2008 Tibetan unrest

2008 Tibetan unrest
Orange refers to areas in the People's Republic of China that have been designated as Tibetan autonomous areas.

The 2008 Tibetan unrest, also known in China as the 3•14 Riots, was a series of activities undertaken to protest government policies in Tibet. The unrest began with demonstrations on March 10, 2008, the 49th anniversary of the failed uprising in 1959 in Tibet against Beijing's rule. The protests and subsequent riots began when 300 monks demanded the release of other monks detained since last fall, but soon after, political demands surfaced and the protest turned violent.[1] Tibetans attacked non-Tibetan ethnic groups. Rioting, burning and looting began on March 14.[2]

The unrest happened during the week when major local government leaders were away for the annual National People's Congress in Beijing. According to Wen Jiabao, the Premier of the People's Republic of China, attacks on non-Tibetan interests in the Tibet Autonomous Region and several other ethnic Tibetan areas occurred at about the same time as attacks on dozens of Chinese embassies and consulates.[3]

Wen Jiabao accused Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th and current Dalai Lama, of masterminding the violence,[3] while the Dalai Lama denied the accusation and said that the uprisings were caused by wide discontent in Tibet.[4] The tension between these two key players leading up to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing has drawn significant international press coverage of human rights violations in China.[5][6] The Dalai Lama claimed that he supports the Beijing Olympics, saying that it is "deserving for the Chinese people to host the Olympic Games",[7] but his envoy has called for the Chinese government to put an end to an alleged military crackdown and drop Tibet from the Olympic torch route.[8][9] On May 4, 2008, Chinese government representatives met with two personal representatives of the Dalai Lama in Shenzhen, in southern China. The two sides agreed to hold further meetings.[10] The second meeting, originally scheduled for 11 June, 2008, was postponed due to the 2008 Sichuan earthquakes,[11] and was held on 1 July, 2008.[12]

Information is scarce because Chinese authorities have restricted the ability of foreign and Hong Kong media to enter and freely report on the region,[13] with the exception of James Miles, a correspondent from The Economist, who gained approval for a week-long trip which happened to coincide with the increase in tensions.[14][2] On March 27, following a promise by premier Wen Jiabao to allow the media back in as soon as practicable, the Chinese authorities organised a controlled tour of Lhasa by foreign media.[15] Chinese authorities have also reportedly attempted to block access to several major internet media outlets, including Wikipedia, by Chinese citizens during the turmoil.[16][17]

The event fanned nationalism among ethnic Chinese inside and outside of China, who viewed the event as a means by western countries to block the “Rise of China”. Some leaders of the western countries, such as France, were in hurry to repair the rift with China caused by the event. Eventually, the leaders of almost ninety countries attended the opening or closing ceremonies of Olympics in Beijing, far more than in any previous Olympics.



The political situation in Tibet makes the area especially sensitive, but there are also a number of simmering socio-economic issues that may have led to the riots in Lhasa on March 14th. The Economist reporter James Miles, when asked if the Dalai Lama was responsible for the riots in an interview, responded that he "didn't see any evidence of any organized activity" and that "it's more likely that what we saw was yes inspired by a general desire of Tibetans both inside Tibet and among the Dalai Lama's followers, to take advantage of this Olympic year. But also inspired simply by all these festering grievances on the ground in Lhasa,"[18] and he noted in another report that "The rioting seemed to be primarily an eruption of ethnic hatred."[2] Some Tibetans also complained about social discrimination, unequal pay, and rumors that Tibetan monks had been arrested, and even killed, in the days before the riots.[19]

In recent years, many migrants from other parts of China have been moving into Lhasa and now own many of the city's small businesses. Tibetans in Lhasa are also angered by the inflation that has caused the prices of food and consumer goods to increase. Residents were worried that a railway built to link Lhasa to other areas of China would increase the number of migrants in the city, but they accepted it because the government assured them that cheaper transportation would keep prices lower. However, as in other parts of the country, prices have continued to rise, creating resentment amongst the residents of Lhasa.[2] The Tibetan youth complain about not having equal access to jobs and education.[20]

The People's Republic of China government's reclaiming of Tibet in 1951 and the failed revolt in 1959 continue to generate tensions. While recognized by most countries and the United Nations, the legitimacy of Chinese sovereignty has been questioned by advocates of Tibetan independence. However the Dalai Lama has excluded independence from consideration, while demanding autonomy within China.

