Apollo Moon Landing hoax conspiracy theories

Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong in NASA's training mock-up of the Moon and lander module. Hoax proponents say the entire mission was filmed on sets like this training mock-up.

Apollo Moon Landing hoax conspiracy theories are claims that some or all elements of the Apollo Moon landings were faked by NASA and possibly members of other involved organizations. Some groups and individuals have advanced various theories which tend, to varying degrees, to include the following common elements:

Many commentators have published detailed rebuttals to the hoax claims, and these theories have been generally discounted.[1] A 1999 poll by the The Gallup Organization found that 89 percent of the US public believed the landing was genuine, while 6 percent did not and 5 percent were undecided.[2][3]


Origins and history

The first book dedicated to the subject, Bill Kaysing's self-published We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle was released in 1974, two years after the Apollo Moon flights had ceased.

Folklorist Linda Degh pointed out that the 1978 film Capricorn One (which depicts a hoaxed journey to Mars in spacecraft that look identical to the Apollo craft) may have given a "boost" to the hoax theory's popularity in the post-Vietnam War, post-Watergate era when segments of the American public were disinclined to trust official accounts. Degh writes that "The mass media catapult these half-truths into a kind of twilight zone where people can make their guesses sound as truths. Mass media have a terrible impact on people who lack guidance."[4]

In his book A Man on the Moon, published in 1994, Andrew Chaikin mentions that at the time of Apollo 8's lunar-orbit mission in December 1968 similar ideas were already in circulation.

Predominant hoax claims

A number of different hoax theories have been advanced. No one has proposed a complete narrative of how the hoax could have been perpetrated, but instead believers focus on perceived gaps or inconsistencies in the historical record of the missions. Several of these ideas and their most readily identifiable proponents are described below:

  1. Complete hoax — The idea that the entire human landing program was faked. Some claim that the technology to send men to the Moon was insufficient or that the Van Allen radiation belts, solar flares, solar wind, coronal mass ejections and cosmic rays made such a trip impossible.[5]
  2. Partial hoax / unmanned landings — Bart Sibrel has stated that the crew of Apollo 11 and subsequent astronauts had faked their orbit around the Moon and their walk on its surface by trick photography, and that they never got more than halfway to the Moon. A subset of this proposal is advocated by those who concede the existence of retroreflectors and other observable human-made objects on the Moon. British publisher Marcus Allen represented this argument when he said "I would be the first to accept what [telescope images of the landing site] find as powerful evidence that something was placed on the Moon by man." He goes on to say that photographs of the lander would not prove that America put men on the Moon. "Getting to the Moon really isn't much of a problem – the Russians did that in 1959, the big problem is getting people there." His argument focuses around NASA sending robot missions because radiation levels in space were lethal to humans. Another variant on this is the idea that NASA and its contractors did not recover quickly enough from the Apollo 1 fire, and so all the early Apollo missions were faked, with Apollo 14 or 15 being the first authentic mission.[6]
  3. Manned landings, with cover-ups
    • William Brian believes that the astronauts may have used "a secret zero gravity device" derived from technology found on a "captured extraterrestrial spaceship", but that NASA was compelled to cover up these facts and others relating to the gravity and the presence of atmosphere on the moon in order to maintain secrecy surrounding the alien space ship.[7]
    • Others believe that, while astronauts did land on the Moon, they covered up what they found, whether it was gravitational anomalies, alien artifacts, or alien encounters.[8] Philippe Lheureux, in Lumières sur la Lune (Lights on the Moon), said that astronauts did land on the Moon, but that, in order to prevent other nations from benefiting from scientific information in the real photos, NASA published fake images.[9]
  4. Actual lunar landing - faked filming – Still others believe that men did land on the moon, but that the photography was of very low media quality and in most cases unsuitable or even unusable. Therefore the U.S. government (NASA), since it had to present proof of the space program's success to justify taxpayers' money and keep the program alive, altered, modified and even faked many of the pictures and video, launching a subsequent media campaign with great success.

Suggested motives for a hoax

Several motives are given by hoax proponents for the U.S. government to fake the Moon landings,

  1. Cold-War prestige — The U.S. government considered it vital that the U.S. win the space race against the Soviet Union. Going to the Moon was risky and expensive (John F. Kennedy famously said that the U.S. chose to go because it was hard).[10] Despite close monitoring by the Soviet Union, Bill Kaysing believes that it would have been easier for the U.S. to fake it, and consequently guarantee success, than for the U.S. actually to go.[5] p. 29
  2. Money — NASA raised approximately $30 billion to go to the Moon. Bill Kaysing thinks that this amount could have been used to pay off a large number of people, providing significant motivation for complicity.[5] p. 71
  3. Risk — This argument assumes that the problems early in the space program were insurmountable, even by a technology team fully motivated and funded to fix the problems. Kaysing claimed that the chance of a successful landing on the moon was calculated to be 0.017%.[5] pp. 26–40
  4. Distraction — According to hoax proponents, the U.S. government benefited from a popular distraction from the Vietnam war. Lunar activities suddenly stopped, with planned missions cancelled, around the same time that the U.S. ceased its involvement in the Vietnam War.[11] (However, the Apollo program was cancelled several years before the Vietnam War ended.[12])
  5. Delivering the promise — To seemingly fulfill President Kennedy's 1961 promise "to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."[13]

Critiques of hoax accusations

Main article: Independent evidence for Apollo Moon landings

Conspiracy theory

Hoax accusations have been characterized as conspiracy theories since believers claim that conspirators in the possession of secret knowledge are misleading or have misled the public in pursuit of a hidden agenda—namely, hiding that the Moon landings were faked. This is the central argument of the prominent critics of the conventional history of the Apollo program. The 2001 Fox special, which examined the issues on each side, used that term in its title (Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?). However, the term "conspiracy theory" is highly charged, and many people consider it to be pejorative.[14]

The Apollo Moon landing hoax accusations have been the subject of debunking and, according to the debunkers, have been falsified. An article in the German magazine Der Spiegel places the Moon hoax in the context of other well-known 20th century conspiracy theories which it describes as "the rarefied atmosphere of those myths in which Elvis is alive, John F. Kennedy fell victim to a conspiracy involving the Mafia and secret service agents, the Moon landing was staged in the Nevada desert, and Princess Diana was murdered by the British intelligence services."[15]

Scientific method

Application of the scientific method to this scenario allows each explanation of an event to be presented as a separate hypothesis, such as:

Real landing hypothesis
NASA's portrayal of the Moon landing is fundamentally accurate, allowing for such common errors as mislabeled photos and imperfect personal recollections.
Hoax hypothesis
NASA's portrayal of the Moon landing is an orchestrated hoax.

