Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο της Θεσσαλονίκης

(Sacrifice with the grace of the Muses)
Established: 1925
Type: Public
Chancellor: Anastasios Manthos
Vice-Chancellor: Athanasia Tsatsakou
Stavros Panas
Andreas Giannakoudakis
Faculty: 2332
Students: app. 95,000
Undergraduates: app. 86,000
Postgraduates: app. 9,000
Location: Thessaloniki, Greece Flag of Greece.svg
Campus: 230,000 m²
Affiliations: Coimbra Group, Utrecht Network, TIME
The Faculty of Philosophy, the earliest building of Aristotle University, founded in 1925. The University's motto is engraved on the entrance.
The Star Observatory of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki located inside the University campus.
The Polytechnic Faculty of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
APTH letters in Greek (ΑΠΘ)

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (often called the Aristotelian University), named after the philosopher Aristotle, is the largest university of Greece. Its campus covers 230,000 square metres close to the center of the city of Thessaloniki. Some educational and administrative facilities are located off campus for practical and operational reasons.

More than 95,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students study at the Aristotle University, 86,000 in undergraduate programmes and 9,000 in postgraduate programmes. Furthermore, the Teaching and Research Staff number 2,332 people (671 professors, 638 associate professors, 503 assistant professors, and 520 lecturers), the Scientific Teaching Staff number 103 and the Special Laboratory Teaching Staff 307 people. This is further supported by the 414 members of the Special Technical Laboratory Staff for teaching services and the 957 members of administrative staff [1].


Departments and faculties

The university includes 42 Departments (τμήματα) which are organized in nine Faculties (σχολές) [2] [3] :

Independent Departments:


The statue of Alexandros Papanastasiou inside the University Campus

The establishment of the University of Thessaloniki as the second Greek university was legislated under Law 3341/14-6-25 during the premiership of Alexandros Papanastassiou, during the period of the first Greek Republic. At first, according to Eleftherios Venizelos' plans, right after the end of the First World War, Smyrni was intended to be the seat of the second Greek university although it was not then part of Greece, while the third was to be established in Thessaloniki. However, these plans fell through after the outcome of the Greco - Turkish War in Asia Minor [4].

The University sits on the site of the Jewish graveyard of Thessaloniki. Once the largest Sephardic settlement in the world, its graveyard was estimated to have more than 500,000 graves dating back to expulsion of the Jews from Spain under Isabella. Following the deportation and liquidation of almost 60,000 Jewish citizens of Thessaloniki, the Third Reich donated the largely looted and destroyed graveyard to their collaborators. No memorial stands to this effect on the campus and bones found during construction are discarded as animal bones.

The chronological development of the University, which was renamed the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 1954, can be divided into three stages , each covering a period of approximately twenty-five years.

During the first stage of its operation (1926-1950), the development focused on those Schools which have been generally accepted as constituting one Institute, namely the Faculty of Philosophy, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, the Faculty of Law and Economics, the School of Theology and the Medical School. Only the Departments of Pharmacy (1955), Dentistry (part of Medical School since 1959, and an independent School since 1971) as well as the Institutes of Foreign Languages within the Faculty of Philosophy were established and became operational after this time (1950). The first stage of the development of the Aristotle University ended with the foundation of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty in 1950, which was the only faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Greece for many years. Today, it is part of the Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences.

During the second stage (1951-1975) the focal point of development was the Polytechnic School, which in fact constituted an independent institute also called the Polytechnic or Technical University. So, for the first fifty years of its operation the Aristotle University consisted of two institutes, the University and the Polytechnic, which operated independently.

During the third stage of its development, the Aristotle University has acquired Departments and Faculties which were founded and operated, at first, as independent Institutes of higher Education. These were the Faculty of Art, Music Academies, the Theatrical School, the Gymnastic Academy, etc. The third stage of development of the Aristotle University is characterized not only by the fact that some former faculties have become departments but also by the foundation of some new faculties, such as the Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences and the Faculty of Health Sciences, as well as of some independent departments which do not yet belong to any faculty.

The Aristotle University today consists of 41 Departments as well as many other units, such as laboratories, study rooms, libraries, clinics etc., which make it the largest university in the country in terms of the staff, the number of students and the facilities offered. At the same time, due to the research work and the activities undertaken by the teaching and scientific staff, the University has gained international recognition[5].

Organization and administration

The Aristotle University is one of Greece's public Universities and therefore is a legal entity with full self governance. The administration of the university consists of collective bodies who take decisions within the framework of the Greek laws. Main objective of the administration's efforts is to ensure the proper function of the university and pursuit the benefit of the academic community as a whole.


