English Springer Spaniel

English Springer Spaniel
English-Springer-Spaniel show.jpg
English Springer Spaniel
Country of origin England

The English Springer Spaniel is a breed of gun dog traditionally used for flushing and retrieving game. It is one of many spaniel breeds.



Solid liver and white coat colour (show-bred)


Field Bred Dog, though AKC registered

The English Springer Spaniel represents perhaps the greatest divergence between working and show lines of any breed of dog. A field-bred dog and a show-bred dog appear to be different breeds, but are registered together. In fact, the gene pools are almost completely segregated and have been for at least 70 years.[1] A field bred dog would not be even remotely competitive in a modern dog show while a show dog would be unlikely to have the speed or stamina to succeed in a field trial.

Field-bred dogs tend to have shorter, coarser coats than the show-bred dogs. Their ears are less pendulous. Field-bred dogs are wiry and have more of a feral look than those bred for showing. The tail of the field bred dog is only docked by a few inches in comparison to the show dog to provide a "flag" for the hunter. Docking also prevents laceration of the tail during hunting. Field-bred dogs are generally selected for nose, hunting ability, and response to training rather than appearance.

Show dogs have longer fur and more pendant ears, dewlaps and dangling flews. The tail is docked to a short stub in those countries that permit docking. They are generally more thickly boned and heavier than field-bred springers.


Field-bred dogs tend to have shorter, coarser coats than the show-bred dogs, which should have longer fur. They normally only shed in summer and spring months, but shed occasionally in the autumn.


The coat comes in Black or liver with white markings or predominantly white with black or liver (brown) markings; Blue or liver roan; Tricolour: black and white or liver and white with tan markings, usually found on eyebrows, cheeks, inside of ears and under the tail. Any white portion of the coat may be flecked with ticking.[2]


Males in the show dog line average approximately 18–20 inches (45–51 cm) at the withers and weigh on average 50–55 lb (23–25 kg). According to the UK (FCI) Breed Standard, the English Springer Spaniel should be 20 inches (51 cm) at the withers. The females should be 17–19 inches (43–48 cm) and usually 35–45 lb (16–20 kg). Working types can be lighter in weight and finer in bone.


English Springer Spaniels make good family dogs.

The typical Springer is friendly, eager to please, quick to learn and willing to obey.[3] The Springer is an affectionate and easy-going family dog, and its alertness and attentiveness make it the ideal hunting companion. An intelligent dog, active and eager to please, an English Springer is easily incorporated into a family setting.

Although good with children, it tends to have a moderate energy level. Its long-legged build makes it among the fastest of the spaniels. It has exceptional stamina and needs moderate amounts of activity, to focus its mind and to provide exercise, although this is different for each dog. English Springers need plenty of exercise in order to run off their excess energy. These dogs can be over excitable but adequate walking can prevent this.

Like any breed described as "good with children", an English Springer Spaniel must be accustomed to children. Any dog that is not well socialised with children will not behave predictably around them.

In general, the breed is good with other pets, such as cats and ferrets. However, some English Springer Spaniels may not be suitable for homes with pet birds without additional training, due to their natural hunting instinct. As with all breeds, dogs must become accustomed to other pets, and it's better to introduce to pets when they are both very young.

English Springer Spaniels are energetic, cheerful, happy and playful animals; many owners find humour in their play. As with many playful dogs or hunting dogs bred as retrievers, these dogs will play with things as simple as empty plastic bottles, socks, or towels. These spaniels easily remember where such things are kept and are good at getting them out. They need a lot of regular exercise and mental stimulation for optimum mental health.


English Springer Spaniel from Norway

As in most breeds, there are some health issues that are more likely to occur in this breed. Hip dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) are two such diseases for which veterinarians are working on genetic markers to determine carriers. Retinal dysplasia (RD) and Phosphofructokinase deficiency (PFK) are two other hereditary conditions the English springer spaniel should be screened for prior to breeding. Canine Eye Research Foundation (CERF) and Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) certifications for the father and mother of a litter of pups provides some information about eye and hip wellness.

Some English Springer Spaniels are prone to ear infections. Susceptible individuals should have their ear canals cleaned weekly with a solution that will leave the ear in an acidic state to retard the growth of yeast and bacteria. Keeping the hair trimmed around the ear can also help.

Other health issues include autoimmune diseases, which include allergies and other sensitivities to the environment. These are not common, but are found in the breed.


An English Springer Spaniel catching a tennis ball

An English Springer Spaniel is first and foremost an upland flushing dog. In performing this task there are some skills the dog must be trained to perform.


This spaniel is an older breed, appearing in paintings as early as the 1600s. It is possibly the ancestor of most modern spaniels; Springer Spaniels and Cocker Spaniels were not recognized as separate breeds until the 1800s.

The purpose of the breed was to serve as a hunting dog. Before guns were used to shoot game, the land spaniel would "spring"—or flush—the gamebird into the air where a trained falcon or hawk would bring it to the handler.

As the shotgun replaced the bird of prey for the hunter, the English Springer Spaniel continued to serve as a hunting companion. Although most are hunted on traditional upland game, the springer spaniel is adept at hunting waterfowl and small game, as well. They are excellent rabbit hunting dogs.[4] The spaniel is trained to "hup"—or sit—until the hunter casts the dog off to start hunting. A good spaniel is bold to cover, has an excellent "wet" or "dry" nose, works within gun range in an efficient, merry fashion and has a strong flush. The dog should mark the fall of the bird – or accept minimal handling to the area of the fall, where its nose can locate the downed bird's scent. After finding dead or wounded game, the spaniel should have a quick pick up, return to the hunter and deliver the prize with a soft mouth.

Famous English Springer Spaniels

Spot, pet of George W. Bush

Notable English Springer Spaniel champions

Bench (Show)


See also



  1. "Know The Difference Between A Show Bred & Field Bred English Springer Spaniel". English Springer Spaniel Information and Field Trial Page. Retrieved on 2007-07-09.
  2. English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association
  3. English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association
  4. Steve Baughan. "Hunting Rabbits with Spaniels". Spaniel Journal. Retrieved on 2007-07-09.


External links