Domestic water buffalo

Domestic Asian Water buffalo
Water buffalo cow in Thailand
Water buffalo cow in Thailand
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Subfamily: Bovinae
Tribe: Bovini
Genus: Bubalus
Species: B. bubalis
Binomial name
Bubalus bubalis
(Linnaeus, 1758)

The Domestic Water Buffalo or Domestic Asian Water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is abundant in Asia, and widely used in South America, southern Europe and elsewhere. It is a large ungulate and a member of the bovine subfamily. There are established feral populations in northern Australia but the dwindling true wild populations are thought to survive in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Thailand. All the domestic varieties and breeds descend from one common ancestor, the wild Asian water buffalo, which is now an endangered species.

Buffalo, apart from their use as draft and dairy animals, are also used to pull bullock carts in the developing world. Their dung is used as a fertilizer and as a fuel when dried. In Chonburi, Thailand, and in South Malabar Region in Kerala, India, there are annual water buffalo races. A few have also found use as pack animals carrying loads even for special forces.

American bison are often called buffalo; however, this is technically incorrect as they are not true buffalo. The bison group comprises the American bison and the European bison or wisent. They are a related group of wild bovines, more closely related to cattle, gaur, banteng, and yaks. The buffalo genus includes water buffalo, tamarau and anoas in Asia, but not the African buffalo (or Cape buffalo) in Africa.

The slightly smaller African buffalo is not closely related to the water buffalo, and its ancestry remains unclear.[1] Owing to the African buffalo’s unpredictable nature, which makes it highly dangerous to humans, it has not been domesticated, unlike its Asian counterpart. The domestic Asian water buffalo is the product of thousands of years of selective breeding carried out by ancient civilizations, particularly in the Indian subcontinent.

It is known as "Water Buffalo" because it is adapted to and enjoys being in water


Endangered wild Asian water buffalo

Main article: Wild Asian Water Buffalo

True wild Asian water buffalo (or wild Asiatic water buffalo) are thought to survive in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Thailand.

The IUCN Red List of threatened species classifies wild Asian water buffalo (Bubalis arnee) [2] as an Endangered species. The total number of wild Asian water buffalo left is thought to be less than 4,000, which suggests that the number of mature individuals will be less than 2,500, and an estimated continuing decline of at least 20% within 14 years (ca. 2 generations) and at least 50% within 21 years seems likely given the severity of the threats, especially hybridization with the abundant domestic Asian water buffalo leading to genetic pollution.[3][4]

Anatomy and morphology

an albino water buffalo in Thailand

Adult water buffalo range in size from 300 kg to 600 kg for the domestic bred. In the wild, Wild Asian Water Buffalo can weigh up to 800 kg for females, and males, 1200 kg. They can stand as tall as 1.8m at the shoulder, and stretch up to 2.9m in body length. However, the wild buffalo subspecies found in Bangladesh and the Assam state of Northern India, where they inhabit monsoon forests along the foothills of the Himalaya, are notably larger. Here, the average weight of a wild adult buffalo is 900 kg, with the male considerably larger than the female. The average height at the shoulder for a male is about 1.7m, and may reach even 2 metres. These wild buffaloes, which are of the purest breed in India, are now mostly found in the forests of Kaziranga and Manas national parks, both of which are UNESCO world heritage sites. They have also been known to spread into the northwestern region of the neighboring country, Myanmar.

With the establishment of the 20,000 km2. Hukaung Valley tiger reserve[5] in 2004 in Myanmar, the largest ever protected wildlife reserve, now these huge wild buffaloes may have the hope of long-term survival.[6] They are classified as critically endangered, suffering mainly from interbreeding with the domestic buffaloes (known as genetic pollution). Buffaloes are believed to have originated in South Asia. Today, outside India, the true wild water buffaloes can only be found in Thailand in extremely low number of about 50 individuals, and in the Annamites range (also called Truong Son range) forests running along the border of Vietnam - Laos -Cambodia. Populations found elsewhere in Asia are feral breeds, not true wild water buffalo.

Taxonomic history

The classification of the water buffalo is uncertain. Some authorities list a single species, Bubalus bubalis with three subspecies, the river buffalo (B. bubalis bubalis) of South Asia, the carabao or swamp buffalo (B. bubalis carabanesis) of the Philippines and Southeast Asia, and the arni, or wild Asian water buffalo (B. bubalis arnee). Others regard these as closely-related but separate species.

