Baseball field

The baseball diamond of the San Diego Padres' PETCO Park, seen from the stands.

A baseball field or baseball diamond is the field upon which the game of baseball is played.



Diagram of a baseball field.

The starting point for much of the action on the field is home plate, which is an irregular white rubber pentagon 17 inches by 8 1/2 by 12 by 12 by 8 1/2 inches (defined in the rule book as a one-foot square with "two of the corners filled in"). Adjacent to each of the two parallel 8 1/2-inch sides is a batter's box. The point of home plate where the two 12-inch sides meet at right angles, is at one corner of a ninety-foot square. The other three corners of the square, in counterclockwise order from home plate, are called first base, second base, and third base. Three canvas bags fifteen inches (38 cm) square mark the three bases. These three bags along with home plate form the four bases at the corners of the infield.

A subtlety about the bases is that first and third base, along with home plate, lie entirely within the ninety-foot square created by the four bases. They are positioned this way to help the umpires, as any ball hitting those bases must necessarily be in fair territory. Home plate has its peculiar shape in order to help the plate umpire judge whether a pitch is over the plate or not, that is, whether it might be in the strike zone. The second base bag, which is fully within fair territory, is placed so that its center coincides exactly with the corner or "point" of the ninety-foot infield square. Thus, although the "points" of the bases are 90 feet apart, the physical distance between each successive pair of base markers is closer to 88 feet.

The lines from home plate to first and third bases extend to the nearest fence, stand or other obstruction and are called the foul lines. The portion of the playing field between (and including) the foul lines is fair territory; the rest is foul territory. The area in the vicinity of the square formed by the bases is called the infield; fair territory outside the infield is known as the outfield. Most baseball fields are enclosed with a fence that marks the outer edge of the outfield. The fence is usually set at a distance ranging from 300 to 410 feet (90 to 125 m) from home plate. Most professional and college baseball fields have a right and left foul pole. These poles are at the intersection of the foul lines and the respective ends of the outfield fence. Another common feature of baseball fields is a warning track, a narrow dirt path that follows the outer edge of the outfield at the fence that serves to warn outfielders chasing a long fly ball of their proximity to the wall.

First base

Main article: First baseman

First base is the first of four bases that must be touched {while running} by a player on the batting team in order to score a run. In contrast to second and third base, it is permitted for a runner to overrun first base without being in jeopardy of being put out after contact is made with the base, provided the runner makes no move to attempt to advance another base. There are several ways a batter can reach first base. They are: 1. Walk 2. Hit 3. Hit by pitch 4. Fielder's choice 5. Error 6. Dropped third strike 7. Catcher's interference 8. Fielder's interference

The first baseman, or 1B, is the defensive player responsible for the area near first base. Professional first basemen are often tall both to present a large target to which other fielders can throw and because their long limbs give them a larger range to reach errant balls. Players who are left-handed are preferable for first base for a couple of reasons. Among them are: 1. It is easier to catch a pick-off throw from the pitcher and tag the baserunner 2. Their left foot (which they use to tag the first base after receiving a throw from another fielder) is closer to first base than their right foot. In the numbering system used to record defensive plays, the first baseman is assigned the number 3.

Second base

Main article: Second baseman

Second base, or 2B, is the second of four stations on a baseball diamond which must be touched in succession by a base runner in order to score a run for that player's team. Second base is typically defended by the second baseman and the shortstop. Second base is also known as the keystone sack. A runner on second base is said to be in "scoring position," owing to the high likelihood of reaching home plate and scoring a run from second base on most base hits. Since second is the farthest base from home plate, it is the most common target of base stealing.

Ideally, the second baseman and shortstop possess quick hands and feet and the ability to release the ball rapidly and with accuracy. One will usually cover second base when the other attempts to field the ball. Both players must communicate well to be able to make a double play. Particular agility is required of the second baseman in double play situations, which usually forces the player to throw towards first while his momentum carries him in the opposite direction. In the numbering system used to record defensive plays, the second baseman is assigned the number 4, and the shortstop 6.

Third base

Main article: Third baseman

Third base is the third of four bases a baserunner must touch in a counterclockwise succession in order to score a run. Many batted balls that result in the batter being put out (such as a sacrifice fly) may nevertheless allow a runner to reach home plate and score a run from third base, provided that the third and final out is not recorded before he can do so. A runner on third base is therefore particularly valuable to the batting team when fewer than 2 outs have been recorded.

