Electoral Palatinate

Pfalzgrafschaft bei Rhein
Palatinate of the Rhine
State of the Holy Roman Empire
Image missing
1085 – 1803 Grand Duchy of Baden

Coat of arms of Palatinate

Coat of arms

Location of Palatinate
After 1512, the territory of the Palatinate formed part of the Electoral Rhenish Circle, indicated in brown.
Capital Heidelberg;
Mannheim, from 1720
Language(s) German
Religion Catholicism;
Calvinism (from 1559);
Catholicism again (from 1685)
Government Monarchy
(Count palatine)
 - 1085–95 Heinrich II of Laach (first Pfalzgraf)
 - 1156–95 Conrad of Hohenstaufen
 - 1353–90 Rupert I the Red (first Elector)
 - 1799–1803 Maximilian Joseph, Duke of Zweibrücken (last Pfalzgraf; died 1825)
Historical era Middle Ages
 - Demotion of County
    Palatine of Lotharingia
 - Confirmed as Electorate 1356
 - Peace of Westphalia 1648
 - Subsumption by Bavaria 1777
 - Annexation by Baden 1803
 - Abolition of the Holy Roman Empire July 12 1806

The Palatinate of the Rhine (German: Pfalzgrafschaft bei Rhein), later the Electoral Palatinate (German: Kurpfalz), was a historical territory of the Holy Roman Empire, a palatinate administered by a count palatine. Its rulers served as prince-electors of the Holy Roman Empire from 1356.

The Electoral Palatinate was a much larger territory than what later became known as the Rhenish Palatinate (Rheinpfalz), on the west bank of the Rhine, and is now the contemporary region of the Palatinate in the German federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The Electoral Palatinate also included territory that lay on the east bank of the Rhine, containing the cities of Heidelberg and Mannheim.


Counts Palatine of Lotharingia, 915–1085

The Palatinate emerged from the County Palatine of Lotharingia, which came into existence in the 10th century.

House of Ezzonen

During the 11th century, the Palantine was dominated by the Ezzonian dynasty, who governed several counties on both banks of the Rhine.

Counts Palatine of the Rhine, 1085–1356

From about 1085/1086, after the death of the last Ezzonian palatine count, Herman II of Lotharingia, the Palatinate lost its military importance in Lotharingia. The territorial authority of the count palatine was reduced to his counties along the Rhine, from then on called County Palatine of the Rhine.

Hohenstaufen Counts Palatine

The first hereditary Count Palatine of the Rhine was Conrad of Hohenstaufen who was the younger brother of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. The territories attached to this hereditary office started from those held by the Hohenstaufens in Franconia and Rhineland (other branches of the Hohenstaufens received Swabian lands, Franche-Comté, and so forth). Much of this was from their imperial ancestors, the Franconian emperors, and a part from Conrad's maternal ancestry, the Saarbrücken. These backgrounds explain the composition of Upper and Rhenish Palatinate in the inheritance centuries onwards.

Welf Counts Palatine

In 1195, the Palatinate passed to the House of Welf through the marriage of Agnes, heir to the Staufen count.

Wittelsbach Counts Palatine

In the early 13th century, with the marriage of the Welf heiress Agnes, the territory fell to the Wittelsbach Dukes of Bavaria, who were also dukes and counts palatine of Bavaria.

During a later division of territory among the heirs of Duke Louis II of Upper Bavaria in 1294, the elder branch of the Wittelsbachs came into possession of both the Rhenish Palatinate and the territories in the Bavarian "Nordgau" (Bavaria north of the Danube river) with the centre around the town of Amberg. As this region was politically connected to the Rhenish Palatinate, the name Upper Palatinate (Oberpfalz) became common from the early 16th century in contrast to the Lower Palatinate along the Rhine.

With the Treaty of Pavia in 1329, the emperor Louis IV, a son of Louis II, returned the Palatinate to his nephews Rudolf and Rupert.

Electors Palatine, 1356–1777

In the Golden Bull of 1356, the Palatinate was recognized as one of the secular electorates, and given the hereditary offices of archsteward (Erztruchseß) of the Empire and imperial vicar (Reichsverweser) of Franconia, Swabia, the Rhine, and southern Germany. From that time forth, the Count Palatine of the Rhine was usually known as the Elector Palatine (Kurfürst von der Pfalz). The position as prince-elector had already existed earlier (for example, two rival kings of Germany were elected in 1257: Richard of Cornwall and Alfonso of Castile) though it is difficult to pinpoint any exact start of that office.

Due to the practice of dividing territories among different branches of the family, by the early 16th century junior lines of the Palatine Wittelsbachs came to rule in Simmern, Kaiserslautern, and Zweibrücken in the Lower Palatinate, and in Neuburg and Sulzbach in the Upper Palatinate. The Elector Palatine, now based in Heidelberg, adopted Lutheranism in the 1530s and Calvinism in the 1550s.

