Andreas Papandreou

Andreas Georgiou Papandreou
Greek: Ανδρέας Γεωργίου Παπανδρέου

In office
October 21, 1981 – July 2, 1989
President Constantine Karamanlis / Christos Sartzetakis
Preceded by George Rallis
Succeeded by Tzannis Tzannetakis
In office
October 13, 1993 – January 17, 1996
President Constantine Karamanlis / Konstantinos Stephanopoulos
Preceded by Constantine Mitsotakis
Succeeded by Costas Simitis

Leader of the Official Opposition
In office
November 28, 1977 – October 21, 1981
Preceded by George Zigdis
Succeeded by George Rallis
In office
October 12, 1989 – November 23, 1989
Preceded by Constantine Mitsotakis
Succeeded by All-Party Coalition Government
In office
April 11, 1990 – October 13, 1993
Preceded by All-Party Coalition Government
Succeeded by Miltiadis Evert

In office
September 3, 1974 – June 23, 1996
Succeeded by Costas Simitis

Born February 15, 1919(1919-02-15)
Country flag Chios, Greece
Died June 23, 1996 (aged 77)
Country flag Athens, Greece
Nationality Greek
Political party Panhellenic Socialist Movement
Spouse Margaret Papandreou, Dimitra Liani
Children George, Andreas, Nikos and Sofia
Alma mater National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Harvard University
Occupation Politician
Profession Economist, University professor
Religion Greek Orthodox

Andreas Georgiou Papandreou (Greek: Ανδρέας Γ. Παπανδρέου) (5 February, 1919 – 23 June, 1996) was a Greek economist, a socialist politician and a dominant figure in Greek politics. He served two terms as Prime Minister of Greece (October 21, 1981, to July 2, 1989, and October 13, 1993, to January 22, 1996). In 1999, Papandreou was posthumously awarded the Swedish Order of the Polar Star.


Early life and career

Papandreou was born on the island of Chios, Greece, the son of the leading Greek liberal politician George Papandreou. His mother, born Zofia (Sofia) Mineyko, was half Polish. Before university, he attended Athens Experimental (Piramatiko) Lyceum, a leading public secondary education institution in Greece. He attended the University of Athens from 1937, and from 1938. The Greek Parliament approved Ioannis Metaxas as Prime Minister in April 1936. After a turbulent period of strikes and unrest, Metaxas by Royal Decree suspended the Parliament on 4th August 1936 and prepared Greece ultimately for World War II.

In 1942, Papandreou enrolled at Harvard University, where he completed a doctorate in economics. In 1943, Papandreou joined America's war effort and volunteered for the US Navy where he served as a nurse at Bethesda Hospital for war wounded,[1] and became a United States citizen. He returned to Harvard in 1946 and served as a lecturer and associate professor until 1947. He then held professorships at the University of Minnesota, Northwestern University, the University of California, Berkeley (where he was chair of the Department of Economics), the University of Stockholm and York University in Toronto, Canada. In 1948, he entered into a relationship with University of Minnesota journalism student Margaret Chant,[2]. After Chant obtained a divorce and after his own divorce with Christina Rasia, his first wife, Papandreou and Chant were married in 1951. They had three sons and a daughter. Papandreou also had a daughter out of wedlock living in Sweden.[3]

Political career

Papandreou returned to Greece in 1959, where he headed an economic development research program, by invitation of Prime Minister Constantine Karamanlis. In 1960, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director of the Athens Economic Research Center, and Advisor to the Bank of Greece. In 1963, his father George Papandreou, head of the Center Union, became Prime Minister of Greece. Andreas became his chief economic advisor. He renounced his American citizenship and was elected to the Greek Parliament in the Greek legislative election, 1964. He immediately became Minister to the First Ministry of State (in effect, assistant Prime Minister).

Papandreou took publicly a neutral stand on the Cold War and wished for Greece to be more independent from the USA. He also criticized the massive presence of American military and intelligence in Greece, and sought to remove senior officers with "anti-democratic tendencies" from the Greek military.

