Civilization IV

Sid Meier's Civilization IV

Developer(s) Firaxis Games
Publisher(s) 2K Games & Aspyr
Designer(s) Soren Johnson
Engine Gamebryo
Version 1.74[1] (July 20, 2007)
Platform(s) Windows, Mac OS X
Release date(s) Microsoft Windows
NA October 25, 2005
PAL November 4, 2005
Mac OS X
June 30, 2006
Genre(s) Turn-based strategy game
Mode(s) Single player, multiplayer
Rating(s) ESRB: E10+
PEGI: 12+
Media CD (2), DVD (1)
System requirements Windows 2000/XP/Vista
1.2 GHz processor
256 MB RAM
1.7 GB free space
4x DVD Drive
DirectX 9.0c –compatiable 64 MB video card with hardware T&L & pixel shader
DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card
Input methods Mouse, Keyboard

Sid Meier's Civilization IV (Civilization 4 or Civ4) is a turn-based strategy computer game released in 2005 and developed by lead designer Soren Johnson under the direction of Sid Meier and Meier's studio Firaxis Games. It is the fourth installment of the Civilization series. Civilization IV was released between October 25 and November 4, 2005 in North America, Europe, and Australia. The game's first expansion, Warlords, was released on July 24, 2006 in the United States and July 28, 2006 in the European Union. A second expansion, Beyond the Sword, was released worldwide between July 18 and July 30, 2007. As of March 26, 2008, Civilization IV has sold 3 million copies according to Take-Two Interactive.[2]

Civilization IV is a turn-based game in which the player builds an empire from very limited initial resources. All standard full-length games begin in 4000 BC with a settler who builds a single city. From there, the player expands an empire while contending with rival nations, using the geography, developing infrastructure, and encouraging scientific and cultural progress. By default, players can win the game by accomplishing one of five goals: conquering all other civilizations, controlling the majority of the world's land and population, being the first to land a colonizing ship on Alpha Centauri, increasing the Culture ratings of three different cities to "legendary" levels, or by being declared "World Leader" by winning a popularity election through the United Nations. If the game's clock runs out (by default in the year 2050 AD) with none of these goals fulfilled by any nation, the nation with the highest score is declared the winner.

Civilization IV was released in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese.




Diplomacy in Civilization generally involves the trading of goods. Specific technologies are required to trade different commodities (for instance, one must know the secret of paper to trade world maps). Players may trade technologies, resources (including luxuries such as wine), maps (to reveal information about the rest of the world) and gold. Advanced diplomacy options include the creation of trade embargoes, the promise of military aid, and the adoption of particular civics and/or a religion. Finally, the United Nations wonder allows the passing of global resolutions (e.g. the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) in addition to granting access to the diplomatic victory. Unlike real-world resolutions, Civilization IV resolutions are binding.

The reasoning behind diplomacy is more transparent when compared to Civilization III (Civ3): the Diplomacy window now not only displays the other leader's disposition towards the player (from friendly to furious), but why they feel that way (e.g. "-2: You refused to stop trading with our worst enemies!"). When a leader is sympathetic towards another civilization, they are more likely to accept deals without unfair bargaining.


Instead of receiving generic increases in rank as in Civ3, the player is allowed to "promote" Civilization IV units with specific upgrades that provide bonuses in certain situations (+25% city defense, +25% vs. melee units, etc). There are 41 different types of combat promotions. It is also now possible for players to examine "combat odds" before attacking, giving the player an idea as to whether a given attack will succeed or not.

Units no longer have separate attack and defense values; instead, its health points are also its attack value. Prior to the 1.52 patch, a damaged unit had its combat strength likewise reduced; after the patch, flat base strength was used, allowing damaged units to still fight at full strength. After the 1.61 patch, damaged units fight with the average of their current and full strengths.

