
31 zincgalliumgermanium


Periodic Table - Extended Periodic Table
Name, Symbol, Number gallium, Ga, 31
Element category poor metals
Group, Period, Block 13, 4, p
Appearance silvery white
Typical (melted blob) Crystallized
Standard atomic weight 69.723(1)  g·mol−1
Electron configuration [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p1
Electrons per shell 2, 8, 18, 3
Physical properties
Phase solid
Density (near r.t.) 5.91  g·cm−3
Liquid density at m.p. 6.095  g·cm−3
Melting point 302.9146 K
(29.7646 °C, 85.5763 °F)
Boiling point 2477 K
(2204 °C, 3999 °F)
Heat of fusion 5.59  kJ·mol−1
Heat of vaporization 254  kJ·mol−1
Specific heat capacity (25 °C) 25.86  J·mol−1·K−1
Vapor pressure
P(Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at T(K) 1310 1448 1620 1838 2125 2518
Atomic properties
Crystal structure orthorhombic
Oxidation states 3, 2 [1], 1
(amphoteric oxide)
Electronegativity 1.81 (Pauling scale)
Ionization energies
1st:  578.8  kJ·mol−1
2nd:  1979.3  kJ·mol−1
3rd:  2963  kJ·mol−1
Atomic radius 130  pm
Atomic radius (calc.) 136  pm
Covalent radius 126  pm
Van der Waals radius 187 pm
Magnetic ordering no data
Thermal conductivity (300 K) 40.6  W·m−1·K−1
Speed of sound (thin rod) (20 °C) 2740 m/s
Mohs hardness 1.5
Brinell hardness 60  MPa
CAS registry number 7440-55-3
Most-stable isotopes
Main article: Isotopes of gallium
iso NA half-life DM DE (MeV) DP
69Ga 60.11% 69Ga is stable with 38 neutrons
71Ga 39.89% 71Ga is stable with 40 neutrons

Gallium (pronounced /ˈgæliəm/) is a chemical element that has the symbol Ga and atomic number 31. A soft silvery metallic poor metal, gallium is a brittle solid at low temperatures but liquifies slightly above room temperature and will melt in the hand. It occurs in trace amounts in bauxite and zinc ores. An important application is in the compounds gallium nitride and gallium arsenide, used as a semiconductor, most notably in light-emitting diodes (LEDs).


Notable characteristics

Elemental gallium is not found in nature, but it is easily obtained by smelting. Very pure gallium metal has a brilliant silvery color and its solid metal fractures conchoidally like glass. Gallium metal expands by 3.1 percent when it solidifies, and therefore storage in either glass or metal containers is avoided, due to the possibility of container rupture with freezing. Gallium shares the higher-density liquid state with only a few materials like germanium, bismuth, antimony and water.

Gallium also attacks most other metals by diffusing into their metal lattice. Gallium for example diffuses into the grain boundaries of Al/Zn alloys[1] or steel[2], making them very brittle. Also, gallium metal easily alloys with many metals, and was used in small quantities in the core of the first atomic bomb to help stabilize the plutonium crystal structure.[3]

The melting point temperature of 29.76 °C allows the metal to be melted in one's hand. This metal has a strong tendency to supercool below its melting point/freezing point, thus necessitating seeding in order to solidify. Gallium is one of the metals (with caesium, rubidium, francium and mercury) which are liquid at or near normal room temperature, and can therefore be used in metal-in-glass high-temperature thermometers. It is also notable for having one of the largest liquid ranges for a metal, and (unlike mercury) for having a low vapor pressure at high temperatures. Unlike mercury, liquid gallium metal wets glass and skin, making it mechanically more difficult to handle (even though it is substantially less toxic and requires far fewer precautions). For this reason as well as the metal contamination problem and freezing-expansion problems noted above, samples of gallium metal are usually supplied in polyethylene packets within other containers.

Gallium does not crystallize in any of the simple crystal structures. The stable phase under normal conditions is orthorhombic with 8 atoms in the conventional unit cell. Each atom has only one nearest neighbor (at a distance of 244 pm) and six other neighbors within additional 39 pm. Many stable and metastable phases are found as function of temperature and pressure.

The bonding between the nearest neighbors is found to be of covalent character, hence Ga2 dimers are seen as the fundamental building blocks of the crystal. The compound with arsenic, gallium arsenide is a semiconductor commonly used in light-emitting diodes.

High-purity gallium is dissolved slowly by mineral acids.

