Hot dog

Hot Dog
A cooked hot dog garnished with mustard.
Origin information
Alternate name(s) : Frankfurters
Wiener Würstchen
Frankfurter Würstel
Country of origin : Multiple claims
Creator(s) of the dish : Multiple claims
Dish information
Serving temperature : Hot
Main ingredient(s) : Pork, beef, chicken or combinations thereof and bread
Variations : Multiple

A hot dog is a type of fully-cooked, cured and/or smoked moist sausage of soft, even texture and flavor. It is usually placed hot in a soft, sliced hot dog bun of approximately the same length as the sausage, and optionally garnished with condiments and toppings. In the United Kingdom and Australia, hot dog refers more commonly to the combination of sausage and bun, with the sausage called a frankfurter.

The flavor of hot dog sausages varies widely by region and by personal preference, as do the accompaniments. The flavor of the sausage can resemble a range of similar meat products from bologna on the bland side to the German bockwurst in the spicier varieties.

Kosher hot dogs may be made from beef, chicken or turkey. Vegetarian hot dogs and sausages, made from meat analogue, are also widely available in most areas where hot dogs are popular. Unlike many other sausages (which may be sold cooked or uncooked), hot dogs are always cooked before being offered commercially. Unless they have spoiled, hot dogs can usually be eaten safely without further cooking, although they are usually warmed before serving. Many doctors recommend that pregnant women heat hot dogs (and other pre-cooked, pre-packaged foods) to 160-170 degrees for at least two minutes before consuming to reduce the chance of contracting Listeriosis, which is caused by a rare bacteria that can thrive at low temperatures (such as in a refrigerator) but can affect unborn children and even cause miscarriage or still birth.[1]

Hot dogs are also called frankfurters, or franks for short, named for the city of Frankfurt, Germany where sausages in a bun originated, similar to hot dogs, but made exclusively of pork. Another term for hot dogs is wieners or weenies, referring to the city of Vienna, Austria, whose German name is "Wien", home to a sausage made of a mixture of pork and beef. In the German speaking countries, except Austria, hot dog sausages are generally called Wiener or Wiener Würstchen (Würstchen means "little sausage"). In Swiss German, it is called Wienerli, while in Austria the terms Frankfurter or Frankfurter Würstel are used.

In the United Kingdom hot dogs are sometimes made with British sausages, typically cooked by grilling or frying. When prepared using a frankfurter they may be sold and marketed as "German" or "American-style" hot dogs.



A "home-cooked" hot dog with mayonnaise, onion, and pickle-relish.

Claims of invention of the hot dog are difficult to assess, because various stories assert the creation of the sausage, the placing of the sausage (or another kind of sausage) on bread or a bun as finger food, the popularization of the existing dish, or the application of the name "hot dog" to a sausage and bun combination.

The city of Vienna traces the lineage of the hot dog to the Wienerwurst or Viennese sausage, the city of Frankfurt to the Frankfurter Wurst, which it claims was invented in the 1480s and given to the people on the event of imperial coronations, starting with the coronation of Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor as King; the hot dog has also been attributed to Johann Georg Lahner, a 18th/19th century butcher from the Bavarian city of Coburg who is said to have invented the "dachshund" or "little-dog" sausage and brought it from Frankfurt to Vienna.[2]

Around 1870, on Coney Island, a German immigrant named Charles Feltman began selling sausages in rolls.[3][4][5]

Others also have been acknowledged for supposedly having invented the hot dog. The idea of putting a hot dog on a bun has been ascribed to the wife of a German named Antonoine Feuchtwanger, who sold hot dogs on the streets of St. Louis, Missouri in 1880, because his customers kept walking off with the white gloves handed to them for eating the hot sausages without burning their hands[6] Anton Ludwig Feuchtwanger, a Bavarian sausage seller, is said to have started serving sausages in rolls at the World's Fair – either the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago or the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St Louis[7] – again allegedly because the white gloves he gave to customers so that they could eat his hot sausages in comfort began to disappear as souvenirs.[8]

The association between hot dogs and baseball may have begun as early as 1893 with Chris von der Ahe, a German immigrant who owned not only the St. Louis Browns, but also an amusement park, beer garden and brewery near Sportsman's Park, where he sold his beer.[9]

Harry M Stevens Inc. which was founded by Stevens in 1889 continued successfully servicing major sports venues with hot dogs and other refreshments, making him widely known as the 'King of Sports Concessions' in the Unites States of America. [10]

In 1916, an employee of Feltman's named Nathan Handwerker was encouraged by celebrity clients Eddie Cantor and Jimmy Durante to go into business in competition with his former employer.[11] Handwerker undercut Feltman's by charging five cents for a hot dog when his former employer was charging ten.[11] At a time when food regulation was in its infancy, and the pedigree of the hot dog particularly suspect, Handwerker made sure that men wearing surgeon's smocks were seen eating at Nathan's Famous to reassure potential customers.[8]


