Drow (Dungeons & Dragons)

This article refers to the fictional elven race from Dungeons & Dragons. See "Drow" of Scottish folklore for the origin of the word.
Alignment Evil[1] or Neutral Evil[2]
Type / origin Humanoid[3] or fey humanoid[1]
Subtype Elf[2]
Image Wizards.com image
Publication history
Source books Drow of the Underdark
First appearance G3 Hall of the Fire Giant King (1977)
Mythological origins Dark elf, Drow

The drow (pronounced either IPA: /ˈdraʊ/, rhyming with "now", or ˈdroʊ, rhyming with "throw," per Mentzer, 1985[4]) or dark elves are a generally evil, dark-skinned subrace of elves in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game.[2]


Publication history

The word "drow" is of Scottish origin, an alternative form of "trow", which is a cognate for "troll". Trow/drow was used to refer to a wide variety of evil sprites. Except for the basic concept of "dark elves", everything else about the Dungeons & Dragon drow was invented by Gary Gygax.[5]

Dungeons & Dragons co-creator Gary Gygax stated that "Drow are mentioned in Keightley's The Fairy Mythology, as I recall (it might have been The Secret Commonwealth--neither book is before me, and it is not all that important anyway), and as Dark Elves of evil nature, they served as an ideal basis for the creation of a unique new mythos designed especially for the AD&D game."[6]. This establishes Gygax's source for the term as Thomas Keightley's The Fairy Mythology, Illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of Various Countries[7].

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition (1977-1988)

The drow were first mentioned in the Dungeons & Dragons game in the 1st Edition 1977 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual under the "Elf" entry, where it is stated that "The 'Black Elves,' or drow, are only legend."[8] They made their first statistical appearance in G3 Hall of the Fire Giant King[9] (later G1-2-3 Against the Giants[10]) (1978) by Gary Gygax. The story continued in modules D1 Descent into the Depths of the Earth[11], D2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toa[12], D3 Vault of the Drow[13], and Q1 Queen of the Demonweb Pits[14] each of which expanded on drow culture. The first D&D manual that the drow appeared in was the original Fiend Folio.[15] The modules in which the drow originally appeared were later published together in Queen of the Spiders (1986).[16]

The drow are first presented as a player character race in Unearthed Arcana (1985).[17]

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition (1989-1999)

The drow appears first in the Monstrous Compendium Volume Two(1989),[18] and is reprinted in the Monstrous Manual (1993).[19]

Drow culture for the Forgotten Realms campaign setting is expanded greatly in Drow of the Underdark (1991), by Ed Greenwood.[20]

The drow are presented as a player character race for 2nd edition in the Complete Book of Elves (1992). The drow are later presented as a playable character race again in Player's Option: Skills & Powers (1995).

Dungeons & Dragons 3.0 edition (2000-2002)

The drow appears in the Monster Manual for this edition (2000).[21]

The drow of the Forgotten Realms setting appear in the hardcover Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (2001)[3], and in Races of Faerûn (2003).[22]

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 edition (2003-2007)

The drow appears in the revised Monster Manual for this edition (2003).[2]

The Underdark hardcover for the Forgotten Realms setting (2003) features the drow yet again as a player character race,[23] as does the Player's Guide to Faerûn (20034).[24] Lost of Empires of Faerûn describes the drow werebat (2005).[25]

The drow paragon 3-level class appears in Unearthed Arcana (2004)[26].

The umbragen for the Eberron campaign setting appeared as a player character race in Dragon #330 (April 2005).

The arcane guard drow, the dark sniper drow, the drow priestess, the Lolth's sting, and the Lolth-touched drow ranger appear in Monster Manual IV (2006).[27] The deepwyrm drow is presented as a player character race in Dragon Magic (2006).[28]

The drow are presented as a player character race for 3rd edition in Expedition to the Demonweb Pits (2007)[29] and Drow of the Underdark (2007)[30]. Drow of the Underdark also features the arcane guards, the drow assassin, the house captain, the house wizard, the drow inquisitor, the favored consort, the arcane guard, the drow priestess, the drow slaver, the spider sentinel, the albino drow (szarkal), the szarkal fighters, the szarkal druids, and the drow warrior, along with numerous prestige classes and other monsters related to drow[30].

Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition (2008-)

The drow appear in the Monster Manual for this edition (2008), including the drow warrior, the drow archanomancer, the drow blademaster, and the drow priest.[1]

The drow appear as a playable race in the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide.[31][32]

Player Controversy

The drow, especially when used as player characters are surrounded by much controversy, especially after their popularity exploded thanks to R.A. Salavtore's novel, The Crystal Shard.[33]

"...today you can hardly mention the drow in the presence of gamers without sparking an argument. Some players love playing drow characters, while other players won't play in a game that allows drow PCs. Some GMs love the concept of "renegade" drow who have turned against their sinful ways to become champions of good, while others gag and gnash their teeth over the very concept. Even the name riles up gamers-there are at least two ways to pronounce the word, and I wouldn't put it past someone to come up with a third and a forth. No matter how vocal people get about drow, the fact remains that everyone knows them and everyone talks about them."[33]



Within the context of the Dungeons & Dragons game, the drow were forced underground in what is now known as the Underdark after the great war amongst the elves, a vast system of caverns and tunnels spanning much of the continent. [22][25] The drow live in city-states in the Underdark[23], becoming one of the most powerful races therein [23].

The drow are well adapted to seeing in the dark, and they loathe the light of the surface[27]. Some magic weapons, armor, and various other items of the drow disintegrate on contact with sunlight[23].

Typical physical characteristics

Drow characters are extremely intelligent, charismatic and dexterous, but share surface elves' comparative frailty and slight frames. Females tend to be bigger and stronger than males. Drow are characterized by white or silver hair and obsidian black skin. Their eyes are red (or rarely gray, violet, or yellow) in darkness and green in normal light[34]. Drow have several kinds of innate spell powers and spell resistance. This is balanced by their weakness in daylight. Also, drow weapons and armor (usually made of adamantite or another metal unique to the Underdark) slowly lose their magical properties if exposed to the sun. In Advanced Dungeons & Dragons second edition, adamantite disintegrates upon exposure to sunlight unless specifically treated. Drow also employ the unusual hand crossbow, firing small, though very lethal, darts. Half-drow are the result of crossbreeding between another race and a drow, and share characteristics of both. (The term "half-drow" usually refers to one who is half drow and half human.) Half-drow are also generally evil; however, half-drow of differing alignments are more common than non-evil full drow.

Drow males are commonly wizards or fighters. Females are almost always clerics and almost never wizards.


As a race, drow are usually evil. Exceptions exist, the most notable being Drizzt Do'Urden and Liriel Baenre, but these are highly unusual. (Note that even Baenre was arguably of evil alignment for the first portion of her life, only shifting to a good alignment after close relationships with several good-aligned characters.) Originally, drow were chaotic evil in alignment. Beginning with 3rd edition D&D, drow are usually neutral evil. There have been encounters with nonevil drow, but these are distrusted as much as their brethren, due to their reputation.


Drow society is primarily matriarchal, with priestesses of their evil spider goddess Lolth (Lloth in the drow tongue) in the highest seats of power. Males are considered inferior to females within drow society, and while some males may be respected if they are powerful wizards (notably exemplified by Gromph Baenre), they are never allowed to rule. The drow sometimes use their dark arts to turn humanoid slaves into living sculptures.

Drow society is based upon violence, murder, cunning, and the philosophy that only the strong survive (though in Drow tongue, a quirk of the language creates a reversal of cause-and-effect; more correctly, it can be translated as "those who survive are strong"). Hence, most Drow plot endlessly to murder or otherwise incapacitate their rivals and enemy Drow using deceit and betrayal. Drow, particularly in higher positions, are constantly wary of assassins and the like. Their society, as a whole, is seemingly nonviable. The only reason they do not murder themselves to extinction is by the will of Lolth, working primarily through her clergy. Lolth does not tolerate any Drow that threaten to bring down her society, and the clergy make certain that perpetrators cease their destructive actions by either threatening or killing them, depending on her mood and how likely it is to be a successful deterent.

