
Flag of Austria-Hungary 1869-1918.svg
Flag of the German Empire.svg
1918 – 1992 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Flag of Slovakia.svg
Flag of Ukrainian SSR (1937-1949).svg
Flag Coat of arms
Flag since 1920 Coat of arms in 1990-1992
Czech: Pravda vítězí
("Truth prevails"; 1918–1990)
Latin: Veritas Vincit
("Truth prevails"; 1990–1992)
Kde domov můj and Nad Tatrou sa blýska
Location of Czechoslovakia
Capital Prague
Language(s) Czech and Slovak
Government Republic
 - 1918–1935 Tomáš G. Masaryk (first)
 - 1989–1992 Václav Havel (last)
Prime Minister
 - 1918–1919 Karel Kramář
 - 1992 Jan Stráský
 - Independence from Austria-Hungary 28 October
 - German occupation 1939
 - Liberation 1945
 - Dissolution of Czechoslovakia 31 December
 - 1921 140,446 km² (54,227 sq mi)
 - 1993 127,900 km² (49,382 sq mi)
 - 1921 est. 13,607,385 
     Density 96.9 /km²  (250.9 /sq mi)
 - 1993 est. 15,600,000 
     Density 122 /km²  (315.9 /sq mi)
Currency Czechoslovak koruna
Internet TLD .cs
Calling code +42
Current ISO 3166-3 code:        CSHH
The calling code 42 was retired in Winter 1997. The number range was subdivided, and re-allocated amongst Czech Republic, Slovakia and Liechtenstein.

Czechoslovakia may also refer to what is now the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Czechoslovakia (Czech and Slovak: Československo; Slovak after 1990: Česko-Slovensko) was a sovereign state in Central Europe that existed from October 1918 (upon declaring its independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire) until 1992 (with a government-in-exile during the World War II period). On January 1, 1993, Czechoslovakia peacefully split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.


Basic characteristics

Form of state:

Neighbors: Germany (1945–1990: BRD and DDR), Poland, from 1945 Soviet Union (1992: Ukraine), Romania (until 1939), Hungary, Austria

Topography: Generally irregular terrain. Western area is part of north-central European uplands. Eastern region is composed of northern reaches of Carpathian Mountains and Danube River Basin lands.

Czechoslovakia 1920-1938, physical

Climate: Predominantly continental but varied from the moderate temperatures of Western Europe in the west to more severe weather systems affecting Eastern Europe and the western Soviet Union in the east.

Official names

See also: Hyphen War



Main article: History of Czechoslovakia (1918–1938)

Czechoslovakia was founded in October 1918 as one of the successor states of Austria-Hungary at the end of World War I. It consisted of the present day territories of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia. Its territory included some of the most industrialized regions of the former Austria-Hungary. It was a multiethnic state. The original ethnic composition of the new state was 51% Czechs, 16% Slovaks, 22% Germans, 5% Hungarians and 4% Rusyns or Ruthenians (trans-Carpathian Ukrainians).[1] Many of the Germans, Hungarians, Ruthenians and Poles[2] and also some Slovaks, felt disadvantaged in Czechoslovakia, because the political elite of the country introduced a centralized state and most of the time did not allow political autonomy for the ethnic groups. This policy, combined with increasing Nazi propaganda especially in the industrialized German speaking Sudetenland, led to increasing unrest among the non-Czech population.

Czechoslovakia in 1928
Main article: History of Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovak lands inside Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1911
Czech and Slovak peoples in Austro-Hungarian Empire.gif
     Czechs      Austrians/
     Slovaks      Hungarians      Romanians      Poles

     Ruthenians (Rusyns and Ukrainians)

The official ideology about constituent nations of the new state at the time was that there are no Czechs and Slovaks, but only one nation: Czechoslovaks (see Czechoslovakism). But not all people agreed with this ideology (mainly among Slovaks) and once a unified Czechoslovakia was restored after WWII (see dividing of the country during WWII) this idea was left behind and Czechoslovakia was a country of two nations - the Czechs and the Slovaks.