Hotdogs in Amsterdam

The term "dog" has been used as a synonym for sausage since at least 1884 and accusations that sausage makers used dog meat date to at least 1845.[12]

According to a popular myth, the use of the complete phrase "hot dog" in reference to sausage was coined by the newspaper cartoonist Thomas Aloysius "TAD" Dorgan around 1900 in a cartoon recording the sale of hot dogs during a New York Giants baseball game at the Polo Grounds.[12] However, TAD's earliest usage of "hot dog" was not in reference to a baseball game at the Polo Grounds, but to a bicycle race at Madison Square Garden, in the The New York Evening Journal [December 12, 1906], by which time the term "hot dog" in reference to sausage was already in use.[13][12] In addition, no copy of the apocryphal cartoon has ever been found.[14]

The earliest usage of "hot dog" in clear reference to sausage found by Barry Popik appeared in the 28 September 1893 edition of The Knoxville Journal.[13]

It was so cool last night that the appearance of overcoats was common, and stoves and grates were again brought into comfortable use. Even the weinerwurst men began preparing to get the "hot dogs" ready for sale Saturday night.

—28 September 1893, Knoxville (TN) Journal, "The [sic] Wore Overcoats," pg. 5

Another early use of the complete phrase "hot dog" in reference to sausage appeared on page 4 of the October 19, 1895 issue of The Yale Record: "they contentedly munched hot dogs during the whole service."[13]

General description

Grilled hot dogs

A hot dog is typically distinguishable from other sausages by its smaller size and relative lack of spicing. A regular hot dog of the kind popular at sporting events, and readily available in supermarkets, is roughly 6-in (15-cm) long, although thickness and length can vary. There are many nationally-distributed brands that provide similar products to all geographical areas.


The basic ingredients in hot dogs are:[1]

in a synthetic collagen casing.

Pork and beef are the traditional meats which are still widely used. Less expensive hot dogs are primarily chicken or turkey, due to the low cost of mechanically separated poultry. Hot dogs have high sodium, fat and nitrate content, which have been linked to health problems in some consumers. In recent years, due to changing dietary preferences, manufacturers have turned to turkey, chicken, or vegetarian meat substitutes, and have begun lowering salt content.

In general, if a manufacturer produces two types of hot dog sausages, "wieners" tend to contain pork and are the blander of the two, while "franks" tend to be all beef and more-strongly seasoned.


This wall painting shows some of the more common hot dog condiments: mustard, ketchup and relish.
A Detroit Coney Island hot dog with chili, onion and mustard.

Throughout the world, there are numerous variations in hot dog condiments. Some of these are mustard, ketchup, pickle relish, saurkraut, onion, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, cheese, and chili peppers. They are usually served in a bun.

In the United States, the National Sausage and Hot Dog Council conducted a poll in 2005, which found mustard to be the most popular condiment (32 percent). "Twenty-three percent of Americans said they preferred ketchup. [...] Chili came in third at 17 percent, followed by relish (9 percent) and onions (7 percent). Southerners showed the strongest preference for chili, while Midwesterners showed the greatest affinity for ketchup. Nationwide, however, mustard prevailed."[15] Some Americans believe that a properly made hot dog should never be topped with ketchup, since it overpowers and destroys the taste of the hot dog instead of complementing it.[16].

The Coney Island hot dog, which is topped with a special "Coney sauce" (generally a beanless chili), also is a favorite in the US Midwest. Several restaurants in Michigan claim to have invented the Coney dog, which is virtually unknown in Coney Island, New York.

Commercial Preparation

Hot dogs are typically prepared commercially by mixing all of the ingredients (meats, spices, binders and fillers, if any) in large vats where rapidly moving blades grind and mix the ingredients in the same operation, ensuring a homogeneous product. This mixture is then forced through tubes into casings for cooking. Most hot dogs sold in the US are called "skinless" as opposed to more expensive "natural casing" hot dogs.

Natural casing hot dogs

As with virtually all sausages, hot dogs must be in a casing to be cooked. Traditionally, this casing is made from the thoroughly cleaned small intestines of sheep, and the products are known as "natural casing" hot dogs or frankfurters.[17] These kinds of hot dogs are preferred by some for their firmer texture and the "snap" that releases juices and flavor when the product is bitten.[17]

Kosher natural casings are difficult to obtain in commercial quantities in the USA, and therefore kosher hot dogs are usually either skinless or made with artificial collagen casings.[17]

Skinless hot dogs

One of the more recent developments in hot dog preparation: The hot dog toaster.