The twelfth Samding Dorje Phagmo, considered to be Tibet's only female living Buddha, was quoted saying that "The sins of the Dalai Lama and his followers seriously violate the basic teachings and precepts of Buddhism and seriously damage traditional Tibetan Buddhism's normal order and good reputation." She told Xinhua that "Old Tibet was dark and cruel, the serfs lived worse than horses and cattle."[21]

Protest and violence

Violence and protests in Lhasa

Main article: 2008 Lhasa violence

Violence started in Lhasa in Tibet when police cars, fire engines and other official vehicles were set on fire after anger erupted following the police's dispersal of a peaceful demonstration near a small temple in Lhasa. Tensions in Lhasa increased as the city's three biggest monasteries were sealed off by thousands of soldiers and armed police amid the largest protests in nearly two decades. The authorities had to use tear-gas to disperse the crowds of protestors.

Gansu riots

Gansu Province

The Tibetan riots spread outside of the Tibet Autonomous Region for the first time. Demonstrations by ethnic Tibetans and monks took place in the northwest province of Gansu on Saturday, March 15, 2008.[22] The riots were centered around Gansu's Labrang Monastery, which is one of the largest Tibetan Buddhist monasteries outside of Tibet.[22] Demonstrators marched through the streets of Xiahe, a predominantly Tibetan county in Gansu which surrounds the Labrang Monastery, a region referred to by its traditional name, Amdo Golog, by Tibetans.[23] Up to 5,000 demonstrators were reportedly involved in the Gansu riots.[22] There were reports of government offices being damaged by the rioters, and police using tear gas and force to break up the demonstrations.[22] The Tibetan government-in-exile claims that 19 Tibetan rioters were shot dead on March 18, little known about the Chinese or Hui deaths.[24] China's Xinhua News Agency reported the cost of damage in Gansu at an estimated ¥230 million (US$32.7 million).[25]

Qinghai protests

Qinghai Province

Chinese authorities have reportedly arrested twelve Tibetan monks after an incident in the historic region of Rebkong, which is located in the Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai.[23] Chinese security forces have reportedly surrounded the Ditsa monastery in Bayan County.[23] Qinghai province borders Tibet and has a large Tibetan population (still known as Amdo according to Tibetans).

The Swiss Newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung publishes an account by a foreign journalist who managed to travel in the region of Xining End of March. According to the reports Tibetan teachers are receiving intimidation calls from the Public Security Bureau (PSB), passports belonging to Tibetans are confiscated to prevent traveling abroad and foreign residents are informed about their possible expulsion in case they get involved in pro-Tibetan activism. Students in the region are receiving one-sided "political teaching". Notwithstanding, Tibetan students of the Medical University of Xining have held demonstrations to express their solidarity with the demonstrators and victims in Lhasa.[26]

Sichuan riot

Main article: 2008 Sichuan riots
Sichuan Province

In Sichuan province, in an area incorporating the traditional Tibetan areas Kham and Amdo, Tibetan monks and police clashed March 16 in Ngawa county after the monks staged a protest, killing at least one policeman, and setting fire to three or four police vans. The India-based Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy claimed at least seven people were shot dead; however the claim could not be independently confirmed.[27] There are claims that police shot between 13 and 30 protesters after a police station was set on fire, however reports of deaths are impossible to verify because of the restrictions on journalists.[28]

Beijing protests

Beijing Municipality

According to Times Online, in the Central University for Nationalities in Beijing, around 100 ethnic Tibetan students organised a sit-in protest in solidarity with the protesters in Tibet. Police cordoned off the area, but did not take action against the participants, who sat silently in a circle in the center of the university campus.[29]

The Times reported that students of Tibetan ancestry at schools in Beijing are required to submit written papers specifying their feelings for the Dalai Lama, providing details of their parents, giving details of their own identity card and a written statement guaranteeing not to take part in political activities.[30]

