (Arabic: ابو مازن‎), is the Chairman of the PLO since November 11, 2004 and President of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) since January 15, 2005. He is also the President of the "State of Palestine" since November 23, 2008[1] (acting since May 8, 2005[2]).

Abbas is a leading politician in Fatah (فتح Fataḥ). He served as the first Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority from March to October 2003 when he resigned citing lack of support from Israel and the United States as well as "internal incitement" against his government. [3] Before being named Prime Minister, Abbas led the PLO's Negotiations Affairs Department. Abbas is frequently portrayed by Israel and the West as the face of Palestinian moderation.


Childhood and education

Mahmoud Ridha Abbas was born in 1935 in Safed, then part of the British Mandate of Palestine. His family became refugees during the war of 1948 and settled in Syria. In Syria he attended school and graduated from the University of Damascus before going to Egypt where he studied law. Subsequently, Abbas entered graduate studies at the Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, where he earned a Ph.D. His thesis, completed in 1982, was called The Secret Connection between the Nazis and the Leaders of the Zionist Movement.[4][5] In 1984, a book based on Abbas's doctoral dissertation was published in Arabic by Dar Ibn Rushd publishers in Amman, Jordan. His doctoral thesis later became a book, The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism, which, following his appointment as Palestinian Prime Minister in 2003, was heavily criticized as an example of Holocaust denial. In his book, Abbas described the Nazi Holocaust as "The Zionist fantasy, the fantastic lie that six million Jews were killed."[6] He also wrote:

"It seems that the interest of the Zionist movement, however, is to inflate this figure [of Holocaust deaths] so that their gains will be greater. This led them to emphasize this figure [six million] in order to gain the solidarity of international public opinion with Zionism. Many scholars have debated the figure of six million and reached stunning conclusions—fixing the number of Jewish victims at only a few hundred thousand." [7][8][9]

Additionally, he claimed that the much smaller number of Jews which he admitted that the Nazis did massacre were actually the victims of a Zionist-Nazi plot:

"The Zionist movement led a broad campaign of incitement against the Jews living under Nazi rule to arouse the government's hatred of them, to fuel vengeance against them and to expand the mass extermination."[10]

The California-based Simon Wiesenthal Center publicly called for Abbas to clarify his position on the Holocaust, but no clear statement was forthcoming. In an interview with the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv in the mid 90's Abbas tried to frame the issue in terms of realpolitik. "When I wrote The Other Side...we were at war with Israel," Abbas said. "Today I would not have made such remarks...Today there is peace and what I write from now on must help advance the peace process."[11]

As Abbas was appointed prime minister, the Israeli Army discreetly deleted quotes from their website, providing excerpts from the their new partner’s book, questioning the use of gas chambers and talking of less than one million victims, along with statements supporting terrorism.[10] The English translation of the book was also withdrawn by the Simon Wiesenthal Center prior to the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, after a request from the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the U.S. State Department, according to Member of Knesset, Aryeh Eldad.[12]

In his May 2003 interview with Haaretz, Abbas stated:

"I wrote in detail about the Holocaust and said I did not want to discuss numbers. I quoted an argument between historians in which various numbers of casualties were mentioned. One wrote there were 12 million victims and another wrote there were 800,000. I have no desire to argue with the figures. The Holocaust was a terrible, unforgivable crime against the Jewish nation, a crime against humanity that cannot be accepted by humankind. The Holocaust was a terrible thing and nobody can claim I denied it."[13]

Involvement with politics

Abbas, President of the United States George W. Bush, and then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon at the Red Sea Summit in Aqaba, Jordan on June 4, 2003.

In the mid-1950s Abbas became heavily involved in underground Palestinian politics, joining a number of exiled Palestinians in Qatar, where he was Director of Personnel in the emirate's Civil Service. While there, he recruited a number of people who would become key figures in the Palestine Liberation Organization, and was one of the founding members of Fatah in 1957. Yasser Arafat was among other key members.

