John Napier

John Napier
John Napier (1550-1617)
John Napier (1550-1617)
Born 1550
Merchiston Tower, Edinburgh, Scotland
Died 4 April, 1617
Edinburgh, Scotland
Residence Scotland
Nationality Scottish
Fields Mathematician
Alma mater St Andrews University
Known for Logarithms
Napier's bones
Decimal notation
Influences Henry Briggs
Religious stance Protestant
For other people with the same name, see John Napier (disambiguation).

John Napier of Merchistoun (1550 – 4 April 1617) - also signed as Neper, Nepair - named Marvellous Merchiston, was a Scottish mathematician, physicist, astronomer/astrologer and 8th Laird of Merchistoun, son of Sir Archibald Napier of Merchiston. He is most remembered as the inventor of logarithms and Napier's bones, and for popularizing the use of the decimal point. Napier's birth place, Merchiston Tower, Edinburgh, Scotland, is now part of Napier University. After dying of gout, Napier was buried in St Cuthbert's Church, Edinburgh.


Advances in mathematics

Napier is relatively most-known inside mathematical and engineering circles, where he made what is undoubtedly a key advance in the use of mathematics. Logarithms are the opposite of powered numbers, and made calculations by hand much easier and quicker, and thereby opened the way to many later scientific advances. His work, Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio, contained fifty-seven pages of explanatory matter and ninety pages of tables, which facilitated the furtherment of astronomy, dynamics, physics, and astrology. He also improved Simon Stevin's decimal notation, and Arab lattice multiplication, used by Fibonacci, writing Napier's bones, a multiplication tool using a set of numbered rods.

Napier used some of his mathematical talents for theology, as he used the Book of Revelation to predict the Apocalypse, in A Plaine Discovery of the Whole Revelation of St. John, which he regarded as his most important work. Napier believed that the end of the world would occur in 1688 or 1700. He is also sometimes claimed to have been a necromancer; however, it was common for scientifically talented people of the period to be accused of such things without basis.

Astrology and the Occult

John Napier

In addition to his mathematical and religious interests, Napier was commonly believed to be a magician, and is thought to have dabbled in alchemy and necromancy. It was said that he would travel about with a black spider in a small box, and that his black rooster was his familiar spirit.[1][2]

Napier used this rooster to find out which of his servants had been stealing from his home. He would shut the suspects one at a time in a room with the bird, telling them to stroke it. The rooster would then tell Napier which of them was guilty. Actually, what would happen is that he would secretly coat the rooster with soot. Servants who were innocent would have no qualms about stroking it but the guilty one would only pretend he had, and when Napier examined their hands, the one with the clean hands was guilty.[3]

Another occasion which may have contributed to his reputation as a sorcerer involved a neighbour whose pigeons were found to be eating Napier's grain. Napier warned him that from now on he intended to keep any pigeons found on his property. The next day, it is said, Napier was witnessed surrounded by unusually passive pigeons which he was scooping up and putting in a sack. The previous night he had soaked some peas in brandy, and then sown them. Come morning, the pigeons had gobbled them up, rendering themselves incapable of flight.[4]

Also of note is that a contract still exists between John Napier and one Robert Logan of Restalrig to search Fast Castle (by means of magic) for treasure allegedly hidden there, and wherein it is stated that Napier should

" his utmost diligence to search and seek out, and by all craft and ingine to find out the same, or make it sure that no such thing has been there."[5]


An alternative unit to the decibel used in electrical engineering, the neper, is named after John Napier, as is Napier University in Edinburgh.

Neper crater, on the Moon, is also named after him,[1] as was a 1992 asteroid, 7096 Napier.

List of works

See also


  1. Scotsman article about John Napier
  2. Scotsman article specifically about Napier's interest in the occult
  3. John Napier and the Devil
  4. A Biography of John Napier
  5. Scans of the original charter and a later typed translation


NAME Napier, John
SHORT DESCRIPTION Scottish mathematician, physicist, astronomer/astrologer and 8th Laird of Merchistoun
PLACE OF BIRTH Merchiston Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland
DATE OF DEATH 4 April 1617