In 1965, while the "Aspida" conspiracy within the Army, alleged by the political opposition to involve Andreas personally, was being investigated, George Papandreou moved to fire the defense minister and assume the post himself. King Constantine refused to endorse this move and essentially forced George Papandreou's resignation. Greece entered a period of political polarisation and instability, which ended with the coup d'état of 21 April 1967.

When the Greek Colonels led by George Papadopoulos seized power in April 1967, Andreas was incarcerated while his father George Papandreou was put under house arrest. George Papandreou, already at advanced age, died in 1968.Under American pressure, the military regime released Andreas on condition that he leave the country. In Paris, while in exile, Andreas Papandreou formed an "anti-dictatorship organization", the Panhellenic Liberation Movement (PAK), and toured the world rallying opposition to the Greek military regime. Despite his former American citizenship and academic career in the United States, Papandreou held the Central Intelligence Agency responsible for the 1967 coup and became increasingly critical of the U.S. Government.

In the early seventies, during the latter phase of the dictatorship in Greece, Papandreou, along with most leading Greek politicians, in exile or in Greece, opposed the process of political normalisation attempted by George Papadopoulos and his appointed PM, Spyros Markezinis. In August 6 1974, Andreas Papandreou called an extraordinary meeting of the National Congress of PAK in Winterthur, Switzerland, which decided its dissolution without announcing it publicly[5].

Papandreou returned to Greece after the fall of the junta in 1974, during metapolitefsi, and formed a new "radical" party, the Panhellenic Socialist Movement, or PASOK. Most of his former PAK companions, as well as members of other anti-dictatorial groups such as the Democratic Defense joined in the new party. He also testified in the first of the Greek junta trials about the alleged involvement of the junta with the CIA.

At that year's elections, PASOK received only 13.5% of the vote, but in 1977 it polled 25%, and Papandreou became Leader of the Opposition. At the 1981 elections, PASOK won a landslide victory over the conservative New Democracy Party, and Papandreou became Greece's first socialist Prime Minister.

In office, Papandreou backtracked from much of his campaign rhetoric and followed a more conventional approach. Greece did not withdraw from NATO, United States troops and military bases were not ordered out of Greece, and Greek membership in the European Economic Community continued. In domestic politics, Papandreou's government carried through sweeping reforms of social policy by expanding health care coverage (the "National Health System" was instituted), promoting state-subsidized tourism for lower-income families, and funding social establishments for the elderly. In a move strongly opposed by the Greek Orthodox Church, Papandreou introduced, for the first time in Greece, the process of civil marriage. Prior to the institution of civil marriages in Greece, the only legally recognized marriages were those conducted in the Greek Orthodox Church. Couples seeking a civil marriage had to get married outside Greece, generally in Italy. Also, under PASOK, the Greek State also appropriated real estate properties previously owned by the Church.

Papandreou introduced various reforms in the administration and curriculum of the Greek educational system, allowing students to participate in the election process for their professors and deans in the university, and abolishing tenure.

A major part of Papandreou's allagi (change) involved driving out the "old families" ("tzakia" literally: fireplaces using the traditional Greek expression for the genealogy of families), which allegedly influenced Greek politics from behind the scenes and belonged to the traditional Greek Right.

Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou on official visit with United States President William J. Clinton, Washington, April 1994. Dimitra Liani in the background

Papandreou was comfortably re-elected in 1985 with 46% of the vote, but, in the years to follow, his premiership became increasingly clouded by controversy and scandal. In 1989, he divorced his wife Margaret Papandreou and married Dimitra Liani, while in the same year he was indicted by Parliament in connection with a US$200 million Bank of Crete embezzlement scandal, and was accused of facilitating the embezzlement by ordering state corporations to transfer their holdings to the Bank of Crete, where the interest was allegedly skimmed off to benefit PASOK, and possibly some of its highest functionaries. Following the many repercussions of the so-called Koskotas scandal, the 1989 elections produced a deadlock, leading to a prolonged political crisis. Papandreou's PASOK's won 40% of the popular vote, compared to the rival New Democracy's 46%, and, due to changes made in electoral law one year before the elections by the then reigning PASOK administration, New Democracy was not able to form a government. In the wake of three consecutive elections between 1989 and 1990, the New Democracy leader, Constantine Mitsotakis, eventually received sufficient support to form a government. In January 1992, Papandreou himself was cleared of any wrongdoing in the Koskotas scandal after a 7-6 vote in the specially convened High Court trial, ordered by the Greek parliament, with the support of both main parties, New Democracy and PASOK.

