Arthur C. Clarke

Sir Arthur C. Clarke, CBE
Clarke sm.jpg
Arthur C. Clarke at his home office in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 28 March 2005
Born 16 December 1917(1917-12-16)
Minehead, Somerset, United Kingdom
Died 19 March 2008 (aged 90)
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Pen name Charles Willis,[1]
E.G. O'Brien[1]
Occupation Author, Inventor
Nationality British and
Sri Lankan
Genres Hard Science Fiction, Popular Science
Subjects Science
Notable work(s) Childhood's End
2001: A Space Odyssey
Rendezvous with Rama
The Fountains of Paradise
Spouse(s) Marilyn Mayfield (1953-1964)
Official website

Sri Lankabhimanya Sir Arthur Charles Clarke, CBE (16 December 1917–19 March 2008) was a British science fiction author, inventor, and futurist, most famous for the novel 2001: A Space Odyssey, written in collaboration with director Stanley Kubrick, a collaboration which also produced the film of the same name; and as a host and commentator in the British television series Mysterious World.[2][3]

Clarke served in the Royal Air Force as a radar instructor and technician from 1941-1946, proposed satellite communication systems in 1945[4][5] which won him the Franklin Institute Stuart Ballantine Gold Medal in 1963. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1994[6]. He was the chairman of the British Interplanetary Society from 1947-1950 and again in 1953.[7] Later, he helped fight for the preservation of lowland gorillas[8][9]. He won the UNESCO-Kalinga Prize for the Popularization of Science in 1961.[10]

Clarke emigrated to Sri Lanka in 1956 largely to pursue his interest in scuba diving,[11] and lived there until his death. He was knighted by the United Kingdom in 1998,[12] and was awarded Sri Lanka's highest civil honour, Sri Lankabhimanya, in 2005.[13]



Clarke was born in Minehead, Somerset, England.[14] As a boy he enjoyed stargazing and reading old American science fiction pulp magazines. After secondary school and studying at Huish's Grammar School, Taunton, he was unable to afford a university education and got a job as an auditor in the pensions section of the Board of Education.[15]

During the Second World War he served in the Royal Air Force as a radar specialist and was involved in the early warning radar defence system, which contributed to the RAF's success during the Battle of Britain. Clarke spent most of his wartime service working on Ground Controlled Approach (GCA) radar as documented in the semi-autobiographical Glide Path, his only non-science-fiction novel. Although GCA did not see much practical use in the war, it proved vital to the Berlin Airlift of 1948–1949 after several years of development. Clarke initially served in the ranks, and was a Corporal instructor on radar at No 9 Radio School, RAF Yatesbury. He was commissioned as a Pilot Officer (Technical Branch) on 27 May 1943.[16] He was promoted Flying Officer on 27 November 1943.[17] He was appointed chief training instructor at RAF Honiley and was demobilised with the rank of Flight Lieutenant. After the war he earned a first-class degree in mathematics and physics at King's College London.

In the postwar years, Clarke became the chairman of the British Interplanetary Society from 1947-1950 and again in 1953.[6][18] Although he was not the originator of the concept of geostationary satellites, one of his most important contributions may be his idea that they would be ideal telecommunications relays. He advanced this idea in a paper privately circulated among the core technical members of the BIS in 1945. The concept was published in Wireless World in October of that year.[19][20][21] Clarke also wrote a number of non-fiction books describing the technical details and societal implications of rocketry and space flight. The most notable of these may be The Exploration of Space (1951) and The Promise of Space (1968). In recognition of these contributions the geostationary orbit 36,000 kilometres (22,000 mi) above the equator is officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union as a Clarke Orbit.[22]

On a trip to Florida in 1953[23] Clarke met and quickly married Marilyn Mayfield, a 22-year-old American divorcee with a young son. They separated permanently after six months, although the divorce was not finalised until 1964.[24] "The marriage was incompatible from the beginning", says Clarke.[24] Clarke never remarried but was close to Leslie Ekanayake, who died in 1977. Journalists who inquired of Clarke whether he was gay were told, "No, merely mildly cheerful."[25] However, Michael Moorcock has written