In Greece every University (Higher Education Institution) implements the hierarchy shown in the image.

The hierarchy every Greek University follows.

Every Greek public University comprises the faculties and the faculties comprise the schools. A school covers a basic scientific area and thus is considered to be the basic academic unit. Every school is subdivided into departments, which are responsible for the teaching of a specific part of the school's scientific area. Finally, clinics, reading rooms and laboratories are smaller units that belong to a department.

Administrative authorities

University Senate

The highest administrative authority is the University Senate. It consists of the following members (senators):

Rector's Council

The second highest administrative authority is the Rector's Council, which comprises the Rector, the tree Vicerectors, one representative of the students and one representative of the administration staff. Each member of the Rector's Council is elected every 3 years.

Faculty, School and Department administrative bodies

Every Faculty, School and Department has its own administrative body, the members of which are democratically elected on the basis of collective processes [6].


A picture of the Aristotle University's campus. Here the garden beside the Philosophical Department building is shown.

The university staff is divided into five main categories:

The educational work is also exercised by people that do not belong to the university staff, such as guest professors and generally scientists who are invited to teach specific courses.

University units

The campus of the Aristotle University covers 230,000 square metres and is located near the center of the city of Thessaloniki. The majority of the university units is found inside the campus, but there are also various institutions, laboratories and facilities of the university which are located outside the campus (Center of Byzantine Researches, Veterinary clinics, University farm and forest reserves etc) [7]. The following are some of the most important university units of the Aristotle University:


The Main Library located at the center of the campus.

The Aristotle University Library was founded in 1927 and is constituted of two main elements: The Central Library, which is housed in a separate building at the center of the university campus and the departmental libraries, every one of which is owned by a university department[8]. These two elements comprise the A.U.Th. library system, where more than 800,000 book titles and 300,000 volumes of periodicals can be found. The A.U.Th. library subscribes also to 3,500 periodical titles from all over the world[9].

The Central Library has a reading room for students and a reading room for university researchers and teaching personnel. The students' reading room has a capacity of approximately 1300 students and can be used by any student who brings and reads his own books.

Every department of the university has its own departmental library, where students can find books, periodicals and information concerning the specific subjects their department deals with. Every departmental library has a reading room whose opening hours are determined according to the needs of the department's students and staff.

The Aristotle University Library is nowadays the second greatest library in Greece, right after the National Library, and the largest library in Northern Greece. Since 1976 the Library has been a member of IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) which enables it to lend and borrow books from libraries all over the world.

Student Club

The University Student Club is housed in a private building located on the eastern side of the campus and plays a very important role in student life. Inside the Student Club is a restaurant, a reading room, a medical service, a snack bar and a hairdresser's shop. There is also a musical department and a photography club [10].

The Student Club is responsible for the catering and medical care of the students of A.U.Th. and University of Macedonia. Every day it caters for approximately 12.000 students. Among its other responsibilities, it also organizes artistic, cultural and athletic events and maintains a chorus and a musical department [11].

Sports center

The University gym is located on the eastern side of the university campus, next to the Student Club. It covers an area of 220,000 square metres and was initially founded in 1925, the same year as the University. Since then it has been transferred several times until 1978 when it was finally settled at its present position.

Inside the university Sports Center there is a football field, basketball and tennis courts, handball courts and many more facilities for dancing, weight lifting, ping pong and so on. The National and Poseidonion swimming pools are used for water sports such as swimming, water polo, water aerobics and synchronized swimming [12].

The students participating in the sports programs of the center can take part in the internal championships organized by the Sports Center or in the inter-university national championships organized by the Sports Committee of the Higher Education in Greece. The A.U.Th. has always participated in these national championships with great success [13].

Residence halls

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki owns three residence halls for AUTH students with a capacity of 1740 students; they are administered by the National Youth Foundation. They include reading rooms, sport facilities, restaurants, café etc. One, "40 Ekklisies", is near the campus; the other two are far from the campus, in "Kalamaria" and "Bardaris" [14].

The residence halls are reserved for students with special needs, such as members of low-income or large families, as well as some foreign students.

The weather observatory of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Seismological Station

The Aristotle University Seismological Station was founded in 1978 and is used since then for the detection and measurement of earthquakes that occur nationwide and worldwide. It is mainly used by researchers of the Sector of Geophysics, which is a part of the Department of Geology of A.U.Th.