Gallium has no known biological role, although it has been observed to stimulate the metabolism.[4]


Gallium (the Latin Gallia means "Gaul," essentially modern France) was discovered spectroscopically by Lecoq de Boisbaudran in 1875 by its characteristic spectrum (two violet lines) in an examination of a zinc blende from the Pyrenees.[5] Before its discovery, most of its properties had been predicted and described by Dmitri Mendeleev (who had called the hypothetical element "eka-aluminium") on the basis of its position in his periodic table. Later, in 1875, Boisbaudran obtained the free metal by electrolysis of its hydroxide in potassium hydroxide solution. He named the element "gallia" after his native land of France. It was later claimed that, in one of those multilingual puns so beloved of men of science in the early 19th century, he had also named gallium after himself, as his name, "Le coq," is the French for "the rooster," and the Latin for "rooster" is "gallus"; however, in an 1877 article Le coq denied this supposition. (The supposition was also noted in Building Blocks of the Universe, a book on the elements by Isaac Asimov.)


Gallium does not exist in free form in nature, nor do any high-gallium minerals exist to serve as a primary source of extraction of the element or its compounds. Its abundance in the Earth's crust is approximately 16.9 ppm.[6] Gallium is found and extracted as a trace component in bauxite and to a small extent from sphalerite The ammount extracted from coal, diaspore and germanite in which gallium is also present is neglectable. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimates gallium reserves to exceede 1 million tonnes, based on 50 ppm by weight concentration in known reserves of bauxite and zinc ores.[7][8] Some flue dusts from burning coal have been shown to contain small quantities of gallium, typically less than 1% by weight.[9][10][11][12]


The only two economic sources for gallium are as byproduct of aluminium and zinc production, while the sphalerite for zinc production is the minor source. Most gallium is extracted from the crude aluminium hydroxide solution of the Bayer process for producing alumina and aluminium. A mercury cell electrolysis and hydrolysis of the amalgam with sodium hydroxide leads to sodium gallate. Electrolysis then gives gallium metal. For semiconductor use, further purification is carried out using zone melting, or else single crystal extraction from a melt (Czochralski process). Purities of 99.9999% are routinely achieved and commercially widely available.[13] An exact number for the world wide production is not available, but it is estimated that in 2007 the production of gallium was 184 tonnes with less than 100 tonnes from mining and the rest from scrap recycling. [7]


Gallium arsenide (GaAs) and gallium nitride (GaN) used in electronic components represented about 98% of the gallium consumption in the United States.[7] World wide gallium arsenide makes up 95% of the annual global gallium consumption.[13]


Gallium based blue LEDs

The semiconductor applications are the main reason for the low-cost commercial availability of the extremely high-purity (99.9999+%) metal: As a component of the semiconductor gallium arsenide, the most common application for gallium is optoelectronic devices (mostly laser diodes and light-emitting diodes.) Smaller amounts of gallium arsenide are use for the manufacture of ultra-high speed logic chips and MOSFETs for low-noise microwave preamplifiers.

Gallium is used as a dopant for the production of solid-state devices such as transistors. However, worldwide the actual quantity used for this purpose is minute, since dopant levels are usually of the order of a few parts per million.

Multijunction photovoltaic cell for speciall application, first developed and deployed for Satellite power applications, are made by molecular beam epitaxy or Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy of thin films of gallium arsenide, indium gallium phosphide or indium gallium arsenide.The Mars Exploration Rovers and several satellites use triple junction gallium arsenide on germanium cells.[14] Gallium is the rarest component of new photovoltaic compounds (such as copper indium gallium selenium sulfide or Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2, recently announced by South African researchers) for use in solar panels as a more efficient alternative to crystalline silicon.[15]

Wetting and alloy improvement

Liquid alloys

Biomedical applications

Other use

Energy storage

Aluminium is reactive enough to reduce water to hydrogen, being oxidized to aluminium oxide. However, the aluminium oxide forms a protective coat which prevents further reaction. When gallium is alloyed with aluminium, the coat does not form, thus the alloy can potentially provide a solid hydrogen source for transportation purposes, which would be more convenient than a pressurized hydrogen tank. Resmelting the resultant aluminium oxide and gallium mixture to metallic aluminium and gallium and reforming these into electrodes would constitute most of the energy input into the system, while electricity produced by a hydrogen fuel cell could constitute an energy output.[22][23] The thermodynamic efficiency of the aluminium smelting process is said to be approximately 50 percent. Therefore, at most no more than half the energy that goes into smelting aluminium could be recovered by a fuel cell.


While not considered toxic, the data about gallium are inconclusive. Some sources suggest that it may cause dermatitis from prolonged exposure; other tests have not caused a positive reaction. Like most metals, finely divided gallium loses its luster. Powdered gallium appears grey. When gallium is handled with bare hands, the extremely fine dispersion of liquid gallium droplets which results from wetting skin with the metal may appear as a grey skin stain.