The third baseman, or 3B, is the defensive player whose responsibility is to defend the area nearest to third base. A third baseman ideally possesses quick reaction to batted balls and a strong arm to make the long throw to first base. In the numbering system used to record defensive plays, the third baseman is assigned the number 5.

Home plate

Home plate, formally designated home base in the rules, is the final base that a player must touch to score. Unlike the other bases, home plate is five-sided and is usually a slightly flexible hard plastic with beveled edges that rises only slightly above ground level. The plate is shaped the way it is in order to help the umpire judge balls and strikes. The use of rubber or plastic was developed by Robert Keating, who pitched one game for the 1887 Baltimore Orioles. Previously, more dangerously, the plate was made of stone, iron or wood. [1]

50 to 100 feet (15 to 30 meters) behind home plate is the backstop, which is a wall/fence that will stop wild pitches, passed balls, and foul balls. In enclosed stadiums, the backstop is often composed of a lower part, which is like any other part of the wall, and an upper netting to protect spectators seated behind it; in recreational baseball fields, there is usually a tall chain-link fence, including an angled top section, composing the entire backstop.

Additionally, the catcher covers home plate when a runner is attempting to score a run; he must tag the runner with the ball (or the glove with the ball inside) before the runner touches home plate, or in the event that the bases are loaded he may simply touch home plate while in possession of the ball to get the runner out. Professional catchers in the major leagues often have large body frames to maximally obstruct home plate from the runner's access. In the numbering system used to record defensive plays, the catcher is assigned the number 2.

Batter's box and catcher's box

David Ortiz (in gray) of the Boston Red Sox stands in the batter's box for left-handed hitters.

The batter's box is the place where the batter stands when ready to receive a pitch from the pitcher. It is usually drawn in chalk on the dirt surrounding home plate, and the insides of the boxes are watered down before each game. There are two batter's boxes, one for left-handed batters and one for right-handed batters, although rules-wise they serve the same purpose. A right handed batter would stand in the batter's box on the left side of home plate from the perspective of the catcher and umpire. A left-handed batter would stand in the batter's box to their right. A batter may only occupy one batter's box at a time.

The pitcher may not throw his pitch while any part of the batter's body is touching the ground outside of the batter's box. Once the batter has entered the batter's box, any time the batter wishes to leave the batter's box once the pitcher has put his foot on the rubber, he must first ask the umpire for time-out.

The catcher's box is located behind home plate. The catcher, abbreviated C, is the defensive player who crouches behind home plate and receives balls thrown by the pitcher that are not struck by the batter in the catchers box. It is the same size as the batters box and is also drawn in chalk. The umpire may also have a box.

Foul poles

1 of 2 foul poles at Citizens Bank Park, Philadelphia.

The purpose of the foul poles is to help the umpire judge whether a fly ball hit above the fence line is foul (out of play) or fair (a home run). The poles are a vertical extension of the foul lines. Both objects are used to determine whether a ball is foul or fair, but the names are misleading, because both the lines and the poles are actually within fair territory. Prior to 1920, the foul lines were "infinite": A fly ball over the fence had to land in fair territory, or to be fair "when last seen" by the umpire, in order to be a home run. The rule was changed to be where the ball is when it clears the fence. Thus, a fly ball hitting a foul pole above the top of the outfield fence is a home run, regardless of where the ball goes after striking this pole, and a fly ball clearing the fence on the fair side of the pole is a home run regardless of where it lands. Foul poles (shown at right) are typically much higher than the top of the outfield fence, and often have a narrow screen running along the fair side of the pole to further aid the umpire's judgment. It can still be a difficult call, especially in ballparks with no outfield stands behind the poles to provide perspective. Wrigley Field is notorious for arguments over long, curving flies down a foul line (most notably in left field) that sail higher than the foul pole. Sometimes, even repeated TV replays cannot prove a call either way.

Pitcher's mound

The pitcher moves forward off the rubber as the pitch is released.

In roughly the middle of the square, equidistant between first and third base, and a few feet closer to home plate than to second base, is a low artificial hill called the pitcher's mound. On the mound, there is a white rubber slab, called the pitcher's plate or commonly the rubber, 6 inches (15 cm) front-to-back and 2 feet (61 cm) across, the front of which is exactly 60 feet, 6 inches (18.4 m) from the rear point of home plate. This peculiar distance was set by the rulemakers in 1893, not due to a clerical or surveying error as popular myth has it, but purposely (further details in History section). On a baseball field, the pitcher's mound is a raised section in the middle of the diamond where the pitcher stands when throwing the pitch.