Everyone knew he was gay. In the 1950s I'd go out drinking with his boyfriend. We met his proteges, western and eastern, and their families: people who had only the most generous praise for his kindness. Self-absorbed he might be, and a teetotaller, but an impeccable gent through and through.[26]

Moorcook's assertion is not supported by other reports, although in an interview in the July, 1986 issue of Playboy magazine[27], Clarke exasperatedly stated "Of course. Who hasn't?" to the question if he has had bisexual experiences[28].

Clarke also maintained a vast collection of manuscripts and personal memoirs, referred to as the "Clarkives", which will not be published before 30 years after his death. When asked why they were sealed up, he answered "'Well, there might be all sorts of embarrassing things in them".[29]

Writing career

While Clarke had a few stories published in fanzines, between 1937 and 1945, his first professional sales appeared in Astounding Science Fiction in 1946: "Loophole" was published in April, while "Rescue Party", his first sale, was published in May. Along with his writing Clarke briefly worked as Assistant Editor of Science Abstracts (1949) before devoting himself to writing full-time from 1951 onward. Clarke also contributed to the Dan Dare series published in Eagle, and his first three published novels were written for children.

Clarke corresponded with C. S. Lewis in the 1940s and 1950s and they once met in an Oxford pub, The Eastgate, to discuss science fiction and space travel. Clarke, after Lewis's death, voiced great praise for him, saying the Ransom Trilogy was one of the few works of science fiction that could be considered literature.

In 1948 he wrote "The Sentinel" for a BBC competition. Though the story was rejected it changed the course of Clarke's career. Not only was it the basis for A Space Odyssey, but "The Sentinel" also introduced a more mystical and cosmic element to Clarke's work. Many of Clarke's later works feature a technologically advanced but prejudiced mankind being confronted by a superior alien intelligence. In the cases of The City and the Stars (and its original version, Against the Fall of Night), Childhood's End, and the 2001 series, this encounter produces a conceptual breakthrough that accelerates humanity into the next stage of its evolution. In Clarke's authorized biography, Neil McAleer writes that: "many readers and critics still consider [Childhood's End] Arthur C. Clarke's best novel."[24]

Clarke lived in Sri Lanka from 1956 until his death in 2008, having emigrated there when it was still called Ceylon, first in Unawatuna on the south coast, and then in Colombo.[25] Clarke held citizenship of both the UK and Sri Lanka.[30] He was an avid scuba diver and a member of the Underwater Explorers Club. Living in Sri Lanka afforded him the opportunity to visit the ocean year-round. It also inspired the locale for his novel The Fountains of Paradise in which he described a space elevator. This, he believed, ultimately will be his legacy, more so than geostationary satellites, once space elevators make space shuttles obsolete.[31]

His many predictions culminated in 1958 when he began a series of essays in various magazines that eventually became Profiles of the Future published in book form in 1962. A timetable[32] up to the year 2100 describes inventions and ideas including such things as a "global library" for 2005.

Early in his career Clarke had a fascination with the paranormal and stated that it was part of the inspiration for his novel Childhood's End. He also said that he was one of several who were fooled by a Uri Geller demonstration at Birkbeck College. Although he eventually dismissed and distanced himself from nearly all pseudoscience he continued to advocate research into psychokinesis and similar phenomena.

Last years

In the early 1970s Clarke signed a three-book publishing deal, a record for a science-fiction writer at the time. The first of the three was Rendezvous with Rama in 1973, which won him all the main genre awards and has spawned sequels that, along with the 2001 series, formed the backbone of his later career.

In 1975 Clarke's short story "The Star" was not included in a new high school English textbook in Sri Lanka because of concerns that it might offend Roman Catholics even though it had already been selected. The same textbook also caused controversy because it replaced Shakespeare's work with that of Bob Dylan, John Lennon and Isaac Asimov.

