Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
Birth name Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa
Born 24 November 1864(1864-11-24)
Albi, Tarn, France
Died 9 September 1901 (aged 36)
Malrome, France
Nationality French
Field Painter, Printmaker, draftsman, illustrator
Movement Post-Impressionism, Art Nouveau

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (pronounced [ɑ̃ʁi dø tuluz loˈtʁɛk]) (November 24, 1864 – September 9, 1901) was a French painter, printmaker, draftsman, and illustrator, whose immersion in the decadent and theatrical life of fin de siècle Paris yielded an oeuvre of provocative images of modern life.




Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa was born in Albi, Tarn in the Midi-Pyrénées région of France, the firstborn child of Comte Alphonse and Comtesse Adèle de Toulouse-Lautrec. An aristocratic family (descendants of the Counts of Toulouse and Lautrec and the Viscounts of Montfa) that had recently fallen on hard times, the Toulouse-Lautrecs were feeling the effects of the inbreeding of past generations; the Comte and Comtesse themselves were first cousins, and Henri suffered from a number of congenital health conditions attributed to this tradition of inbreeding (see below). A younger brother was born to the family on 28 August 1867, but died the following year.


At the age of 13 Henri fractured his left thigh bone, and at 14, the right.[1] The breaks did not heal properly. Modern physicians attribute this to an unknown genetic disorder, possibly pycnodysostosis (also sometimes known as Toulouse-Lautrec Syndrome),[2] or a variant disorder along the lines of osteopetrosis, achondroplasia, or osteogenesis imperfecta.[3] Rickets aggravated with praecox virilism has also been suggested. His legs ceased to grow, so that as an adult he was only 1.22 m (4 ft 6 in) tall,[1] having developed an adult-sized torso, while retaining his child-sized legs, which were 0.70 m (27.5 in) long. He is also reported to have had hypertrophied genitals.[4]

Physically unable to participate in most of the activities typically enjoyed by men of his age, Toulouse-Lautrec immersed himself in his art. He became an important Post-Impressionist painter, art nouveau illustrator, and lithographer; and recorded in his works many details of the late-19th-century bohemian lifestyle in Paris. Toulouse-Lautrec also contributed a number of illustrations to the magazine Le Rire during the mid-1890s.

La Toilette


Toulouse-Lautrec was drawn to Montmartre, an area of Paris famous for its bohemian lifestyle and for being the haunt of artists, writers, and philosophers. Tucked deep into Montmartre was the garden of Monsieur Pere Foret where Toulouse-Lautrec executed a series of pleasant plein-air paintings of Carmen Gaudin, the same red-head model who appears in The Laundress (1888). When the nearby Moulin Rouge cabaret opened its doors, Toulouse-Lautrec was commissioned to produce a series of posters. Thereafter, the cabaret reserved a seat for him, and displayed his paintings.[5] Among the well-known works that he painted for the Moulin Rouge and other Parisian nightclubs are depictions of the singer Yvette Guilbert; the dancer Louise Weber, known as the outrageous La Goulue ("The Glutton"), who created the "French Can-Can"; and the much more subtle dancer Jane Avril.

An alcoholic for most of his adult life, Toulouse-Lautrec was placed in a sanatorium shortly before his death. He died from complications due to alcoholism and syphilis at the family estate in Malromé at the age of 36. He is buried in Verdelais, Gironde, a few kilometers from the Château of Malromé, where he died.

Toulouse-Lautrec's last words reportedly were: "Le vieux con!" ("You old fool!") This was his goodbye to his father.[6]

Tremblement de Terre

The invention of the Tremblement de Terre is attributed to Toulouse-Lautrec, a potent mixture containing half absinthe and half cognac.[7]


In Bed, 1893

Throughout his career, which spanned less than 20 years, Toulouse-Lautrec created 737 canvases, 275 watercolors, 363 prints and posters, 5,084 drawings, some ceramic and stained glass work, and an unknown number of lost works.[2] Toulouse-Lautrec is known along with Cézanne, Van Gogh, and Gauguin as one of the greatest painters of the Post-Impressionist period. His debt to the Impressionists, in particular the more figurative painters Manet and Degas, is apparent. In the works of Toulouse-Lautrec can be seen many parallels to Manet's detatched barmaid at A Bar at the Folies-Bergère and the behind-the-scenes ballet dancers of Degas. He excelled at capturing people in their working environment, with the colour and the movement of the gaudy night-life present, but the glamour stripped away. He was masterly at capturing crowd scenes in which the figures are highly individualised. At the time that they were painted, the individual figures in his larger paintings could be identified by silhouette alone, and the names of many of these characters have been recorded. His treatment of his subject matter, whether as portraits, scenes of Parisian night-life, or intimate studies, has been described as both sympathetic and dispassionate.

Toulouse-Lautrec's skilled depiction of people relied on his painterly style which is highly linear and gives great emphasis to contour. He often applied the paint in long, thin brushstrokes which often leave much of the board on which they are painted showing through. Many of his works may best be described as drawings in coloured paint.

After Toulouse-Lautrec's death, his mother, the Comtesse Adèle Toulouse-Lautrec, and Maurice Joyant, his art dealer, promoted his art. His mother contributed funds for a museum to be built in Albi, his birthplace, to house his works. In a 2005 auction at Christie's auction house a new record was set when "La blanchisseuse", an early painting of a young laundress, sold for $22.4 million U.S.[8]


Toulouse-Lautrec has been the subject of biographical films:

Selected works


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Why Lautrec was a giant". The Times (10 December 2006). Retrieved on 2007-12-08.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Angier, Natalie (6 June 1995). "What Ailed Toulouse-Lautrec? Scientists Zero In on a Key Gene". The New York Times. Retrieved on 2007-12-08.
  3. "Noble figure". The Guardian (20 November 2004). Retrieved on 2007-12-08.
  4. Ayto, John, and Crofton, Ian, Brewer's Dictionary of Modern Phrase & Fable, page 747. Excerpted from Google Book Search. [1]
  5. Blake Linton Wilfong Hooker Heroes
  6. "Toulouse Lautrec: The Full Story". Channel 4. Retrieved on 2007-12-08.
  7. "Absinthe Service and Historic Cocktails". AbsintheOnline.com. Retrieved on 2007-12-08.
  8. The New York Sun 11/02/2005
  9. Lautrec (1998) at the Internet Movie Database

External links