Throughout the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, Abbas travelled with Arafat and the rest of the PLO leadership in exile to Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia (see article on Yasser Arafat for details). Though he garnered little attention, particularly in the Western media, Abbas is said to have had a powerful behind-the-scenes influence on the PLO. He is regarded as an intellectual pragmatist by some commentators. Abbas began to argue for the recognition of Israel at the times when such position was unpopular in the PLO; Dennis Ross recounts Abbas' words that he was "swimming against the stream" in the 70s trying to move the Fatah towards recognizing Israel. [14] He is credited with initiating secretive contacts with left-wing and pacifist Jewish groups during the 1970s and 80s, and is considered by many to be a major architect of the 1993 Oslo peace accords (evidenced in part by the fact that he travelled with Arafat to the White House to sign the accords).

At the same time he has performed diplomatic duties, presenting a moderating face for PLO policies. Abbas was the first PLO official to visit Saudi Arabia after the Gulf War in January 1993 to mend fences with the Gulf countries for the PLO's opposition to the US attack on Iraq during the crisis. At the 1993 peace accord with Israel, Abbas was the signatory for the PLO on September 13, 1993. He published a memoir, Through Secret Channels: The Road to Oslo (1995) [15].

1972 Olympic Massacre

The Munich massacre occurred at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany, when members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage by the Palestinian terrorist organization Black September, assumed to be an operational cover for Yasser Arafat's Fatah group. The attack led directly to the deaths of 11 Israeli athletes, five of the eight kidnappers, and one German police officer.

Abu Daoud, one of those believed to have planned or executed the Munich attack, alleged that although he did not know what the money would be spent for, Mahmoud Abbas was responsible for securing the funding for the operation in his autobiography, Memoirs of a Palestinian Terrorist (ISBN 978-1-55970-429-8). This allegation has not been confirmed by any other former members or affiliates of Black September, nor has it been verified by any historical studies.

Term as Prime Minister

Bush, center, discusses the Middle East peace process with Sharon and Abbas in Aqaba, Jordan, June 4, 2003.

By early 2003, as both Israel and the United States had indicated their refusal to negotiate with Yasser Arafat, Abbas began to emerge as a candidate for a more visible leadership role. As one of the few remaining founding members of Fatah, he had some degree of credibility within the Palestinian cause, and his candidacy was bolstered by the fact that other high-profile Palestinians were for various reasons not suitable (the most notable, Marwan Bargouti, was under arrest in an Israeli jail). Abbas's reputation as a pragmatist garnered him favor with the West and certain elements of the Palestinian legislature, and pressure was soon brought on Arafat to appoint him Prime Minister. Arafat did so on March 19, 2003; initially Arafat attempted to undermine the post of Prime Minister, but eventually was forced to give Abbas some degree of power.

Mahmoud Abbas meets with Condoleezza Rice and Ehud Olmert

However, the rest of Abbas's term as Prime Minister continued to be characterized by numerous conflicts between him and Arafat over the distribution of power between the two. Abbas had often hinted he would resign if not given more control over the PA's administration. In early September 2003 he confronted the PA parliament over this issue. The United States and Israel accused Arafat of constantly undermining Abbas and his government.

Abbas with then President of Russia Vladimir Putin in Ramallah on 29 April 2005.

In addition, Abbas came into conflict with Palestinian militant groups, notably Islamic Jihad and Hamas; his pragmatic policies were opposed to their hard-line approach. However, he made it perfectly clear that he was forced to abandon, for the moment, the use of arms against Israeli civilians inside the green line due to its ineffectiveness; the Abbas doctrine allowed for selective terrorism.[16]

Initially he pledged not to use force against the militants, in the interest of avoiding a civil war, and instead attempted negotiation. This was partially successful, resulting in a pledge from the two groups to honor a unilateral Palestinian cease-fire. However, continuing violence and Israeli "target killings" of known leaders forced Abbas to pledge a crackdown in order to uphold the Palestinian Authority's side of the Road Map for Peace. This led to a power struggle with Arafat over control of the Palestinian security services; Arafat refused to release control to Abbas, thus preventing him from using them in a crackdown on militants.

