
A street in Jericho
Arabic أريحا
Name Meaning "Fragrant"
Founded in 9000 BCE
Government City (from 1994)
Also Spelled Ariha (officially)
Governorate Jericho
Population 20,400 (2006)
Jurisdiction  dunams
Head of Municipality Hassan Saleh[1]

Jericho is a city located near the Jordan River in the West Bank of the Palestinian territories. It is the capital of the Jericho Governorate, and has a population of over 20,000 Palestinians.[2]The current mayor is Hassan Saleh, a former lawyer.

Situated well below sea level on an east-west route 16 kilometers (10 mi) north of the Dead Sea, Jericho is the lowest permanently inhabitated site on earth. It is also believed to be the oldest continuously-inhabited city of the world.[3][4][5]

Described in the Old Testament as the "City of Palm Trees", copious springs in and around Jericho have made it an attractive site for human habitation for thousands of years.[6] Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of over 20 successive settlements in Jericho, the first of which dates back to 11,000 years ago (9000 BCE).[7]



Jericho's name is pronounced by its local Palestinian inhabitants Ariha (Arabic أريحا), which means "fragrant" and is thought to derive from the Canaanite or Hebrew word Reah, of the same meaning.[8][9][10][11] Jericho can also be pronounced Yeriho (יְרִיחוֹ, Hebrew Yəriḥo), and an alternate theory holds that it is it derived from the word meaning "moon" (Yareah) in Canaanite and Hebrew, as the city was an early center of worship for lunar deities.[12]


Ancient times

Jericho is believed to be one of the oldest continuously-inhabited cities in the world, with evidence of settlement dating back to 9000 BCE, providing important information about early human habitation in the Near East. [13] The first permanent settlement was built near the Ein es-Sultan spring between 8000 and 7000 BCE by an unknown people, and consisted of a number of walls, a religious shrine, and a 23 feet 0 inches (7.0 m) tower with an internal staircase.[9] After a few centuries, it was abandoned for a second settlement, established in 6800 BCE, perhaps by an invading people who absorbed the original inhabitants into their more sophiscated culture. Artifacts dating from this period include ten skulls, plastered and painted so as to reconstitute the individuals' features.[9] These represent the first example of portraiture in art history, and it is thought that these were kept in people's homes while the bodies were buried.[14][5] This was followed by a succession of settlements from 4500 BCE onward, the largest of these being constructed in 2600 BCE.[9]

Archaeological evidence indicates that in the latter half of the Middle Bronze Age (circa 1700 BCE), the city enjoyed some prosperity, its walls having been strengthened and expanded.[15] By 1400 BCE, a defensive embankment was erected and the city had become a commercial and political center of the Canaanites. The modern name of the town is thought to derive from their language.[9] In the Book of Joshua, Jericho's walls are said to have come tumbling down upon through God's command and Joshua's order; however, the Canaanite walls, which pre-date the Israelite invasion described in the Bible by some 1000 years, are still visible at the ancient site.[9] This is not to say that the walls did not collaspe in some areas. Jericho was refounded under the rule of King Ahab between 874 and 853 BCE. Elisha, Elijah's disciple, is thought to have lived in Jericho and is said to have purified the Ein el-Sultan spring.[9]

In the 8th century BCE, the Assyrians invaded from the north, followed by the Babylonians, and Jericho was depopulated between 586 and 538 BCE, the period of the Jewish exile to Bablyon. Cyrus the Great, the Persian king, refounded the city one mile southeast of its historic site at the mound of Tell es-Sultan, and returned the Jewish exiles after conquering Bablyon in 539 BCE.[9]

Classical antiquity

Remains from Herod's palace

Jericho went from being an administrative center under Persian rule, to serving as the private estate of Alexander the Great between 336 and 323 BCE after his conquest of the region. In the middle of the second century BCE, Jericho was under Hellenistic rule, and the Syrian General Bacchides built a number of forts to strengthen the defenses of the area around Jericho against invasion by the Macabees (1 Macc 9:50). One of these forts, built at the entrance to Wadi Qelt, was later refortified by the Herod the Great, who named it Kypros after his mother.[16]