In the 1980s Clarke became well known to many for his television programmes Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World, Arthur C. Clarke's World of Strange Powers and Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious Universe.

In 1986 he was named a Grand Master by the Science Fiction Writers of America.[33]

In 1988 he was diagnosed with post-polio syndrome, having originally contracted polio in 1959, and needed to use a wheelchair most of the time thereafter.[25] Sir Arthur C Clarke was for many years a Vice Patron of the British Polio Fellowship.[34]

In the 1989 Queen's Birthday Honours Clarke was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) "for services to British cultural interests in Sri Lanka".[35] The same year he became the first Chancellor of the International Space University, serving from 1989 to 2004 and he also served as Chancellor of Moratuwa University in Sri Lanka from 1979 to 2002.

In 1994, Clarke appeared in a science fiction film; he portrayed himself in the telefilm Without Warning, an American production about an apocalyptic alien first contact scenario presented in the form of a faux newscast.

On 26 May 2000 he was made a Knight Bachelor "for services to literature" at a ceremony in Colombo.[36] The award of a knighthood had been announced in the 1998 New Year Honours,[37] but investiture with the award had been delayed, at Clarke's request, because of an accusation, by the British tabloid The Sunday Mirror, of paedophilia.[38] [39] The charge was subsequently found to be baseless by the Sri Lankan police.[40][41][42][43][44][45] According to The Daily Telegraph (London), the Mirror subsequently published an apology.[46] Clarke was then duly knighted.

In September 2007, he provided a video greeting for NASA's Cassini probe's flyby of Iapetus (which plays an important role in 2001: A Space Odyssey).[47]

In December 2007 on his 90th birthday, Clarke recorded a video message to his friends and fans bidding them good-bye.[48]

Clarke died in Sri Lanka on 19 March 2008 after suffering from breathing problems, according to Rohan de Silva, one of his aides,[49][50][25][51] only a few days after he had reviewed the final manuscript of his latest work, The Last Theorem, co-written with Frederik Pohl.[52] He was buried in Colombo in traditional Sri Lankan fashion on 22 March, with his younger brother, Fred Clarke, and his Sri Lankan adoptive family among the thousands in attendance.[53]

Position on religion

Themes of religion and spirituality appear in much of Clarke's writing. Although his oeuvre was not explicitly religious — “Any path to knowledge is a path to God — or Reality, whichever word one prefers to use”, he said — he did give Man’s journey a mystical significance and a quasireligious intensity,[54] and described himself as 'fascinated by the concept of God' . In 2000, Clarke told the Sri Lankan newspaper, The Island, "I don't believe in God or an afterlife,"[55] and he identifies himself as an atheist.[56] He was honoured as a Humanist Laureate in the International Academy of Humanism.[57] He has also described himself as a "crypto-Buddhist", insisting that Buddhism is not a religion.[58] He displayed little interest about religion early in his life, for example, only discovering a few months after marrying his wife, that she had strong Presbyterian beliefs.

In a three-day interview described as "a dialogue on man and his world" with Alan Watts, Clarke said that he could not forgive religions for the atrocities and wars over time and admitted a bias against religion in a 1972 interview.[59]

In a reflection of the dialogue where he more broadly stated "mankind", his introduction to the penultimate episode of Mysterious World, entitled, Strange Skies, Clarke said, "I sometimes think that the universe is a machine designed for the perpetual astonishment of astronomers."

Near the very end of that same episode, the last segment of which covered the Star of Bethlehem, he stated that his favourite theory[60] was that it might be a pulsar. Given that pulsars were discovered in the interval between his writing the short story, The Star (1955), and making Mysterious World (1980), and given the more recent discovery of pulsar PSR B1913+16, he said, "How romantic, if even now, we can hear the dying voice of a star, which heralded the Christian era."[60]

Clarke left written instructions for a funeral that stated: "Absolutely no religious rites of any kind, relating to any religious faith, should be associated with my funeral."[61]

A famous quote of Clarke's is often cited: "The greatest tragedy in mankind's entire history may be the hijacking of morality by religion"

Themes, style, and influences

Clarke's work is marked by an optimistic view of science empowering mankind's exploration of the Solar System. Clarke's images of the future often feature a Utopian setting with highly developed technology, ecology, and society, based on the author's ideals. [62] His early published stories would usually feature the extrapolation of a technological innovation or scientific breakthrough into the underlying decadence of his own society.