Abbas resigned from the post of Prime Minister in October 2003, citing lack of support from Israel and the United States as well as "internal incitement" against his government. [17]

2005 presidential election

Part of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
and Arab–Israeli conflict series
peace process
Israel with the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights
      West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights a
Negotiating parties
Palestinian flag
Flag of Israel
History of the peace process
Camp David Accords · Madrid Conference
Oslo Accords / Oslo II · Hebron Agreement
Wye River / Sharm e-Sheikh memoranda
Camp David 2000 Summit · Taba Summit
Road map · Annapolis Conference
Primary negotiation concerns
Antisemitic incitements · Israeli settlements
Israeli West Bank barrier · Jewish state
Palestinian political violence
Palestinian refugees · Palestinian state
Places of worship · Status of Jerusalem
Palestinian flag  Current leaders  Flag of Israel
Mahmoud Abbas
Salam Fayyad
Ehud Olmert
Shimon Peres
International brokers
Diplomatic Quartet · Arab League · Egypt
Flag of the United Nations Flag of Europe Flag of Russia Flag of the United States Flag of the League of Arab States Flag of Egypt
Other proposals
Arab Peace Initiative · Elon Peace Plan
Lieberman Plan · Geneva Accord · Hudna
Israel's unilateral disengagement plan
Israel's realignment plan
Peace-orientated projects · Peace Valley plan

a The Golan Heights are not part of the Israeli-Palestinian process.

After Yasser Arafat's death Mahmoud Abbas was seen, at least by Fatah, as his natural successor.

On November 25, Abbas was endorsed by Fatah's Revolutionary Council as its preferred candidate for the Palestinian presidential election, scheduled for January 9, 2005.

On December 14, Abbas called for an end to violence in the Al-Aqsa Intifada and a return to peaceful resistance. Abbas told the Asharq al-Awsat newspaper that "the use of arms has been damaging and should end". However, he refused to disarm Palestinian militants and use force to act against groups that Israel, the United States, and the European Union designated as "terrorist organizations".

With Israeli forces arresting and restricting the movement of other candidates, Hamas's boycott of the election, and his campaign being given 94% of Palestine TV electoral campaign coverage, Abbas' election was virtually ensured,[18] and on January 9 Abbas was elected with 62% of the vote as the new president of the Palestinian Authority. (See Palestinian presidential election, 2005 for election statistics.)

In his speech, he addressed a crowd of supporters chanting "a million shahids", stating: "I present this victory to the soul of Yasser Arafat and present it to our people, to our martyrs and to 11,000 prisoners". He also called for Palestinian groups to end the use of arms against Israelis.[19][20]

Post 2005 presidential election

Despite Abbas' call for a peaceful solution, attacks by militant groups continued after his election, in a direct challenge to his authority. Islamic Jihad launched a raid in Gaza on January 12, killing one and wounding three military personnel in Gaza. On January 13, Palestinians from al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Popular Resistance Committees launched a suicide attack on the Karni crossing, killing six Israelis. As a result, Israel shut down the damaged terminal and broke off relations with Abbas and the Palestinian Authority, stating that Abbas must now show a gesture of peace by attempting to stop such attacks.

Abbas was formally sworn in as the Chairman of the Palestinian National Authority in a ceremony held on January 15 in the West Bank town of Ramallah.

On January 23 2005, Israeli radio reported that Abbas had secured a 30-day ceasefire from Hamas and Islamic Jihad. On February 12, lone Palestinians attacked Israel settlements and Abbas quickly fired some of his security officers for not stopping the attacks in a ceasefire.

On April 9 2005, Abbas said that the killing of three Palestinians in southern Gaza by Israeli soldiers is a deliberate violation of the declared ceasefire deal. "This violation is made on purpose," Abbas said in a written statement sent to reporters in the West Bank city of Ramallah. Abbas made the statement shortly after three Palestinian teenage boys were shot dead by Israeli troops in the southern Gaza town of Rafah. Israel claimed they thought the boys were attempting to smuggle weapons, while Palestinians claimed a group of boys were playing soccer and three of them went to retrieve the ball near the border fence. [21]

"The Palestinian National Authority will not turn a blind eye to the shedding of the blood of our people and our children. We can never accept opening fire at our children who pose no danger at all," said Abbas. Abbas said the Palestinian children "are as precious to their parents as the Israeli children to their parents." Condemning the Israeli shooting as "unjustified", Abbas urged Israel to take serious actions to show commitment to the truce.

