Battle of Dunkirk

Battle of Dunkirk.
Part of The Second World War

"A British soldier fires at German aircraft strafing him on Dunkirk's beaches".[1]
Date 26 May 1940–4 June 1940
Location Dunkirk, France
Result German tactical victory, Successful Allied evacuation.
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Flag of France France
Flag of Belgium Belgium
Flag of Nazi Germany Germany
Flag of the United Kingdom Lord Gort
Flag of France General Weygand
Gerd von Rundstedt (Army Group A)
Ewald von Kleist (Panzergruppe von Kleist)
approx. 400,000
338,226 evacuated[2]
approx. 800,000
Casualties and losses
30,000 killed or wounded
34,000 captured
6 destroyers and 200+ smaller vessels sunk
177 aircraft (106 Fighters),60 Fighter Pilots killed[3]
52,252 killed or wounded and 8,467 missing
101 aircraft[3]

The Battle of Dunkirk was the defense and evacuation of the British and Allied forces that had been separated from the main body of the French defenses by the German advance.

After the seven months of the Phoney War, the Battle of France began in earnest on 10 May 1940. To the east, the German Army Group B invaded and subdued the Netherlands and advanced westwards through Belgium. On the 14 May, Army Group A burst through the Ardennes region and advanced rapidly to the west toward Sedan, then turned northwards to the English Channel, in what Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein called the "sickle cut" (known as the Manstein Plan).

A series of Allied counter-attacks, including the Battle of Arras, failed to sever the German spearhead, which reached the coast on 20 May, separating the British Expeditionary Force near Armentières, the French First Army, and the Belgian army further to the north from the majority of French troops south of the German penetration. After reaching the Channel, the Germans swung north along the coast, threatening to capture the ports and trap the British and French forces before they could evacuate to Britain.



Battle of Dunkirk memorial.

The successful evacuation of 338,000 Allied troops from Dunkirk ended the first phase in the Battle of France. It provided a great boost to British morale, but left the remaining French to stand alone against a renewed German assault southwards. The British 51st (Highland) division was left behind by the British to cover the allied retreat. The division was made up of the Black Watch, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Gordon Highlanders, Seaforth Highlanders and Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. Many were captured or killed. German troops entered Paris on 14 June and accepted the surrender of France on 22 June.

A marble memorial was established at Dunkirk (Dunkerque), it translates in English as: "To the glorious memory of the pilots, mariners, and soldiers of the French and Allied armies who sacrificed themselves in the Battle of Dunkirk May June 1940"

The loss of so much materiel on the beaches meant that the British Army needed months to re-supply properly and some planned introductions of new equipment were halted while industrial resources concentrated on making good the losses. Troops falling back from Dunkirk were told by their officers to burn or otherwise disable their trucks (so as not to let them benefit the advancing German forces). The shortage of army vehicles after Dunkirk was so severe that the Royal Army Service Corps (RASC) was reduced to retrieving and refurbishing numbers of obsolete bus and coach models from UK scrapyards to press them into use as troop transports. Some of these antique 1930s workhorses (some with only rear-wheel braking, which made them illegal for use on British roads) were still in use as late as the North African campaign some two years later.

In popular culture

The battle and the evacuation were re-enacted in the 2004 BBC television docudrama Dunkirk.

The evacuation from Dunkirk was featured in the novel and its 2007 film adaption Atonement, which included a continuous four minute shot of the protagonist walking down the chaotic beach.

In the novel Winter in Madrid, the protagonist remembers and talk about it.

The Dunkirk Spirit

Main articles: Dunkirk evacuation and Little ships of Dunkirk

The successful evacuation of Dunkirk in 1940, and particularly the role of the "Dunkirk little ships" was subsequently exploited very effectively in British propaganda. Many of the "little ships" were private vessels such as fishing boats and pleasure cruisers, but commercial vessels such as ferries also contributed to the force, including a number from as far away as the Isle of Man and Glasgow. These smaller vessels, guided by Naval craft across the channel from the Thames Estuary and from Dover, assisted in the official evacuation. Being able to reach much closer in the beachfront shallows than larger craft, the "little ships" acted as shuttles to and from the larger craft, lifting troops who were queuing in the water, many standing shoulder-deep in water for hours in the wait for a craft. For many decades after the war, the term "Dunkirk Spirit" stood for a popular belief in the solidarity of the British people in times of adversity.

See also



  1. Taylor and Mayer 1974, p. 59.
  2. Rickard, J. "Operation Dynamo, The Evacuation from Dunkirk, 27 May-4 June 1940." Retrieved: 14 May 2008.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Hooton 2007, p. 74.


  • Holmes, Richard, ed. "France, Fall of". The Oxford Companion to Military History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. ISBN 0-19-866209-2.
  • Hooton, E.R. Luftwaffe at War; Blitzkrieg in the West. London: Chevron/Ian Allen, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-272-6.
  • Keegan, John. The Second World War, New York: Viking Penguin, 1989. ISBN 0-670-82359-7.
  • Liddell Hart, B.H. History of the Second World War. New York: G.P. Putnam, 1970. ISBN 0-30680-912-5.
  • McEwan, Ian, Atonement, London: Jonathan Cape, 2001. ISBN 0-224062522.
  • McGlashan, Kenneth B. with Owen P. Zupp. Down to Earth: A Fighter Pilot Recounts His Experiences of Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain, Dieppe, D-Day and Beyond. London: Grub Street Publishing, 2007. ISBN 1-90494-384-5.
  • Murray, Williamson and Allan R. Millett. A War to Be Won: Fighting the Second World War. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press, 2000. ISBN 0-674-00163-X.
  • Salmaggi, Cesare and Alfredo Pallavisini. 2194 Days of War:: An Illustrated Chronology of the Second World War. New York: Gallery Books, 1993. ISBN 0-8317-8885-2.
  • Taylor, A.J.P. and Mayer, S.L., eds. A History Of World War Two. London: Octopus Books, 1974. ISBN 0-70640-399-1.
  • Thomas, Nick. RAF Top Gun: Teddy Donaldson CB, DSO, AFC and Bar, Battle of Britain Ace and World Air Speed Record Holder. London: Pen and Sword, 2008. ISBN 1-84415-685-0.
  • Weinberg, Gerhard L. A World at Arms, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. ISBN 0-521-44317-2.
  • Wilmot, Chester. The Struggle for Europe. Old Saybrook, Connecticut: Konecky & Konecky, 1952. ISBN 1-56852-525-7.

External links