John Keats

John Keats
John Keats.jpeg
Born 31 October 1795(1795-10-31)
London, England
Died 23 February 1821 (aged 25)
Rome, Papal States
Occupation Poet
Literary movement Romantic
Signature John Keats signature.jpg

John Keats (IPA: /ˈkiːts/; 31 October 1795 – 23 February 1821) was one of the principal poets of the English Romantic movement. During his short life, his work received constant critical attacks from periodicals of the day, but his posthumous influence on poets such as Alfred Tennyson has been immense. Elaborate word choice and sensual imagery characterize Keats's poetry, including a series of odes that were his masterpieces and which remain among the most popular poems in English literature. Keats's letters, which expound on his aesthetic theory of "negative capability"[1], are among the most celebrated by any writer.



John Keats was born in 1795 at 85 Moorgate in London, where his father, Thomas Keats, was an hostler. The pub is now called 'Keats at the Globe', only a few yards from Moorgate station. Keats was baptised at St Botolph-without-Bishopsgate and lived happily for the first seven years of his life. The beginnings of his troubles occurred in 1804, when his father died of a fractured skull after falling from his horse. A year later, in 1805, Keats' grandfather died. His mother, Frances Jennings Keats, remarried soon afterwards, but quickly left the new husband and moved herself and her four children (a son had died in infancy) to live with Keats's grandmother, Alice Jennings. There, Keats attended a school that first instilled a love of literature in him. In 1810, however, his mother died of tuberculosis, leaving him and his siblings in the custody of their grandmother.

Keats's grave in Rome

Keats's grandmother appointed two guardians to take care of her new "charges", and these guardians removed Keats from his old school to become a surgeon's apprentice at Thomas Hammond's apothecary shop in Edmonton [2] (now part of the London Borough of Enfield). This continued until 1814, when, after a fight with his master, he left his apprenticeship and became a student at Guy's Hospital (now part of King's College London). During that year, he devoted more and more of his time to the study of literature. Keats traveled to the Isle of Wight in the spring of 1819, where he spent a week. Later that year he stayed in Winchester. It was here that Keats wrote Isabella, St. Agnes' Eve and Lamia. Parts of Hyperion and the five-act poetic tragedy Otho The Great were also written in Winchester.

Following the death of his grandmother, he soon found his brother, Tom Keats, entrusted to his care. Tom was suffering, as his mother had, from tuberculosis. Finishing his epic poem "Endymion", Keats left to work in Scotland and Ireland with his friend Charles Armitage Brown. However, he too began to show signs of tuberculosis infection on that trip, and returned prematurely. When he did, he found that Tom's condition had deteriorated, and that Endymion had, as had Poems before it, been the target of much abuse from the critics. On 1 December 1818, Tom Keats died of his disease, and John Keats moved again, to live in Brown's house in Hampstead, next to Hampstead Heath. There he lived next door to Fanny Brawne, who had been staying there with her mother. He then quickly fell in love with Fanny. However, it was overall an unhappy affair for the poet; Keats's ardour for her seemed to bring him more vexation than comfort. The later (posthumous) publication of their correspondence was to scandalise Victorian society. In the diary of Fanny Brawne was found only one sentence regarding the separation: "Mr. Keats has left Hampstead." Fanny's letters to Keats were, as the poet had requested, destroyed upon his death. However, in 1937, a collection of 31 letters, written by Fanny Brawne to Keats's sister, Frances, were published by Oxford University Press. While these letters revealed the depth of Brawne's feelings toward Keats and in many ways attempted to redeem her rather promiscuous reputation, it is arguable whether or not they succeeded.

