
Comparison of Area units
Unit SI SI base
1 ca 1 m² 1 m²
1 a 1 dam² 102
1 ha 1 hm² 104
100 ha 1 km² 106
non-SI comparisons
non-SI metric SI base
0.00386102 sq mi 1 ha 104
2.471 acre 1 ha 104
107,639 sq ft 1 ha 104

A hectare (symbol ha, pronounced /ˈhɛktɛər/) is a unit of area equal to 10,000 square metres (107,639 sq ft), or one square hectometre (100 metres, squared), and commonly used for measuring land area. A square 100 metres on each side is one hectare, the most common and convenient SI area multiple used in the surveying profession for day to day legal documents such as land deeds, mortgage surveys, town planning, environmental protection, and other necessary property considerations under the law.


Its base unit, the are, was defined by older forms of the metric system, but is no longer part of the modern metric system. The Comité International des Poids et Mesures classifies the hectare as a unit that is accepted for use with SI.[1]


The hectare is used in most countries around the world, especially in domains concerned with land planning and management such as agriculture, forestry, and town planning. The United States, Myanmar, and to some extent Canada use the Imperial measurement acre, equal to 43,560 square feet, or 33 feet x 1/4 mile, which is 0.404686 ha.


One hectare is equivalent to:


Imperial units


See also


  1. Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (2006). "The International System of Units (SI)". 8th ed.. Retrieved on 2008-02-13. Chapter 5.

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