International protests

A pro-Tibet rally outside the Chinese consulate in San Francisco, California, on March 17 2008

According to Wen Jiabao, the Premier of the People's Republic of China, attacks on between ten and twenty Chinese embassies and consulates occurred around the same time as attacks on non-Tibetan interests in the Tibet Autonomous Region and several other ethnic Tibetan areas.[3]

According to an article by Doug Saunders published in the The Globe and Mail, the protests were loosely coordinated by a group of full-time organizer hired by two umbrella groups that are loyal to the Tibetan government in exile. Documents were sent to more than 150 Tibet support groups around the world giving them detailed notes on how to behave when organizing similar disruptions as the torch makes its six-month trip around the world. This included advice on maintaining non-violence and following the Dalai Lama's opposition to Tibetan national independence (protesters were to advocate a more autonomous Tibet within China). However, many of the protests did not follow this advice.[31] However, Doug Saunders further published that the torch-relay protests have no relationship with the riots and uprisings inside Tibet.[32]

Main article: International reaction to 2008 Tibetan unrest#International protests

Casualties and fatalities

The US Congress-funded Radio Free Asia quoted witnesses who said they had seen at least two bodies on Lhasa's streets.[33]

China's state-controlled Xinhua News Agency reported early Saturday, March 15, that 10 people so far had been burned to death by rioters, including two hotel employees and two shop owners.[34] It also reported that the victims were all innocent civilians[35] and that most of them were business people.[36] It again reported on March 21, according to the Tibet regional government, 18 civilians and 1 police officer were confirmed dead by Friday night in the unrest. In addition, the number of injured civilian rose to 382 from 325, 58 of whom were critically wounded. 241 police officers were injured, 23 of whom were critically wounded. All the casualties were caused by the rioting mobs.[37]

The Associated Press reported that at a press conference on Monday, March 17, Tibet Autonomous Region governor Champa Phuntsok announced that 16 had been confirmed dead over the weekend's violence and dozens were injured.[38] Other sources published after the same press conference indicate that China put the death toll in Lhasa at 13.[39][40] The Associated Press claimed later that the Chinese government's official death toll from last week's rioting in Lhasa has risen to 22.[41] Accordingly, the death toll provided by China's official news agency Xinhua has risen to 19.[42]

Tibet's government-in-exile said on Saturday, March 15 that it had received "unconfirmed reports" of as many as 100 deaths due to the unrest in Tibet.[43] Later, the Tibetan exile government said on Sunday that it has allegedly confirmed at least 80 deaths.[44]

According to James Miles, The Economist's correspondent in Lhasa, the police fatalities included both Tibetans and the ethnic Han Chinese who were the target of much of the violence. Qiangba Puncog, the head of Tibet's regional government, said that Chinese police did not fire their guns or use anti-personnel weapons against the Tibetan protesters, even though the Tibetans wounded 61 police officers, including six in serious condition,[45] and the Beijing-backed Tibetan regional government reported that 13 innocent civilians have been killed by mobs.[46]

According to a news source affiliated with a Tibetan exile group, People's Armed Police have blocked off water, electricity, food and health facilities in Sera, Drepung and Ganden monasteries and others active in the demonstrations. As a consequence, monks are suffering starvation, and on March 25 one monk reportedly died from starvation at Ramoche Temple[47].[48][49]

On March 28, IHT reported 5 shopgirls were burned alive when the rioters torched Yishion clothing store they worked at.[50]

Yang Dongmei, 24; He Xinxin, 20; Chen Jia, 19; Liu Yan, 22; Cirenzhuoga, 21

The IHT article noted Cirenzhuoga was Tibetan.