The swamp buffalo is primarily found in the eastern half of Asia and has 48 chromosomes. The river buffalo is mostly found in the western half of Asia, and has 50 chromosomes. The two types do not readily interbreed, but fertile offspring can occur. Buffalo-cattle hybrids have been reported in the former U.S.S.R. and in China, but these reports are considered unlikely, as cattle have 60 chromosomes (30 pairs).[7]



Water Buffalo ploughing rice fields in Java, Indonesia

Asia is the native home of the water buffalo, with 95% of the world population of water buffalo, with about half of the total in India. Many Asian countries depend on the water buffalo as its primary bovine species. It is valuable for its meat and milk as well as the labour it performs. As of 1992 the Asian population was estimated at 141 million. The fat content of buffalo milk is the highest amongst farm animals and the butterfat is a major source of ghee in some Asian countries. Its success in Asia is evident by its extensive range. Both variants occur in Asia. River buffalo are found in elevations of 2,800 m in Nepal, and swamp buffalo are found throughout the lowland tropics. Part of their success is due to their ability to thrive on poor foodstuffs and yet be valuable economically. Moreover they are much better suited to plough the muddy paddy fields as they are better adapted than common cattle (Bos taurus) to move in swamps.

Buffalo headcount in 2004

Wild water buffalo are found in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Thailand, but very few pockets still exist. Like its other family members the tamaraw and the anoa, buffalo are generally found in swamplands and grass jungles and move in herds. The Indian buffalo has the largest horns of any living animal - the average spread is about 1 m (3 ft 3 in), but one bull shot in 1955 had horns measuring 4.24 m (13 ft 11 in) from tip to tip along the outside curve across the forehead. Buffalo use their horns effectively to defend themselves against their only predators, tigers, which can kill a full-grown male weighing 1000-1200kg. However, only an experienced tiger will attempt to prey on them. When faced by a tiger, they form a line facing the predator and charge with noses out and horns laid back.

Carabao Cart

Today, the estimated population of wild Asian water buffaloes is about 4000, but, this number takes into account all wild population, including feral herds and hybrid buffaloes. In fact, it is possible that no true wild specimens exist anymore.

A smaller breed of water buffalo, the Carabao or swamp water buffalo, is the national animal of the Philippines.

First cloned buffalo

On September 15, 2007, the Philippines announced its development of Southeast Asia’s first cloned buffalo. The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARRD), under the Department of Science and Technology in Los Baños, Laguna approved this project. The Department of Agriculture’s Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) will implement "Cloning through somatic cell nuclear transfer as a tool for genetic improvement in water buffaloes". "Super buffalo calves" will be produced. There will be no modification or alteration of the genetic materials, as in GMOs (genetically modified organisms).[8]

Super Carabao

On January 1, 2008, the Philippine Carabao Center in Nueva Ecija, per Filipino scientists initiated a study to breed the super water buffalo that could produce 4 to 18 liters of milk/day (gene-based technology). Also, the 1st test-tube hybrid carabao was born thereat in 2004, “Glory,” named after President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Joseph Estrada’s most successful project as an opposition senator, the PCC was created through Republic Act 3707, the Carabao Act of 1992.[9]


Introduced into the Northern Territory early in the 19th century as a beast of burden, it quickly escaped and is now feral. As a result of its feral status it may be hunted. Melville Island is a popular hunting location, where a steady population of up to 4,000 individuals exist. Buffaloes are also found in Arnhem Land and the Top End. Safari outfits run out of Darwin to Melville Island and other locations in the Top End often with the use of bush pilots. The government has unsuccessfully attempted several eradication programs. Their only natural predator in Australia is the saltwater crocodile.

The buffaloes live mainly in freshwater marshes and billabongs, and their range can be quite expansive during the Wet season. They have developed a different appearance from the Indonesian buffaloes from which they descend.

Europe and Middle East

Introduced into North Africa and the Near East by 600 AD, the water buffalo was brought to Europe with returning Crusaders in the Middle Ages, and herds can be found in Bulgaria, Romania and Italy. As in Asia, buffaloes of the Middle East and Europe live on coarse vegetation on the marginal land traditionally available to peasants. They are an economic asset by serving as a protein source, draft animal, and storage of family or household wealth. In some areas, they also provide occasional recreation at annual racing festivals. These buffalo are mostly River Buffaloes; due to genetic isolation, they have adopted a distinct appearance. Buffalo milk is used for the production of cheese: in Campania (Italy) it is used for the production of mozzarella.

Grazing water buffalo are being used to manage the conservation of Chippenham Fen NNR. The buffalo are better suited to the wet conditions and poor quality vegetation than cattle. [10]


Egyptian farmers traditionally have water buffaloes. Egypt has a large number of them. They are used as the main source of red meat in Egypt. Cows have been introduced in modern farms, yet water buffaloes remain as the more widespread type of cattle in Egypt.

North America

Water buffalo heifers in Arkansas, USA

There are very limited commercial herds in North America, for yogurt and cheese products.[11]

Importance to humans

There are many breeds of domestic water buffalo.

Milk from these animals is used by many human populations, and is the traditional raw material for mozzarella cheese and curd due to its higher fat content. In Africa and other locations, water buffalo milk is used for yogurt, as in Vermont, USA. The chief dairy breed of Buffalo is the Murrah breed. Buffalo meat, sometimes called "Carabeef", is often passed off as beef in certain regions and is also a major source of export revenue for India which has the largest population of buffaloes in the world. However, in many Asian regions, buffalo meat is less preferred due to its toughness, however, recipes have evolved (Rendang for example) where the slow cooking process and spices not only make the meat palatable, but also preserves it; an important factor in hot climates where refrigeration is not always available. Water buffalo horns are used for the embouchure of musical instruments such as ney and kaval. Water buffalo hide provides a tough and useful leather often used for shoes and motorcycle helmets.