In May 2005, Abbas travelled to the White House and met with President George W. Bush of the United States. Bush, in return for Abbas' crackdown on terrorists, pledged $50 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority and reiterated the U.S. pledge for a free Palestinian state. It was the first direct aid the United States has given to them, as previous donations have gone through non-governmental organizations. The next day Prime Minister Paul Martin of Canada pledged $9.5 million in new aid for judicial reform and housing projects, monitors for the coming Palestinian elections, border management and scholarships for Palestinian refugee women in Lebanon. [22]

On July 25, 2005 he announced that he will move his office to Gaza until the complete withdrawal of Israeli troops. He will also be co-ordinating the Palestinian side of the withdrawal, and to mediate between the different factions. [23]

On August 9, 2005 he announced that Palestinian legislative elections, originally scheduled for July 17, will take place in January 2006. On January 15, 2006 he declared that despite unrest in Gaza, he would not change the set date of the elections (January 25), unless Israel decided to prevent Palestinians in East Jerusalem from voting.[24] Hamas won a majority of votes in the PA legislature in this vote.[25]

Fatah-Hamas conflict and Gaza crisis

On January 16, 2006, Abbas said that he would not run for office again at the end of his current term. [26]

On May 25, Abbas gave Hamas a ten-day deadline to accept the 1967 cease-fire lines.

On June 2, Abbas again announced that if Hamas did not approve the prisoner's document—which calls for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict according to the 1967 borders—within two days, he would present the initiative as a referendum. This deadline was subsequently extended until June 10, 2006. Hamas spokesmen stated that a change in their stance would not occur, and that Abbas is not constitutionally permitted to call a referendum, especially so soon after the January elections.

Mahmoud Abbas warned Hamas on October 8, 2006 that he would call new legislative elections if it does not accept a coalition government. To recognize Israel was a condition he has presented for a coalition. But it was not clear if Abbas had the power to call new elections.[25]

On December 16, 2006 Abbas called for new legislative elections, to bring an end to the parliamentary stalemate between Fatah and Hamas in forming a national unity government. [27]

On March 17, 2007 a Palestinian unity government was formed incorporating members of both Hamas and Fatah, with Ismail Haniyeh as Prime Minister and independent politicians taking many key portfolios.

On June 14, 2007 Abbas dissolved the Hamas-led unity government of prime minister Ismail Haniyeh, declared a state of emergency, and appointed Salam Fayyad in his place. This followed action by Hamas armed forces to take control of Palestinian Authority positions that were in control of US and Israeli-armed and supported Fatah militias. The appointment of Fayyad to replace Haniyeh has been challenged as illegal, because under the Palestinian Basic Law, the President of the Palestinian Authority may dismiss a sitting prime minister, but may not appoint a replacement without the approval of the Palestinian Legislative Council. According to the law, until a new prime minister is thus appointed, the outgoing prime minister heads a caretaker government. Fayyad's appointment was never placed before, or approved by the Palestinian Legislative Council.[28]. For this reason, Ismail Haniyeh the Hamas prime minister has continued to operate in Gaza, and be recognized as by a large number of Palestinians as the legitimate caretaker prime minister. Anis al-Qasem, the Palestinian constitutional lawyer who drafted the Basic Law, is among those who publicly declared Abbas' appointment of Fayyad to be illegal.[29].