"The Sentinel" (1948) introduced a religious theme to Clarke's work, a theme that he later explored more deeply in The City and the Stars (and its earlier version, Against the Fall of Night). His interest in the paranormal was influenced by Charles Fort and embraced the belief that humanity may be the property of an ancient alien civilisation. Surprisingly for a writer who is often held up as an example of hard science fiction's obsession with technology, three of Clarke's novels have this as a theme. Another theme of "The Sentinel" was the notion that the evolution of an intelligent species would eventually make them something close to gods, which was also explored in his 1953 novel Childhood's End. He also briefly touched upon this idea in his novel Imperial Earth. This idea of transcendence through evolution seems to have been influenced by Olaf Stapledon, who wrote a number of books dealing with this theme. Clarke has said of Stapledon's 1930 book Last and First Men that "No other book had a greater influence on my life ... [It] and its successor Star Maker (1937) are the twin summits of [Stapledon's] literary career".[63]

Adapted screenplays

2001: A Space Odyssey

Clarke's first venture into film was the Stanley Kubrick directed 2001: A Space Odyssey. Kubrick and Clarke had met in New York City in 1964 to discuss the possibility of a collaborative film project. As the idea developed, it was decided that the story for the film was to be loosely based on Clarke's short story "The Sentinel", written in 1948 as an entry in a BBC short story competition. Originally, Clarke was going to write the screenplay for the film, but Kubrick suggested during one of their brainstorming meetings that before beginning on the actual script, they should let their imaginations soar free by writing a novel first, which the film would be based on upon its completion. "This is more or less the way it worked out, though toward the end, novel and screenplay were being written simultaneously, with feedback in both directions. Thus I rewrote some sections after seeing the movie rushes -- a rather expensive method of literary creation, which few other authors can have enjoyed."[64] The novel ended up being published a few months after the release of the movie.

Due to the hectic schedule of the film's production, Kubrick and Clarke had difficulty collaborating on the book. Clarke completed a draft of the novel at the end of 1964 with the plan to publish in 1965 in advance of the film's release in 1966. After many delays the film was released in the spring of 1968, before the book was completed. The book was credited to Clarke alone. Clarke later complained that this had the effect of making the book into a novelisation, that Kubrick had manipulated circumstances to downplay Clarke's authorship. For these and other reasons, the details of the story differ slightly from the book to the movie. The film contains little explanation for the events taking place. Clarke, on the other hand, wrote thorough explanations of "cause and effect" for the events in the novel. James Randi later recounted that upon seeing 2001 for the first time, Clarke left the movie theatre during the first break crying because he was so upset about how the movie had turned out.[65] Despite their differences, both film and novel were well received.[66][67][68]

In 1972, Clarke published The Lost Worlds of 2001, which included his account of the production and alternate versions of key scenes. The "special edition" of the novel A Space Odyssey (released in 1999) contains an introduction by Clarke, documenting his account of the events leading to the release of the novel and film.


In 1982 Clarke continued the 2001 epic with a sequel, 2010: Odyssey Two. This novel was also made into a film, 2010, directed by Peter Hyams for release in 1984. Due to the political environment in America in the 1980s, the novel and film present a Cold War theme, with the looming tensions of nuclear warfare. The film was not considered to be as revolutionary or artistic as 2001, but the reviews were still positive.

Clarke's email correspondence with Hyams was published in 1984.[69][70] Titled The Odyssey File: The Making of 2010, and co-authored with Hyams, it illustrates his fascination with the then-pioneering medium of email and its use for them to communicate on an almost daily basis at the time of planning and production of the film while living on different continents. The book also includes Clarke's list of the best science-fiction films ever made.