In Major League Baseball, a regulation mound is 18 feet (5.5 m) in diameter, with the center 59 feet (18.0 m) from the rear point of home plate, on the line between home plate and second base. The front edge of the pitcher's plate or rubber is 18 inches (45.7 cm) behind the center of the mound, making the front edge's midpoint 60 feet 6 inches (18.4 m) from the rear point of home plate. Six inches (15.2 cm) in front of the pitcher's rubber the mound begins to slope downward. The top of the rubber is to be no higher than ten inches (25.4 cm) above home plate. From 1903 through 1968, this height limit was set at 15 inches, but was often slightly higher, sometimes as high as 20 inches (50.8 cm), especially for teams that emphasized pitching, such as the Los Angeles Dodgers, who were reputed to have the highest mound in the majors.

A pitcher will push off the rubber with his foot in order to gain velocity toward home plate when pitching. In addition, a higher mound generally favors the pitcher. With the height advantage, the pitcher gains more leverage and can put more downward velocity on the ball, making it more difficult for the batter to strike the ball squarely with the bat. The lowering of the mound in 1969 was intended to "increase the batting" once again, as pitching had become increasingly dominant, reaching its peak the prior year; 1968 is known among baseball historians as "The Year of the Pitcher". This restrictive rule apparently did its job, contributing to the hitting surge of modern baseball.

In Little League Baseball, the distance between the mound and homeplate is 46'. PONY Baseball caters to most of the same age ranges as Little League in their Shetland, Pinto, Mustang and Bronco divisions (covering ages 5 through 12 respectively) Each of these divisions features a different distance between the mound and home plate, as well as progressively longer baselines. This graduation of the field dimensions is meant to mirror the growth of the participants themselves as they mature physically. For example the Mustang division mound is 44' from home, and the Bronco division 48'. PONY baseball offers divisions for kids beyond the age of 12 in the Pony, Colt and Palomino divisions. The Pony division utilizes a 54' distance from the mound to home while Colt and Palomino use a major league dimensions of 60' 6" mound distance and 90' basepaths.

A pitcher's mound is difficult for groundskeepers to maintain. Usually before every game it is watered down to keep the dust from spreading. On youth and amateur baseball fields, the mound may be much different from the rulebook definition due to erosion and repair attempts. Even in the major leagues, each mound gains its own character, as pitchers are allowed to kick away pieces of dirt in their way, thereby sculpting the mound a bit to their preference. The pitcher keeps rosin on the side of the mound to dry off his hands.


A baseline is the direct route—a straight line— between two adjacent bases, though it is not drawn in chalk or paint on the field (though foul lines are drawn). The basepath is the region within three feet (0.9 m) of the baseline. Baserunners are not required to run in this objective basepath, however; a baserunner may run wherever he wants when no play is being attempted on him. At the moment the defense begins to attempt a tag on him, his running baseline is established as a direct line from his current position to the base which he is trying for. The runner may not stray three feet away from this line in an attempt to avoid a tag; if he does, the umpire can call him out.

Grass line

The H.H.H. Metrodome, showing a white "grass" line.

The grass line, where the dirt of the infield ends and the grass of the outfield begins, has no special significance to the rules of the game, but it can influence the outcome of a game. Dirt running paths between the bases (and, at one time, between the pitcher and the catcher) have existed since the beginning of the game, although they were not mentioned in the rule books until around 1950, and their specifications are flexible. In addition to providing a running path, the grass lines act as a visual aid so that players, umpires and fans may better judge distance from the center of the diamond. Occasionally the ball may take a tricky bounce off the dirt area or the edge between the dirt and the grass. World Series championships (including 1924, 1960 and 1986) have been decided or heavily influenced by erratic hops of ground balls. In artificial turf stadiums (such as those with FieldTurf in Major League Baseball), infield dirt is placed only around the bases and around the pitcher's and batting areas; thus the "grass line" is designated with a white line. The exception is at St. Petersburg's Tropicana Field, where, in spite of artificial turf, standard dirt basepaths are used.


The outfield is made from thick grass or artificial turf. It is where the outfielders play. The positions to play in the outfield are right, center, and left field. The Outfield grass has to be cut every day.

