Eastern European Time

Time zones of Europe:
blue Western European Time (UTC+0)
Western European Summer Time (UTC+1)
red Central European Time (UTC+1)
Central European Summer Time (UTC+2)
yellow Eastern European Time (UTC+2)
Eastern European Summer Time (UTC+3)
green Moscow Time (UTC+3)
Moscow Summer Time (UTC+4)
Light colours indicate countries that do not observe summer time: Algeria, Iceland and Morocco

Eastern European Time (EET) is one of the names of UTC+2 time zone, 2 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time. It is used in some European, North African, and Middle Eastern countries. Most of them also use Eastern European Summer Time (UTC+3) as a summer daylight saving time.



One country uses Eastern European Time all the year:

The following countries, parts of countries, and territories use Eastern European Time during the winter only:

Moscow used EET in years 1922-30 and 1991-92. In Poland this time was used in years 1918-22.

In time of World War II Germany implemented MET (CET) in east occupied territories.


Since political, in addition to purely geographical, criteria are used in the drawing of time zones, it follows that actual time zones do not precisely adhere to meridian lines. The EET (UTC+2) time zone, were it drawn by purely geographical terms, would consist of exactly the area between meridians 22 30' E and 37 30' E. As a result, there are European locales that despite lying in an area with a "physical" UTC+2 time, actually use another time zone; contrariwise, there are European areas that have gone for UTC+2, even though their "physical" time zone is different from that. Following is a list of such "incongruencies":

Areas that use Eastern European Time (UTC+2)

Areas west of 22 30' E ("physical" UTC+1) that use UTC+2

Areas east of 37 30' E ("physical" UTC+3) that use UTC+2

Areas geographically located within UTC+2 longitudes

Areas east of 22 30' E ("physical" UTC+2) that use UTC+1

Areas west of 37 30' E ("physical" UTC+2) that use UTC+3

Major metropolitan areas