Rendezvous with Rama

Clarke's award-winning 1972 novel Rendezvous with Rama was optioned many years ago, but is currently in "development hell". Director David Fincher is assigned to the project together with actor Morgan Freeman.

Beyond 2001

2001: A Space Odyssey, Clarke's most famous work, goes well beyond the 1968 movie, and its 1984 sequel (2010). There were two more sequels that have not been adapted to the cinema: 2061: Odyssey Three and 3001: The Final Odyssey. In 2061, Halley's Comet swings back to nearby Earth, and Sir Arthur uses the event as an excuse to take an aged Dr. Heywood Floyd on a romp through the solar system, visiting the comet before crash-landing on Europa, where he discovers the fates of Dave Bowman, HAL 9000, and the Europan lifeforms which have been protected by the Monoliths.

With 3001: The Final Odyssey, Clarke returns to examine the character of astronaut Frank Poole, believed killed outside Discovery by HAL in the original novel and film.

Essays and short stories

Most of Clarke's essays (from 1934 to 1998) can be found in the book Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds! (2000). Most of his short stories can be found in the book The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke (2001). Another collection of early essays was published in The View from Serendip (1977), which also included one short piece of fiction, "When the Twerms Came". He wrote short stories under the pseudonyms of E. G. O'Brien and Charles Willis.

Concept of the geostationary communications satellite

Main article: Geostationary orbit

Clarke's most important scientific contribution may be his idea that geostationary satellites would be ideal telecommunications relays. He described this concept in a paper titled Extra-Terrestrial Relays — Can Rocket Stations Give Worldwide Radio Coverage?, published in Wireless World in October 1945. The geostationary orbit is now sometimes known as the Clarke Orbit or the Clarke Belt in his honour.

However, it is not clear that this article was actually the inspiration for the modern telecommunications satellite. John R. Pierce, of Bell Labs, arrived at the idea independently in 1954 and he was actually involved in the Echo satellite and Telstar projects. Moreover, Pierce stated that the idea was "in the air" at the time and certain to be developed regardless of Clarke's publication. Nevertheless, Clarke described the idea so thoroughly that his article has been cited as prior art in judgements denying patents on the concept.

Though different from Clarke's idea of telecom relay, the idea of communicating with satellites in geostationary orbit itself had been described earlier. For example, the concept of geostationary satellites was described in Hermann Oberth's 1923 book Die Rakete zu den Planetenräumen[71](The Rocket into Interplanetary Space) and then the idea of radio communication with those satellites in Herman Potočnik's (written under the pseudonym Hermann Noordung) 1928 book Das Problem der Befahrung des Weltraums — der Raketen-Motor (The Problem of Space Travel — The Rocket Motor) section: Providing for Long Distance Communications and Safety [72] published in Berlin. Clarke acknowledged the earlier concept in his book Profiles of the Future.[73]