There are exceptions to the rule, of course. Some communities of drow worship other gods (like Vhaeraun or Eilistraee), and thus, their hierarchy changes, reverses the roles of males and females, or (such as in the case of Eilastree) even approaching something like a workable, progressive society.

Most drow societies hate surface elves, but will wage war with almost any surface race and other subterranean races, such as mind flayers, svirfneblin, duergar, kuo-toa, dwarves, and orcs, for spoils and territory.

Drow in various campaign settings

Drow in Eberron

Inhabiting the jungles and underdark in the continental isle of Xen'drik, the drow in Eberron have a much more tribalistic culture than their other Dungeons & Dragons counterparts. They are not an offshoot of the elven race like in many other worlds but rather a separate, if similar, race. Instead of the spider goddess Lolth most tribes worship a male scorpion deity known as Vulkoor, though exceptions are common. It is believed that Vulkoor is actually one of the forms of the Mockery. The tribes are often xenophobic, and the social structure varies from tribe to tribe. It is known that the drow mastered elemental binding before gnomes did, and that there is a subgroup called the umbragen, or shadow elves, who worship the Mockery in the form of a scorpion god and Khyber or the Umbra, the Consuming Shadow, for whom the umbragen are named; the umbragen dwell underground beneath Xen'drik and are noted for producing many warlocks and soulknives.

Drow in Eberron run the gamut from almost feral in nature to being fully civilized and on par with the cultural level of Khorvaire, varying from tribe to tribe.

Drow in the Forgotten Realms

In the Forgotten Realms, the dark elves were once ancient tribes of Ilythiir and Miyeritar. They were transformed into drow by the Seldarine and were cast down and driven underground by the light-skinned elves because of the Ilythiirian's savagery during the Crown Wars. The drow had fallen under the influence of Araushnee, who was transformed into Lolth and was cast down into the Demonweb Pits along with her son Vhaeraun by the elven god Corellon Larethian because of Lolth's and Vhaeraun's attempt to take control of the elven pantheon (which included Araushnee's seduction of Corellon Larethian). Prior to the Spellplague descendants of the Miyeritar dark elves later succeed in reversing their transformation and are recreated as a distinct dark elf race[35].

The largest drow civilization is the subterranean city of Llurth Dreier (population 400,000) . However, Menzoberranzan is featured most prominently in the novels.

Previously drow could also worship Ghaunadaur, Kiaransalee, Selvetarm or Vhaeraun. A special case is Eilistraee, the only drow goddess who is chaotic good instead of chaotic evil; she wants the drow to return to the light. All of these alternative deities (except perhaps Ghaunadaur) where however killed or forgotten in the last years before the Spellplague[36][37][35].

Amongst the most infamous of drow are the members of House Baenre, whilst Abeir-Toril is also home to some famous benevolent drow including Drizzt Do'Urden and his deceased father Zaknafein (both of House Do' Urden), Liriel Baenre (formerly of Menzoberranzan's aforementioned House Baenre), and Qilué of the Seven Sisters. The drow Jarlaxle is also well-known, as he is one of the few males in Menzoberranzan to obtain a position of great power. He is the founder and leader of the mercenary band Bregan D'aerthe. These characters are from The Dark Elf Trilogy (1990 – 1991), a series of books by R. A. Salvatore (except for Liriel Baenre and Qilue). The six drow in the War of the Spider Queen series have also gained some renown since the novels have been published. The drow also have a long-standing, mutual racial hatred with the gloamings, a rare race found in the pages of the Underdark supplement.

