Jōyō kanji

Japanese writing Japanese writing





The jōyō kanji (常用漢字?) is the kanji characters as a guide announced officially by the Japanese Ministry of Education. Current jōyō kanji are 1,945 characters issued on October 10, 1981. It is a slightly modified version of the tōyō kanji, which was the initial list of secondary school-level kanji standardized after World War II.

The 1,945 kanji in the jōyō kanji consist of:


Changes from the tōyō kanji

The jōyō kanji list added 95 kanji not included in the tōyō kanji. Additionally, the character 燈 of the tōyō kanji was replaced by the simplified form 灯.

The kanji found among the jōyō kanji but not the tōyō kanji are listed here:

猿 凹 渦 靴 稼 拐 涯 垣 殻 潟 喝 褐 缶 頑 挟 矯 襟 隅 渓 蛍 嫌 洪 溝 昆 崎 皿 桟 傘 肢 遮 蛇 酌 汁 塾 尚 宵 縄 壌 唇 甚 据 杉 斉 逝 仙 栓 挿 曹 槽 藻 駄 濯 棚 挑 眺 釣 塚 漬 亭 偵 泥 搭 棟 洞 凸 屯 把 覇 漠 肌 鉢 披 扉 猫 頻 瓶 雰 塀 泡 俸 褒 朴 僕 堀 磨 抹 岬 妄 厄 癒 悠 羅 竜 戻 枠


See also

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