In this type of evaluation, any hypothesis that is contradicted by the observable facts may be rejected.[16] The lack of narrative consistency in the hoax hypothesis occurs because hoax accounts vary from proponent to proponent. The 'real landing' hypothesis is a single story, since it comes from a single source, but there are many hoax hypotheses, each of which addresses a specific aspect of the Moon landing. The evidence regarding the Moon landings is met by hoax believers with skepticism, who label the NASA story as unconvincing propaganda made by "the establishment" to cover up the alleged lie.

An example of such an exchange is the evidence for the landing of the Apollo 11, Apollo 14, and Apollo 15 retroreflector arrays on the Moon. Scientists have reflected lasers off these to measure the distance between Earth and the Moon (see Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment).[17] Hoax proponents such as Marcus Allen say that because the Russians placed reflectors on the Moon using robotic missions,[18] the presence of similar reflectors should be explained by, for example, a secret American robotic mission with an express aim to place retroreflectors on the Moon to provide misleading evidence and corroborate that part of the Apollo missions.[15][19]

Hoax claims examined

As mentioned above, many hoax claims focus on perceived problems with specific portions of the historical record surrounding the moon landings. Below is an overview of these claims as well as their associated attempted debunking from various sources:

Missing data

Photo of the high-quality SSTV image before the scan conversion.
Photo of the degraded image after the SSTV scan conversion.

Blueprints and design and development drawings of the machines involved are missing. Apollo 11 data tapes containing telemetry and the high quality video (before scan conversion) of the first moonwalk are missing.[20] For more information see Apollo program missing tapes.

a) Dr. David Williams (NASA archivist at Goddard Space Flight Center) and Apollo 11 flight director Gene Kranz both acknowledged that the Apollo 11 telemetry data tapes are missing. Hoax proponents interpret this as support for the case that they never existed.[21]
  • Only the Apollo 11 telemetry tapes made during the moonwalk are missing—and not those of Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17.[22] For technical reasons, the Apollo 11 Lunar Module carried a Slow-scan television (SSTV) camera (see Apollo TV camera). In order to be broadcast to regular television, a scan conversion has to be done. The radio telescope at Parkes Observatory in Australia was in position to receive the telemetry from the Moon at the time of the Apollo 11 Moonwalk.[23] Parkes had a larger antenna than NASA's antenna in Australia at the Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station, so it received a better picture. It also received a better picture than NASA's antenna at Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex. This direct TV signal, along with telemetry data, was recorded onto one-inch fourteen-track analog tape there. A crude, real-time scan conversion of the SSTV signal was done in Australia before it was broadcast around the world. The original SSTV broadcast had better detail and contrast than the scan-converted pictures.[24] It is this tape made in Australia before the scan conversion which is missing. Tapes or films of the scan-converted pictures exist and are available. Still photographs of the original SSTV image are available (see photos). Also, about fifteen minutes of the SSTV images of the Apollo 11 moonwalk were filmed by an amateur 8 mm film camera, and these are also available. Later Apollo missions did not use SSTV, and their video is also available. At least some of the telemetry tapes from the ALSEP scientific experiments left on the Moon (which ran until 1977) still exist, according to Dr. Williams. Copies of those tapes have been found.[25]
  • Others are looking for the missing telemetry tapes, but for different reasons. The tapes contain the original and highest quality video feed from the Apollo 11 lunar landing which a number of former Apollo personnel want to recover for posterity, while NASA engineers looking towards future Moon missions believe the Apollo telemetry data may be useful for their design studies. Their investigations have determined that the Apollo 11 tapes were sent for storage at the US National Archives in 1970, but by 1984 all the Apollo 11 tapes had been returned to the Goddard Space Flight Center at their request. The tapes are believed to have been stored rather than re-used, and efforts to determine where they were stored are ongoing.[26] Goddard was storing 35,000 new tapes per year in 1967,[27] even before the lunar landings.
  • On November 1, 2006 Cosmos Magazine reported that some one-hundred data tapes recorded in Australia during the Apollo 11 mission had been discovered in a small marine science laboratory in the main physics building at the Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia. One of the old tapes has been sent to NASA for analysis. It is not known if the slow-scan television images are on any of the tapes.[28]
b) Hoax proponents say that blueprints for the Apollo Lunar Module, rover, and associated equipment are missing.[29]
  • There are some diagrams of the Lunar Module and Moon buggy on the NASA web site as well as on the pro hoax web site Xenophilia.com.[29] Grumman appears to have destroyed most of the documentation.[30][31]
  • Despite the questions concerning the existence or location of the LEM blueprints, an unused LEM is on exhibit at the Cradle of Aviation Museum.[32][33] The Lunar Module designated LM-13 would have landed on the Moon during the Apollo 18 mission, but was instead put into storage when the mission was canceled: it has since been restored and put on display. Other unused Lunar Modules are on display: LM-2 at the National Air and Space Museum, LM-9 at Kennedy Space Center, and LM-16 at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.[34]
  • Copies of the blueprints for the Saturn V exist on microfilm. [35]
  • Four mission-worthy Lunar Rovers were built, but three were carried to the Moon on Apollo 15, 16, and 17, and left there. After Apollo 18 was canceled (see Canceled Apollo missions), the other lunar rover was used for spare parts for the lunar rovers on the upcoming Apollo 15 through 17 missions. The only lunar rovers on display are test vehicles, trainers, and models.[36] The "Moon buggies" were built by Boeing (the New Encyclopædia Britannica Micropedia, 2005, vol 2, p 319).[37] The 221-page operation manual for the Lunar Rover contains some detailed drawings,[38] although not the design blueprints.
c) Bart Sibrel said "In my research at NASA I uncovered, deep in the archives, one mislabeled reel from the Apollo 11, first mission, to the Moon. What is on the reel and on the label are completely different. I suspect an editor put the wrong label on the tape 33 years ago and no reporter ever had the motive to be as thorough as I. It contains an hour of rare, unedited, color television footage that is dated by NASA’s own atomic clock three days into the flight. Identified on camera are Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, and Michael Collins. They are doing multiple takes of a single shot of the mission, from which only about ten seconds was ever broadcast. Because I have uncovered the original unedited version, mistakenly not destroyed, the photography proves to be a clever forgery. Really! It means they did not walk on the Moon!"
  • The NASA atomic clock referred to is not the same clock as that used during the Apollo missions.[39]

Technological capability of USA compared with the USSR

At the time of Apollo, the Soviet Union had five times more manned hours in space than the US. They had achieved:

  1. First manmade satellite in orbit (October 1957, Sputnik 1).
  2. First living creature to enter orbit, a female dog named Laika, (November 1957, Sputnik 2).
  3. First to safely return living creature from orbit, two dogs Belka and Strelka, 40 mice, 2 rats (August 1960, Sputnik 5).
  4. First man in space, Yuri Gagarin, also the first man to orbit the Earth (April 1961, Vostok 1).
  5. First to have two spacecraft in orbit at the same time (though it was not a space rendezvous, as frequently described) (August 1962, Vostok 3 and Vostok 4).
  6. First woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova (June 1963, Vostok 6, as part of a second dual-spacecraft flight including Vostok 5).
  7. First crew of three cosmonauts on board one spacecraft (October 1964, Voskhod 1).
  8. First spacewalk (EVA) (March 1965, Voskhod 2).