Drow in Greyhawk

In the world of Greyhawk, the drow were driven underground by their surface-dwelling relatives because of ideological differences. There they eventually adapted to their surroundings, especially by attracting the attention of the goddess Lolth, Queen of Spiders. The center of drow civilization is the subterranean city Erelhei-Cinlu, and its surrounding Vault, commonly called the Vault of the Drow.

Known drow of Greyhawk include Clannair Blackshadow, Derken Gale, Jawal Severnain, and Landis Bree of Greyhawk City; Eclavdra of House Eilserv; and Edralve of the Slave Lords.

Some drow, especially of the House of Eilserv, worship a nameless Elder Elemental God (said to have ties to Tharizdun) instead of Lolth.

Drow in other campaign settings

Different campaign settings portray drow in various ways.

In the Dragonlance setting, Drow do not exist; rather, "dark elves" are elves who have been cast out by the other elves for various crimes, such as worship of the evil deities. Dalamar, a student of Raistlin Majere, is the most notable of Krynn's dark elves. However, over the years Drow have accidentally appeared in a few Dragonlance modules and novels. Similar mistakes have occurred with other standard AD&D races, such as orcs and lycanthropes, that are not part of the Dragonlance setting. Some theories say that these rare Drow may have accidentally been sent there during a plane shifting spell or related magic, a misfire as like as not that is corrected before the respective timelines are tampered with too drastically.

In the Mystara / "Known World" setting, shadow elves are a race of subterranean elves who have been mutated via magic. Aside from living underground, they have nothing in common with Drow and are not known as Dark elves.

In Mongoose Publishing's Drow War trilogy, the drow are recast as lawful evil villains and likened to the Nazis. The author of the series has stated that this was a deliberate reaction to the prevalence of renegade, non-evil drow characters.

Drow appear as a playable race in Urban Arcana, which is a d20 Modern setting based on Dungeons & Dragons. They are shown as very fashionable, often setting new trends. The symbol for most drow is a spider, and they often take the mage or acolyte classes.

A supplement book about the drow was produced by Green Ronin Publishing called Plot & Poison: A Guidebook to the Drow in 2002 and is based on the d20 System. It introduces several drow subtypes including aquatic drow and vulpdrax (or winged drow) plus fleshes out drow life, such as how they treat slaves of the various fantasy types like elves and humans. Wizards of the Coast, seeing the heavy sales of the GRP supplement, released their own supplement book called Drow of the Underdark in May 2007.

Drow in the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting used to be elves but stayed on Golarion when the other elves left the world. Over time, the remaining elves turned into drow by powerful magic, and at this time any elf who is evil enough can spontaneously turn into a drow. The existance of drow in Golarion is virtually unknown to non-elves. Drow are also the main antagonists in the Second Darkness Adventure Path.

Related Creatures

Like elves, drow have other creatures associated with them either by environment or by blood. The drider is one of the most often cited examples, but it is not the only one.


See main article Drider


Draegloths are half-demon, half drow monstrosities. Found in any campaign setting, they are particularly numerous in the Forgotten Realms. They are created by the unholy union between an ascending high priestess of the drow goddess Lolth and a glabrezu.

Draegloths are about ten feet tall and have four arms, the upper pair being much larger than the lower. They have large claws on the upper arms and they use them for hand-to-hand combat, for they usually prefer the feeling of tearing flesh and sinew under their claws and fangs. Their face is stretched so it resembles that of a dog. Their flesh is as dark as a drow's, and they are covered in a fine coat of fur; they also have a white mane. They are sacred creatures to the Lolthites and are usually treated with respect.

Triel Baenre of Menzoberranzan, in the Forgotten Realms, had a draegloth son, Jeggred.

V3.5 statistics for the draegloth can be found in Drow of the Underdark[30].