Production and trade

The game features 32 types of resources which require a terrain improvement (such as a farm or an oil well) to be used or traded. Resources enable construction (a knight unit cannot be built without horses and iron), double the speed of construction (the Pyramids are built twice as fast with stone available) or simply add happiness or health to all cities. To trade goods or to send them to other cities within one's border, they must have some form of connection between the goods and the city. In the later game, this connection can be through ocean tiles, but in the early game, it is limited to roads and rivers. Cities on the same river or same coastline (with the sailing technology) are automatically connected for trading purposes. Unlike in Civ3, the player is no longer able to transfer all production from one project to another, but all production on an already-begun project will remain. For example, if the player is building a temple but decides to switch to a harbor, production on the harbor will start from scratch, but the temple will stay in the building queue and retain all previous progress, aside from some decay over time. As an ancillary rule, if one culture is building a World Wonder but another empire completes it first, the losing culture is compensated with gold proportional to the number of production points lost in the failed attempt to build the wonder.

Trade can be conducted with any civilization that the player has made contact with. AI Civ leaders tend to view resources in two groups. There are key resources such as stone, iron, uranium, and the likes that assist in weapon and building production, and all other resources, such as incense and spices, which are helpful to a Civilization but not necessary for unit production. The AI will typically not trade key resources away unless another key resource is being given. Thus all key resources are considered of equal value to the computer. Similarly all other resources that do not affect units and building are considered equal as well. This can lead to exploitation by using a less valuable Key resource to obtain a high demand one. For instance ivory (elephants) can be traded equally for uranium and the AI will gladly oblige if they are on fair terms with the player. Trading for a single instance of a resource gives you all the benefits of it.


The concept of religion is new to Civilization IV, where in previous games players built generic temples and cathedrals to contribute to happiness and culture. There are now seven distinct religions in the game: Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Taoism. Each religion is associated with a specific technology on the tech tree; the first civilization that gains the technology founds the religion. For example, Christianity is founded by the civilization that discovers "Theology" before any of the others do. The four later religions (Christianity, Confucianism, Islam, and Taoism) begin with a free Missionary unit for reasons of game balance; missionaries can later be trained only at a city that has constructed an associated monastery. Other than this, there are no special traits or bonuses associated with any particular religion in order to avoid controversy.[3]

Religion factors into a number of existing game mechanics. Civilizations that share a common state religion will find themselves more agreeable in their diplomatic dealings; conversely, civilizations with differing state religions will not be as close diplomatically. The religion's founder may also receive an economic benefit: if that civilization expends a Great Prophet at their religion's holy (founding) city, they will construct that religion's most sacred building, and it will generate 1 gold per turn for every other city that hosts said religion. If you have a missionary, you can go to a city to spread the religion of the missionary. Once a religion has spread to a city, there is no way to remove it from said city. Finally, if a civilization has a state religion and owns that religion's holy city, they will receive 'line-of-sight' (fog of war is lifted) in every other city hosting that religion.

The new civics model of government also has a strong effect on religion. Players can found a state religion, declare religious freedom, restrict non-state religious adoption, or take other actions that have profound impacts on the religious lives of their subjects. These civics can provide a great incentive to spread a state religion throughout one's empire, as the best bonuses will only be applied to cities in which the religion is present.

Civilizations and leaders

Each of the eighteen civilizations has at least one leader, and eight have two leaders. Each leader has two 'personality traits' which offer bonuses to various game mechanics, as well as a distinct personality and behavior. Several historic figures not used in previous Civilization games, but included in Civ IV are: Asoka of India, Cyrus II, Franklin D. Roosevelt, George Washington, Hatshepsut, Mansa Musa, Kublai Khan, Peter the Great, Qin Shi Huang, Saladin (though Saladin was a hidden leader in Civilization II), and Queen Victoria. Some art assets also existed in the game files for a Sumerian civilization led by Gilgamesh and they were used by the modding community to introduce the Sumerians into the game. Other unfinished art included leader head artwork for Pericles, Augustus, and Menes. Gilgamesh, Pericles and Augustus were officially added in the expansion packs later.[4]

All civilizations have some element of uniqueness and all leaders have certain traits based on their achievements in life. All civilizations also have a unique unit, which replaces a standard unit (such as Persian Immortals replacing Chariots).