On January 27, 1967, the three astronauts aboard Apollo 1 died in a fire on the launch pad during training. The fire was triggered by a spark in the oxygen-rich atmosphere used in the spacecraft test, and fueled by a significant quantity of combustible material within the spacecraft. Two years later all of the problems were declared fixed. Bart Sibrel believes that the accident led NASA to conclude that the only way to 'win' the moon race was to fake the landings.[40] In any case, the first manned Apollo flight, Apollo 7, occurred in October, 1968, 21 months after the fire.

Photographs and films

Main article: Examination of Apollo moon photos

Moon hoax proponents devote a substantial portion of their efforts to examining NASA photos. They point to various issues with photographs and films purportedly taken on the Moon. Experts in photography (even those unrelated to NASA) respond that the anomalies, while sometimes counter-intuitive, are in fact precisely what one would expect from a real Moon landing, and contrary to what would occur with manipulated or studio imagery. Hoax proponents also state that whistleblowers may have deliberately manipulated the NASA photos in hope of exposing NASA.

1. Crosshairs appear to be behind objects.

  • Overexposure causes white objects to bleed into the black areas on the film.

2. Crosshairs are sometimes misplaced or rotated.

  • Popular versions of photos are sometimes cropped or rotated for aesthetic impact.

3. The quality of the photographs is implausibly high.

  • There are many, many poor quality photographs taken by the Apollo astronauts. NASA chose to publish only the best examples.[43][44]

4. There are no stars in any of the photos. The Apollo 11 astronauts also claimed in a press conference after the event to have not remembered seeing any of the stars.

  • The sun was shining. Cameras were set for daylight exposure, and could not detect the faint points of light.[45], pp. 158–160Even the brightest stars are dim and difficult to see in the daytime on the Moon. Harrison Schmitt saw no stars from the Moon.[46]

5. The color and angle of shadows and light are inconsistent.

  • Shadows on the Moon are complicated by uneven ground, wide angle lens distortion, light reflected from the Earth, and lunar dust.[45], pp. 167–172 Shadows also display the properties of vanishing point perspective leading them to converge to a point on the horizon.
  • This theory was demonstrated to be unsubstantiated on the MythBusters episode "NASA Moon Landing".

6. Identical backgrounds in photos are listed as taken miles apart.

  • Shots were not identical, just similar. Background objects were mountains many miles away. Without an atmosphere to obscure distant objects, it can be difficult to tell the relative distance and scale of terrain features.[47] One specific case is debunked in Who Mourns For Apollo? by Mike Bara.[48]

7. The number of photographs taken is implausibly high. Up to one photo per 50 seconds.[49]

  • Simplified gear with fixed settings permitted two photographs a second. Many were taken immediately after each other. Calculations are based on a single astronaut on the surface, and does not take into account that there were two persons sharing the workload during the EVA.

8. The photos contain artifacts like the two seemingly matching 'C's on a rock and on the ground.

  • The "C"-shaped image was from printing imperfections not in the original film from the camera.[50][51]

9. A resident of Perth, Australia, with the pseudonym "Una Ronald", said she saw a soft drink bottle in the frame.

  • No such newspaper reports or recordings have been verified. "Una Ronald"'s existence is authenticated by only one source. There are also flaws in the story, i.e. the emphatic statement that she had to "stay up late" is easily discounted by numerous witnesses in Australia who observed the event to occur in the middle of their daytime, since this event was an unusual compulsory viewing for school children in Australia.[52]

10. The book Moon Shot contains an obvious composite photograph of Alan Shepard hitting a golf ball on the Moon with another astronaut.

  • It was used in lieu of the only existing real images, from the TV monitor, which the editors of the book apparently felt were too grainy to present in a book's picture section. The book publishers did not work for NASA.

11. There appear to be "hot spots" in some photographs that look like a huge spotlight was used at a close distance.

  • Pits in moon dust focus and reflect light in a manner similar to minuscule glass spheres used in the coating of street signs, or dew-drops on wet grass. (see Heiligenschein)[53]

12. Footprints in the extraordinarily fine lunar dust, with no moisture or atmosphere or strong gravity, are unexpectedly well preserved, in the minds of some observers – as if made in wet sand.

  • The dust is silicate, and this has a special property in a vacuum of sticking together like that. The astronauts described it as being like "talcum powder or wet sand".[48]
  • This theory was demonstrated to be unsubstantiated on the MythBusters episode "NASA Moon Landing".

Ionizing radiation and heat

Challenges and responses

1. The astronauts could not have survived the trip because of exposure to radiation from the Van Allen radiation belt and galactic ambient radiation (see Radiation poisoning). Some hoax theorists have suggested that Starfish Prime (high altitude nuclear testing in 1962) was a failed attempt to disrupt the Van Allen belts.

  • The Moon is ten times higher than the Van Allen radiation belts. The spacecraft moved through the belts in just 30 minutes, and the astronauts were protected from the ionizing radiation by the aluminium hulls of the spacecraft. In addition, the orbital transfer trajectory from the Earth to the Moon through the belts was selected to minimize radiation exposure. Even Dr. James Van Allen, the discoverer of the Van Allen radiation belts, rebutted the claims that radiation levels were too dangerous for the Apollo missions. Dosimeters carried by the crews showed they received about the same cumulative dosage as a chest X-ray or about 1 milligray.[54] Plait cited an average dose of less than 1 rem, which is equivalent to the ambient radiation received by living at sea level for three years.[45], pp. 160–162
  • The radiation is actually evidence that the astronauts went to the Moon. Irene Schneider reports that thirty-three of the thirty-six Apollo astronauts involved in the nine Apollo missions to leave Earth orbit have early stage cataracts that have been shown to be caused by radiation exposure to cosmic rays during their trip.[55] However, only twenty-four astronauts left earth orbit. At least thirty-nine former astronauts have developed cataracts. Thirty-six of those were involved in high-radiation missions such as the Apollo lunar missions.[56]

2. Film in the cameras would have been fogged by this radiation.

  • The film was kept in metal containers that prevented radiation from fogging the film's emulsion.[45], pp. 162–163 In addition, film carried by unmanned lunar probes such as the Lunar Orbiter and Luna 3 (which used on-board film development processes) was not fogged.

