Arabic name

The tughra (stylized signature) of Sultan Mahmud II of the Ottoman Empire. Influenced by Arabic culture, Ottoman rulers had stylized their names in the Arabic way, as depicted in this signature.

Old Arabic names are based on a long naming system; most Arabs do not simply have given/middle/family names, but a full chain of names. This system is in use throughout the Arab world. Because of the importance of the Arabic language in Islam, a large majority of the world's Muslims use Arabic names (ism), but it is not common outside the Arab world to employ the full naming conventions described below.


Structure of the Arabic name

Ism (Arabic: اسم)

The main name of an Arab person is the ism, his or her personal name (e.g. "Karim" or "Fatima"). Most Arabic names are originally Arabic words with a meaning, usually signalling the good character of the person. Karīm means "generous", maħmūd means "praiseworthy", and both words are employed as adjectives and nouns in regular language. Arab newspapers sometimes try to avoid confusion by placing names in brackets or between quotation marks. Generally, context and grammar will indicate how the word is being used, but foreign students of Arabic may initially have trouble with this.

A very common form for Muslim Arab names is the combination of `abd followed by another word: `abd X means "servant of X" where X is a word describing Allah (God), often one of the Muslim 99 Names of God. The result is a name such as عبد الله Abdullah ("Servant of God") or عبد الرشيدAbdurrashid ("Servant of the Rightly Guided").
The female version is amat X, so the female version of Abdullah is Amatallah.
To an extent, most Christian Arabs have names that are indistinguishable from those of their Muslim neighbors, but Christian Arabs do not use specifically Muslim names such as Mohammed. There are also Arabic versions of Christian names (e.g. saints' names), and names of Greek, Armenian, or Assyrian origin. Adoption of European names, especially French and Greek ones (to the lesser extent, Spanish ones, in Morocco), has been a centuries-long convention for Arab Christians — especially (but not only) in the Levant. Thus, George Habash, Charles Helou, Camille Chamoun, Boutros Boutros-Ghali etc.

Kunya كنية

Often, a kunya referring to the person's first-born son is used as a substitute for the ism: for example, أبو كريم "Abu Karim" for "father of Karim", and أم كريم "Umm Karim", "mother of Karim". It can refer to the person's first-born son. The kunya precedes the ism when not replacing it.

Nasab نسب

The nasab is a patronymic or series of patronymics. It indicates the person's heritage by the word ابن ibn (sometimes bin) which means "son", and bint, "daughter". Thus ابن خلدون Ibn Khaldun means "son of Khaldun" (Khaldun is the father's ism, or proper name). Several nasab can follow in a chain, to trace a person's ancestry backwards in time. This was important in the tribally based society of the ancient Arabs, both for purposes of identification and for social and political interaction.

Laqab لقب

The laqab is intended as a description of the person. So, for example, in the name of the famous Abbasid Caliph Haroun al-Rashid (of A Thousand and One Nights fame), Haroun is the Arabic form for Aaron, and "al-Rashid" means "the righteous" or "the rightly-guided".

Nisba نسبة

The nisba describes a person's occupation, geographic home area, or descent (tribe, family, etc). It will follow a family through several generations, and it is for example common to find people with the name al-miṣrī (the Egyptian, or rather "of Egypt") in many places in the Middle East, despite the fact that their families may have resided outside Egypt for several generations. The nisba, among the components of the Arabic name, perhaps most closely resembles the Western surname.


ابو كريم محمد الجميل بن نضال بن عبد العزيز الفلسطيني
Abu Karim Muhammad al-Jamil ibn Nidal ibn Abdulaziz al-Filistini
"ʼabū karīmi muHammadu-l-jamīlu-bnu niDāli-bni ʻabdi-l-ʻazīzi-l-filisTīnī"

This means, in translation:

"Father-of-Karim, Muhammad, the beautiful, son of Nidal, son of Abdulaziz, the Palestinian"
(karim means generous, muhammad means praised, jamīl means beautiful; azīz means Magnificent, and it is one of the 99 names of God.)

Abu Karim is a kunya, Muhammad is the person's proper name (ism), al-Jamil is a laqab, Nidal is his father (a nasab), Abdulaziz his grandfather (second-generation nasab) and "al-Filistin" is his family nisba. Normally, this person would simply be referred to as "Muhammad" or "Abu Karim", but to signify respect or to specify which Mohammad we are speaking about (namely, the beautiful son of Nidal and grandson of Abdulaziz), the name could be lengthened as above, to the extent necessary or desired.

Westernization of Arabic naming practices and names

Many Arabic countries have now adopted a Westernized way of naming. This is the case for example in Lebanon and Maghreb countries where French conventions are followed, and it is rapidly gaining ground elsewhere.