Life and Death masks, Rome

This relationship was cut short when, by 1820, Keats began showing serious signs of tuberculosis, the disease that had plagued his family. On the suggestion of his doctors, he left the cold airs of London behind and moved to Italy with his friend Joseph Severn. Keats moved into a house, which is now a museum that is dedicated to his life and work, The Keats-Shelley House, on the Spanish Steps, in Rome, where despite attentive care from Severn and Dr. John Clark, the poet's health rapidly deteriorated. He died in 1821 and was buried in the Protestant Cemetery, Rome. His last request was to be buried under a tombstone reading, "Here lies One Whose Name was writ in Water." His name was not to appear on the stone. Despite these requests, however, Severn and Brown also added the epitaph: "This Grave contains all that was mortal, of a YOUNG ENGLISH POET, who on his Death Bed, in the Bitterness of his heart, at the Malicious Power of his enemies, desired these words to be Engraven on his Tomb Stone" along with the image of a lyre with broken strings.

The Spanish Steps, Rome, Italy, seen from Piazza di Spagna. John Keats died in the house in the right foreground, which is now a museum.

Shelley blamed his death on an article published shortly before in the Quarterly Review, with a scathing attack on Keats's Endymion. The offending article was long believed to have been written by William Gifford, though later shown to be the work of John Wilson Croker. Keats's death inspired Shelley to write the poem Adonais.'; Byron later composed a short poem on this theme using the phrase "snuffed out by an article." However Byron, far less admiring of Keats's poetry than Shelley and generally more cynical in nature, was here probably just as much poking fun at Shelley's interpretation as he was having a dig at his old fencing partners the critics. (see below, Byron's other less than serious poem on the same subject).

The largest collection of Keats's letters, manuscripts, and other papers is in the Houghton Library at Harvard University. Other collections of such material can be found at the British Library; Keats House, Hampstead; The Keats-Shelley House, Rome; and the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York.

Keats is also a distant relative of the Metaphysical poet, John Donne.


