Katherine Mansfield

Kathleen Mansfield Murry
Born October 14, 1888(1888-10-14)
Wellington, New Zealand
Died January 9, 1923 (aged 34)
Fontainebleau, France
Pen name Katherine Mansfield
Nationality New Zealand
Literary movement Modernism
Relative(s) Elizabeth von Arnim (cousin)

Kathleen Mansfield Murry (14 October 1888 – 9 January 1923) was a prominent New Zealand modernist writer of short fiction who wrote under the pen name of Katherine Mansfield.



The pleasure of reading is doubled when one lives with another who shares the same books. — Katherine Mansfield
Katherine Mansfield Birthplace in Thorndon, Wellington.

Early life

Mansfield was born Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp, in 1888, into a socially prominent family in Wellington, New Zealand. The daughter of a banker and born to a middle-class colonial family, she was also a first cousin of author Countess Elizabeth von Arnim. Mansfield had two older sisters and a younger brother, born in 1894.[1] Her father, Harold Beauchamp, went on to become the chairman of the Bank of New Zealand and was also knighted.[2] The Mansfield family moved to Karori in 1893, where Mansfield would spend the happiest years of her childhood; she later used her memories of this time as an inspiration for the Prelude story.[2]

Her first published stories appeared in the High School Reporter and the Wellington Girls' High School magazine (the family returned to Wellington proper in 1898),[2] in 1898 and 1899.[3] She became enamoured with a cellist, Arnold Trowell (Mansfield herself was an accomplished cellist, having received lessons from Trowell's father),[2] in 1902, although the feelings were largely unreciprocated.[4] Mansfield wrote, in her journals, of feeling alienated to some extent in New Zealand, and, in general terms, of how she became disillusioned due to the repression of the Māori people—who were often portrayed in a sympathetic or positive light in her later stories, such as How Pearl Button Was Kidnapped.[1]

She moved to London in 1903, where she attended Queen's College, along with her two sisters. Mansfield recommenced playing the cello, an occupation that she believed, during her time at Queen's, she would take up professionally,[4] but she also began contributing to the school newspaper, with such a dedication to it that she eventually became editor during this period.[1][3] She was particularly interested in the works of the French Symbolists and Oscar Wilde,[1] and she was appreciated amongst peers for her vivacious and charismatic approach to life and work.[3] She met fellow writer Ida Baker (also known as Lesley Moore),[1] a South African, at the college, and the pair became lifelong friends.[2] Mansfield did not become involved in much political activity when she lived in London; for example, she did not actively support the suffragette movement in the UK (women in New Zealand had gained the right to vote in 1893).[1]

Mansfield first began journeying into continental Europe from 1903–1906, mainly to Belgium and Germany. After finishing her schooling in England, Mansfield returned to her New Zealand home in 1906, only then beginning to write short stories. She had several works published in the Native Companion (Australia), which was her first paid writing work, and by this time she had her mind set on becoming a professional writer.[3] It was also the first occasion on which she used the pseudonym 'K. Mansfield'.[4] She rapidly wearied of the provincial New Zealand lifestyle, and her family, during this time, and two years later headed again for London.[1] Her father sent her an annual subsidy of £100 for the rest of her life.[2] In later years, she would express both admiration and disdain for New Zealand in her journals, and she was never able to visit there again, partly due to her tuberculosis.[1]

Mansfield had two lesbian relationships during this period, notable for their pre-eminence in her journal entries. Mansfield biographer Angela Smith has said that this is evidence of her "transgressive impetus", although Mansfield continued to have male lovers, and attempted to repress her feelings at certain times.[1] Her first relationship, with Maata Mahupuku, a half-Māori girl whom Mansfield had first met in Wellington, and then again in London. In June 1907 she wrote: "I want Maata—I want her as I have had her—terribly. This is unclean I know but true." The second relationship, with Edith Kathleen Bendall, took place from 1906 to 1908, and Mansfield also professed her adoration for her in her journals.[5]

Return to London

Back in London in 1908, Mansfield quickly fell into the bohemian way of life lived by many artists and writers of that era (although she only published one story and one poem during her first 15 months there).[3] Mansfield sought out the Trowell family for companionship, and whilst Arnold was involved with another woman, Mansfield embarked on a passionate affair with his brother, Garnet.[4] By early 1909, she had become impregnated with his child, though Trowell's parents disapproved of the relationship, and the two broke up. She hastily entered into a marriage, with a singing teacher 11 years her elder,[6] George Bowden, on March 2, but left him the same evening, having failed to consummate the marriage.[4] After a brief reunion with Garnet, Mansfield's mother, Annie Beauchamp, arrived in 1909. She blamed the breakdown of the marriage on a lesbian relationship between Mansfield and Ida Baker, and she quickly had her daughter despatched to a spa town, Bad Wörishofen, in Bavaria, Germany. Mansfield had at some point miscarried the child, although it is not known whether her mother knew of this when she left shortly after arriving in Germany (Mansfield was subsequently cut out of her mother's will).[4]