Herod initially leased Jericho from Cleopatra after Mark Anthony gave it to her as a gift. After their joint suicide in 30 BCE, Octavian assumed control of the Roman empire and granted Herod free reign over Jericho. Herod’s rule oversaw the construction of a hippodrome-theater (Tel es-Samrat) to entertain his guests and new aqueducts to irrigate the area below the cliffs and reach his winter palace built at the site of Tulul al-Alaiq.[16]

The dramatic murder of Aristobulus III in a swimming pool at Jericho, as told by the Roman historian Josephus, took place during a banquet organized by Herod's Hasmonean mother-in-law. The city, since the construction of its palaces, functioned not only as an agricultural center and as a crossroad, but as a winter resort for Jerusalem's aristocracy.[17]

Herod was succeeded by his son, Archelus, who built an adjacent village in his name, Archelais, to house workers for his date plantation (Khirbet al-Beiyudat). First century Jericho is described in Strabo's Geography as follows:

"Jericho is a plain surrounded by a kind of mountainous country, which in a way, slopes toward it like a theatre. Here is the Phoenicon, which is mixed also with alll kinds of cultivated and fruitful trees, though it consists mostly of palm trees. It is 100 stadia in length and is everywhere watered with streams. Here also are the Palace and the Balsam Park."[16]

The rock cut tombs of a Herodian and Hasmonean era cemetery lie in the lowest part of the cliffs between Nuseib al-Aweishireh and Jebel Quruntul in Jericho and and were used to between 100 BCE and 68 CE.[16]

The Christian Bible states that Jesus passed through Jericho where he healed two blind men and converted a local tax collector named Zacharias. After the fall of Jerusalem to Vespasian armies in 70 CE, Jericho declined rapidly, and by 100 CE it was but a small Roman garrison town.[18] A fort was built there in 130 that played a role in putting down the Bar Kochba revolt in 133. Accounts of Jericho by a Christian pilgrim are given in 333. Shortly therefter, the built-up area of the town was abandoned, and a Byzantine Jericho, Ericha was built a mile to the east, around which the modern town is centered. [18] Christianity took hold in the city during the Byzantine era and the area was heavily populated. A number of monasteries and churches were built, including St. George of Koziba in 340 CE and a domed church dedicated to Saint Eliseus.[17] At least two synagogues were also built in the sixth century CE.[16] The monasteries were abandoned after the Persian invasion of 614.[9]

Arab caliphate period

An Arabic Umayyad mosaic from Khirbat al-Mafjar in Jericho

By 661, Jericho was under the rule of the Umayyad dynasty. The tenth caliph of that dynasty, Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik, built a palatial complex known as Khirbet al-Mafjar about one mile north of Tell as-Sultan in 743, and two mosques, a courtyard, mosaics, and other items from it can still be seen in situ today, despite its having been partially destroyed in an earthquake in 747.

Umayyad rule ended in 750 and was followed by the Arab caliphates of the Abbasid and Fatimid dynasties. Irrigated agriculture was developed under Islamic rule, reaffirming Jericho's reputation as a fertile "City of the Palms".[19] Al-Maqdisi, the Arab geographer, wrote in 985 that, "the water of Jericho is held to be the highest and best in all Islam. Bananas are plentiful, also dates and flowers of fragrant odor."[20] Jericho is also referred to by him as one of the principal cities of Jund Filastin.[21]

The city flourished until 1071 and the invasion of the Seljuk Turks, followed by the upheavals of the Crusades. In 1179, the Crusaders rebuilt the Monastery of St. George of Koziba, at its original site six miles from the center of town. They also built another two churches and a monastery dedicated to John the Baptist, and are credited with introducing sugarcane production to the city.[22] In 1187, the Crusaders were evicted by the Ayyubid forces of Saladin after their victory in the Battle of Hattin, and the town slowly went into decline.[9]

In 1226, Arab geographer Yaqut al-Hamawi said of Jericho, "it has many palm trees, also sugarcane in quantities, and bananas. The best of all the sugar in the Ghaur land is made here." In the fourteenth century, Abu al-Fida writes there are sulfur mines in Jericho, "the only ones in Palestine."[23]

Ottoman period (1517-1918)