Awards, honours and other recognition

Partial bibliography

Main article: List of works by Arthur C. Clarke


Short story collections


In popular culture

See also

Cited references

  1. 1.0 1.1 "Arthur C. Clarke", books and writers. Retrieved on 2008-03-18. 
  2. "Mysterious World" (1980) at the Internet Movie Database
  3. Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World on YouTube. Retrieved on 23 March 2008.
  4. The 1945 Proposal by Arthur C. Clarke for Geostationary Satellite Communications
  5. The Arthur C. Clarke Foundation
  6. 6.0 6.1 Sir Arthur's details
  7. Moon Miners' Manifesto: Arthur C Clarke nominated for Nobel
  8. Yahoomc: test
  9. Campaign for gorilla-friendly mobiles| News | This is London
  10. Summary List of UNESCO Prizes: List of Prizewinners, p. 12
  11. "Remembering Arthur C. Clarke". Retrieved on 2008-03-27.
  12. The Arthur C. Clarke Foundation
  13. 13.0 13.1 Government Notification—National Honours, November 2005. Retrieved on 20 October 2008
  14. "Science fiction author Arthur C Clarke dies aged 90", The Times (19 March 2008). Retrieved on 2008-03-19. "Science fiction writer Sir Arthur C Clarke has died aged 90 in his adopted home of Sri Lanka, it was confirmed tonight." 
  15. London Gazette: no. 34321, page 5798, 8 September 1936. Retrieved on 2008-03-19.
  16. London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 36089, pages 3162–3163, 9 July 1943. Retrieved on 2008-03-19.
  17. London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 36271, page 5289, 30 November c1943. Retrieved on 2008-03-19.
  18. IEEE Spectrum: Audio Transcript: Interview with Arthur C. Clarke
  19. "Arthur C. Clarke Extra Terrestrial Relays". Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
  20. "Peacetime Uses for V2" (JPG). Wireless World (February 1945). Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
  21. "EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL RELAYS Can Rocket Stations Give World-wide Radio Coverage?". Wireless World (October 1945). Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
  22. "Clarke Foundation Biography". Retrieved on 2008-03-19.
  23. Arthur C Clarke - a quick summary
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 McAleer, Neil. "Arthur C. Clarke: The Authorized Biography", Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1992. ISBN 0-8092-3720-2
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 "Arthur C. Clarke, Premier Science Fiction Writer, Dies at 90.", New York Times (18 March 2008). Retrieved on 2008-03-19. "Arthur C. Clarke, a writer whose seamless blend of scientific expertise and poetic imagination helped usher in the space age, died early Wednesday in Colombo, Sri Lanka, where he had lived since 1956. He was 90. He had battled debilitating post-polio syndrome for years." 
  26. Michael Moorcock (2008-03-22). "Brave New Worlds", The Guardian. Retrieved on 2008-08-25. 
  27. NNDB page on Clarke
  28. Clarke's interview in Playboy magazine
  29. Man on the moon
  30. "Happy Birthday Sir Arthur C. Clarke!". Sunday Observer (2005-12-11). Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
  31. Personal e-mail from Sir Arthur Clarke to Jerry Stone, Director of the Sir Arthur Clarke Awards, 1 November 2006
  32. "Chart of the Future". Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
  33. SFWA Grand Masters
  34. British Polio Fellowship - Home
  35. 35.0 35.1 London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 51772, page 16, 16 June 1989. Retrieved on 2008-03-19.
  36. 36.0 36.1 Letters Patent were issued by Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom on 16 March 2000 to authorise this. (see London Gazette: no. 55796, page 3167, 21 March 2000. Retrieved on 2008-03-19.)
  37. 37.0 37.1 London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 54993, page 2, 30 December 1997. Retrieved on 2008-03-19.
  38. It doesn't do any harm ... most of the damage comes from fuss made. Sunday Mirror, Feb 1, 1998 Retrieved on 2008-03-24
  39. SMIRK OF A PERVERT AND A LIAR. Sunday Mirror, Feb 8, 1998 Retrieved on 2008-03-24
  40. "Sci-fi novelist cleared of sex charges". Retrieved on 2008-02-11.
  41. "Clarke Denies Pedophile Allegations". Science Fiction News of the Week (1998-02-06). Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
  42. "Arthur C. Clarke". Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