Czechoslovakia 1930: linguistic

Nationalities of Czechoslovakia 1921[3]

total population 13,607.385
Czechoslovaks 8,759.701 64.37 %
Germans 3,123.305 22.95 %
Hungarians 744.621 5.47 %
Ruthenians 461.449 3.39 %
Jews 180.534 1.33 %
Poles 75.852 0.56 %
Others 23.139 0.17 %
Foreigners 238.784 1.75 %

World War II

Main article: German occupation of Czechoslovakia
Annexations of Czechoslovakia

After the Munich Agreement of 1938, in which the UK and France forced Czechoslovakia to cede the German-speaking Sudetenland to Nazi Germany despite existing treaties in what is commonly known as part of the Western Betrayal. In 1939 the remainder ("rump") of Czechoslovakia was invaded by Nazi Germany and divided into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and the puppet Slovak State. Much of Slovakia and all of Subcarpathian Ruthenia was annexed by Hungary.

Communist Czechoslovakia

Main article: History of Czechoslovakia (1948–1989)

After World War II, prewar Czechoslovakia was reestablished, with the exception of Subcarpathian Ruthenia, which was annexed by the Soviet Union and incorporated into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. The so called Beneš decrees were promulgated concerning ethnic Germans (see Potsdam Agreement) and ethnic Hungarians. Under these decrees, citizenship was abrogated for people of German and Hungarian ethnic origin who had accepted German or Hungarian citizenship during the occupations. (In 1948 this provision was cancelled for the Hungarians, but not for the Germans). This was then used to confiscate their property and expel around 90% of the ethnic German population of Czechoslovakia, over 2 million people. The people who remained were collectively accused of supporting the Nazis (after the Munich Agreement, in December 1938, 97.32% of adult Sudetengermans voted for NSDAP in elections). Almost every decree explicitly stated that the sanctions did not apply to antifascists although the term Antifascist was not explicitly defined. Some 250,000 Germans, many married to Czechs, some antifascists, but also people required for the post-war reconstruction of the country remained in Czechoslovakia. The Benes Decrees still cause controversy between nationalist groups in Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Hungary.[4]

Carpathian Ruthenia was occupied by (and in June 1945 formally ceded to) the Soviet Union. In 1946 parliamentary election the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia emerged as the winner in the Czech lands (the Democratic Party won in Slovakia). In February 1948 the Communists seized power. Although they would maintain the fiction of political pluralism through the existence of the National Front, except for a short period in the late 1960s (the Prague Spring) the country was characterised by the absence of liberal democracy. While its economy remained more advanced than those of its neighbours in Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia grew increasingly economically weak relative to Western Europe. In the religious sphere, atheism was officially promoted and taught.

In 1968, in response to a brief period of liberalization, five Eastern Bloc countries invaded Czechoslovakia. Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev viewed this intervention as vital to the preservation of the Soviet, socialist system and vowed to intervene in any state that sought to replace Marxism-Leninism with capitalism.[5] In 1969, Czechoslovakia was turned into a federation of the Czech Socialist Republic and Slovak Socialist Republic. Under the federation, social and economic inequities between the Czech and Slovak halves of the state were largely eliminated. A number of ministries, such as Education, were formally transferred to the two republics. However, the centralized political control by the Communist Party severely limited the effects of federalization.

The 1970s saw the rise of the dissident movement in Czechoslovakia, represented (among others) by Václav Havel. The movement sought greater political participation and expression in the face of official disapproval, making itself felt by limits on work activities (up to a ban on any professional employment and refusal of higher education to the dissidents' children), police harassment and even prison time.

After 1989

Main article: History of Czechoslovakia (1989–1992)

In 1989 the country became democratic again through the Velvet Revolution. This occurred at around the same time as the fall of communism in Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Poland. Within three years communist rule had been totally eradicated from Europe.