Papandreou confounded his critics by winning the next general elections of October 1993 ; however, his fragile health kept him from exercising firm political leadership. He was hospitalized with advanced heart disease and kidney failure on November 20, 1995 and finally retired from office on January 16, 1996. He died on June 23, 1996, with his funeral procession producing an outpouring of public emotion.

Economic policies

The expenditure programme of the Papandreou government during 1981-1990 has been described as excessive.[6] The massive expenditures were not accompanied by corresponding revenue increases and this led to increases in budget deficits and the public debt.[6] Many economic indicators worsened during 1981-1990 and the economic policies of his government were widely regarded as a failure.[7][8][9]

International politics

Papandreou was co-creator in 1982 and subsequently an active participant in a movement promoted by the Parliamentarians for Global Action, the Initiative of the Six, which included, besides the Greek PM, Mexico's president Miguel de la Madrid, Argentina's PM Raúl Alfonsín, Sweden's PM Olof Palme, Tanzania's president Julius Nyerere and India's Indira Gandhi[10]. The movement's stated objective was the "promotion of peace and progress for all mankind". After various initiatives, mostly directed at pressuring the United States and the Soviet Union to stop nuclear testing and reduce the level of nuclear arms, it eventually disbanded[11].

Papandreou's rhetoric was at times antagonistic to the United States.[12] He was the first western prime minister to visit General Wojciech Jaruzelski in Poland.[12] According to the Foreign Affairs magazine Papandreou went on record as saying that since the USSR is not a capitalist country "one cannot label it an imperialist power."[12] According to Papandreou, "the Soviet Union represent[ed] a factor that restrict[ed] the expansion of capitalism and its imperialistic aims".[12]

Papandreou supported the causes of various national liberation movements in the world, and agreed for Greece to host representatives offices of many such organisations[13]. He supported the cause of "Palestinian liberation", met repeatedly with PLO Chairman Yaser Arafat and condemned Israeli policies in the occupied territories[14].


Papandreou's grave in the First Cemetery of Athens.

Papandreou exercised a more independent foreign policy elevating Greece's profile among non-aligned nations. He affirmed Greece's independence in setting her own policy agenda, both internally and externally, free from any foreign domination.

His opponents on the left, on the other hand, including the KKE, accused him of supporting, in practice, the agenda of NATO and the United States.

Papandreou's influence and the reforms of PASOK were instrumental to bringing Greece in line with the rest of Europe.

Andreas Papandreou is widely acknowledged as having shifted political power from the traditional conservative Greek Right, which had dominated Greek politics for decades, to a more populist and centre-left locus. Political forces which remained the so-called pariahs in politics as of the end of the Greek civil war, were given a chance to prove themselves in democratically elected governments.[15] This shift in the Greek political landscape helped heal old civil war wounds;[15] Greece became more pluralistic, and more in line with the political system of other western European countries.[15] Papandreou also systematically pursued inclusionist politics which ended the sociopolitical and economic exclusion of many social classes in the post-civil war era.[15]

It is also acknowledged that Papandreou, along with Karamanlis, played a leading role in establishing Democracy in Greece during metapolitefsi.[16] He is described as both prudent and a realist, despite his appearance as a leftist ideologue and charismatic orator.[16] His choices to remain in the European Union and NATO, both of which he vehemently opposed for many years, proved his pragmatical approach.[16] Even his approach of negotiating the removal of the US bases from Greece was diplomatic, because although it was agreed to remove them, some of the bases remained.[16] His skillful handling of these difficult policies had the effect of providing common policy goals to the political forces of Greece.[16]

Papandreou's successor in office, Costas Simitis, broke with a number of Papandreou's approaches.