Jamyang Kyi, a prominent Tibetan television broadcaster, intellectual and popular singer was arrested on April 1 2008 by the Chinese police suggesting that the government crackdown after the disturbances in and around Tibet has yet to run its course.[51]

On April 5, the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) stated that the Chinese authorities arrested over 2,300 Tibetans from various parts of Tibet.[52] According to the Tibetan Government in Exile, more than 140 people were killed in the crackdown on recent unrest.[53]

April 18, in an interview to Canadian journalists, it was reported that the Dalai Lama said according to him, since the beginning of the demonstrations with Tibet, at least 400 people were killed and out of the thousands of others arrested..[54]

The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy reported that a Tibetan woman, 38, who was involved in peaceful protests on 16 and 17 March 2008 in Ngaba County, died after she was tortured in Chinese prison. Following her release, the government hospital, that might have been influence of the local Chinese authorities, refused to admit her.[55]

Media coverage

Initially, Chinese officials tried to contain information about the unrest and play down protests. According to The Guardian correspondent Tania Branigan, the government has blocked foreign broadcasters and websites and denied journalists access to areas of unrest. Video sharing websites like YouTube, the entire The Guardian website, portions of the Yahoo! portal, and sections of The Times website had been restricted.[56]

In European and US newspapers and TV, oppression of Tibetans was reported with inaccuracy and little independent cross-checking. Chinese newspaper China Daily reported that there has been bias in Western media's coverage of the rioting in Tibet, including deliberate mispresentation of the situation. The newspaper pointed out Western media sources such as Washington Post used pictures of baton-wielding Nepalese police in clashes with Tibetan protesters in Kathmandu, claiming that the officers were Chinese. The article stated that Chinese netizens across Beijing were angered by what they saw "biased and sometimes dishonest" reporting by Western media.[57] There was also criticism of CNN's use of a particular cropped picture. John Vause, who reported this story, responded to the criticism saying "...technically it was impossible to include the crashed car on the left",[58] however CNN later replaced the image with one that was cropped differently. On March 24 2008, the German TV news channel RTL disclosed that one photograph depicting rioters had been erroneously captioned. Separately, another German station, n-tv, admitted that it had mistakenly aired footage from Nepal during a story on Chinese riots.[59] AFP further reported that Chinese students abroad have set up a website, namely Anti-CNN, to collect evidence of "one-sided and untrue" foreign reporting. Media companies accused of "falsified reporting" include CNN, FOX, the Times Online, Sky News, Spiegel Online and the BBC. Spiegel Online has rejected the accusations in an article.[60][61] As of June 02, 2008, none of the media has given any graphic proof of a "heavy crackdown" by the military as what was reported with those miscaptioned or cropped pictures. According to New York Times, CNN apologized on May 18 over some comments made on April 9th.[62]

China's downplaying of the event soon ended. Riots against non-Tibetans began on Friday, March 14. Chinese TV channels aired hours of anti-Chinese riots in Lhasa and the aftermath. Employees at the state television service CCTV's English service were instructed to keep broadcasting footage of burned-out shops and Chinese wounded in attacks. As of March 18, 2008, No footages of demonstrators acting peacefully were shown.[63] China's Communist Party newspaper, the People's Daily, called on the government to "resolutely crush the 'Tibet independence' forces' conspiracy and sabotaging activities".[64][41] The People's Daily also accused the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration of orchestrating the protests in its commentary.[41] Yahoo! China have published "most wanted" poster across its homepage to help China police to catch 24 Tibetans. MSN! China has published the same list as well.[65]

To counteract what the Chinese government called biased Western reporting on the crisis, foreign journalists were allowed to access the region again.[66][67] Agence France-Presse (AFP) and Deutsche Welle (DW) reported that the Chinese government has allowed a small group of foreign journalists on a tour of Tibet. These reporters includes those from the American Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Britain's Financial Times, Japan's Kyodo News Agency, KBS of South Korea, and Arab broadcaster Al-Jazeera..[68] However, on March 27 in Lhasa, a riot by a group of monks from the Jokhang Monastery disrupted a media tour organised by Chinese authorities through Lhasa. The tour was the first opportunity given to selected foreign journalists to enter Tibet after the de facto ban on foreign reporters.[69] The delegation was composed of journalists from the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, USA Today, the Arabic news station Al-Jazeera and the Associated Press. The journalists were selected by the Chinese authorities and were kept under close control while in Lhasa. The authorities blamed the limited number of journalists permitted to attend and the restrictions on their movement on logistic considerations.[70] The Taiwanese media, who were also invited on the tour, reported that the monks, speaking in Tibetan and Chinese, could not make themselves understood to the foreign media, such as the Associated Press. Turning to the Taiwanese reporters, the monks told them that they had been locked down in the temple even though they did not participate in the riots, that monks had been beaten and killed in the unrest, and that the monks and worshippers seen going about the monastery were imposters planted by the Chinese authorities. They said that they merely wanted freedom, and implored the foreign media to report the truth. The vice-chairman of the Tibetan Autnomous Region subsequently admitted that the monks had been locked inside the monastery, but explained that they were locked down pending police interviews in relation to the riots, and that once interviewed they were released. He denied "arranging" the worshippers and monks in the monastery, saying that there were far too many people for it to be possible to "arrange". He also promised that the monks involved in the protest would be "dealt with" according to law.[71][72] The Tibetan activist group International Campaign for Tibet stated on March 28 2008 that it feared for the welfare and whereabouts of the monks involved in the protest -- Sera Monastery, Drepung Monastery, Ganden Monastery and Ramoche Temple.[73] The group did not explain why it identified four monasteries when the protest involved only monks from Jokhang. The vice-governor of Tibet, Baima Chilin, later told reporters the monks would not be punished.[74]