Unlike Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, the end of communism in this country did not automatically mean the end of the "communist" name: the word "socialist" was removed from the name on March 29, 1990, and replaced by "federal".

In 1992, because of growing nationalist tensions, Czechoslovakia was peacefully dissolved by parliament. Its territory became the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which were formally created on January 1, 1993.

Heads of state and government

International agreements and membership

After WWII, active participant in Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon), Warsaw Pact, United Nations and its specialized agencies; signatory of conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe

Administrative divisions

Main article: Administrative divisions of Czechoslovakia

Population and ethnic groups

Main article: Demographics of Czechoslovakia


Main article: History of Czechoslovakia (1918–1938)
Main article: Politics of Communist Czechoslovakia

After WWII, monopoly on politics held by Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Gustáv Husák elected first secretary of KSC in 1969 (changed to general secretary in 1971) and president of Czechoslovakia in 1975. Other parties and organizations existed but functioned in subordinate roles to KSC. All political parties, as well as numerous mass organizations, grouped under umbrella of the National Front. Human rights activists and religious activists severely repressed.

Constitutional development

Czechoslovakia had the following constitutions throughout its history (1918 – 1992):


Main article: Economy of Communist Czechoslovakia

After WWII, economy centrally planned with command links controlled by communist party, similar to Soviet Union. Large metallurgical industry but dependent on imports for iron and nonferrous ores.

Resource base

Main article: Resource base of Communist Czechoslovakia

After WWII, country energy short, relying on imported crude oil and natural gas from Soviet Union, domestic brown coal, and nuclear and hydroelectric energy. Energy constraints a major factor in 1980s.

Transportation and communications

Main article: Transportation in Czechoslovakia

Society and social groups

Main article: Society of Communist Czechoslovakia


Main article: Education in Czechoslovakia

Education free at all levels and compulsory from age six to fifteen. Vast majority of population literate. Highly developed system of apprenticeship training and vocational schools supplemented general secondary schools and institutions of higher education.


Main article: Religion in Socialist Czechoslovakia

In 1991: Roman Catholics 46.4%, Evangelic Lutheran 5.3%, Atheist 29.5%, n/a 16.7%, but there were huge differences between the 2 constituent republics – see Czech Republic and Slovakia

Health, social welfare and housing

Main article: Health and Social Welfare in Communist Czechoslovakia

After WWII, free health care was available to all citizens. National health planning emphasized preventive medicine; factory and local health-care centers supplemented hospitals and other inpatient institutions. There became substantial improvement in rural health care during the 1960s and 1970s.

Mass media

Main article: Mass media in Communist Czechoslovakia

The mass media in Czechoslovakia was controlled by the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ). Private ownership of any publication or agency of the mass media was generally forbidden, although churches and other organizations published small periodicals and newspapers. Even with this informational monopoly in the hands of organizations under KSČ control, all publications were reviewed by the government's Office for Press and Information.


The Czechoslovakia national football team was a consistent performer in the international scene, with 8 appearances in the FIFA World Cup Finals, finishing in second-place in 1934 and 1962. The team also won the European Football Championship in 1976 and came in third in 1980.

The Czechoslovak national ice hockey team won many medals from the world championships and Olympic games.

Emil Zátopek, winner of four Olympic gold medals in athletics, is considered one of the top athletes in history.

The famous tennis players Ivan Lendl, Miloslav Mečíř, Daniela Hantuchová and Martina Navrátilová were born in Czechoslovakia.


Postage stamps

From creation to dissolution—overview


  1. "The War of the World", Niall Ferguson Allen Lane 2006.
  2. Playing the blame game, Prague Post, July 6th, 2005
  3. Škorpila F. B.; Zeměpisný atlas pro měšťanské školy; Státní Nakladatelství; second edition; 1930; Czechoslovakia
  4. East European Constitutional Review
  5. John Lewis Gaddis, The Cold War: A New History (New York: The Penguin Press),150.

Czechoslovak Republic

See also

External links