3. The Moon's surface during the daytime is so hot that camera film would have melted.

  • There is no atmosphere to efficiently couple lunar surface heat to devices such as cameras not in direct contact with it. In a vacuum, only radiation remains as a heat transfer mechanism. The physics of radiative heat transfer are thoroughly understood, and the proper use of passive optical coatings and paints was adequate to control the temperature of the film within the cameras; lunar module temperatures were controlled with similar coatings that gave it its gold color. Also, while the Moon's surface does get very hot at lunar noon, every Apollo landing was made shortly after lunar sunrise at the landing site. During the longer stays, the astronauts did notice increased cooling loads on their spacesuits as the sun continued to rise and the surface temperature increased, but the effect was easily countered by the passive and active cooling systems.[45], pp. 165–67 The film was not in direct sunlight, so it wasn't overheated. [57]
  • Note: all of the lunar landings occurred during the lunar daytime. The Moon's day is approximately 29½ days long, and as a consequence a single lunar day (dawn to dusk) lasts nearly fifteen days. As such there was no sunrise or sunset while the astronauts were on the surface. Most lunar missions occurred during the first few earth days of the lunar day.

4. The Apollo 16 crew should not have survived a big solar flare firing out when they were on their way to the Moon. "They should have been fried."

  • No large solar flare occurred during the flight of Apollo 16. There were large solar flares in August 1972, after Apollo 16 returned to Earth and before the flight of Apollo 17.[58][59]


Challenges and responses

1. The lack of a more than two-second delay in two-way communications at a distance of a 400,000 km (250,000 miles).

  • The round trip light travel time of more than two seconds is apparent in all the real-time recordings of the lunar audio, but this does not always appear as expected. There may also be some documentary films where the delay has been edited out. Principal motivations for editing the audio would likely come in response to time constraints or in the interest of clarity.[60]
The relative sizes of, and distance between, Earth and Moon, to scale, with a beam of light travelling between them at the speed of light.

2. Typical delays in communication were on the order of half a second.

  • Claims that the delays were only on the order of half a second are unsubstantiated by an examination of the actual recordings. It should also be borne in mind that there should not be a straightforward, consistent time delay between every response, as the conversation is being recorded at one end - Mission Control. Responses from Mission Control could be heard without any delay, as the recording is being made at the same time that Houston receives the transmission from the moon.

3. The Parkes Observatory in Australia was billed to the world for weeks as the site that would be relaying communications from the Moon, then five hours before transmission they were told to stand down.

  • The timing of the first Moonwalk was moved up after landing. In fact, delays in getting the Moonwalk started meant that Parkes did cover almost the entire Apollo 11 Moonwalk.[61]

4. Parkes supposedly provided the clearest video feed from the Moon, but Australian media and all other known sources ran a live feed from the United States.

  • While that was the original plan, and, according to some sources, the official policy, the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) did take the transmission direct from the Parkes and Honeysuckle Creek radio telescopes. These were converted to NTSC television at Paddington, in Sydney. This meant that Australian viewers saw the Moonwalk several seconds before the rest of the world.[62] See also The Parkes Observatory's Support of the Apollo 11 Mission, from "Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia" (The events surrounding the Parkes Observatory's role in relaying the live television of man's first steps on the Moon were portrayed in a slightly fictionalized 2000 Australian film comedy The Dish.)

5. Better signal was supposedly received at Parkes Observatory when the Moon was on the opposite side of the planet.

  • This is not supported by the detailed evidence and logs from the missions.[63]

Mechanical issues

Challenges and responses

1. No blast crater or any sign of dust scatter as was seen in the 16mm movies of each landing[5], p. 75.

  • No crater should be expected. The Descent Propulsion System was throttled very far down during the final landing. The Lunar Module was no longer rapidly decelerating, so the descent engine only had to support the module's own weight, diminished by the 1/6 g lunar gravity and by the near exhaustion of the descent propellants. At landing, the engine thrust divided by the nozzle exit area is only about 10 kilopascals (1.5 PSI)[45], p. 164. Beyond the engine nozzle, the plume spreads and the pressure drops very rapidly. (In comparison the Saturn V F-1 first stage engines produced 3.2 MPa (459 PSI) at the mouth of the nozzle.) Rocket exhaust gases expand much more rapidly after leaving the engine nozzle in a vacuum than in an atmosphere. The effect of an atmosphere on rocket plumes can be easily seen in launches from Earth; as the rocket rises through the thinning atmosphere, the exhaust plumes broaden very noticeably. To reduce this, rocket engines designed for vacuum operation have longer bells than those designed for use at the Earth's surface, but they still cannot prevent this spreading. The Lunar Module's exhaust gases therefore expanded rapidly well beyond the landing site. However, the descent engines did scatter a lot of very fine surface dust as seen in 16mm movies of each landing, and many mission commanders commented on its effect on visibility. The landers were generally moving horizontally as well as vertically, and photographs do show scouring of the surface along the final descent path. Finally, the lunar soil is very compact below its surface dust layer, further making it impossible for the descent engine to blast out a "crater".[45], pp. 163–165

2. The launch rocket (Lunar Module ascent stage) produced no visible flame.

  • The Lunar Module used Aerozine-50 (fuel) and dinitrogen tetroxide (oxidizer) propellants, chosen for simplicity and reliability; they ignite hypergolically –upon contact– without a spark. These propellants produce a nearly transparent exhaust. The same or similar hypergolic fuels are used by several space launchers: the core of the American Titan, the Russian Proton, the European Ariane 1 through 4 and the Chinese Long March. The transparency of their plumes is apparent in many launch photos. The plumes of rocket engines fired in a vacuum spread out very rapidly as they leave the engine nozzle (see above), further reducing their visibility. Finally, rocket engines often run "rich" to slow internal corrosion. On the earth, the excess fuel burns in contact with atmospheric oxygen. This cannot happen in a vacuum.

3. The rocks brought back from the Moon are identical to rocks collected by scientific expeditions to Antarctica.

  • Chemical analysis of the rocks confirms a different oxygen isotopic composition and a lack of volatile elements. There are only a few 'identical' rocks, and those few fell as meteorites after being ejected from the Moon during impact cratering events. The total quantity of these 'lunar meteorites' is small compared to the more than 840 lb (380 kg) of lunar samples returned by Apollo. Also the Apollo lunar soil samples chemically matched the Russian Luna space probe’s lunar soil samples. In addition, unlike the Antarctic lunites, the rocks recovered from the moon do not exhibit the effects of atmospheric friction.