Also, many Arabs adapt to Western conventions for practical purposes when travelling or when residing in Western countries, constructing a given name/family name model out of their full Arab name, to fit Western expectations and/or visa applications or other official forms and documents. The reverse side to this is the surprise of many Westerners when asked to supply their first name, second name, father's name and family name in some Arab visa applications. Similarly, if an Arab woman marries a Westerner and applies for a passport, her new 'official' name becomes, for example, Maryam David William Smith because of the patronymic naming convention.

The Westernization of an Arab name may require transliteration. Often, one name may be transliterated in several different ways (Abdul Rahman, Abdoul Rahman, Abdur Rahman, Abd al-Rahman, or Abd ar-Rahman), as there is no single accepted system. A single individual may try out several ways of transliterating his or her name, producing even greater inconsistency. This has resulted in confusion on the part of governments, particularly security agencies, airlines, and other: for example, especially since 9-11, persons with names written similarly to those of suspected terrorists have been detained when in fact there was a case of mistaken identity.

Common mistakes

Common mistakes are:

Modern and regional variations

Arab family naming convention

In Arabic culture a person's ancestry and his/her family name are very important.

Assume a man has the name of "Saleh bin Tariq bin Khalid Al-Fulan"

"Saleh" is his personal name, and is the name that his family and friends would call him by. "Bin" translates as "son of", so "Tariq" is Saleh's father's name. "Bin Khalid" means that Tariq was the son of Khalid, making Khalid the grandfather of Saleh. "Al-Fulan" would be Saleh's family name.

So "Saleh bin Tariq bin Khalid Al-Fulan" translates as "Saleh, son of Tariq, son of Khaled; of the family Al-Fulan."

The Arabic for "daughter of" is "Bint." A woman with the name "Fatimah bint Tariq bin Khalid Al-Fulan" translates as "Fatimah, daughter of Tariq, son of Khaled; of the family Al-Fulan."

Modern naming convention may drop the word "bin" or "bint" as it is already implied, so Saleh's full name would be "Saleh Tariq Khalid Al-Fulan" and "Fatimah Tariq Khalid Al-Fulan"

If Saleh was married his wife would keep her maiden name. His sons and daughters will take Saleh's family name, so his son Mohammed would be called "Mohammed bin Saleh bin Tariq Al-Fulan".

In many non-Arab Muslim communities the naming convention is further abridged to fit into a three name nomenclature. Thus the first name is the personal name, the middle name is the father's name and the last name is the family name. This holds true even for girls. The first name is a personal female name, the middle name is the father's and the last name is the family name.

Muslims also do not, in general name a child the full and exact name of the parent or the full exact name of a relative, deceased or living. Nor do they give the child the first name of a parent or living relative. Both are considered a form of ancestral worship forbidden by the Qu’ran. As a rule one will rarely, if ever find a “senior,” “junior,” designation in Muslim nomenclature or a designation of "I." "II," "III," etc.

It is often seen as a sign of a non-religious Muslim parent, who names a child the exact name, in the exact order as the parent. This can be seen in the naming of President-elect Barack Hussein Obama. Until the death of his father President-elect Obama carried the designation of "Jr." This is a rare, to almost nonexistent, occurrence in the Muslim culture and is instead a frequent Western convention.

The names listed below are used in the Arab world, as well as some other Muslim regions. They are not necessarily of Arabic origin, though most in fact are. For more information see about Arabic names, see also Iranian and Turkish names.

Arabic names and their biblical equivalent

Correspondences between Arabic, Hebrew, and English.

Arabic name Hebrew name English name
Al-Yasa Elišaʿ Elisha
Ayyub Iyyov, ʾIyyô Job
Binyamin Binyamin Benjamin
Dāwūd Davīd David
Hārūn Aharon Aaron
Hawwa Havah Eve
Ibrahīm Avraham Abraham
Ilyas Eliyahu Elijah
`Īsā / Yassou* Yehoshua Jesus
'Ismā`īl Yišmā`êl, Yišma`el Ishmael
Isrā'īl Yisraʾel, Yiśrāʾēl Israel
Jibrīl Gavriʼel Gabriël
Jad Gad Gad
Jurj Girgis George
Maryam Miriyam Mary
Mikhā'īl Mikha'el Michael
Mūsā Moshé Moses
Nuh Nóa Noah
Sāra Sara Sarah
Sulaīmān, Suleiman Shlomo Solomon
`Ubaidallah Obhádhyah Obadiah
Yaʿqūb Yaʿqov Jacob
Yahya, Youhanna** ānnān John
Yiẓḥaq Yitzchak Isaac
Yūnus Yona Jonah
Yūsif/Yūsef Yosef Joseph
Zakariya Zekhariah Zachary or Zechariah

* Yassou is the Arab Christian name of Jesus, while `Īsā is the Muslim version of the name, as used in the Qur'an.

** Youhanna is the Arab Christian name of John, while Yahya is the Muslim version of the name, as used in the Qur'an.

Exclusively Christian names:

Arabic name English name
Andraous Andrew
Antun, Tanios Anthony
Boutrus Peter
Boulus Paul
Matta Matthew
Morqos Mark

See also

External links