As in prior versions of Civilization, a set of technologies are arranged in a tech tree. A total of 86 are included in the game, up from 81 in Civilization III.[5] Technologies have many uses; they can be used for trade, for the construction of new terrain improvements, units, buildings and wonders, to reveal new resources, for the founding of new religions, or for the development of new forms of government. To discover a new technology, it is first necessary to discover the prerequisite technologies (for example, democracy can only be discovered after the printing press).

Unlike previous versions, Technology development is flexible: certain technologies can be discovered by following more than just one path, and others (all six starting technologies, for example hunting) are not linked to by any technology and must be found from scratch. The game's technology tree displays all the techs in the game and their relation with one another, and allows the player to queue any number of technologies for research. If multiple paths lead to the target technology, the AI will pick the shortest. The final technology in the game, as in previous versions, is called "Future Tech", followed by a number; each iteration of it imparts a happiness and health bonus to that nation's cities. In previous Civ games, Future tech gave a score bonus, but no gameplay advantages.

The discovery of each technology is announced by the game's narrator, Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame. In the single-player game, he reads off a famous quotation pertaining to the technology; the sources of the quotations range from the Buddha, Charles Darwin and the Bible to Lonnie Donegan, Steve Wozniak, Dan Quayle, and a monotonic "Beep. Beep. Beep." attributed to the Sputnik space probe. In multi-player games, Nimoy simply declares, "You have discovered [Name of Technology]." (list of quotes)


The game features a number of World Wonders that bestow certain advantages (often specific to the city in which it is built, or to the general benefit of the civilization that built it). A few Wonders that existed in prior versions were removed or modified to reduce their significance. For example, in prior versions the Pyramids (granary in every city) and Michaelangelo's Chapel (cathedral in every city) could dramatically alter the balance of gameplay. Now most wonders offer percentage bonuses, such as a 10% increase in some value, along with the cultural impact of the wonder itself. A great wonder can only be built once, but on the contrary, each civilization can build the same national wonder one time for each civilization. Note that as time goes by, and more technology is learned, some wonders can no longer have their benefits that they had when they were first built. They still do, though, give you culture.

Scoring System

In Civilization IV the leadership skills of players are compared to a subjective list of twenty of the best or worst leaders in history, similar to the list in the first Civilization game. The score is based on a number of factors, including military growth and success, population size and attitude, technological advancement, turns taken to win, construction of wonders and economic growth.

The released version of the game abandoned Civilization III's graded scale. In Civ3, a spectacular victory on the easiest difficulty would provide the player with only a middling score, and the best titles were only awarded to players attempting the hardest difficulties. The original Civilization, as well as Civilization IV, on the other hand, allows the player to obtain any score on any difficulty level. As of the v1.61 patch, the grading system has returned to the curved-by-difficulty scale.

Victory Conditions

New features


Many aspects of Civilization IV are new to the series. These include:

Interface changes


See also: Music in Civilization IV


Civilization IV is much more open to modification than its predecessors. Game data and rules are stored in XML files, and a Software Development Kit was released in April 2006 to allow AI customization. Major parts of the interface, map generation, and scripted events are written entirely in Python and can be customized.

World Builder

The World Builder allows a player to create a map from scratch or to use an in-game situation as a starting point for a new scenario. The terrain can be altered, as you can add rivers, land, mountains, and such, resources, military units and cities on the map can be added, removed or modified. For example, you can adjust a city's population or culture. Additionally, each civilization's technological progress as well as its diplomatic and military ties to other civilizations can be edited. The World Builder for Civilization IV is in-game, in contrast to previous Civilization games where the Map Editor was an external application.


More game attributes are stored in XML files, which must be edited with an external text editor or application. Barry Caudill, a senior producer at Firaxis Games, said in September:[6]

Editing these files will allow players to tweak simple game rules and change or add content. For instance, they can add new unit or building types, change the cost of wonders, or add new civilizations. Players can also change the sounds played at certain times or edit the play list for your soundtrack.

At the current time the XML processing in Windows is permissive of errors, whereas the Mac OS X version is not. As a result, some XML files which will work on the Windows version of the game may need correcting before they function correctly on the Macintosh version.


The game uses boost.python to allow the Python programming language access to many parts of the game (including the style and content of all interface screens). Python can also be used to modify random map generation and to add complex scripted events.