Warning track

The bottom of the picture shows part of the orange clay colored warning track at Fenway Park.

The warning track typically refers to the strip of dirt in front of the home run fence. Because the warning track's color and feel differs from the grass outfield, an outfielder can remain focused on a fly ball near the fence and take his proximity to the fence into consideration while attempting to catch the ball safely. It is also used for grounds maintenance so as to not drive on the grass field.

A warning track is also a common feature along the left and right sides of a field.

A warning track's width varies from field to field. It is generally designed to give about three steps of warning to the highest level players using the field. Typical widths run from about six feet for Little League fields to about 10 feet for college- or professional-level play.

The track can be composed of finely ground rock particles such as cinders, which is why announcer Bob Wolff used to call it the "cinder path" rather than the "warning track".

The idea of a warning track originated in Yankee Stadium, where an actual running track was built for the use of track and field events. When baseball people saw how the track helped fielders, it soon became a feature of every ballpark.

Despite the warning track's presence, it is common to see outfielders crash into the wall to make a catch, due either to a desire to field the play regardless of the outcome or because they fail to register the warning. For this reason, outfield walls are typically padded for extra safety, where feasible. Wrigley Field's brick wall is covered only by ivy, which is not especially soft. There are pads on the walls of the tight left and right field corners in foul ground.

Warning-track power is a derogatory term for a batter who seems to have just enough power to hit the ball to the warning track for an out, but not enough to hit a home run. The term more generally refers to someone or something that is almost but not quite good enough for something.

Outfield wall

The Green Monster in 2006, showing the manual scoreboard and Green Monster seating, and more recent additions, including charity advertisements along the top, billboards above the Green Monster seating, and the American League East standings.

Outfield wall is the wall that separates the outfield from the out of play zone. Certain ballparks give up more home runs depending on the height of their walls. Fenway Park's Green Monster is the tallest of these walls at 37ft. Many ballparks have padding on the walls for the protection of outfielders trying to make plays.


Main article: bullpen

The bullpen (sometimes referred to as simply "the pen") is the area where pitchers warm-up before entering a game. Depending on the ballpark, it may be situated in foul territory along the baselines or just beyond the outfield fence. Relief pitchers usually wait in the bullpen when they have yet to play in a game, rather than in the dugout with the rest of the team. The starting pitcher also makes his final pregame warmups in the bullpen. Managers can call coaches in the bullpen on an in-house telephone from the dugout to tell a certain pitcher to begin his warmup tosses. "Bullpen" is also used metaphorically to describe a team's collection of relief pitchers.

Pitchers warming up in the bullpen

On-deck circles

There are two on-deck circles in the field, one for each team, positioned in foul ground between home plate and the respective teams' benches. They are technically known as next-batter's circles. The on-deck circle is where the next scheduled batter, or "on-deck" batter, warms up while waiting for the current batter to finish his turn. The on-deck circle is either an area composed of bare dirt; a plain circle painted onto artificial turf; or often, especially at the professional level, made from artificial material, with the team's logo painted onto it.

Coach's boxes

The coach's boxes, located behind 1st and 3rd base, are where the 1st and 3rd base coach are supposed to stand, but often they don't stand on them and move closer into the field. That is permissible as long as they do not interfere with play. The coach's boxes are made with paint and sometimes wood. In early day's, the term "coacher's box" was used, as "coach" was taken to be a verb. As the term "coach" evolved into a noun, the name of the box also changed.


The basic layout of the diamond has been little changed since the original Knickerbocker Rules of the 1840s. The distance between bases was already established as 90 feet, which it remains to this day. Through trial and error, 90 feet had been settled upon as the optimal distance. 100 feet would have given too much advantage to the defense, and 80 feet too much to the offense. As athleticism has improved on both sides of the equation, 90 feet remains the appropriate balance between hitting and fielding, as it continues to provide frequent tests between the speed of a batter-runner and the throwing arm of a fielder.

It is the pitching distance, and other aspects of the pitcher's mound, and of pitching itself, that have been tinkered with from time to time over the many decades, in an effort to keep an appropriate balance between pitching and hitting.

In contrast to the distance between the bases, which seems natural enough, the very specific pitching distance of 60 feet 6 inches is one of those sports oddities that seems like a mistake unless one knows the history:


  1. James, B. New Historical Baseball Abstract.

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