Mansfield's time in Bavaria was to have a significant effect on her literary outlook. She was introduced to the works of Anton Chekov, a writer who proved to have greater influence upon her writing in the short-term than Wilde, with whom she been fixated on during her earlier years. She returned to London in January 1910, and had over a dozen works published in A.R. Orage's The New Age, a socialist magazine and highly-regarded intellectual publication. She became a friend and lover of Beatrice Hastings, who herself lived with Orage.[7] Her experiences of Germany formed the foundation of her first published collection, In a German Pension,[4] in 1911, a work that was lauded by a number of critics (and enjoyed for its unfavourable portrayal of Germans) but that she later described as "immature".[3] The most successful story from this work was Frau Brechenmacher Attends a Wedding.[4]

Meeting Murry

Although discouraged by the volume's relative lack of success, Mansfield submitted a lightweight story to a new avant-garde magazine called Rhythm. The piece was rejected by the magazine's editor, John Middleton Murry, who requested something darker. Mansfield responded with The Woman at the Store a tale of murder and mental illness.[1] Mansfield was inspired by Fauvism, a contemporary art movement of the period, in her writing, as well as Chekhov; although, the literary style of neither (Fauvist literature has been described as 'savage') had a profound affect on her writing in the long-term.[1][4]

Mansfield and Murray had begun, in 1911, a relationship that would culminate in their marriage in 1918. They led a troubled life during this time. In October 1912, the publisher of Rhythm, Stephen Swift, absconded to Europe, and left Murry responsible for the debts the magazine had accumulated. Mansfield pledged her father's allowance towards it, but it discontinued, being reorganized as Blue Review in 1913, before folding after three issues.[4] Mansfield and Murry moved to a village in Buckinghamshire in 1913, in an attempt to alleviate Mansfield of her ill health (she was suffering from, amongst other things, an as yet undiagnosed gonorrhoea). Later that year, they moved to Paris, with the hope that the change of setting would make writing for both of them easier. However, Mansfield only wrote one story during her time there (Something Childish But Very Natural) before Murry was recalled to London, declared bankrupt.[4] Mansfield also left Murry twice from 1911–13, before returning.[8] Mansfield had an affair in 1914, when she embarked on a brief relationship with French writer Francis Carco; her visiting him, in Paris in February 1915,[4] was retold in one of her short stories, An Indiscreet Journey.[1]

Mansfield's life and work were changed forever by the death of her brother, a soldier fighting in World War I, in 1915. She was shocked and traumatized by the experience, so much so that her work began to take refuge in the nostalgic reminiscences of their childhood in New Zealand.[9] In a poem, describing a dream she had shortly after his death, she wrote

By the remembered stream my brother stands
Waiting for me with berries in his hands...
'These are my body. Sister, take and eat.'[1]

Despite this turbulence in Mansfield's life, she entered into her most productive period of writing in early 1916, and her relationship with Murry also improved.[1] The couple had befriended D. H. Lawrence, and his wife, Frieda von Richthofen in 1913, and maintained a strong relationship with them up until a falling out in 1916. However, Mansfield began to broaden her literary acquaintances for the remainder of the year, encountering Virginia Woolf, T. S. Eliot, Lytton Strachey, and Bertrand Russell through social gatherings and introductions from others.[1]

At the beginning of 1917, Mansfield and Murry separated,[1] although he continued to visit her at her new apartment.[4] Baker, whom Mansfield often called, with mixture of affection and disdain, her "wife", moved in with her shortly afterwards.[6] Mansfield entered into her most prolific period of writing post-1916, which began with several stories, including Mr Reginald Peacock's Day and A Dill Pickle being published in The New Age. Woolf and her husband, Leonard, who had recently set up Hogarth Press, approached her for a story, and Mansfield presented Prelude, a story she had begun writing in 1915 as The Aloe. The story is centred around a family of New Zealanders moving home, with little external plot. Although it failed reach a wider audience, and was little noticed and criticized upon its release in 1918, it later became one of Mansfield's most celebrated works.[4]

In December 1917, Mansfield became ill, and was diagnosed with tuberculosis. Rejecting the idea of a sanatorium on the basis that it would cut her off from writing,[3] she took the only available option, which was to move abroad during the English winter.[4] She moved to Bandol, France, but stayed at half-deserted and cold hotel, where she became depressed. However, she continued to produce stories, including Je ne parle pas français, one of her darker works (believed to have been inspired by Fyodor Dostoevsky's Notes from the Underground, it is a deeply personal work that casts Murry in negative light). Bliss, the story which would lend its name to her second collection of stories in 1920, was also published in 1918. Her health continued to deteriorate though, and she had her first lung haemorrhage in March.[4]

By April, Mansfield's divorce of Bowden was finalized, and she and Murry married, although they split two weeks later.[4] They rejoined, and in March 1919, Murry became editor of Athenaeum, a prestigious weekly journal. Mansfield wrote over 100 reviews for the magazine, and they were published as a collection, posthumously, in Novels and Novelists by Murry. For the winter of 1918–19, she and Baker stayed in a villa in San Remo, Italy. Their relationship came under strain during this period, and after writing to Murry express her feelings of depression, he stayed over Christmas.[4] Although her relationship with Murry became increasingly distant after 1918,[4] and the two often lived apart,[8] this intervention of his was able to spur her on, and she wrote The Man Without a Temperament, the story of an ill wife and her long suffering husband. Biographer Joanna Woods has said that this work signalled a turning point for Mansfield, when she was able to display a "new objectivity that gives the story a universal dimension".[4]

"Miss Brill," the bittersweet story of a fragile woman living an ephemeral life of observation and simple pleasures in Paris, established Mansfield as one of the preeminent writers of the Modernist period, upon its publication in 1920's Bliss. The title story from that collection, "Bliss," which involved a similar character facing her husband's infidelity, also found critical acclaim. She followed with the equally praised collection, The Garden Party, published in 1922.