The version of Python present in the Windows version of the game differs from the version in Mac OS X up to and including version 10.4.7, and as a result, while most Python files for the Windows version will work on the Macintosh version, not all will. The reverse is also true.

Software development kit

The Civilization IV software development kit was released on April 13, 2006 to coincide with the release of the v1.61 patch. The kit allows players to view, modify, or completely re-write the game's DLL source code, enabling the modification of the game's AI and other integral parts of the game.[7]

As of the first official patch for the Macintosh version (v1.61 Revision A), there is no SDK for the Macintosh version of the game. In fact the Macintosh version lacks the separate library of game related code which the PC version uses, but instead includes the code compiled into the main executable. There is as of yet no indication of whether this will change in a future patch.

Launch problems

The release of Civilization IV reportedly included some technical, production and shipping problems.


Civilization IV is available for Windows (PC) and Mac OS X.

The Mac OS X version is published by Aspyr and was released in June 2006. Though it lacks some of the customization features which were added to the PC version in v1.61, it is otherwise identical to v.1.61 of the PC version. The game was released as a Universal binary, running natively on both PPC- and x86-based Macintoshes. Mac OS X users may also, in addition to the cross-platform GameSpy service (although Revision B is required for GameSpy), use GameRanger to play multiplayer games.

Civilization IV and its expansions are also available via Steam and Turner Broadcasting System's GameTap subscription service.

Multiplayer games involving both game platforms work, but require the use of one of the multiplayer options other than "Internet Play" due to the incompatible formats employed.

Recently Civilization IV also has moved into the mobile market with Civilization IV: War of Two Cities. Oasys Mobile will be publishing this game in the spring of 2008.[11]

Stability/performance issues

The game has experienced a variety of stability issues including but not limited to; spontaneous game crashes, world editor crash issues, and lag issues.

One of the original games early patches brought changes that required an update to directx 9.0c, which was not included in the patch. This caused the game to simply not work with no explanation.

Patching issues, when doing a fresh install it is possible that when you install the first game, then patch it, then attempt to install Beyond the Sword it will shut-down the installtion with no explanation. To fix this you must completely uninstall all prior versions than reinstall them without the patches.

Performance issues - When tested the game does not "perform well" on even very fast systems nor does it perform well with ATI video cards.[12]

Changes from previous versions


Critics' scores


See also


  • Civilization IV Official Strategy Guide. BradyGames. 2005-10-25. ISBN 0-7440-0580-9. 
  • PC Zone Staff (2006-07-06). "Looking Back... Civilization IV". Retrieved on 2007-02-28.
  • Torsen, Tor (2006-12-01). "Q&A: Sid Meier chronicles Civilization". GameSpot. Retrieved on 2007-02-28.
  • Sid Meier's Civilization IV manual (German). 2K Games/Firaxis. 2005. pp. p. 69. 
  1. "Firaxis Games: Games: Sid Meier's Civilization IV". Retrieved on 2008-10-27.
  2. "Recommendation of the Board of Directors to Reject Electronic Arts Inc.'s Tender Offer" (PDF) 16. Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (2008-03-26). Retrieved on 2008-04-01.
  3. (2005) Sid Meier's Civilization IV manual (English). 2K Games/Firaxis, p.79
  4. "Expansion Pack PREVIEW! - Civilization Fanatics' Forums". Retrieved on 2008-10-27.
  5. Comparison of Civilization and 4 Retrieved on 3/8/08
  6. "Civilization IV". Retrieved on 2008-10-27.
  7. "Civilization IV". Retrieved on 2008-10-27.
  8. "Civilization IV". Retrieved on 2008-10-27.
  9. "great job guys - two disk 1's, no disk 2. - Civilization Fanatics' Forums". Retrieved on 2008-10-27.
  10. "Civilization IV". Retrieved on 2008-10-27.
  11. "Oasys Mobile | A premier publisher and developer of mobile entertainment". Retrieved on 2008-10-27.
  12. "Bug Tolerance; Bug editor/reviewer.". Retrieved on 2008-10-27.

External links

Official sites

Third-party sites