Giovanni Antonio Scopoli

Giovanni Antonio Scopoli

Giovanni Antonio Scopoli (sometimes Latinized as Johannes Antonius Scopoli) (June 3, 1723 – May 8, 1788) was a Tyrolian physician and naturalist.



Scopoli was born at Cavalese in the Val di Fiemme of Tyrol, the son of a lawyer of Italian descent. He obtained a degree in medicine at University of Innsbruck, and practiced as a doctor in Cavalese and Venice.[1] Much of his time was spent in the Alps, collecting plants and insects of which he made outstanding collections. He spent two years as private secretary to the Count of Seckan, and then was appointed as physician of the mercury mines in Idrija, a small Slovenian town in the Habsburg realm, remaining there for sixteen years. In 1761 he published De Hydroargyro Idriensi Tentamina on the symptoms of mercury poisoning among mercury miners.

Copper engraving from the Deliciæ Floræ et Faunæ Insubricæ (1786).

Scopoli spent time studying the local natural history, publishing Flora Carniolica (1760) as well as a major work on the insects of Carniola as well, Entomologia Carniolica (1763). He also published a series of Anni Historico-Naturales (1769-72), which included first descriptions of birds from various collections.

In 1769 Scopoli was appointed a professor of chemistry and metallurgy at Mining Academy at Schemnitz (now Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia), and in 1777 transferred to the University of Pavia.[1] He became a bitter rival of Lazzaro Spallanzani who was accused of stealing specimens from the Pavia museum. Spallanzani was tried and the prolonged trial resulted in acquittal. Scopoli died of a stroke shortly after the acquittal of Spallanzani.[2] His last work was Deliciae Flora et Fauna Insubricae (1786-88), which included scientific names for birds and mammals described by Pierre Sonnerat in the accounts of his voyages.

The plant alkaloid and drug Scopolamine was first found in the genus Scopolia which is named after him. The standard botanical author abbreviation Scop. is applied to species he described.


Some taxa named by Scopoli


  1. 1.0 1.1 Newton, Alfred 1881. Scopoli's ornithological papers. The Willoughby Society. Scanned version
  2. Mazzarello, Paolo 2004. Costantinopoli 1786: la congiura e la beffa. L'intrigo Spallanzani. Bollati Boringhieri
  3. Brummitt, R. K.; C. E. Powell (1992). Authors of Plant Names. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. ISBN 1-84246-085-4. 


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