Old postcard depicting Jericho in the late nineteenth or erly twentieth century

In the early years of Ottoman rule, Jericho formed part of the waqf and imerat of Jerusalem. The villagers processed indigo as one source of revenue, using a cauldron specifically for this purpose that was loaned to them by the Ottoman authorities in Jerusalem. [24] For most of the Ottoman period, Jericho was a small village of farmers susceptible to attacks by Bedouins. In the nineteenth century, European scholars, archaeologists and missionaries visited often. The first excavation at Tell as-Sultan was carried out in 1867, and the monasteries of St. George of Koziba and John the Baptist were refounded and completed in 1901 and 1904, respectively.[9]

Twentieth century to the present day

After the collapse of the Ottoman empire at the end of World War I, Jericho, like other places in Ottoman Palestine, fell under the rule of the British Mandate. The British built fortresses in Jericho during World War II with the help of the Jewish company Solel Boneh, and bridges were rigged with explosives in preparation for a possible invasion by German allied forces.[25]

Jericho was captured by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. The Jericho Conference, organized by King Abdullah and attended by over 2,000 Palestinian delegates in 1948 proclaimed "His Majesty Abdullah as King of all Palestine" and called for "the unification of Palestine and Transjordan as a step toward full Arab unity." In mid-1950, Jordan formally annexed the West Bank and Jericho residents, like other residents of West Bank localities became Jordanian citizens.[26]

Jericho was captured from Jordan by Israel during the Six-Day War of 1967 along with the rest of the West Bank. It was one of the first cities handed over to Palestinian Authority control in 1994, in accordance with the Oslo accords, which saw construction of the Oasis casino. The other city handed over to the Palestinians was Gaza. Jericho was re-occupied by Israel during the Al-Aqsa Intifada of 2001.

Greek Orthodox Monastery of Temptation overlooking modern Jericho

On March 14, 2006, the Israel Defense Forces took captive six inmates from a Jericho prison following a 10-hour siege. Israel's reason for the siege was to capture PFLP general secretary, Ahmad Sa'adat and five other inmates for the alleged assassination of Israeli tourist minister Rehavam Zeevi because of announcements of their upcoming release. Both sides of the siege were armed and at least two people were killed and 35 wounded in the incident. Before the siege British and American monitors were guarding the prison but withdrew, citing lax security arrangements. The siege caused an uproar amongst the PFLP members and supporters as well as other PLO factions, and as a result Palestinian militants raided and kidnapped British and European citizens in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The event is considered controversial and somewhat hampered Palestinian relations with the UK and US.[27]

After Hamas assaulted a neighborhood in Gaza mostly populated by the Fatah-aligned Hilles clan in response to their attack on Hamas which killed six of it's members, the Hilles clan was relocated to Jericho on 4 August 2008.[28]


An aerial view of Jericho showing the ruins of Tell es-Sultan

Jericho is located 258 meters (846 ft) below sea level in an oasis in Wadi Qelt in the Jordan Valley.[9][29][4] The nearby spring of Ein es-Sultan produces 1,000 gallons of water per minute, irrigating some 2,500 acres (10.1 km²) through multiple channels and feeding into the Jordan River, 6 miles (10 km) away.[9][29] Annual rainfall is 6.4 inches (162.6 mm) inches, mostly concentrated between November and February. The average temperature is 59 ℉ (15 ℃) in January and 88 ℉ (31.1 ℃) in August. The constant sunshine, rich alluvial soil, and abundant water from the spring have always made Jericho an attractive place for settlement.[29]


See also: Syro-Palestinian archaeology

The first excavations of the site were made by Charles Warren in 1868. Ernst Sellin and Carl Watzinger excavated Tell es-Sultan and Tulul Abu el-'Alayiq between 1907-1909 and in 1911, and John Garstang excavated between 1930 and 1936. Extensive investigations using more modern techniques were made by Kathleen Kenyon between 1952 and 1958. Lorenzo Nigro and Nicolo Marchetti conducted a limited excavation in 1997.

Tell es-Sultan

Dwelling foundations unearthed at Tell es-Sultan in Jericho

The earliest settlement was located at the present-day Tell es-Sultan (or Sultan's Hill), a couple of kilometers from the current city. In Arabic and in Hebrew, tell means "mound" -- consecutive layers of habitation built up a mound over time, as is common for ancient settlements in the Middle East and Anatolia. Jericho is the type site for the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPN A) and B periods.

