Affirmative action

See also: Affirmative action in the United States, Employment equity (Canada), Reservation in India, and Numerus clausus

The term affirmative action describes many policies intended to promote access to education or employment for historically and socio-politically non-dominant groups (most often racial minorities or women). Motivation for affirmative action is to redress negative effects of actual or perceived, past or current discrimination that is regarded as unjust by relevant legislative bodies. It also serves to encourage public institutions such as universities, hospitals and police forces to be more representative of the populations they serve [1].

This is commonly achieved through targeted recruitment programs aimed at applicants from socio-politically disadvantaged groups. In some cases affirmative action involves giving preferential treatment to these underrepresented groups.[2] Opponents of affirmative action policies argue that they are based on collectivism and merely another equal form of discrimination because they can result in qualified applicants being denied entry to higher education or employment because they belong to a particular social group (usually the historically socio-politically dominant group; typically majority races and men, regardless of social standing or financial need.)[3] Opponents also argue that preferential treatment should not be based upon the social and economical standing of one's ancestors, therefore arguing against the residual ramifications of past injustices. Some opponents say affirmative action devalues the accomplishments of people who are chosen because of the social group they belong to rather than their qualifications.[4]


International policies

An in-depth examination of the legal status of affirmative action, as well as the different kinds of programs that exist and their pros and cons, can be found in a paper written for the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights by one of its members, Marc Bossuyt.[5]

The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination stipulates (in Article 2.2) that affirmative action programs may be required of countries that have ratified the convention, in order to rectify systematic discrimination. It states, however, that such programs "shall in no case entail as a consequence the maintenance of unequal or separate rights for different racial groups after the objectives for which they were taken have been achieved." The United Nations Human Rights Committee states, "the principle of equality sometimes requires States parties to take affirmative action in order to diminish or eliminate conditions which cause or help to perpetuate discrimination prohibited by the Covenant. For example, in a State where the general conditions of a certain part of the population prevent or impair their enjoyment of human rights, the State should take specific action to correct those conditions. Such action may involve granting for a time to the part of the population concerned certain preferential treatment in specific matters as compared with the rest of the population. However, as long as such action is needed to correct discrimination, in fact, it is a case of legitimate differentiation under the Covenant."[6]


The controversy surrounding affirmative action’s effectiveness is based on the idea of class inequality. Opponents of racial affirmative action argue that the program actually benefits middle- and upper-class minorities at the expense of lower class Caucasians . This argument supports the idea of solely class based affirmative action. America’s poor is disproportionately made up of minorities, so class-based affirmative action would disproportionately help minorities. This would eliminate the need for race based affirmative action as well as reducing any disproportionate benefits for middle and upper class minorities.[7]

Proponents of affirmative action generally advocate it either as a means to address past discrimination or to enhance representation of racial, ethnic, gender, or another diverse group.[8] They may argue that the end result—a more diversified and representative student body, police force or other group—justifies the means. Proponents also argue that affirmative action is needed since institutions are inherently biased towards Caucasians.[9]

Some opponents of affirmative action like Ward Connerly call it reverse discrimination because affirmative action requires the very discrimination it is seeking to eliminate. According to these opponents, this contradiction makes affirmative action counter-productive because it promotes prejudice by increasing resentment toward those who are the beneficiaries of affirmative action from those who have been adversely affected by the policy. [10] Other opponents say affirmative action causes unprepared applicants to be accepted in highly demanding educational institutions or jobs which result in eventual failure. (See, for example, Richard Sander's study of affirmative action in Law School, bar exam and eventual performance at law firms). Other opponents say that by lowering the bar, affirmative action denies those who strive for excellence on their own merit the sense of real achievement. (See, for example, Clarence Thomas' "My Grandfather's Son: A Memoir".) Some argue that affirmative action itself has some merit when it is targeted to true cause of social deprivation such as poverty while race, ethnicity or gender based affirmative action is misguided. [11] The underlying assumption in these arguments being that race, ethnicity or gender cannot contribute to social deprivation.

Proponents of affirmative action argue that by nature the system is not only race based, but also class and gender based. To eliminate two of its key components would undermine the purpose of the entire system. The African American Policy Forum believes that the class based argument is based on the idea that non-poor minorities do not experience racial and gender based discrimination. The AAPF believes that "Race-conscious affirmative action remains necessary to address race-based obstacles that block the path to success of countless people of color of all classes". The groups goes on to say that affirmative action is responsible for creating the African American middle class, so it does not make sense to say that the system only benefits the middle and upper classes.[12]