Final years

Mansfield spent her last years seeking increasingly unorthodox cures for her tuberculosis. In February 1922, she consulted the Russian physician Ivan Manoukhin. His "revolutionary" treatment, which consisted of bombarding her spleen with X-rays, caused Mansfield to develop heat flashes and numbness in her legs.

The Dictionary of National Biography reports that she now came to feel that her attitude to life had been unduly rebellious, and she sought, during the days that remained to her, to renew and compose her spiritual life. In October 1922, Mansfield moved to Georges Gurdjieff's Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man in Fontainebleau, France, where she was under the care of Olgivanna Lazovitch Hinzenburg (later, Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright). Mansfield suffered a fatal pulmonary hemorrhage in January 1923, after running up a flight of stairs to show Murry how well she was.[10] She was buried in a cemetery in the Fontainebleau District in the town of Avon.

Mansfield proved to be a prolific writer in the final years of her life, and much of her prose and poetry remained unpublished at her death. Murry took on the task of editing and publishing her works.

His efforts resulted in two additional volumes of short stories in 1923 (The Dove's Nest) and in 1924 (Something Childish), as well as her Poems, The Aloe, a collection of critical writings (Novels and Novelists) and a number of editions of Mansfield's previously unpublished letters and journals.


Katherine Mansfield is widely considered one of the best short story writers of her period. A number of her works, including "Miss Brill", "Prelude", "The Garden Party", "The Doll's House", and later works such as "The Fly", are frequently collected in short story anthologies. Mansfield also proved ahead of her time in her adoration of Russian playwright and short story writer Anton Chekhov, and incorporated some of his themes and techniques into her writing.

Mount Roskill Grammar School in Auckland, Rangiora High School in North Canterbury, Tauranga Girls' College in Tauranga, Westlake Girls' High School in Auckland, Macleans College in Auckland, Wellington Girls' College in Wellington, Westlake Girls' High School in Auckland, Southland Girls' High School in Invercargill and Rangitoto College in Auckland have a house named after her. Karori Normal School in Wellington has a stone monument dedicated to her with a plaque commemorating her work and her time at the school.

A street in Menton, France, where she lived and wrote, is named after her and a Fellowship is offered annually to enable a New Zealand writer to work at her former home, the Villa Isola Bella. New Zealand's pre-eminent short story competition is also named in her honour.



Short stories

See also


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 Katherine Mansfield (2002). Selected Stories. Oxford World's Classics. ISBN 9780192839862. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 "Katherine Mansfield:1888 - 1923 - A Biography". Katharinemansfield.com. Retrieved on 2008-10-12.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 "Mansfield: Her Writing". Katharinemansfield.com. Retrieved on 2008-10-12.
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 Joanna Woods (2007). "Katherine Mansfield, 1888-1923". Kōtare 2007, Special Issue — Essays in New Zealand Literary Biography — Series One: ‘Women Prose Writers to World War I’. Victoria University of Wellington. Retrieved on 2008-10-13.
  5. Alison J. Laurie. "Queering Katherine". Victoria University of Wellington. Retrieved on 2008-10-23.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Ali Smith (2007-04-07). "So many afterlives from one short life". The Telegraph. Retrieved on 2008-10-13.
  7. "As mad and bad as it gets", Frank Witford, The Sunday Times, July 30, 2006
  8. 8.0 8.1 Kathleen Jones. "Katherine’s relationship with John Middleton Murry". Retrieved on 2008-10-22.
  9. "Katherine Mansfield". Britishempire.co.uk. Retrieved on 2007-05-25.
  10. Susan Kavaler-Adler (1996). The Creative Mystique: From Red Shoes Frenzy to Love and Creativity. pp. p 113. ISBN 0415914124. http://books.google.com/books?id=OP_bJDyvBnoC&pg=PT126&lpg=PT126&dq=%22katherine+mansfield%22+stairs+murry&source=web&ots=lvc5Oqts0R&sig=dC2mYDmOQUv0jVqujB9-qYO9vGQ. 

External links

NAME Mansfield, Katherine
ALTERNATIVE NAMES Murray, Katherine Mansfield; Beauchamp, Katherine Mansfield
DATE OF BIRTH 14 October 1888
PLACE OF BIRTH Wellington New Zealand.
DATE OF DEATH 9 January 1923)
PLACE OF DEATH Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man, Fontainebleau, France