Milk Composition Analysis, per 100 grams

Constituents unit Cow Goat Sheep Buffalo
Water g 87.8 88.9 83.0 81.1
Protein g 3.2 3.1 5.4 4.5
Fat g 3.9 3.5 6.0 8.0
Carbohydrate g 4.8 4.4 5.1 4.9
Energy kcal 66 60 95 110
kJ 275 253 396 463
Sugars (Lactose) g 4.8 4.4 5.1 4.9
Fatty Acids:
Saturated g 2.4 2.3 3.8 4.2
Mono-unsaturated g 1.1 0.8 1.5 1.7
Polyunsaturated g 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2
Cholesterol mg 14 10 11 8
Calcium iu 120 100 170 195

Source: McCane, Widdowson, Scherz, Kloos.[1]

In culture

Some popular water buffalo festivals

Fighting festivals

An unstaged water buffalo fight

Racing festivals

Water buffalo racing at Babulang 2006

Modern uses

Wildlife and conservation scientists have started to recommend and use introduced populations of feral Domestic Asian Water buffaloes in far away lands to manage uncontrolled vegetation growth in and around natural wetlands. Introduced Asian Water Buffalo at home in such environs provide cheap service by regularly grazing the uncontrolled vegetation and opening up clogged water bodies for waterfowls, wetland birds and other wildlife.[20][21]

The water buffalo has also seen its appearance in a few Veggie Tales episodes, notably in the very first Silly Song with Larry, "The Water Buffalo Song", though it also appears briefly in the "Song of the Cebu", when Larry says: "Oh wait - that's a water Buffalo."

The film Apocalypse Now depicts an actual ritual slaughter of a water buffalo by a Montagnard tribe during the film's climax.

See also


  1. "Cape Buffalo".
  2. The IUCN Red list of threatened species classifies wild Asian water buffalo (Bubalis arnee) as "Endangered"
  3. The IUCN Red list of threatened species classifies wild Asian water buffalo" (Bubalis arnee) as "Endangered"
  4. Animal Info - Wild Asian (water) buffalo - Status: Endangered; By: Paul Massicot
  5. Hukaung Valley Tiger Reserve – Myanmar. Saving Wild Places, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), USA, Hukaung Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, Myanmar. Saving Wildlife, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), USA
  6. Davies B.: Black market: inside the endangered species trade in Asia, Earth Aware Editions 2005
  7. Summary and discussion of water buffalo relationships
  8. Manila Times, RP to produce Southeast Asia’s first cloned buffalo
  9., 'Super carabao' making the scene in year of the rats
  10. "Buffalo improve wildlife habitat in Cambridgeshire". Natural England (2008-1-24). Retrieved on 2008-08-10.
  11. The Woodstock Water Buffalo Company
  12. Do Son: buffalo fighting festival (Vietnam), 14/09/2005, VietNamNet Bridge
  13. Do Son Buffalo Fighting Festival Vietnam, ASIAROOMS
  14. Buffalo Fighting in Hai Luu Commune, Vietnam News Agency
  15. VIDEO on You Tube:Water Buffalo-fighting festival: Buffalo-fighting festival is annually held on the 15th of the lunar two month in Hai Luu (Vinhphuc City). It results in this saying: "Go everywhere you want, but come back on the 15th of the lunar two month to attend the buffalo-fighting festival". Eventually, all those fighting buffaloes will be slaughtered as tributes to the deities.
  16. Buffalo Fighting Festival Ko Samui, ASIAROOMS
  17. Buffalo Fighting Festival, Koh Samui Festivals & Events, Thailand. Hotel and Travel Links Co. Ltd. Thailand
  18. Buffalo Racing, Thailand, (p) some content provided by Tourism Authority of Thailand, Last Updated : 01-Jul-2007; Watching the Buffalo Racing, by Panrit "Gor" Daoruang, 14 October 2003, Thailand Life; Running of the buffaloes: Thais take their beasts of burden to the races; by: Alisa Tang, Associated Press Writer; Buffalo Racing, The lowdown by Aliwyn Cole, August 1st, 2005, Urban Lowdown; "Running with the Buffalo", originally published in the Learning Post, a supplement of the Bangkok Post
  19. [Buffalo Racing in Cambodia, September 27, 2006]
  20. Buffalo improve wildlife habitat - The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales use the formidable beasts to help in conservation work at the 264-acre Teifi Marshes reserve; BBC, 15 February, 2004
  21. "Buffaloes and wetlands" -- grazing in wetland management: A discussion from the Ramsar Forum over late March 1998

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