The Station's main objective is to monitor Greece's seismic activity, record and analyze the earthquakes that occur in 24-hour base, informing the state and the public when it is necessary. This is a very important task given the fact that Greece is a country with a very powerful seismic activity. The personnel of the station is constituted of professors and specialized scientists with a great deal of experience concerning seismological matters.

One of the Station's primary roles is to conduct tours for the public and familiarize it with the earthquake phenomenon and how it can be dealt with. This helps to achieve better protection of the public against earthquakes.

Finally, the Seismological station promotes collaboration on issues of seismological interest with a lot of other Greek and European institutions. It is also a source of information for international seismological centers concerning the seismic activity of the Mediterranean region, but also of the entire world [15].

Farm and Forest Reserves

The University Farm covers an area of 1.9 square kilometres and is located in the east side of Thessaloniki near the city airport. It was ceded to the Aristotle University by the Greek Ministry of Agriculture in order to cover the research and educational needs of the School of Agriculture.

Inside the farm there are 21 buildings, two of which are used throughout the whole year as convention centers where conferences, events, presentations and lectures take place. The rest 19 buildings house laboratories of the School of Agriculture, where research and educational activities take place. Furthermore, the farm is used by staff and students of the School of Agriculture in order to grow experimental crops, breed animals and conduct laboratory excises.

The farm is managed by a Board of Directors, which consists of 3 professors, 1 laboratory director and 1 representative of the people working at the farm. It is elected every 2 years and its president is the president of the School of Agriculture [16].

The University Forest Reserves cover a total area of 88 square kilometres. The first one is located in Pindos mountain at an altitude of 1100 to 1200 meters and covers approximately 33 square kilometres. The second one is located in Chalkidiki at an altitude of 300 to 1200 meters and covers approximately 55 square kilometres. Both of these university forests are used by the Faculty of Forestry and Natural Environment in order to conduct research and student training. Inside the forests there are special buildings where staff and students can stay overnight [17].

An image of the university's campus

Camping Facilities

The University Camp was initially founded in 1960. It is now is located in Poseidi, Chalkidiki, in a very beautiful place by the sea, full of pine trees. It opens its gates every year during the summer period for the students and the staff of the A.U.Th. The camp consists of a restaurant, a small grocery store, a bar in the beach, basketball and beach volley courts and many more sport and entertainment facilities [18].

School of Modern Greek Language

The School of Modern Greek Language [2] functions under the supervision of the Department of Philosophy since 1970. It offers courses of Modern Greek Language and Greek Culture to foreign students who wish to learn the Greek language and/or intend to study in a Greek University. The main objective of the School is to familiarize its students with the Greek culture, tradition and customs [19].

Institute of Modern Greek Studies

The Institute of Modern Greek Studies was established in 1959 with the support of Manolis Triantafilidis' bursary. The institute is housed in the building of the Faculty of Philosophy and is practically a branch of it. Its main mission is the advance of science and the promotion of Greek education and philology. This mission is accomplished mainly through the publication of books concerning Greek language, philology and literature. A Board of Directors comprising seven members manages the Institute. Six of them are professors from the Faculty of Philosophy and one from the Faculty of Law [20].

Center for Byzantine Research

The Center for Byzantine Research [3] was established in 1966 by a group of professors of AUTH. Its main aim is to study Byzantine history, law, art and culture, as well as the training of graduates and specialized researchers in Byzantine studies. The Center coordinates a variety of research programs and collaborates with many other foreign and domestic institutions. Furthermore, it frequently organizes scientific meetings and conferences and it also publishes a special periodical called "ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΑ". The Center for Byzantine Research is managed by a five-member administrative council [21] [21].

Student services

Career Services Office

The Career Services Office of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki was established in 1997 and its main objective is to help students and graduates take decisions concerning their future studies and career. It provides support and information about a variety of subjects including: undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Greek or foreign universities, available scholarships, student mobility programs (IAESTE, SOCRATES etc), labor market in Greece and abroad, job vacancies and many more. There is also a group of specially trained personnel, which provides advice and guidance to students and graduates on decision making, CV compilation, job interviews and job application [22].

The building of the Faculty of Education at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

The Career Services Office organizes regularly career seminars inviting professionals from different scientific fields to lecture about their jobs and the status of the job market. These career seminars appear to be very helpful because they give students and graduates a chance to get in contact with people of different professions and acquire information about their experiences and accomplishments.

Network Operations Center

The Network Operations Center is responsible for managing the data network of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. It was established in 1995 under the supervision of the Data Network Committee of the university. NOC's main objective is to provide quality network services to the academic community of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Among many services, NOC also provides the following:

NOC's staff consists mainly of network specialists, undergraduate students working part-time as network technicians and undergraduate students as trainees. It is mainly funded by the Greek state and the European Union, as it participates in a variety of European Union programs [23].