4. The presence of deep dust around the module; given the blast from the landing engine, this should not be present.

  • The dust is created by a continuous "rain" of micrometeoroid impacts and is typically several inches thick. It forms the top of the lunar regolith, a layer of impact rubble several meters thick and highly compacted with depth. On the earth, an exhaust plume might stir up the atmosphere over a wide area. On the moon, only the exhaust gas itself can disturb the dust. Some areas around descent engines were scoured clean. [45], pp. 163–165

Note: In addition, moving footage of astronauts and the lunar rover kicking up lunar dust clearly show the dust particles kicking up quite high due to the low gravity, but settling immediately without air to stop them. Had these landings been faked on the earth, dust clouds would have formed. (They can be seen as a 'goof' in the movie Apollo 13 when Jim Lovell (played by Tom Hanks) imagines walking on the moon). This clearly shows the astronauts to be (a) in low gravity and (b) in a vacuum.

5. The flag placed on the surface by the astronauts flapped despite there being no wind on the Moon.[64] Sibrel said "The wind was probably caused by intense air-conditioning used to cool the astronauts in their lightened, uncirculated space suits. The cooling systems in the backpacks would have been removed to lighten the load not designed for Earth’s six times heavier gravity, otherwise they might have fallen over".

  • The astronauts were moving the flag into position. Without air drag, these movements caused the free corner of the flag to swing like a pendulum for some time. A horizontal rod, visible in many photographs, extended from the top of the flagpole to hold the flag out for proper display. The flag's rippled appearance was from folding during storage, and it could be mistaken for motion in a still photograph. The top support rod telescoped and the crew of Apollo 11 could not fully extend it. Later crews preferred to only partially extend the rod. Videotapes shows that when the flag stops after the astronauts let it go, it remains motionless. At one point the flag remains completely motionless for well over thirty minutes. (See inertia.) See the photographs below.
Cropped photo of Buzz Aldrin saluting the flag (Note the fingers of Aldrin's right hand can be seen behind his helmet).
Cropped photo taken a few seconds later, Buzz Aldrin's hand is down, head turned toward the camera, the flag is unchanged.
Animation of the two photos, showing that the flag is not waving.
The flag is not waving, but is swinging as a pendulum after being touched by the astronauts. Here[65] is a three-minute video from Apollo 15 showing that the flag does not move except when the astronauts move it. Here[66] is a thirty-minute Apollo 11 video showing that the flag does not move.

6. The Lander weighed 17 tons and sat on top of the sand making no impression but directly next to it footprints can be seen in the sand.

  • The lander weighed less than three tons on the Moon. The astronauts were much lighter than the lander, but their boots were much smaller than the 1-meter landing pads. Pressure, or force per unit area, rather than force, determines the extent of soil compression. In some photos the landing pads did press into the soil, especially when they moved sideways at touchdown.(The bearing pressure under the lander feet, with the lander being more than 100 times the weight of the astronauts would in fact have been of similar magnitude to the bearing pressure exerted by the astronauts boots)

7. The air conditioning units that were part of the astronauts' spacesuits could not have worked in an environment of no atmosphere.

  • The cooling units could only work in a vacuum. Water from a tank in the backpack flowed out through tiny pores in a metal sublimator plate where it quickly vaporized into space. The loss of the heat of vaporization froze the remaining water, forming a layer of ice on the outside of the plate that also sublimated into space (turning from a solid directly into a gas). A separate water loop flowed through the LCG (Liquid Cooling Garment) worn by the astronaut, carrying his metabolic waste heat through the sublimator plate where it was cooled and returned to the LCG. Twelve pounds of feedwater provided some eight hours of cooling; because of its bulk, it was often the limiting consumable on the length of an EVA. Because this system could not work in an atmosphere, the astronauts required large external chillers to keep them comfortable during earth training.
  • Radiative cooling would have avoided the need to consume water, but it could not operate below body temperature in such a small volume. The radioisotope thermoelectric generators, could use radiative cooling fins to permit indefinite operation because they operated at much higher temperatures.
Surveyor 3 with Apollo 12 LM in background.

8. Although Apollo 11 had made an almost embarrassingly imprecise landing well outside the designated target area, Apollo 12 succeeded, on November 19, 1969, in making a pin-point landing, within walking distance (less than 200 meters) of the Surveyor 3 probe, which had landed on the Moon in April 1967.

  • The Apollo 11 landing was not 'embarrassingly imprecise'. Armstrong took semi-automatic control[67] of the lander and directed it further down range when it was noted that the intended landing site was strewn with boulders. (This same boulder field was later visited by the astronauts for scientific examination.) Apollo 14 landed even closer to the planned landing site.
  • The Apollo astronauts were highly skilled pilots, and the LEM was a maneuverable craft that could be accurately flown to a specific landing point. During the powered descent phase the astronauts used the PNGS (Primary Navigation Guidance System) and LPD (Landing Point Designator) to predict where the LEM was going to land, and then they would manually pilot the LEM to a selected point with great accuracy.

Moon rocks

The Apollo Program collected a total of 382 kilograms of Moon rocks during the Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 missions. Analyses by scientists worldwide all agree that these rocks came from the Moon—no published accounts in peer-reviewed scientific journals are known that dispute this claim. The Apollo samples are easily distinguishable from both meteorites and terrestrial rocks[68] in that they show a complete lack of hydrous alteration products, they show evidence for having been subjected to impact events on an airless body, and they have unique geochemical characteristics. Furthermore, most are significantly older than the oldest rocks found on Earth (by up to 700,000,000 years). Most importantly, though, they share the same characteristics as the Soviet lunar samples that were obtained at a later date.[69]

Hoax proponents argue that Wernher von Braun's trip to Antarctica in 1967 (two years prior to the Apollo missions) was in order to study and/or collect lunar meteorites to be used as fake Moon rocks. Because von Braun was a former SS officer (though one who had been detained by the Gestapo),[70] hoax proponents have suggested[21] that he could have been susceptible to pressure to agree to the conspiracy in order to protect himself from recriminations over the past. While NASA does not provide much information about why the MSFC Director and three others were in Antarctica at that time, it has said that the purpose was "to look into environmental and logistic factors that might relate to the planning of future space missions, and hardware".[71] An article on Sankar Chatterjee at Texas Tech University states that von Braun sent a letter to F. Alton Wade, Chatterjee's predecessor, and that "Von Braun was searching for a secretive locale to help train the United States’ earliest astronauts. Wade pointed von Braun to Antarctica." Even today, NASA continues to send teams to work in parts of Antarctica that are very dry and mimic the conditions on other planets such as Mars and the Moon.