On June 18, 2007, the EU promised to resume direct aid to the Palestinian Authority, Abbas dissolved the National Security Council, a sticking point in the defunct unity government with Hamas. [30] That same day, the United States decided to end its 15-month embargo on the Palestinian Authority and resume aid, attempting to strengthen Abbas's West Bank government. [31] One day later, the Fatah Central Committee cut off all ties and dialogue with Hamas, pending the return of Gaza. [32]

Abbas told March 2, 2008 he was suspending peace talks with Israel, while Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert vowed to press on with the deadly military operations against militants who have been launching increasingly powerful rockets into southern Israel.[33]

On May 20, 2008, Abbas stated he would resign from his office if the current round of peace talks had not yielded an agreement in principle "within six months". He also stated that the current negotiations were, in effect, deadlocked: "So far, we have not reached an agreement on any issue. Any report indicating otherwise is simply not true." [34]



  1. PLO body elects Abbas 'president of Palestine', AFP (November 23, 2008)
  2. [direct-0=document_id PLO asks Mahmud Abbas to be acting president of "state of Palestine"], Al-Jazeera TV, Doha (May 8, 2005)
  3. Palestinian prime minister Abbas resigns (CNN)
  4. Was Abu Mazen a Holocaust Denier? By Brynn Malone (History News Network)
  5. Abu Mazen: A Political Profile. Zionism and Holocaust Denial by Yael Yehoshua (MEMRI) April 29, 2003
  6. Arie Stav in the 1995 issue of the Israeli journal Nativ, as quoted by Charles A. Morse: The Nazism of Abu Mazen Enter Stage Right April 14, 2003.
  7. A Holocaust-Denier as Prime Minister of "Palestine"? by Dr. Rafael Medoff (The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies)
  8. Abu Mazen and the Holocaust by Tom Gross
  9. PA Holocaust Denial by Itamar Marcus (Palestinian Media Watch)
  10. 10.0 10.1 Chris McGreal: Arafat forced to give up most powers to new PM The Guardian March 19, 2003.
  11. Ernst Zundel: 1970s-1990s: Beginnings of Denial in Middle East Anti-Defamation League, 2001.
  12. Trying To "Launder" Abu Mazen Arutz Sheva News Service March 12, 2003.
  13. Interview with Mahmoud Abbas by Akiva Eldar, Haaretz. May 2003
  14. Abbas Keeps His Eyes on the Big Picture, by Dennis Ross, Los Angeles Times, July 14, 2003.
  15. Book published by Garnet Publishing, United Kingdom
  16. 16.0 16.1 Itamar Marcus:A Self Portrait of Mahmoud Abbas Palestinian Media Watch May 19, 2003.
  17. Palestinian prime minister Abbas resigns (CNN)
  18. Final Report on Monitoring the Presidential Palestinian Elections (Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies) January 1, 2005
  19. Abbas achieves landslide poll win BBC. January 10, 2005
  20. Abu Mazen: Little Jihad is Over, Big Jihad Starts (Israel National News) January 10, 2005
  21. Israeli troops kill Palestinian teenagers (Aljazeera) April 10, 2005
  22. Canada pledges aid to Abbas (Aljazeera) 28 May 2005
  23. Abbas moves to Gaza for pullout (BBC) July 25, 2005
  24. Abbas: Palestinian polls on schedule (Aljazeera) January 15, 2006
  25. 25.0 25.1 Abbas Threatens Hamas With New Elections (INN) October 08, 2006
  26. Abbas 'will not be leader again' (BBC) January 16, 2006
  27. Palestinian president calls for early elections (CNN) December 16, 2006
  28. Whose Coup Exactly?, The Electronic Intifada, June, 18, 2007
  29. Opinion of lawyer who drafted Palestinian law, Reuters, July 8, 2007. Accessed August 7, 2007
  30. The Associated Press (2007-06-18). "Abbas dissolves Palestinian National Security Council, rallying international support". International Herald Tribune.
  31. U.S. ends embargo on Palestinian Authority in move to bolster Fatah (International Herald Tribune) June 19, 2007
  32. Fatah's leadership decides to cut off all contacts with Hamas (IHT/AP) June 19, 2007
  33. Abbas suspends peace talks with Israel (CNN/AP) March 2, 2008
  34. Analysis: The Palestinians' trump card -

External links

Political offices
Preceded by
Office created
Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority
Succeeded by
Ahmed Qurei
Preceded by
Yasser Arafat
Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization
2004 – present
Preceded by
Rawhi Fattuh
President of the Palestinian National Authority
2005 – present