People's Republic of China response

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao blamed supporters of the Dalai Lama for the recent violence in Tibet. "There is ample fact and we also have plenty of evidence proving that this incident was organised, premeditated, masterminded and incited by the Dalai clique," said the Premier;[75] however, the young generation of Tibetans are dissatisfied with the Dalai Lama's insistence on peaceful protest, revealing deep divisions within the Tibetan community.[76] The Dalai Lama denied any involvement in the events,[77] April 1 2008, the Chinese government escalated its accusation against supporters of the Dalai Lama, accusing them of planning suicide attacks. The prime minister of the Tibetan government-in-exile, Samdhong Rinpoche, denied these allegations, saying "Tibetan exiles are 100 percent committed to nonviolence. There is no question of suicide attacks. But we fear that Chinese might masquerade as Tibetans and plan such attacks to give bad publicity to Tibetans".[78]

On March 31, 2008, the PRC state-owned news agency Xinhua published what it claimed to be an account of the process by which the Dalai Lama allegedly orchestrated the riots. Key claims include that five groups associated with the Government-in-Exile recruited agents for the "Tibetan People's Great Uprising" in India in February; that 101 agents sent from Dharamsala were instrumental in organising the protests and riots; that the Government-in-Exile directly funded the protests; and that the Tibetan Youth Congress intends to conduct an armed guerilla campaign in China.[79]

The West Australian reported that Chinese forces claim to have found semi-automatic firearms hidden throughout a temple in Ngawa prefecture, in an ethnic Tibetan area of southwestern China which has been the scene of anti-Chinese riots in recent weeks.[80][81] Police officers told state televison that "they were modified semi-automatic weapons."[80]

Riot actions

The People's Republic of China responded by deploying the People's Armed Police. The BBC reported seeing over 400 troop carriers mobilizing into Tibet,[82] which would represent a deployment of up to 4,000 troops. The Chinese authorities have ordered all Hong Kong and foreign journalists to leave Lhasa.[83] According to General Yang Deping, regular military troops from the People's Liberation Army were not deployed.[84]

Chinese authorities are also reportedly concerned that the Tibetan protests could "embolden activists in restive Xinjiang province" to organise street protests as well.[23] The Chinese-backed Panchen Lama, Qoigyijabu, condemned the unrest, saying "the rioters' acts not only harmed the interests of the nation and the people, but also violated the aim of Buddhism. We resolutely oppose all activities to split the country and undermine ethnic unity. We strongly condemn the crime of a tiny number of people to hurt the lives and properties of the people."[85] (While Qoigyijabu is popular with worshipers when conducting ceremonies in Tibet,[86] some reports suggest that many Tibetans accept the Dalai Lama-identified candidate as the 11th Panchen Lama instead.[87]

In addition to sealing off monasteries, an eyewitness at Sera Monastery identified as John claimed, "They were grabbing monks, kicking and beating them".[88] In Ngawa county, Sichuan, police fired at the crowd after the rioters had burned down government buildings including the local police station, destroyed public and private vehicles including police cars, stabbed police officers with swords, and finally attempted to take firearms from the police, and after the police fired warning shots to no avail.[89] The government claimed that the police acted in self-defense. According to the Chinese government, four protesters were wounded. In contrast, Tibetan activists have claimed that at least eight people were killed during the demonstration.[90]