Opponents[13] further claim that affirmative action has undesirable side-effects and that it fails to achieve its goals. They argue that it hinders reconciliation, replaces old wrongs with new wrongs, undermines the achievements of minorities, and encourages groups to identify themselves as disadvantaged, even if they are not. It may increase racial tension and benefit the more privileged people within minority groups at the expense of the disenfranchised within majority groups (such as lower-class whites).[14] In the British 2001 Summer of Violence Riots in Oldham, Bradford, Leeds and Burnley, one of the major complaints voiced in poor white areas was alleged discrimination in council funding which favored minority areas. There has recently been a strong push among American states to ban racial or gender preferences in university admissions, in reaction to the controversial and unprecedented decision in Grutter v. Bollinger. In 2006, nearly 60% of Michigan voters decided to ban affirmative action in university admissions. Michigan joined California, Florida, Texas, and Washington in banning the use of race or sex in admissions considerations.[15] Some research has indicated that as many as 15 percent of freshmen enrolled at some of America's most selective colleges are wealthy white teens who failed to meet their institutions' minimum admissions standards, furthermore these wealthy white teens outnumber students who benefit from affirmative action.[16]

How the media portray affirmative action and affirmative action cases plays a role in how the public responds to affirmative action. There are claims that the practice is racist or sexist, or both, depending on how one defines those concepts (for instance, the offering of extra college scholarships to black students and Hispanic students (regardless of race, thus including White Hispanics) as opposed to European American or Asian American students appears overtly racist). Others believe that programs may be motivated by political considerations.

Some states aim to implement ballot measures Fall of 2008 that would eliminate affirmative action. Many of these anti-affirmative action campaigns are spearheaded by the founder of the American Civil Rights Institute, Ward Connerly.[17]


Generally affirmative action is given to minorities and disabled.

Implementation worldwide

In some countries which have laws on racial equality, affirmative action is rendered illegal by a requirement to treat all races equally. This approach of equal treatment is sometimes described as being "color blind", in hopes that it is effective against discrimination without engaging in reverse discrimination.

In such countries, the focus tends to be on ensuring equal opportunity and, for example, targeted advertising campaigns to encourage ethnic minority candidates to join the police force. This is sometimes described as "positive action" or "positive discrimination".


Asia and Oceania

See main article: Reservation in India
See also: Bumiputra



See also

  • Achievement gap
  • Affirmative action in the United States
  • Affirmative action bake sale
  • Angry white male
  • Bumiputra
  • Discrimination
  • Economic discrimination
  • Employment equity (Canada)
  • Principle-policy puzzle
  • Race and Inequality
  • Racism in the United States
  • Reservation in India
  • Reverse Discrimination
  • Teaching for social justice
  • White Guilt
  • Women's rights

Notes and references

  1. Public Administration Review[1]
  2. Hopwood v. Texas (pdf)[2]
  3. Allen Bakke v Regents of the University of California[3]
  4. Sher, George, "Preferential Hiring", in Tom Regan (ed.), Just Business: New Introductory Essays In Business Ethics, Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1983, p.40.
  5. United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. Commission on Human Rights, Economic and Social Council, 17 June 2002
  6. United Nations Committee on Human Rights, General Comment 18 on Non-discrimination, Paragraph 10
  7. Hurst, C. Social Inequality: Forms, Causes, and Consequences. Sixth Edition. 2007. 374-377.
  8. Richardson, L. Anita. "What is the Constitutional Status of Affirmative Action?: Reading Tea Leaves." Affirmative Action: A Dialogue on Race, Gender, Equality and Law in America XIII.2 (1998). 16 November 2006
  9. Ezorsky, G. (1991). Racism and justice: The case for affirmative action. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  10. Thomas Sowell Affirmative Action Around the World and Basic and Applied Economics
  11. Black America | Nearer to overcoming |
  12. "13 Myths About Affirmative Action: A Special Series on a Public Policy Under Siege". African American Policy Forum. Retrieved on 2008-03-03.
  13. American Civil Rights Institute
  14. Cultural Whiplash: Unforeseen Consequences of America's Crusade Against Racial Discrimination / Patrick Garry (2006) ISBN 1581825692
  15. "Affirmative action ban draws a challenge". The National Law Journal. Retrieved on 2008-03-03.
  16. At the elite colleges - dim white kids By Peter Schmidt. September 28, 2007. The Boston Globe.
  17. "Attacking Affirmative Action" (in English), NOW on PBS (August 29, 2008). 
  18. Indy fire-fighters sue city, charge bias
  19. Plummer, Robert. "Black Brazil Seeks a Better Future." BBC News, São Paulo 25 September 2006. 16 November 2006 <>.
  20. GNWT - Human Resources - Affirmative Action <>
  21. 2007 Graduate Student Admission Ordainment - Ministry of Education, PRC<>
  22. Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission of Guangdong Province <>
  23. Bumiputra Policy in Malaysia
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 UK Commission for Racial Equality website "Affirmative action around the world"
  25. Jean-Pierre Steinhofer: "Beur ou ordinaire" in "Armee d'Ajourd'hui, 1991.
  26. "Is there a case for positive discrimination?"
  29. Simon Wood meets the people who lost most when Mandela won in South Africa
  30. We agree that you are black, South African court tells Chinese, The Times

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