
In mathematics, a morphism is an abstraction derived from structure-preserving mappings between two mathematical structures.

The study of morphisms and of the structures (called objects) over which they are defined, is central to category theory. Much of the terminology of morphisms, as well as the intuition underlying them, comes from concrete categories, where the objects are simply sets with some additional structure, and morphisms are functions preserving this structure. Nevertheless, morphisms are not necessarily functions, and objects over which morphisms are defined are not necessarily sets. Instead, a morphism is often thought of as an arrow linking an object called the domain to another object called the codomain. Hence morphisms do not so much map sets into sets, as embody a relationship between some posited domain and codomain.

The notion of morphism recurs in much of contemporary mathematics. In set theory, morphisms are functions; in topology, continuous functions; in universal algebra, homomorphisms; in group theory, group homomorphisms.



A category C consists of two classes, one of objects and the other of morphisms.

There are two operations defined on every morphism, the domain (or source) and the codomain (or target).

If a morphism f has domain X and codomain Y, we write f : XY. Thus a morphism is an arrow from its domain to its codomain. The set of all morphisms from X to Y is denoted homC(X,Y) or simply hom(X, Y) and called the hom-set between X and Y. (Some authors write MorC(X,Y) or Mor(X, Y)).

For every three objects X, Y, and Z, there exists a binary operation hom(X, Y) × hom(Y, Z) → hom(X, Z) called composition. The composite of f : XY and g : YZ is written g o f or gf. The composition of morphisms is often represented by a commutative diagram. For example,

Commutative diagram for morphism.svg

Morphisms satisfy two axioms:

When C is a concrete category, the identity morphism is just the identity function, and composition is just the ordinary composition of functions. Associativity then follows, because the composition of functions is associative.

Note that the domain and codomain are in fact part of the information determining a morphism. For example, in the category of sets, where morphisms are functions, two functions may be identical as sets of ordered pairs (may have the same range), while having different codomains. The two functions are distinct from the viewpoint of category theory. Thus many authors require that the hom-classes hom(X, Y) be disjoint. In practice, this is not a problem because if this disjointness does not hold, it can be assured by appending the domain and codomain to the morphisms, (say, as the second and third components of an ordered triple).

Alternate definition using a "null morphism"

Since there is exactly one identity morphism idX for each object X, the class of objects can be dropped from the definition of a category, and replaced with the subclass of homC consisting of the identity morphisms. In this formulation, a category C consists of a non-empty class homC with one additional structure: the composition function, a binary operation o: homC × homC → homC. Composition is defined for all pairs of morphisms (elements of homC), with the help of a null morphism (or just null) ø in homC, which obeys fø = øf = ø for every morphism f. The class C0 of identity morphisms (or just identities) consists of those elements X≠ø of homC such that, for every g in homC, g \circ X \in \{g, \emptyset\}. Up to isomorphism, the only category with no identities is the null category 0 = {ø} (equipped with the obvious composition function).

In order to form a category, the composition operation must be associative and must also split over the identity morphisms, meaning that:

Thus the class homC of morphisms is the union of the non-overlapping classes \{ \operatorname{hom}_C(X,Y), \mathbf{0} \}. The domain homC × homC of the composition operation may be divided into the null sector \circ^{-1}(\emptyset) and the collection of non-null sectors homC(X,Y) × homC(Y,Z).

The two definitions of a category are equivalent, but the formulation with the "null morphism" has several advantages:

This version of the category of small categories is not the same as the usual definition of Cat, in which the class of morphisms is limited to the total functors, and thus the empty category ∅ = {} is an initial object but the terminal object is 1 = {1}. Statements about functors can be clearly divided into those which apply also to partial functors and those which apply only to total functors (those with kernel 0). Similarly, one can define a version of the category of sets in which the morphisms are the partial functions and the null set is a zero object; the total functions are those partial functions whose kernel is the null set. These examples illustrate that the essential property of a category is not its class of objects, nor even its class of morphisms, but its composition operation. This operation is usually implicit in the name of the class of morphisms; thus it would perhaps be better to name a category after its morphisms (e. g., the "category of total functions" vs. the "category of partial functions") rather than after its objects (the "category of sets").

Some specific morphisms


For more examples, see the entry category theory.

See also

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