It is now accepted by the scientific community that rocks have been ejected from both the Martian and lunar surface during impact events, and that some of these have landed on the Earth in the form of Martian and lunar meteorites.[72][73] However, the first Antarctic lunar meteorite was collected in 1979, and its lunar origin was not recognized until 1982.[74] Furthermore, lunar meteorites are so rare that it is very improbable that they could account for the 382 kilograms of Moon rocks that NASA obtained between 1969 and 1972. Currently, there are only about 30 kilograms of lunar meteorites in existence, even though private collectors and governmental agencies worldwide have been searching for these for more than 20 years.[74]

The large combined mass of the Apollo samples makes this scenario implausible. While the Apollo missions obtained 382 kilograms of Moon rocks, the Soviet Luna 16, 20, and 24 robotic sample return missions only obtained 326 grams combined (that is, less than one-thousandth as much). Indeed, current plans for a Martian sample return would only obtain about 500 grams of soil,[75] and a recently proposed South Pole-Aitken basin sample return mission would only obtain about 1 kilogram of Moon rock.[76] If a similar technology to collect the Apollo Moon rocks was used as with the Soviet missions or modern sample return proposals, then between 300 and 2000 robotic sample return missions would be required to obtain the current mass of Moon rocks that is curated by NASA.

Concerning the composition of the Moon rocks, Kaysing asked:

Why was there no mention of gold, silver, diamonds, or other precious metals on the Moon? It was never discussed by the press or astronauts.[5], p. 8

Geologists realize that gold and silver deposits on Earth are the result of the action of hydrothermal fluids concentrating the precious metals into veins of ore. Since even in 1969 water was known to be absent on the Moon, no geologist would bother discussing the possibility of finding these on the Moon in any significant quantity.

Deaths of key Apollo personnel

In a television program about the hoax allegations, Fox Entertainment Group listed the deaths of ten astronauts and of two civilians related to the manned spaceflight program as having possibly been killed as part of a cover-up.

All but one of the astronaut deaths (Irwin's) were directly related to their job with NASA or the Air Force. Two of the astronauts, Mike Adams and Robert Lawrence, had no connection with the civilian manned space program. Astronaut James Irwin had suffered several heart attacks in the years prior to his death. There is no independent confirmation of Gelvani's claim that Irwin was about to come forward. All but one of the deaths occurred at least one or two years before Apollo 11 and the subsequent flights.

Gravity on the Moon

The hoax investigation site Xenophilia.com claims that versions of the Encyclopædia Britannica from the 1960s (pre-Apollo missions) have the neutral point between the Earth and the Moon 20,520 miles from the Moon. "In theory," the site claims, "a Moon with 1/6 Earth's gravity should have a Neutral Point between 22,078 and 25,193 miles from the Moon's surface. Yet after the Apollo missions, Time magazine July 25, 1969 said 'At a point of 43,495 miles from the Moon, lunar gravity exerted a force equal to the gravity of the Earth, then some 200,000 miles distant.'" The site claims that the 1973 Encyclopædia Britannica gave a new neutral point distance of 39,000 miles.[79]

Involvement of the Soviet Union

Main article: Soviet space program conspiracy accusations

A primary reason for the race to the Moon was the Cold War. The Soviets, with their own competing Moon program and a formidable scientific community able to analyze NASA data, could be expected to have cried foul if the USA tried to fake a Moon landing,[45], p. 173 especially as their program had failed. Successfully pointing out a hoax would have been a major propaganda coup.

Bart Sibrel responded, "the Soviets did not have the capability to track deep spacecraft until late in 1972, immediately after which, the last three Apollo missions were abruptly canceled."[86]

However, Soviet unmanned spacecraft had been landing on the Moon since 1959,[87] and in 1962, "deep space tracking facilities were introduced at IP-15 in Ussuriisk and IP-16 in Evpatoria (Crimean Peninsula), while Saturn communication stations were added to IP-3, 4 and 14",[88] the latter having a 100 million km range.[89]

However, Apollo 18 and 19 were canceled on September 2, 1970 due to budget cuts by the US Congress.[90] Apollo 20 was canceled on January 4, 1970.[91]

Large telescopes and the Moon hoax

Another component of the moon hoax theory is based on the argument that professional observatories and the Hubble Space Telescope should be able to take pictures of the lunar landing sites. The argument runs that if telescopes can "see to the edge of the universe" then they ought to be able to take pictures of the lunar landing sites. This implies that the world's major observatories (as well as the Hubble Program) are complicit in the moon landing hoax by refusing to take pictures of the landing sites.

Individuals featured in the controversy

Main article: Apollo Moon landing hoax accusers

Major hoax proponents and proposals

People accused of involvement in the hoax

Other evidence and issues

NASA book commission and withdrawal

In 2002, NASA commissioned James Oberg $15,000 to write a point-by-point rebuttal of the hoax claims, and, in the same year, cancelled their commission in the face of complaints that the book would dignify the accusations. Oberg said that he intends (funding allowing) to finish the project.[105][106] In November 2002 Peter Jennings (ABC’s World News Tonight anchor) said "[NASA] is going to spend a few thousand dollars trying to prove to some people that the United States did indeed land men on the Moon." Jennings said "[NASA] had been so rattled, [they] hired [somebody] to write a book refuting the conspiracy theorists."

Academic work

In 2004, Drs Martin Hendry and Ken Skeldon at Glasgow University were awarded a grant by the UK based Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council to investigate 'Moon Hoax' proposals.[107]

In November of that same year, they gave a lecture at the Glasgow Science Centre where the top ten lines of evidence advanced by hoax proponents were individually addressed and refuted.[108]

Attempts to view the landing site

Leonard David published an article on space.com,[109][110] on 27 April 2001 showing a picture taken by the Clementine mission which shows a diffuse dark spot at the location that NASA says is the Lunar Module Falcon. The evidence was noticed by Misha Kreslavsky, of the Department of Geological Sciences at Brown University, and Yuri Shkuratov of the Kharkov Astronomical Observatory in Ukraine.

The European Space Agency's modern Moon probe, the SMART-1 unmanned probe, sent back imagery to the ESA of the Apollo Moon landing sites, according to Bernard Foing, Chief Scientist of the ESA Science Program.[111] Given SMART-1’s initial high orbit, however, it may prove difficult to see artifacts, said Foing in an interview on the website "space.com'. No photos have so far been released, according to the website.

