Anorexia (symptom)
This article is about the symptom of decreased appetite. For the eating disorder, please see
Anorexia nervosa.
Anorexia (deriving from the Greek "α(ν)-" (a(n)-, a prefix that denotes absence) + "όρεξη (orexe) = appetite) is the decreased sensation of appetite. While the term in non-scientific publications is often used interchangeably with anorexia nervosa, there are many possible causes for a decreased appetite, some of which may be harmless while others pose significant risk for the person.
The most common form of anorexia is simply satiation following the consumption of food. This happens in all normal humans and is called postprandial anorexia. Disorders that cause (harmful) anorexia include severe depression, cancer, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, dementia, AIDS, Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome, Acute Radiation Syndrome, and chronic renal failure and the use of certain drugs, particularly stimulants and opioid painkillers such as cocaine and diacetylmorphine. Abrupt cessation of appetite-increasing drugs, such as marijuana, can cause loss of appetite as well. Environmentally induced disorders such as altitude sickness can also trigger an acute form of anorexia. Anorexia may also be seen in congestive heart failure, perhaps due to congestion of the liver with venous blood.
Although the presenting symptom (the one which prompts a patient to seek medical attention) in acute appendicitis is abdominal pain, patients virtually always experience anorexia as well, possibly accompanied by an early episode of vomiting.
Some substances, antidepressants for example, can have anorexia as a side effect. Most notoriously, however, chemicals that are a member of the phenethylamine family are known to have more intense anorectic properties. For this reason, many individuals suffering from anorexia nervosa may seek to use these medications to suppress appetite. Such prescription substances include methylphenidate (Ritalin & Concerta), dextromethylphenidate (Focalin), amphetamine (Adderall), dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine & Dextrostat)), and dextromethamphetamine (Desoxyn), which are indicated for the treatment of ADD & ADHD and narcolepsy. In some cases, these substances are prescribed to patients prior to undergoing an operation requiring general anesthesia. This is a prophylactic measure taken to ensure no food will back up into the esophagus and cause the patient to stop breathing during the procedure.
Symptoms and signs: general (R50-R69, 780-789) |
Fever |
Hyperpyrexia - Fever of unknown origin
Pain |
Malaise/Fatigue |
Asthenia - Debility
Fainting/syncope |
Vasovagal syncope - Carotid sinus syncope - Heat syncope
Ingestion |
food and fluid intake (Anorexia, Polydipsia, Polyphagia) - Cachexia - Xerostomia
Anorexia/ Weight loss
Hemodynamic |
Shock: Cardiogenic - Hypovolemic - Distributive (Septic, Neurogenic)
Edema: Peripheral edema - Anasarca
Hyperaemia: Functional - Reactive
Underdevelopment |
Delayed milestone - Failure to thrive - Short stature (Idiopathic)
Other |
Common cold |
Viruses |
Rhinovirus - Coronavirus - Human parainfluenza viruses - Human respiratory syncytial virus - Adenovirus - Enterovirus - Metapneumovirus
Symptoms |
Pharyngitis - Rhinorrhea - Nasal congestion - Sneezing - Cough - Muscle aches - Fatigue - Malaise - Headache - Weakness - Loss of appetite
Complications |
Antiviral drugs |
Pleconaril (experimental)