Information Technology Center

The Information Technology Center of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki was established in the beginning of 1998 under the financial support of the Greek Ministry of Education and the European Union. Its mission is to provide the academic community of the university with a variety of computer facilities, such as client-server applications, host-based applications, High Performance Computing and many more. It also provides technical support via email, phone or fax to all AUTH members and takes care of central backup issues, site licensing matters, maintenance contracts, etc. ITC regularly organizes seminars on topics of computer science, popular software packages and the usage of the university infrastructure. Some of the services provided by ITC to AUTH members are listed below [24]:

Students of the university who have special knowledge and experience on IT can apply to ITC and work part time (3 hours daily). Currently ITC employs 8 undergraduate students [25].

Student social support

The students of AUTH are supported by two independent institutions: The Social Policy Committee and the Student Counseling and Guidance Service.

The Social Policy Committee aims at solving a variety of problems the students may face and thus improve academic life on campus. It was established by the University Rector's Council in September 1997 and since then it has offered its services to a great number of students. These services are briefly listed below [26]:

The Student Counseling and Guidance Service provides mainly psychological support and counseling to students on a variety of issues including social and academic life, family problems, adjustment difficulties, emotional problems etc. It also organizes seminars and on a regular basis that deal with stress handling, exam preparation, study time organization and many more. With the help of the Student Counseling and Guidance Service students can more easily adapt to student life and surpass any problems or difficulties. All these services are provided to students free of charge [27].

The rear of the Philosophical Department's building.

Health care services

All students of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greek or foreign, undergraduate or postgraduate) are provided with health insurance which covers free medical care. This means that hospitalization and medication are provided free of charge. The insurance is valid for the entire period of studies, as long as it doesn't last more than one and a half times its normal duration. Every student who wants to receive free medical care must possess his personal health insurance booklet which is issued and renewed every year by the secretary of the department he/she studies in. Among others, health insurance provides: medical examination, dental examination, physiotherapy, etc [28].

Student unions

Every department of the university has a corresponding Student Union and all students belonging to the department have the right to register as members. The main objective of a student union is to solve students' problems that can either be related to academic life or have a general political and social nature. Furthermore, Student Unions organize and support numerous activities such as political debates, educational lectures, cultural and artistic events, conferences, demonstrations, university occupacions and so on.

The structure of a Student Union is rather simple and comprises two bodies: The General Assembly and the Board of Directors. The General Assembly consists of all student-members of the Union. It takes place on a regular basis and is the only decision-making body. During the General Assembly, many topics of student interest are discussed and the decisions are taken after open vote. The Board of Directors makes sure that the decisions of the General Assembly will be materialized. Moreover, the members of the Board of Directors, among which is the Union's President, participate in various university administrative bodies as representatives of all students in the Union.

Every year in early spring the Student Elections take place nationwide, during which students vote for their representatives.

All Student Unions in Greece are members of the "National Student Union of Greece" (ΕΦΕΕ - Εθνική Φοιτητική Ένωση Ελλάδας). Moreover all Student Unions of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki form the "Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Student Union" (ΦΕΑΠΘ - Φοιτητική Ένωση Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης). Both unions, ΕΦΕΕ and ΦΕΑΠΘ, are inactive since 1995 [29].


The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki performs a great deal of research in a variety of scientific fields. It is in constant and close cooperation with universities, organizations and research centers both in Greece and abroad. The large number of its faculties and its approximately 250 laboratories enable scientists of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki to carry out a variety of research projects with great success. During the past 12 years, 4500 research programs were undertaken and realized with the participation of more than 10000 members of the academic community and several external collaborators.

The gate of the university's Faculty of Engineering.

The Research Committee is a university body which coordinates the research done at the University. It was established in order to satisfy the special needs of research activity and to administer the "Special Account of Research Funds", allocating funding resources to different research programs.

Art and culture


The A.U.Th. Orchestra was established in February 1999 and since then it has participated in a lot of concerts held all over Greece. Since its establishment the interest of the students in it has rapidly increased. The orchestra gives regular concerts for the public of Thessaloniki during the national holidays (25 March, 26 October, etc) and participates in international festivals and events [30].


The official name of the Aristotle University Chorus is "J. Mandakas Chorus", named after its founder, John Mandakas, who created it in 1953. Nowadays the chorus plays a very important role in the musical and cultural life of the city of Thessaloniki and Greece generally. It also has a constant presence in musical events held all over the world, gaining not only national but also international recognition. For more than 50 years, the A.U.Th. Chorus has given the opportunity to more than 4000 students and other members of the academic community to cultivate their musical talent and to develop strong bonds of friendship and collaboration [31].