The Daily Telegraph published a story in 2002 saying that European astronomers at the Very Large Telescope (VLT, the most powerful telescope in the world) would use the telescope to view the remains of the Apollo lunar landers. According to the article, Dr. Richard West said that his team would take "a high-resolution image of one of the Apollo landing sites". Marcus Allen, a Moon hoax believer, pointed out in the story that no images of hardware on the Moon would convince him that manned landings had taken place[112] (Allen believes robot missions placed objects there). The article greatly overstates the power of the VLT (it can show details only as small as 130m at the distance of the Moon) and so it is not surprising that no images sharp enough to resolve the lander have been forthcoming.[110] Such photos, if and when they become available, would be the first non-NASA produced images of the site at that definition.

The Hubble Space Telescope can resolve objects as small as 280 feet (86 m) at the distance of the Moon; again, not good enough to settle this issue.

Alex R. Blackwell, of the University of Hawaii has pointed out that photos taken by Apollo astronauts[110] are currently the best available images of the landing sites; they show shadows of the lander, but not the lander itself. NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (planned for April 2009) is slated to produce better pictures as part of its mission.[92]

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched their SELENE lunar orbiter on September 14, 2007 (JST) from Tanegashima Space Center, a main orbiting satellite at about 100km altitude and two small satellites (Relay Satellite and VRAD Satellite) in polar orbit. In May 2008 JAXA reported detecting the "halo" generated by the Apollo 15 lunar module engine exhaust from a Terrain Camera (TC) image.[113]

MythBusters special

Main article: MythBusters (season 7)#Episode 104 - NASA Moon Landing

An episode of MythBusters in August 2008 was dedicated to NASA and each myth was related to the moon landings, such as the pictures and video footage. A few members of the MythBusters crew were allowed into a NASA training facility to test some of the myths. All of the hoax-related myths tested were demonstrated as false.