List of works in which drow play a major role


Elaine Cunningham

Gary Gygax

R.A. Salvatore

Lisa Smedman

Assorted authors

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mearls, Mike, Stephen Schubert, and James Wyatt. Monster Manual (Wizards of the Coast, 2008)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Cook, Monte, Jonathan Tweet, and Skip Williams. Monster Manual (Wizards of the Coast, 2003)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, and Rob Heinsoo. Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Wizards of the Coast, 2001).
  4. Mentzer, Frank. "Ay pronunseeAYshun gyd." Dragon #93 (TSR, 1985)
  5. Literary Sources of D&D, compiled by Aardy R. DeVarque[1]
  6. "Books Are Books, Games Are Games" in Dragon Magazine, Nov. 1979, #31
  7. 1828; aka The World Guide to Gnomes, Fairies, Elves and Other Little People
  8. Gygax, Gary. Monster Manual (TSR, 1977).
  9. Gygax, Gary. Hall of the Fire Giant King (TSR, 1978)
  10. Gygax, Gary. Against the Giants (TSR, 1981)
  11. Gygax, Gary. Descent into the Depths of the Earth (TSR, 1978)
  12. Gygax, Gary. Shrine of the Kuo-Toa (TSR, 1978)
  13. Gygax, Gary. Vault of the Drow (TSR, 1978)
  14. Sutherland III, David C, and Gygax, Gary. Queen of the Demonweb Pits (TSR, 1980)
  15. Turnbull, Don, ed. Fiend Folio (TSR, 1981)
  16. Gygax, Gary. Queen of the Spiders (TSR, 1986)
  17. Gygax, Gary. Unearthed Arcana (TSR, 1985)
  18. Cook, David, et al. Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (TSR, 1989)
  19. Stewart, Doug, ed. Monstrous Manual (TSR, 1993)
  20. Greenwood, Ed. Drow of the Underdark (TSR, 1991)
  21. Cook, Monte, Jonathan Tweet, and Skip Williams. Monster Manual (Wizards of the Coast, 2000)
  22. 22.0 22.1 Eric L. Boyd, Matt Forbeck and James Jacobs — Races of Faerun; Wizards of the Coast, 2003 ISBN 0-7869-2875-1
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Cordell, Bruce R, Gwendolyn FM Kestrel, and Jeff Quick. Underdark (Wizards of the Coast, 2003)
  24. Baker, Richard, Travis Stout, James Wyatt. Player's Guide to Faerûn; Wizards of the Coast, 4004.
  25. 25.0 25.1 Richard Baker, Ed Bonny, Travis Stout — Lost Empires of Faerûn; Wizards of the Coast, 2005 ISBN 0-7869-3654-1
  26. Andy Collins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, and Rich Redman. Unearthed Arcana (Wizards of the Coast, 2004).
  27. 27.0 27.1 Kestrel, Gwendolyn F.M. Monster Manual IV (Wizards of the Coast, 2006)
  28. Stephens, Own K.C. and Rodney Thompson; Dragon Magic (Wizards of the Coast, 2006).
  29. Wolfgang Baur and Gwendolyn Kestrel. Expedition to the Demonweb Pits (Wizards of the Coast, 2007).
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 Ari Marmell, Anthony Pryor, Robert J. Schwalb, and Greg A. Vaughan. Drow of the Underdark (Wizards of the Coast, 2007).
  31. Living Forgotten Realms Character Creation by Chris Tulach, 7/28/3008.
  32. Heinsoo, Rob, Greg Bilsland, Logan Bonner, Eric L. Boyd, and Robert J. Schwalb. Forgotten Realms Player's Guide (Wizards of the Coast, 2008).
  33. 33.0 33.1 Introduction by James Jacobs in Pathfinder #13: Shadow in the Sky (Paizo Publishing, 2008).
  34. From the book Homeland by R.A. Salvatore.
  35. 35.0 35.1 Lisa Smedman — «Ascendancy of the Last»; Wizards of the Coast, 2008 ISBN 978-0786948642
  36. Lisa Smedman — «Sacrifice of the Widow»; Wizards of the Coast, 2007 ISBN 978-0786942503
  37. Lisa Smedman — «Storm of the Dead»; Wizards of the Coast, 2007 ISBN 978-0786947010

Further reading

Game products


External links