Epipaleolithic — construction at the site appears to predate the invention of agriculture, with the construction of Natufian culture structures beginning earlier than 9000 BCE, the very beginning of the Holocene epoch in geologic history.[5]

Pre-Pottery Neolithic A, 8350 BCE to 7370 BCE. Sometimes it is called Sultanian. The site is a 40,000 square metre settlement surrounded by a stone wall, with a stone tower in the centre of one wall. This is so far the oldest wall ever to be discovered, thus suggesting some kind of social organization. The town contained round mud-brick houses, yet no street planning.[30] The 2000-3000 dwellers[31] The identity and number of the inhabitants of Jericho during the PPN A period is still under debate, though it is known that had domesticated emmer wheat, barley and pulses and hunted wild animals.

Pre-Pottery Neolithic B, 7220 BCE to 5850 BCE (but carbon-14-dates are few and early). Expanded range of domesticated plants. Possible domestication of sheep. Apparent cult involving the preservation of human skulls, with facial features reconstructed from plaster and eyes set with shells in some cases.

After the PPN A settlement-phase there was a settlement hiatus of several centuries, then the PPN B settlement was founded on the eroded surface of the tell. The architecture consisted of rectilinear buildings made of mudbricks on stone foundations. The mudbricks were loaf-shaped with deep thumb prints to facilitate bounding. No building has been excavated in its entirety. Normally, several rooms cluster around a central courtyard. There is one big room (6.5 x 4 m and 7 x 3 m) with internal divisions, the rest are small, presumably used for storage. The rooms have red or pinkish terrazzo-floors made of lime. Some impressions of mats made of reeds or rushes have been preserved. The courtyards have clay floors.

Kathleen Kenyon interpreted one building as a shrine. It contained a niche in the wall. A chipped pillar of volcanic stone that was found nearby might have fit into this niche.

The dead were buried under the floors or in the rubble fill of abandoned buildings. There are several collective burials. Not all the skeletons are completely articulated, which may point to a time of exposure before burial. A skull cache contained seven skulls. The jaws were removed and the faces covered with plaster; cowries were used as eyes. A total of ten skulls were found. Modelled skulls were found in Tell Ramad and Beisamoun as well.

Other finds included flints, such as arrowheads (tanged or side-notched), finely denticulated sickle-blades, burins, scrapers, a few tranchet axes. 1% obsidian, Ciftlik and green obsidian from an unknown source. There were also querns, hammerstones, a few ground-stone axes made of greenstone. Other items discovered there included dishes and bowls carved from soft limestone, spindle whorls made of stone and maybe loom weights, spatulae and drills, stylised anthropomorphic plaster figures, almost life-size, anthropomorphic and theriomorphic clay figurines, shell and malachite beads.

In the late 4th millennium BCE, Jericho was occupied during Neolithic 2 and the general character of the remains on the site link it culturally with Neolithic 2 sites in the West Syrian and Middle Euphrates groups. There are the characteristic rectilinear mud-brick buildings and plaster floors.

Bronze age

During the Middle Bronze Age Jericho was a small prominent city of the Canaan region, reaching its greatest Bronze Age extent in the period from 1700 to 1550 BCE It seems to have reflected the greater urbanization in the area at that time, and has been linked to the rise of the Maryannu, a class of chariot-using aristocrats linked to the rise of the Mitannite state to the north. Kathleen Kenyon reported “...the Middle Bronze Age is perhaps the most prosperous in the whole history of Kna'an. ... The defenses ... belong to a fairly advanced date in that period” and there was “a massive stone revetment... part of a complex system” of defenses (pp.213–218).[32].

Kenyon and other archeologists (e.g Garstang and Wood) agree in a destruction of the walls of Jericho near the end of the Bronze Age, however there is no agreement in the precise date. The archeologist Bryant G. Wood wrote "My dating of the destruction of Jericho to ca. 1400 BCE is based on pottery, which, in turn, is based on Egyptian chronology. Jericho is just one example of the discrepancy between historical and C14 dates for the second millennium B.C. C14 dates are consistently 100–150 years earlier than historical dates."[33]


For more details on this topic, see Shalom Al Israel synagogue.