See also


  1. W. L. Tsai, Y. Hwu, C. H. Chen, L. W. Chang, J. H. Je, H. M. Lin, G. Margaritondo (2003). "Grain boundary imaging, gallium diffusion and the fracture behavior of Al–Zn Alloy – An in situ study". Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 199: 457–463. doi:10.1016/S0168-583X(02)01533-1. 
  2. Vigilante, G. N., Trolano, E., Mossey, C. (June 1999). "Liquid Metal Embrittlement of ASTM A723 Gun Steel by Indium and Gallium". Defense Technical Information Center.
  3. Sublette,Cary (2001-09-09). "Section". Nuclear Weapons FAQ. Retrieved on 2008-01-24.
  4. Mark Winter. "Scholar Edition: gallium: Biological information". The University of Sheffield and WebElements Ltd, UK.
  5. de Boisbaudran 493–495, Lecoq. "Caractères chimiques et spectroscopiques d'un nouveau métal, le gallium, découvert dans une blende de la mine de Pierrefitte, vallée d'Argelès (Pyrénées)". Comptes rendus 81. Retrieved on 2008-09-23. 
  6. Burton, J. D.; Culkin, F.; Riley, J. P. (2007). "The abundances of gallium and germanium in terrestrial materials". Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 16: 151–180. doi:10.1016/0016-7037(59)90052-3. 
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Kramer, Deborah A.. "Mineral Commodity Summary 2006: Gallium". United States Geological Survey. Retrieved on 2008-11-20.
  8. Kramer, Deborah A.. "Mineral Yearbook 2006: Gallium". United States Geological Survey. Retrieved on 2008-11-20.
  9. Shan Xiao-quan, Wang Wen and Wen Bei (1992). "Determination of gallium in coal and coal fly ash by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry using slurry sampling and nickel chemical modification". Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 7: 761–764. doi:10.1039/JA9920700761. 
  10. "Gallium in West Virginia Coals". West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey (2002-03-02).
  11. O. Font, X. Querol, R. Juan, R. Casado, C. R. Ruiz, A. Lopez-Soler, P. Coca and F. G. Pena (2007). "Recovery of gallium and vanadium from gasification fly ash". Journal of Hazardous Materials 139 (3): 413–423. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2006.02.041. 
  12. A. J. W. Headlee and Richard G. Hunter (1953). "Elements in Coal Ash and Their Industrial Significance". Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 45 (3): 548–551. doi:10.1021/ie50519a028. 
  13. 13.0 13.1 Moskalyk, R. R. (2003). "Gallium: the backbone of the electronics industry". Minerals Engineering 16 (10): 921–929. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2003.08.003. 
  14. Crisp, D.; Pathare, A.; Ewell, R. C. (2004). "The performance of gallium arsenide/germanium solar cells at the Martian surface". Progress in Photovoltaics Research and Applications 54 (2): 83–101. doi:10.1016/S0094-5765(02)00287-4. 
  15. Alberts, V.; Titus J.; Birkmire R. W. (2003). "Material and device properties of single-phase Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 alloys prepared by selenization/sulfurization of metallic alloys". Thin Solid Films 451-452: 207-211. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2003.10.092. 
  16. Besmann, Theodore M. (2005). "Thermochemical Behavior of Gallium in Weapons-Material-Derived Mixed-Oxide Light Water Reactor (LWR) Fuel". Journal of the American Ceramic Society 81 (12): 3071-3076. doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.1998.tb02740.x. 
  17. Knight, Will (2005-05-05). "Hot chips chilled with liquid metal". Retrieved on 2008-11-20.
  18. L. R. Bernstein, T. Tanner, C. Godfrey, B. Noll (2000). "Chemistry and pharmacokinetics of gallium maltolate, a compound with high oral gallium bioavailability". Metal Based Drugs 7: 33–48. doi:10.1155/MBD.2000.33. 
  19. "A Trojan-horse strategy selected to fight bacteria" (2007-03-16). Retrieved on 2008-11-20.
  20. Smith, Michael (2007-03-16). "Gallium May Have Antibiotic-Like Properties". MedPage Today. Retrieved on 2008-11-20.
  21. "Neutrino Detectors Experiments: GALLEX" (1999-06-26). Retrieved on 2008-11-20.
  22. Purdue University (2007-04-10). "Purdue Energy Center symposium to pave the road to a hydrogen economy". Press release.
  23. "New process generates hydrogen from aluminum alloy to run engines, fuel cells", (2007-05-16). 

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