The chorus participates regularly in concerts held during national holidays, various events and festivals (Dimetria, Athens Festival etc). It also organizes and participates in a lot of meetings of Greek and foreign choruses and orchestras. Finally it has published numerous CDs and DVDs and made a lot of recordings for the Greek national television and radio.

The garden outside the faculty of Law, Economic and Political Sciences, where there is also a solar clock.

The chorus has contributed decisively in the development of choral music in Greece and in the familiarization of the Greek public with it through the presentation of hundreds of musical works. Furthermore it has presented many Greek compositions for the first time to the public, helping the Greek composers to achieve international recognition for their compositions.

Since 1964, the Aristotle University Chorus is a member of Europa Cantat, the European Federation of Choruses for young people. The rehearsals take place inside the Student club with the participation of the university Orchestra.

Student Week

The Student Week is a cultural event organized annually inside the university campus. It actually lasts for three or four weeks and is organized by more than 60 student groups, whose interests include dance, music, theater, cinema, sports, poetry, comics, etc [32]. This event is open not only to all the members of the academic community of A.U.Th., but also to all the citizens of Thessaloniki.

Its main objective is to promote students' talents in art and culture and to encourage the free artistic expression of the students as individuals or as a group. It also aims at strengthening the human relations between the students and the personnel of the university. The interest of the students in the Student Week has been rapidly increasing since its establishment in 1999 [33].

Teloglion Foundation of Art

The Teloglion Foundation of Art was founded in 1972 with the donation of the entire fortune, along with a very rich art collection, of Nestor and Aliki Teloglou to the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. This art collection is now exhibited in a separate building located in the northern side of the university campus. The Foundation is a non-profit organization supervised by the Aristotle University and directed by a board of Trustees composed mainly of university professors.

The art collection included mainly works of Greek artists during the 19th and 20th century and has now been enriched thanks to further donations made by famous persons and artists. At present, the collection includes works from various ancient civilizations, such as statuettes and pottery from the Hellenistic period, Corinthian and Roman pottery, Persian miniatures, Arabic and Chinese vases and dishes, etc. It also includes pieces from modern artists such as the monumental work of art "The World of Cyprus" by Diamandis.

The Foundation's mission is to support all art related studies and research and help the public familiarize itself with art and culture. This is achieved through the organization of numerous conferences, seminars and exhibitions of the museum's artworks[34].

Student Cultural Groups

There is a variety of student cultural groups that deal with Drama, Fine Arts, Music [35], Cinema, Chess, Debate, Comics etc. The cultural groups frequently organize events in which the work of the participants is presented to the public. These events can be theatrical plays, music concerts, debates, chess competitions, art exhibitions and many more. Every student can participate in any cultural group he/she likes and express his talent through art [36].

Participation in international organizations

A picture of the Aristotle University's Campus.

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki participates in the following International Organizations, Unions and University Networks:

Student Unions

The AUTH Administration building.

Honorary Doctorates

Noted alumni


  1. The University
  3. Faculties & Schools
  4. Ιστορική Αναδρομή
  5. Αριστοτελειο Πανεπιστημιο Θεσσαλονικησ
  6. Administrative Bodies
  9. Libraries
  10. Φωτογραφικός Όμιλος του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης (Φ.Ο.Α.Π.Θ.) - ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ - ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΗ ΛΕΣΧΗ ΛΑΡΙΣΑΣ
  11. Students' Issues
  12. Aristotle University Sports Centre
  13. Aristotle University Sports Centre
  14. Εθνικο Ιδρυμα Νεοτητασ
  15. Seismological Station Of The Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki
  16. The University Farm
  17. University Forest Reserves
  18. Κατασκηνωσεισ Καλανδρασ Α.Π.Θ
  19. School Of Modern Greek
  20. Institute of Modern Greek Studies - Greek as first and second language
  21. 21.0 21.1 Κεντρο Βυζαντινων Ερευνων
  22. Meet the AUTh's Career Services Office
  23. Περί του ΚΛΔ
  26. Social Policy Committee
  27. Student Counseling and Guidance Service
  28. Health Care
  29. Student Unions
  30. A.U.Th. Orchestra
  31. Choir
  32. Index of /content
  33. Student Week
  35. Moyσικη Ομαδα Πολυτεχνικησ Σχολησ
  36. Cultural Groups

See also

External links