"Skinless" hot dogs also must use a casing in the cooking process when the product is manufactured, but here the casing is usually a long tube of thin cooking plastic that is completely removed between cooking and packaging. Skinless hot dogs vary in the texture of the product surface but have a softer "bite" than natural casing hot dogs. Skinless hot dogs are more uniform in shape and size than natural casing hot dogs and less expensive to produce.

Final preparation

For a full list of regional differences in hot dog preparation and condiments, see Hot dog variations.

Hot dogs may be grilled, steamed, boiled, barbecued, pan fried, deep fried, broiled, or microwaved. Some cooks prefer to boil their hot dogs in beer.[18] While hot dogs are always cooked before packaging, they should not be eaten cold from the package. Hot dogs and their packaging fluid are sometimes contaminated with the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, which causes listeriosis, a serious foodborne illness.[19]

Hot dogs in the United States

A roadside hot dog stand located near Huntington, West Virginia.

7-Eleven is North America's number-one retailer of fresh-grilled hot dogs, selling approximately 100 million each year.[20][21] Other chains in the U.S. that offer hot dogs include Sonic Drive-In and Dog n Suds, who call it a coney; Hardee's (but not their counterpart Carl's Jr. on the west coast of the United States, which is ironic due to founder Carl Karcher having started the Carl's Jr. empire with a hot dog stand); Dairy Queen; Wienerschnitzel (originally Der Wienerschnitzel), whose menu focuses on hot dogs; The Frankfurter in Seattle, Washington; Woody's Chicago Style; Five Guys; Nathan's Famous, which sponsors the annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest; A&W; and Spike's Junkyard Dogs located in Rhode Island and Boston. Additionally, Rhode Island is home to the New York System restaurants, specializing in wieners with mustard, chili sauce, chopped onions and celery salt. Krystal restaurants in the southeast offer a small hot dog called a Krystal Pup, and Fatburger, located mostly on the west coast of the U.S., offers hot dogs and chili dogs. In Cincinnati, Ohio Skyline Chili and Gold Star Chili sell hot dogs and spaghetti with their signature Cincinnati-style chili. They are also commonly served at Sam's Club and Costco with a soda.

Yocco's Hot Dogs, founded in 1922, maintains six restaurants in the Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania and is known for its long-standing specialty of hot dogs with various toppings. Given Yocco's strong global popularity, the restaurant also has a mail-order business, providing bags of frozen hot dogs to customers around the U.S. and the world. A map of the world displayed in each of the company's six restaurants marks the thousands of locations that have ordered Yocco's hot dogs. They also serve wine, meaning that they serve wieners and wine.

Casual dining restaurants often have hot dogs on their children's menu, but not on the regular menu. Hot dog stands and trucks sell hot dogs and accompaniments, as well as similar products, at street and highway locations. At convenience stores such as 7-Eleven, hot dogs are usually kept heated on rotating grills; a selection of flavors and sizes is sometimes offered.

Hot dogs sold by vendors who wander through the stands are a tradition at baseball parks. Several ballparks have signature hot dogs, such as Fenway Franks at Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts and Dodger Dogs at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, California. The Fenway signature is that the hot dog is boiled and grilled Fenway-style, and then served on a New England-style bun, covered with mustard and relish. Often during Red Sox games, vendors traverse the stadium selling the hot dogs plain, giving customers the choice of adding the condiments.

Hot dog kinds and variations

Main articles: Hot dog variations and Vegetarian


The World's longest hot dog at the Akasaka Prince Hotel.

Hot dogs are used in many competitions, including eating competitions and attempts to create world record sized hot dogs. On July 4, 2007, Joey Chestnut set a new record when he ate 66 hotdogs in 12 minutes at Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest 2007 event at Coney Island, breaking the previous record that he set on June 2, 2007 when he ate 59½ hotdogs in 12 minutes at a Nathan's qualifier event in Tempe, AZ. In Arizona, Chestnut had broken the record at the time of 53¾ by Takeru Kobayashi. [23]

The World's Longest Hot Dog created was 60m (196.85 ft), and rested within a 60.3 m bun. The hot dog was prepared by Shizuoka Meat Producers for the All-Japan Bread Association, which baked the bun and coordinated the event, including official measurement for the world record. The hot dog and bun were the center of a media event in celebration of the Association's 50th anniversary on August 4, 2006, at the Akasaka Prince Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.


The city of Huntington, West Virginia, hosts the annual West Virginia Hot Dog Festival.[24] Each year, at Suffolk Downs in Boston, Massachusetts, thousands of people come to the Hot Dog Safari to contribute money to help people with cystic fibrosis.[25] A future festival possibility comes from a meat market owner in DuBois, Pennsylvania, who created a peanut butter hot dog recipe at the suggestion of the mother of a seven-year-old customer. The popularity of this invention spread via the Internet, and the town of DuBois is now discussing a "peanut butter hot dog" festival.[26]

See also



External links