  • Addressed to Haydon (1816) text
  • Addressed to the Same (1816) text
  • After dark vapours have oppressed our plains (1817)
  • As from the darkening gloom a silver dove (1814)
  • Asleep! O sleep a little while, white pearl! text
  • A Song About Myself
  • Bards of Passion and of Mirth text
  • Before he went to live with owls and bats (1817?)
  • Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art (1819)
  • Calidore: A Fragment (1816)
  • The Day Is Gone, And All Its Sweets Are Gone
  • Dedication. To Leigh Hunt, Esq.
  • A Dream, After Reading Dante's Episode Of Paolo And Francesca text
  • A Draught of Sunshine
  • Endymion: A Poetic Romance (1817)
  • Epistle to John Hamilton Reynolds
  • Epistle to My Brother George
  • The Eve of Saint Mark
  • The Eve of St. Agnes (1819) text
  • The Fall of Hyperion: A Dream (1817)
  • Fancy (poem)
  • Fill for me a brimming bowl (1814) text
  • Fragment of an Ode to Maia
  • Give me women, wine, and snuff (1815 or 1816)
  • God of the golden bow (1816 or 1817)
  • The Gothic looks solemn (1817)
  • Had I a man's fair form, then might my sighs (1815 or 1816)
  • Hadst thou liv’d in days of old (1816)
  • Happy is England! I could be content (1816)
  • Harlem Blues (1817)
  • Hither, hither, love (1817 or 1818)
  • How many bards gild the lapses of time (1816)
  • The Human Seasons
  • Hymn To Apollo
  • Hyperion (1818)
  • I am as brisk (1816)
  • I had a dove
  • I stood tip-toe upon a little hill (1816)
  • If By Dull Rhymes Our English Must Be Chain'd
  • Imitation of Spenser (1814) text
  • In Drear-Nighted December
  • Isabella or The Pot of Basil (1818) text
  • Keen, fitful gusts are whisp’ring here and there (1816)
  • La Belle Dame sans Merci (1819) text
  • Lamia (1819)
  • Lines Written on 29 May, the Anniversary of Charles’s Restoration, on Hearing the Bells Ringing (1814 or 1815)
  • Lines on Seeing a Lock of Milton's Hair
  • Lines on The Mermaid Tavern
  • Meg Merrilies
  • Modern Love (Keats)
  • O Blush Not So!
  • O come, dearest Emma! the rose is full blown (1815)
  • O grant that like to Peter I (1817?)
  • O Solitude! if I must with thee dwell (1815 or 1816)
  • Ode (Keats)
  • Ode on a Grecian Urn (1819) text
  • Ode on Indolence (1819)
  • Ode on Melancholy (1819) text
  • Ode to a Nightingale (1819) text
  • Ode to Apollo (1815)
  • Ode to Fanny
  • Ode to Psyche (1819)
  • Oh Chatterton! how very sad thy fate (1815)
  • Oh! how I love, on a fair summer's eve (1816)
  • Old Meg (1818)
  • On a Leander Which Miss Reynolds, My Kind Friend, Gave Me (1817)
  • On Death
  • On Fame text
  • On First Looking into Chapman's Homer (1816) text
  • On Leaving Some Friends at an Early Hour (1816)
  • On Peace (1814) text
  • On Receiving a Curious Shell, and a Copy of Verses, from the Same Ladies (1815)
  • On Receiving a Laurel Crown from Leigh Hunt (1816 or 1817)
  • On Seeing the Elgin Marbles (1817)
  • On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again
  • On the Grasshopper and Cricket (1816)
  • On the Sea (1817) text
  • On The Story of Rimini (1817)
  • On The Sonnet
  • The Poet (a fragment)
  • A Prophecy - To George Keats in America
  • Robin Hood. To A Friend
  • Sharing Eve's Apple
  • Sleep and Poetry (1816)
  • A Song of Opposites
  • Specimen of an Induction to a Poem (1816)
  • Staffa
  • Stay, ruby breasted warbler, stay (1814)
  • Stanzas
  • Think not of it, sweet one, so (1817)
  • This Living Hand
  • This pleasant tale is like a little copse (1817)
  • To —
  • To a Cat
  • To a Friend Who Sent Me Some Roses (1816)
  • To a Lady seen for a few Moments at Vauxhall
  • To A Young Lady Who Sent Me A Laurel Crown (1816 or 1817)
  • To Ailsa Rock
  • To Autumn (1819) text
  • To Lord Byron (1814) text
  • To Charles Cowden Clarke (1816)
  • To Fanny
  • To G.A.W. (Georgiana Augusta Wylie) (1816)
  • To George Felton Mathew (1815)
  • To Georgiana Augusta Wylie
  • To Haydon
  • To Haydon with a Sonnet Written on Seeing the Elgin Marbles (1817)
  • To Homer
  • To Hope (1815)
  • To John Hamilton Reynolds
  • To Kosciusko (1816)
  • To Leigh Hunt, Esq. (1817)
  • To My Brother George (epistle) (1816)
  • To My Brother George (sonnet) (1816)
  • To My Brothers (1816)
  • To one who has been long in city pent (1816)
  • To Sleep
  • To Solitude
  • To Some Ladies (1815)
  • To the Ladies Who Saw Me Crown’d (1816 or 1817)
  • To the Nile
  • Two Sonnets on Fame
  • Unfelt, unheard, unseen (1817)
  • When I have fears that I may cease to be (1818) text
  • Where Be Ye Going, You Devon Maid?
  • Where's the Poet?
  • Why did I laugh tonight?
  • Woman! when I behold thee flippant, vain (1815 or 1816)
  • Written in Disgust of Vulgar Superstition (1816)
  • Written on a Blank Space
  • Written on a Summer Evening
  • Written on the Day that Mr Leigh Hunt Left Prison (1815)
  • Written Upon the Top of Ben Nevis
  • You say you love; but with a voice (1817 or 1818)

Additional works

Popular references to the works of John Keats.

In written works

Portrait from Keats' grave, in Rome.

In performed works

See also




External links





NAME Keats, John
DATE OF BIRTH 31 October 1795
PLACE OF BIRTH London, England
DATE OF DEATH 23 February 1821