Apollo hoax in popular culture and parody

Main article: Apollo hoax in popular culture and parody

See also


  1. Bad Astronomy, by Philip Plait, 2002, ISBN 978-0-471-40976-2, pp 154-73
  2. "Did Men Really Land on the Moon?". Gallup.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  3. "Landing a Man on the Moon: The Public's View". Gallup.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  4. van Bakel, Rogier (September 1994). "The Wrong Stuff" (magazine). 'Wired'. Condé Nast Publications. Retrieved on 2007-05-09. "Are you sure we went to the moon 25 years ago? Are you positive? Millions of Americans believe the moon landings may have been a US$25 billion swindle, perpetrated by NASA with the latest in communications technology and the best in special effects. Wired plunges into the combat zone between heated conspiracy believers and exasperated NASA officials."
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle, Bill Kaysing, Pomeroy, WA, USA: Health Research Books, 2002. ISBN 1-85810-422-X.
  6. "Irrefutable proof [Archive] - Bad Astronomy and Universe Today Forum". Bautforum.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  7. Rogier van Bakel. "Wired 2.09: The Wrong Stuff". Wired.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  8. The Apollo-11 UFO Incidents by James Oberg
  9. Lheureux, Philippe (2000). Lumières sur la Lune. Editions CARNOT. ISBN 2912362490. http://lheureux.free.fr/. 
  10. "We choose to go to the Moon! We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things – not because they are easy, but because they are hard. - President John Kennedy, speaking at Rice University, September 12, 1962. From A Man on the Moon, by Andrew Chaikin, p. 2, (c) 1994, 2007, ISBN 978-0-14-311235-8
  11. "Was The Apollo Moon Landing Fake?". Apfn.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  12. "The Apollo Program (1963 - 1972)". Nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  13. Kennedy speech to Congress, May 1961. Chaikin, p. 1
  14. Rudin, Mike (2006-12-08). "The danger with conspiracies". BBC.com. Retrieved on 2007-02-09.
  15. 15.0 15.1 Cziesche, Dominik; Jürgen Dahlkamp, Ulrich Fichtner, Ulrich Jaeger, Gunther Latsch, Gisela Leske, Max F. Ruppert (2003). "Panoply of the Absurd". Der Spiegel. Der Spiegel. Retrieved on 2006-06-06.
  16. Calder, Vince; Johnson, Andrew P.E. (2002-10-12). "Ask A Scientist". Newton "Ask a Scientist", General Science Archive. "Newton", Argonne National Laboratory. Retrieved on 2007-02-07.
  17. "Laser Ranging Retroreflector". NSSDC Master Catalog Display: Experiment. National Space Science Data Center, NASA (2006-12-04). Retrieved on 2007-02-07.
  18. Unmanned Soviet Lunokhod 1 and Lunokhod 2 rovers carried mirror arrays. (Lunokhod 1 : "Luna 17/Lunokhod 1". NSSDC Master Catalog Display: Spacecraft. National Space Science Data Center, NASA (2006-12-04). Retrieved on 2007-02-07., (Lunokhod 2 : "Luna 21/Lunokhod 2". NSSDC Master Catalog Display: Spacecraft. National Space Science Data Center, NASA (2006-12-04). Retrieved on 2007-02-07.) Reflected signals were received from Lunokhod 1, but then it was left in a position preventing the return of signals. (Stooke, P. J. (March 14-18, 2005). "Lunar Laser Ranging and the Location of Lunokhod 1" (PDF). 36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract no.1194, Lunar and Planetary Institute, NASA. Retrieved on 2007-02-07. )
  19. Matthews, Robert (2002-11-25). "Telescope to challenge moon doubters". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved on 2007-02-07.
  20. Apollo Moon landings tapes reported missing, Wikinews, August 5, 2006.
  21. 21.0 21.1 "Did We Go? The Evidence Is In!". Moonhoax.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  22. SolarViews.com
  23. a peer-reviewed paper in "Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia"
  24. "On Eagle's Wing: The Story of the Parkes Apollo 11 Support". Parkes.atnf.csiro.au. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  25. Amalfi, Carmelo. "Lost Moon landing tapes discovered | COSMOS magazine". Cosmosmagazine.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  26. http://www.honeysucklecreek.net.nyud.net:8080/Apollo_11/tapes/Search_for_SSTV_Tapes.pdf
  27. http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19670010532_1967010532.pdf
  28. Carmelo Amalfi, Lost Moon landing tapes discovered, COSMOS Magazine, November 1,2006
  29. 29.0 29.1 "Xenophilia - Moon Hoax Debate". Xenophilia.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  30. "The Collier article - a critique". Pirlwww.lpl.arizona.edu. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  31. "Clavius: Bibliography - the Collier article". Clavius.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  32. "The Cradle of Aviation Museum". Cradleofaviation.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  33. LM-13
  34. [1]
  35. SPACE.com - Saturn 5 Blueprints Safely in Storage
  36. "The Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle". Nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  37. by Anthony YoungMonday, April 5, 2004. "The Space Review: Lunar rovers past and future (page 1)". Thespacereview.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  38. "Lunar Rover Operations Handbook". Hq.nasa.gov. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  39. Lunar Legacy Episode 1, Part 5 (Did we land on the moon?)
  40. Bart Sibrel
  41. "Clavius: Technology - beating the soviets". Clavius.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  42. "Soviet Lunar Landing". Astronautix.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  43. "Clavius: Photography - image quality". Clavius.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  44. "Clavius: Photography - crosshairs". Clavius.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 45.5 45.6 45.7 45.8 45.9 Bad Astronomy: Misconceptions and Misuses Revealed, from Astrology to the Moon Landing "Hoax", Dr. Philip Plait, John Wiley & Sons, 2002. ISBN 0-471-40976-6. See esp. chapter 17.
  46. Astronomy magazine, August 2008, p 75
  47. "Apollo Moon Photos: a Hoax?". Iangoddard.net. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  48. 48.0 48.1 Who Mourns For Apollo?, part II, by Mike Bara.
  49. "AULIS Online – Different Thinking". Aulis.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  50. "C" rock analysis
  51. "C" rock
  52. "Fly Me to the Moon: Astronomy: School: Education: Web Wombat". Webwombat.com.au. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  53. "Clavius: Photo Analysis - buzz's hot spot". Clavius.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  54. "MAD19". Spider.ipac.caltech.edu. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  55. See Ms. Irene Schneider on the November 20, 2005 episode of The Space Show.
  56. Patrick L. Barry. "Blinding Flashes". Science.nasa.gov. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  57. "Clavius: Environment - heat". Clavius.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  58. Patrick L. Barry. "Sickening Solar Flares". Science.nasa.gov. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  59. Cull, Selby (July 12, 2006). "SkyandTelescope.com - News from Sky & Telescope - Predicting Solar Eruptions", Skyandtelescope.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25. 
  60. "Radio Lag". Redzero.demon.co.uk. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  61. Apollo 11 Mission Summary
  62. "Apollo 11 TV – as seen in Australia". Honeysucklecreek.net. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  63. "On Eagle's Wings: The Story of the Parkes Apollo 11 Support". Parkes.atnf.csiro.au. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  64. Bart
  65. "YouTube - Apollo 15 waving flag at 2:37". Youtube.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  66. "YouTube - Lunar Legacy Episode 1, Part 2 (Did we land on the moon?)". Youtube.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  67. Mindell, David A (2008). Digital Apollo. MIT Press. pp. 195-197. ISBN 978-0-262-13497-2. 
  68. Tony Phillips. "The Great Moon Hoax: Moon rocks and common sense prove Apollo astronauts really did visit the Moon". Science@NASA.
  69. James Papike, Grahm Ryder, and Charles Shearer (1998). "Lunar Samples". Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 36: 5.1–5.234. 
  70. "Wernher von Braun in SS uniform".
  71. "Marshall Highlights for 1967". Marshall Space Flight Center History Office.
  72. James N. Head, H. Jay Melosh, and Boris A. Ivanov (2002). "High-speed ejecta from small craters". Science 298: 1752–1756. doi:10.1126/science.1077483. PMID 12424385. 
  73. Bill Cooke (2006). "The Great Interplanetary Rock Swap". Astronomy 34 (August): 64–67. 
  74. 74.0 74.1 Randy Korotev (2005). "Lunar geochemistry as told by lunar meteorites". Chemie der Erde 65: 297–346. doi:10.1029/2005JE002516. (inactive 2008-06-26). 
  75. "Aurora exploration programme: Mars sample return". European Space Agency.
  76. Michael Duke (2002). "South Pole-Aitlen basin sample return mission". COSPAR. 
  77. 77.0 77.1 "Comments on the FOX special on the Hoax". Pirlwww.lpl.arizona.edu. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  78. "NASA Apollo Mission Apollo-1- Baron Report". History.nasa.gov. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  79. "Xenophilia - Moon Hoax Debate". Xenophilia.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  80. Horizons: Exploring the Universe, Michael A. Seeds, Wadsworth, 1995, p. 378. ISBN 0-534-24889-6.
  81. "ESA Science & Technology: SMART-1". Sci.esa.int. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  82. "NASA - NSSDC - Spacecraft - Details". Nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  83. "Russia's unmanned missions toward the Moon". Russianspaceweb.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  84. http://history.nasa.gov/ap16fj/09_Day3_Pt2.htm
  85. Save Our History: Apollo: The Race Against Time at www.history.com
  86. "Moon Hoax MOONMOVIE.COM Frequently Asked Questions". Moonmovie.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  87. Soviet Lunar Programs
  88. Russia's space command and control infrastructure
  89. Soviet Space Tracking Systems
  90. Apollo 18
  91. Apollo 20
  92. 92.0 92.1 "NASA - Abandoned Spaceships and Moon Buggies". Science.nasa.gov. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  93. anon (2007). "Ask Astro". Astronomy 35, #11: 62. 
  94. "Clavius: Bibliography - bill kaysing". Clavius.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  95. AFTH, LLC website
  96. "Moon Hoax MOONMOVIE.COM A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon DVD - Front Cover & Bart Sibrel". Moonmovie.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  97. "index". Geocities.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  98. "Clavius: Bibliography - dramatis personae". Clavius.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  99. "Telescope to challenge moon doubters - smh.com.au". Smh.com.au. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  100. 100.0 100.1 "Good Luck, Mr. Gorsky!". Groundzeromedia.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  101. "The Apollo Hoax". Ufos-aliens.co.uk. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  102. [2]
  103. "Apollo Truth". Geocities.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  104. "The New Moondoggle". Groundzeromedia.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  105. http://www.jamesoberg.com/042003lessonsfake_his.html
  106. "Nasa pulls Moon hoax book", BBC News (2002-11-08). Retrieved on 2008-08-05. 
  107. "Cafe Scientifique". Cafescientifique.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  108. "November 2004". Dimaggio.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  109. "Apollo 15 Landing Site Spotted in Images". Space.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  110. 110.0 110.1 110.2 "Can we see Apollo hardware on the Moon?". Tass-survey.org. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  111. "SPACE.com - End of Conspiracy Theories? Spacecraft Snoops Apollo Moon Sites". Space.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  112. World's biggest telescope to prove Americans really walked on Moon, Robert Matthews, The Daily Telegraph (online), November 23, 2002
  113. JAXA site
  114. McKie, Robin. "The movie has landed and US basks in the moonglow | World news | The Observer". Guardian.co.uk. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  115. by Anthony YoungMonday, January 22, 2007. "The Space Review: Generation Y and lunar disbelief". Thespacereview.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.
  116. "You couldn't make this up". Canada.com. Retrieved on 2008-11-25.

External links

Television specials