A synagogue dating to the late sixth or early seventh century CE was discovered in Jericho in 1936, and was named Shalom Al Israel, or "peace unto Israel", after the central Hebrew motto in its mosaic floor. It was controlled by Israel after the 1967 Six Day War, but after the handover to Palestinian Authority control per the Oslo Accords, especially during the Al-Aqsa Intifada it has been a source of conflict.

The Na'aran synagogue, another Byzantine era contruction, was discovered on the northern outskirts of Jericho in 1918. While less is known of it than Shalom Al Israel, it has a larger mosaic and is in similar condition.[34]

Biblical references

The walls of Jericho crumble as the priest blows his horn in this illustration from a 14th century Icelandic manuscript.

Jericho is mentioned over 70 times in the Old Testament. Prior to Moses' death, God is described as showing him the Promised Land in the Book of Deuteronomy with Jericho as a point of reference: "And Moses went up from the plains of Moab unto Mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that is over against Jericho. And the Lord showed him all the land, even Gilead as far as Dan".(Deuteronomy 34:1).

The Book of Joshua describes the famous battle of Jericho, stating that it was circled seven times by the ancient Children of Israel until its walls came tumbling down[35], after which Joshua cursed the city: "And Joshua charged the people with an oath at that time, saying: 'Cursed be the man before the Lord that riseth up and buildeth this city, even Jericho; with the loss of his first-born shall he lay the foundation thereof, and with the loss of his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it'". (Joshua 6:26). According to the First Book of Kings, centuries later, a man named Hiel of Bethel rebuilt Jericho- and just as Joshua had foretold, he lost his eldest and youngest sons as a result. (1 Kings 16:34)

The Book of Jeremiah describes the end of the Judean king Zedekiah when he is captured in the area of Jericho: "But the army of the Chaldeans pursued after them, and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho; and when they had taken him, they brought him up to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath, and he gave judgment upon him." (Jeremiah 39:5).

Jericho is also mentioned several times in the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Hebrews. According to Matthew 20:29-30, Jesus healed two blind men as he and his disciples were leaving Jericho. In Mark 10:46-52, Mark tells the same story, except he only mentions one of the men, Bartimaeus. Like Mark, Luke only mentions one man, but he differs in his account by saying that Jesus and his apostles were approaching Jericho. Some versions reconcile this by translating it as "near". In the Epistle to the Hebrews, the author mentions the Old Testament story of the destruction of Jericho as an outward display of faith. (Hebrews 11:30) In the story of the Good Samaritan (the experience is not told by Jesus as a parable, but as a narrative; Luke 10:30), Jesus mentions that a certain man was on his way to Jericho.


Jericho had 3,010 inhabitants in a 1945 land and population survey by Sami Hadawi. Arabs made up over 94% of the population and there were about 170 Jews living in the town.[36]

In the first census carried out by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), in 1997, Jericho's population was 14,674. Palestinian refugees constituted a significant 43.6% of the residents or 6,393 people.[37] The gender make-up of the city was 51% male and 49% female. Jericho has a young population, with nearly half (49.2%) of the inhabitants being under the age of 20. People between the ages of 20 and 44 made up 36.2% of the population, 10.7% between the ages of 45 and 64, and 3.6% were over the age of 64.[38]

In 2004, there 19,147 people living in Jericho, rising to 20,416 in 2006, according to projections by the PCBS.[2]