  43. "Arthur C. Clarke". NNDB. Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
  44. "File 770:123". Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
  45. "Child sex file could close on sci-fi writer". Irish Examiner. Retrieved on 2007-03-19.
  46. "Sir Arthur C Clarke", The Daily Telegraph (20 March 2008). Retrieved on 2008-03-27. 
  47. Video greeting to NASA JPL by Arthur C. Clarke. Retrieved 24 September 2007
  48. "Sir Arthur C Clarke 90th Birthday reflections" (2007-12-10). Retrieved on 2008-02-22.
  49. Writer Arthur C Clarke dies at 90, BBC News, 18 March 2008
  50. Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies at 90, MSNBC, 18 March 2008
  51. "Arthur C. Clarke: The Wired Words", Wired Blog Network (18 March 2008). Retrieved on 2008-03-22. 
  52. "Last odyssey for sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke", Agence France-Presse (19 March 2008). Retrieved on 2008-03-20. "Just a few days before he died, Clarke reviewed the final manuscript of his latest novel, "The Last Theorem" co-written with American author Frederik Pohl, which is to be published later this year." 
  53. "Sci-fi writer Clarke laid to rest", BBC (2008-03-22). Retrieved on 2008-03-22. 
  54. "Sir Arthur C. Clarke: The Times obituary". Times Online (2008-03-19). Retrieved on 2008-08-06.
  55. Midwee01
  56. "…Stanley [Kubrick] is a Jew and I'm an atheist". Clarke quoted in Jeromy Agel (Ed.) (1970). The Making of Kubrick's 2001: p.306
  57. The International Academy Of Humanism at the website of the Council for Secular Humanism. (Retrieved 18 October 2007).
  58. Cherry, Matt (1999), "God, Science, and Delusion: A Chat With Arthur C. Clarke", Free Inquiry (Amherst, NY: Council for Secular Humanism) 19 (2), ISSN 0272-0701,, retrieved on 2008-04-16 
  59. Clarke, Arthur C.; Watts, Alan (January), "At the Interface: Technology and Mysticism", Playboy (Chicago, Ill.: HMH Publishing) 19 (1): 94, ISBN 0032-1478, OCLC 3534353 
  60. 60.0 60.1 "Mysterious world strange skies 3 of 3". YouTube. Retrieved on 2008-08-06.
  61. "TIME Quotes of the Day" (2008-03-19). Retrieved on 2008-03-20.
  62. Guy Riddihough, Review of The City and the Stars  in Science , (4 July 2008) Vol. 321. no. 5885, pp. 42 - 43 DOI: 10.1126/science.1161705: What marks the book out are Clarke's sweeping vistas, grand ideas, and ultimately optimistic view of humankind's future in the cosmos.
  63. "Arthur C. Clarke Quotes". Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
  64. Arthur C. Clarke, 90; scientific visionary, acclaimed writer of '2001: A Space Odyssey'
  65. "Randi shares some stories regarding his friend Arthur C. Clarke and makes a comparison of Stanley Kubrick to Steve Jobs". Retrieved on 2008-04-24.
  66. "Box Office Mojo". Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
  67. "Movies.". Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
  68. "". Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
  69. Arthur C. Clarke and Peter Hyams. The Odyssey File. Ballantine Books, 1984.
  70. Excerpt from The Odyssey File.
  71. Kelso, Dr. T. S. (1998-05-01). "Basics of the Geostationary Orbit". Satellite Times. Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
  72. "Providing for Long Distance Communications and Safety". Retrieved on 2008-03-18.
  73. Clarke, Arthur C. (1984). Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry Into the Limits of the Possible. New York, New York: Holt, Rinehart & Wilson. pp. 205n. ISBN 0030697832.  "INTELSAT, the International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation which operates the global system, has started calling it the Clarke orbit. Flattered though I am, honesty compels me to point out that the concept of such an orbit predates my 1945 paper 'Extra Terrestrial Relays' by at least twenty years. I didn't invent it, but only annexed it."
  74. Peebles, Curtis. "Names of US manned spacecraft". Spaceflight, Vol. 20, 2, Fev. 1978. Spaceflight. Retrieved on 2008-08-06.
  75. Arthur C. Clarke - Awards
  76. Burns, John F. "Colombo Journal; A Nonfiction Journey to a More Peaceful World" New York Times, November 28, 1994
  77. Wired 14.11: Very Short Stories
  78. Author Arthur Clarke loses Lanka school -

External links

NAME Clarke, Arthur Charles
SHORT DESCRIPTION British and Sri Lankan Author and Inventor
DATE OF BIRTH 16 December 1917
PLACE OF BIRTH Minehead, Somerset, United Kingdom
DATE OF DEATH 19 March 2008
PLACE OF DEATH Colombo, Sri Lanka