Papandreou's son, George Papandreou, was elected leader of PASOK in February 2004. At the 2004 Greek elections, some PASOK followers, in political rallies, invoked Papandreou's legacy with the chant "Andrea, zis! Esi mas odigis!" ("Andreas, you are still alive! You're leading us!").

Citations and notes

  1. Andreas Papandreou Foundation retrieved 18 Sep. 2007
  2. Phantis wiki
  3. To Vima newspaper, 11 September, 2006 (Greek)
  4. PASOK website, official history (Greek)
  5. To Vima newspaper, 11 July 1999(Greek)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Review of the Greek Economy By Akis Haralambopoulos 1997
  7. New York Times Ailing Papandreou Resigns, Asking Quick Election of Successor By CELESTINE BOHLENP published: January 16, 1996 Quote: "But his economic policy was widely regarded as a failure that continues to cripple Greece's growth"
  8. The Bumpy Road to Convergence By Karl Aisinger Austrian Institute of Economic Research
  9. Peripherality and integration the experience of Greece as a member of the European Union By Velissaris Baliotas, Economist, Eurotechniki K.E.K., Volos, GREECE, 1997
  10. Macedonia newspaper, 24 June 1996(Greek)
  11. Peace Magazine, 1996
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Foreign Affairs magazine, Winter 1984/85
  13. N.Y.Times,December 17, 1981
  14. Middle East Review of International Affairs, Volume 3, No. 2, June 1999 "Greece and the Middle East", Ch.3
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Recent Social Trends in France, 1960-1990 Michel Forsé Quote: "The coming into office of PASOK signified both socially and politically the end of the post civil war era. Certainly this is true already for the period after the collapse of dictatorship (1974} but it is systematized by PASOK. Essentially this means that the forms of political and as such social and economic exclusion that had distinguished the post civil war times vanish for good." p. 13 ISBN 0773508872
    also Recent Social Trends in Greece, 1960-2000 By Dimitris Charalambis, Laura Maratou-Alipranti, Andromachi Hadjiyanni Translated by Dimitris Charalambis, Laura Maratou-Alipranti, Andromachi Hadjiyanni Contributor Dimitris Charalambis, Laura Maratou-Alipranti, Andromachi Hadjiyanni Published by McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP, 2004 ISBN 0773522026, ISBN 9780773522022 701 pages retrieved 15 August 2008
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy Οι ηγετικοί ρόλοι του Κωνσταντίνου Καραμανλή και του Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου στη διαδικασία εδραίωσης της δημοκρατίας μετά το 1974 Κουλουμπής Θεόδωρος (Καθημερινή) 6 Νοεμβρίου 2005 Quote: "Το χρήσιμο συμπέρασμα, λοιπόν, σχετικά με τον Παπανδρέου είναι το εξής: ενώ ήταν ιδεολόγος και χαρισματικός ρήτορας αριστερού τύπου στην θεωρία, στην πράξη αποδείχθηκε συνετός και πραγματιστής. Και αυτό φαίνεται από τις επιλογές του να παραμείνει στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, που τόσο έντονα είχε αμφισβητήσει λίγα χρόνια νωρίτερα, και να παραμείνει στο ΝΑΤΟ που τόσο απόλυτα είχε καταδικάσει. Επίσης με πραγματιστικό τρόπο χειρίστηκε τις διαπραγματεύσεις για τις αμερικανικές βάσεις: δήθεν συμφωνήθηκε η «αποχώρηση» των βάσεων, αλλά οι βάσεις παρέμειναν. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο άνοιξε ο δρόμος της ταύτισης των μεγάλων πολιτικών δυνάμεων στον τόπο μας γύρω από ένα κοινό στρατηγικό στόχο" (In Greek)

External links

Political offices
Preceded by
George Rallis
Prime Minister of Greece
1981 – 1989
Succeeded by
Tzannis Tzannetakis
Preceded by
Constantine Mitsotakis
Prime Minister of Greece
1993 – 1996
Succeeded by
Costas Simitis
Party political offices
New political party President of PASOK
1974 – 1996
Succeeded by
Costas Simitis