Sister cities

See also


  1. Elected City Council Municipality of Jericho accessed 2008-03-08
  2. 2.0 2.1 Projected Mid -Year Population for Jericho Governorate by Locality 2004- 2006 Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS).
  3. Gates, Charles (2003). "Near Eastern, Egyptian, and Aegean Cities", Ancient Cities: The Archaeology of Urban Life in the Ancient Near East and Egypt, Greece and Rome. Routledge. p. p18. ISBN 0415018951. ""Jericho, in the Jordan River Valley in Palestine, inahbited from ca. 9000 BCE to the present day, offers important evidence for the earliest permanent settlements in the Near East."". 
  4. 4.0 4.1 Murphy-O'Connor, 1998, p. 288.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Freedman et al., 2000, p. 689-671.
  6. Bromiley, 1995, p. 715.
  7. "Jericho", Encyclopedia Britannica
  8. Schreiber, 2003, p. 141.
  9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 Ring et al., 1994, p. 367-370.
  10. Bromiley, 1995, p. 1136.
  11. "Bibliotheca Sacra 132" 327-42 (1975).
  12. Strong's Bible Dictionary
  13. Gates, 2003, p. 18.
  14. Janson and Janson, 2003.
  15. Scneller, 1994, p. 138.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Murphy-O'Connor, 1998, pp. 289-291.
  17. 17.0 17.1 Jericho - (Ariha) Studium Biblicum Franciscum - Jerusalem.
  18. 18.0 18.1 Losch, 2005, p. 117-118.
  19. Shahin, 2005, p. 285.
  20. Shahin, 2005, p. 283.
  21. al-Muqaddasi quoted in le Strange, 1890, p.39.
  22. Hull, 1855.
  23. al-Hamawi and Abu-l Fida quoted in le Strange, 1890, p.397.
  24. Singer, 2002, p. 120.
  25. Friling and Cummings, 2005, p. 65.
  26. Benvenisti, 1998, pp. 27-28.
  27. Israel holds militant after siege March 14, 2006 BBC News
  28. Jerusalem Post 4 August 2008 IDF: Hilles clan won't boost terrorism by Yaacov Katz And Khaled Abu Toameh
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 Holman, 2006, p. 1391.
  30. Old Testament Jericho
  31. "Jericho", Encyclopedia Britannica
  32. Kenyon, Kathleen "Digging up Jericho"(London, 1957)
  33. Wood, Bryant "Carbon 14 Dating at Jericho."
  35. Joshua 6 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
  36. Hadawi, 1970, p.57
  37. Palestinian Population by Locality and Refugee Status Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS).
  38. Palestinian Population by Locality, Sex and Age Groups in Years Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS).


  • Benvenisti, Meron (1998). City of Stone: The Hidden History of Jerusalem. University of California Press. ISBN 0520207688, 9780520207684. 
  • Bromiley, Geoffrey W. (1995). The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: E-J. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. ISBN 0802837824, 9780802837820. 
  • Freedman, David Noel; Myers, Allen C.; Beck, Astrid B. (2000). Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. ISBN 0802824005, 9780802824004. 
  • Kenyon, Kathleen (1957). Digging Up Jericho. 
  • Finkelstein, Israel; Silberman, Neil Asher (2002). The Bible Unearthed. Touchstone. ISBN 0-684-86913-6. 
  • Janson, Horst Woldemar; Janson, Anthony F. (2003). History of Art: The Western Tradition. Prentice Hall. ISBN 0131828959. 
  • Gates, Charles (2003). Ancient Cities: The Archaeology of Urban Life in the Ancient Near East and Egypt, Greece and Rome.. 
  • Friling, Tuvia; Cummings, Ora (2005). Arrows in the Dark: David Ben-Gurion, the Yishuv Leadership, and Rescue Attempts During the Holocaust. University of Wisconsin Press. ISBN 0299175502, 9780299175504. 
  • Holman (2006). Holman Illustrated Study Bible-HCSB: Holman Christian Standard Bible. Broadman & Holman Publishers. ISBN 1586402757, 9781586402754. 
  • Hull, Edward (1855). Mount Seir, Sinai and Western Palestine. Richard Bently and Sons. 
  • Losch, Richard R. (2005). The Uttermost Part of the Earth: A Guide to Places in the Bible. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. ISBN 0802828051, 9780802828057. 
  • Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome (1998). The Holy Land: An Oxford Archaeological Guide from Earliest Times to 1700. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0192880136, 9780192880130. 
  • Ring, Trudy; Salkin, Robert M.; Berney, K. A.; Schellinger, Paul E. (1994). International dictionary of historic places. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 1884964036, 9781884964039. 
  • Scheller, William (1994). Amazing Archaeologists and Their Finds. The Oliver Press, Inc.. ISBN 188150817X, 9781881508175. 
  • Schreiber, Mordecai; Schiff, Alvin I.; Klenicki, Leon (2003). The Shengold Jewish Encyclopedia. Schreiber Pub.. ISBN 1887563776, 978188756377. 
  • Shahin, Mariam (2005). Palestine: A Guide. Interlink Books. ISBN 156656557X, 978-1566565578. 
  • le Strange, Guy (1890). Palestine Under the Moslems. Alexander P. Watt for the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund. 

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