First Electorate, 1356–1648

Wittelsbach dynasty
Image Name Date Notes
Rupert I 1356–1390 As Rupert I above
Rupert II 1390–1398 Nephew of Rupert I, son of Adolf
Ruprecht III (Pfalz).jpg Rupert III 1398–1410 Son of Rupert II, elected King of Germany in 1400
Louis III, Count Palatine of the Rhine.jpg Louis III 1410–1436 Son of Rupert III
Louis IV 1436–1449 Son of Louis III
Friedrich der Siegreiche von Albrecht Altdorfer.jpg Frederick I 1449–1476 Brother of Louis IV
Philipp der Aufrichtige.jpg Philip 1476–1508 Son of Louis IV
Louis V 1508–1544 Son of Philip
Friedrich II pfalz.jpg Frederick II 1544–1556 Brother of Louis V
Barthel Beham 001.jpg Otto Henry 1556–1559 Nephew of Frederick II, son of Rupert of Freising
Line of Simmern
Image Name Date Notes
Friedrich der Fromme.jpg Frederick III 1559–1576 When the senior branch of the family died out in 1559, the Electorate passed to Frederick III of Simmern, a staunch Calvinist, and the Palatinate became one of the major centers of Calvinism in Europe, supporting Calvinist rebellions in both the Netherlands and France.
Louis VI 1576–1583 Son of Frederick III
Frederick IV, Elector Palatine.jpg Frederick IV 1583–1610 Son of Louis VI. With his adviser Christian of Anhalt, founded the Evangelical Union of Protestant states in 1608.
Der junge Friedrich V. C-B 011.jpg Frederick V 1610–1623 Son of Frederick IV and married to Elizabeth, daughter of James I of Great Britain. In 1619, he accepted the throne of Bohemia from the Bohemian estates. He was soon defeated by the forces of Emperor Ferdinand II at the Battle of White Mountain in 1620, and Spanish and Bavarian troops soon occupied the Palatinate itself. Called "the Winter King", because his reign in Bohemia only lasted one winter. In 1623, Frederick was put under the ban of the Empire.
House of Bavaria, 1623–48
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Joachim von Sandrart 009.jpg Maximilian I of Bavaria 1623–1648 (d. 1651) Frederick V's territories and his position as Elector were transferred to the Duke of Bavaria, Maximilian I, of a distantly related branch of the House of Wittelsbach. Although technically Elector Palatine, he was known as the Elector of Bavaria. From 1648 he ruled in Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate alone, but retained all his Electoral dignities and the seniority of the Palatinate Electorate; see further Electors of Bavaria.

Second Electorate, 1648–1777

Restored Simmern Line
Image Name Date Notes
Karl Ludwig Kurfuerst.jpg Charles I Louis 1648–1680 Son of Frederick V. By the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, Charles Louis was restored to the Lower Palatinate, and given a new electoral title, also called "Elector Palatine", but lower in precedence than the other electorates.
Charles II 1680–1685 Son of Charles I Louis. Last of the Simmern line.
Neuburg Line
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Philipp wilhelm, elector palatine.jpg Philip William 1685–1690 In 1685, the Simmern line died out, and the Palatinate was inherited by Philip William, Count Palatine of Neuburg (also Duke of Jülich and Berg), a Catholic.
Kurfürst Johann Wilhelm von Pfalz-Neuburg.jpg John William II 1690–1716 Son of Philip William
Kurfuerst Carl Philipp von J Ph van der Schlichten um 1733 Reiss-Museum.jpg Charles III Philip 1716–1742 Brother of John William II. Last of the Neuburg line. Moved the capital of the Palatinate from Heidelberg to Mannheim in 1720.
Sulzbach Line
Image Name Date Notes
Karl Theodor, Kurfürst (1742-1799).jpg Charles IV Theodore 1742–1777 The Palatinate was inherited by Duke Charles Theodore of Sulzbach. Charles Theodore also inherited the Electorate of Bavaria when its ruling line became extinct in 1777.

Electors of Bavaria and Counts Palatine of the Rhine, 1777–1803

Sulzbach Line
Image Name Date Notes
Kurfürst Karl Theodor (Bayern).jpg Charles IV Theodore 1777–1799 The title and authority of Elector Palatine were subsumed into the Electorate of Bavaria, Charles Theodore and his heirs retaining only the single vote and precedence of the Bavarian elector. They continued to use the title "Count Palatine of the Rhine" (German: Pfalzgraf bei Rhein).
Zweibrücken Line
Image Name Date Notes
MaxI.jpg Maximilian Joseph 1799–1803 (d. 1825) Charles Theodore's heir, Maximilian Joseph, Duke of Zweibrücken (on the French border), brought all the Wittelsbach territories under a single rule in 1799. The Palatinate was dissolved in the Wars of the French Revolution. First, its left bank territories were occupied, and then annexed, by France starting in 1795; then, in 1803, its right bank territories were taken by the Margrave of Baden. The Electoral Palatinate, as a distinct territory, disappeared. In 1806, the Holy Roman Empire was abolished, and all the rights and responsibilities of the electors with it.

Later developments

In 1806, Baden was raised to a Grand Duchy. At the Congress of Vienna in 1814 and 1815, the left-bank Palatinate – enlarged by other regions such as the former bishopric of Speyer – was returned to the Wittelsbachs and became a formal part of the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1816 and after this time, it was this region that was principally known as the Palatinate. The area remained a part of Bavaria until after the Second World War, when it was separated and became a part of the new state of Rhineland-Palatinate, along with former left bank territories of Prussia and Hesse-Darmstadt.

External links