Asteroid moon

243 Ida and its moon Dactyl.

An asteroid moon is an asteroid that orbits another asteroid as its natural satellite. It is thought that many asteroids may possess moons, in some cases quite substantial in size. Discoveries of asteroid moons (and binary objects, in general) are important because the determination of their orbits provides estimates on the mass and density of the primary, allowing insights of their physical properties that is generally not otherwise possible.

The moons of Trans-Neptunian objects will also be covered in this article.



In addition to the terms satellite and moon, the term binary is sometimes used for asteroids with moons (or triple for asteroids with two moons). If one object is much bigger it is usually referred to as the primary and its companion as secondary. The term double asteroid is sometimes used for systems in which the asteroid and its moon are roughly the same size, while binary tends to be used independently from the relative sizes of the components.

Discovery milestones

As early as 1978, following a stellar occultation, 532 Herculina had been suggested to have a moon and there were reports of other asteroids having companions (usually referred to as satellites) in the following years. A letter in Sky & Telescope magazine at this time pointed to pairs of large craters (e.g. the Clearwater Lakes in Quebec) also suggesting asteroids having companions. However, it was not until until 1993 that the first asteroid moon was confirmed when the Galileo probe discovered Dactyl orbiting 243 Ida. The second was discovered around 45 Eugenia in 1998. The first Trans-Neptunian binary, 1998 WW31 was optically resolved in 2002.[1]

As of September 2008, 104 asteroid moons had been discovered, 60 in the main belt, 2 orbiting Trojan asteroids, 42 near-Earth objects and Mars-crossers. There were at that time also 58 Trans-Neptunian moons. In 2005, the asteroid 87 Sylvia was discovered to have two moons, making it the first known triple asteroid. This was followed by the discovery of a second moon orbiting 45 Eugenia. Also in 2005, the KBO Haumea was discovered to have two moons, making it the second KBO after Pluto known to have more than one moon.[2]

An example of a double asteroid is 90 Antiope, where two roughly equal-sized components orbit the common centre of gravity. 617 Patroclus and its same-sized companion Menoetius is the only known binary system in the Trojan population.


The data about the populations of binary objects are still patchy. In addition to the inevitable observational bias (dependence on the distance from Earth, size, albedo and separation of the components) the frequency appears to be different among different categories of objects. Among asteroids, an estimated 2% would have satellites. Among trans-Neptunian objects (TNO), an estimated 11% are believed to be binary or multiple objects, but three of the four known large TNO (75%) have at least one satellite.

More than 20 binaries are known in each of the main groupings: Near Earth asteroids, Main belt asteroids, and Trans-Neptunians, not including numerous claims based solely on the light curve variation. No binaries have been found so far among Centaurs,[3] presumably due to the much smaller number and relative faintness of these objects.


The origin of asteroid moons is not currently known with certainty, and a variety of theories exist. A widely accepted theory is that asteroid moons are formed from debris knocked off of the primary asteroid by an impact. Other pairings may be formed when a small object is captured by the gravity of a larger one.

Formation by collision is constrained by the angular momentum of components i.e. by the masses and their separation. Close binaries fit this model (e.g. Pluto/Charon). Distant binaries however, with components of comparable size, are unlikely to have followed this scenario, unless considerable mass has been lost in the event.

The distances of the components for the known binaries vary from a few hundreds of kilometres (243 Ida, 3749 Balam) to more than 3000 km (379 Huenna) for the asteroids. Among TNOs, the known separations vary from 3,000 to 50,000 km.[3]


What is "typical" for a binary asteroid system tends to depend on its location in the Solar System (presumably because of different modes of origin and lifetimes of such systems in different populations of minor planets).[4]

Notable asteroids and TNOs with moons

Main article: List of minor planet moons
Name of primary Orbital type Diameter
of primary (km)
Name of moon Diameter
of moon (km)
Distance between
pair (km)
22 Kalliope main belt (215×180×150) Linus 38 ± 6 1 065 ± 8
45 Eugenia 214.6 ± 4.2
Petit-Prince 12.7 ± 0.8 1 184 ± 12
87 Sylvia (385×265×230) Remus (Sylvia II) 7 ± 2 706 ± 5
Romulus (Sylvia I) 18 ± 4 1 356 ± 5
90 Antiope 110 ± 16 S/2000 (90) 1 110 ± 16 170 ± 1
121 Hermione (254×125) S/2002 (121) 1 12 ± 4 768 ± 11
243 Ida (59.8×25.4×18.6) Dactyl (1.6 × 1.4 × 1.2) 108
283 Emma 148.1 ± 4.6 S/2003 (283) 1 12 596 ± 3
617 Patroclus Jupiter trojan 121.8 ± 3.2 Menoetius 112.6 ± 3.2 685 ± 40
762 Pulcova main belt 137.1 ± 3.2 S/2000 (762) 1 20 810
1313 Berna 11 S/2004 (1313) 1 11 35
Trans-Neptunian objects
(47171) 1999 TC36 plutino 350-470 S/2001 (47171) 1 142 ±23 7 640 ± 460
58534 Logos cubewano 80 Zoe 66 8 010 ± 80
65489 Ceto SDO 193? Phorcys[5] 146? 1 842 ± 46
66652 Borasisi TNO 166? Pabu[6] 137? 4 660 ± 170
(79360) 1997 CS29 cubewano 305 S/2005 (79360) 1 292 2300
(82075) 2000 YW134 SDO 431 S/2005 (82075) 1 237 1900
Pluto plutino 2306 ± 20 Charon (Pluto I) 1207 ± 3 19 571 ± 4
Nix (Pluto II) 44-130 48 675 ± 120
Hydra (Pluto III) 44-130 64 780 ± 90
Haumea cubewano 1400 Hiʻiaka (Haumea I) 310 49 500 ± 400
Namaka (Haumea II) 170 39 300
Eris SDO 2400 ± 100 Dysnomia 300-400 30 000-36 000
1998 WW31 cubewano 133 ± 15 S/2000 (1998 WW31) 1 110 ± 12 22 300 ± 800
2001 QG298 plutino 260×205×185 S/2002 (2001 QG298) 1 265×160×150 400
Quaoar cubewano 1260 ± 190 km Weywot (provisional) 95 ± 24 (11,000 km separation)
Orcus plutino 946 +74−72 km (90482) Orcus I (262 ± 170 km) (8,700 km separation)

See also


  1. Chiang, E.; Lithwick, Y.; Buie, M.; Grundy, W.; Holman, M.; A Brief History of Trans-Neptunian Space, to appear in Protostars and Planets V (August 2006) Final preprint on arXiv
  2. [
  3. 3.0 3.1 Noll, Keith S. "Solar System binaries", Asteroids, Comets, Meteors, Proceedings of the 229th Symposium of the IAU, Rio de Janeiro, 2005, Cambridge University Press, 2006., pp.301-318 Preprint
  4. "T. Michałowski et al. (2004). "Eclipsing binary asteroid 90 Antiope". Astronomy & Astrophysics 423: 1159. 
  5. Discovered April 11, 2006 by K. Noll, H. Levison, W. Grundy and D. Stephens using the Hubble Space Telescope
  6. Discovered 8 September 1999 by Chadwick A. Trujillo, Jane X. Luu, and David C. Jewitt from Mauna Kea, HI, USA

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