PRC and Dalai Lama dialogues

On March 19 2008 Premier Wen Jiabao condemned the Dalai Lama's alleged role in the riot, but said the door for dialogue remained open if he renounced Tibetan independence,[91] and if he "recognizes Tibet and Taiwan as inalienable parts of the Chinese territory."[92] The Dalai Lama has repeatedly stated he seeks autonomy, not independence, citing the need for Tibet to develop as a modern nation which can only happen if Tibet remains part of China.[93]

In an interview with Newsweek on March 20 2008, the Dalai Lama claimed that up until 1959, the Tibetan attitude toward the Han Chinese was affectionate. He also said that the Chinese communists became more aggressive and more harsh, and that at times Tibetans complained about the "Bad Communists", but never "Bad Chinese".[94] He said he hoped for a better relationship between Tibetans and Chinese, and admitted the relationship in the past has been difficult.[94] The Dalai Lama also revealed that he had received messages from top senior officials within the Chinese Communist Party, hoping for better dialogue.[94]

On May 4, 2008, two representatives of the PRC government, Zhu Weiqun and Sitar met with two representatives of the Dalai Lama, Lodi Gyari and Kelsang Gyaltsen, in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen. The two sides exchanged views and agreed that a further round of talks should be held at an appropriate time.[10] Plans for the meeting had been announced by the Xinhua News Agency on April 25, 2008[95] and was confirmed by the Dalai Lama's spokesman.[96]

This was the first high-level dialogue between the Dalai Lama's representatives and the PRC government since the March unrest, and was the continuation of a series of talks between the Chinese government and the Dalai Lama's representatives, including his immediate family and close aides.[97][98] During the Shenzhen meeting, a second meeting was scheduled for 11 June, 2008. However, due to the 2008 Sichuan earthquakes, the two sides have agreed to postpone the meeting.[11] The second meeting was held on 1 July, 2008.[12]

The Tibetan diplomat Lodi Gyari stated October 8 at the Asia Society in New York that "If the issue is not resolved, then I'm afraid a section of the Tibetans will resort into violence." The Dalai Lama is proposing to accept a role for Communist party and socialism in Tibetan areas, an idea which is not popular among Tibetans because of resentment. "But when His Holiness makes such a pronouncement there is not strong opposition to that. This clearly shows how strong, how deep the reverence [is for the Dalai Lama]. If the Chinese want to find a solution, this is the time, because they have a person they can deal with". Lodi Gyari will present ideas on how the Tibetans see autonomy at the next and eighth round of talks.[99]

International reaction

Main article: International reaction to 2008 Tibetan unrest

Aftermath and appraisal

According to the People's Daily, as of March 24, order has returned to some affected areas in Sichuan Province, as schools, shops and restaurants reopen to the public.[100]

On March 26, a small group of foreign journalists was taken by bus into Tibet, in a move that appears calculated to bolster government claims that authorities are in control and that the protests which began peacefully were acts of destruction and murder. The heavily armed police presence indicates Lhasa remains under lockdown. Reporters were guided to burned streets in Lhasa hung with a red banner that reads "Construct a Harmonious Society," a catchphrase from the Chinese president's efforts to deal with social unrest created by an increasing gap between an urban middle class and the poor.[68] The Dalai Lama called the trip "a first step," provided that reporters were given complete freedom.

The US State Department issued a warning to US Citizens on March 20, to those who are attending the Beijing Olympics, that "'Americans' conversations and telephones could be monitored and their rooms could be searched without their knowledge or consent."[101][102]

Possible Olympic boycott

According to International Olympic Committee vice-president Thomas Bach, some athletes were considering boycotting the 2008 Summer Olympics in August over the crackdown in Tibet.[103] He said that he understood their concerns but advised the athletes to still compete. "They will realize when they assess the situation that it is better to make an appearance than to stay away. That is a symbol that will be noticed by the public," he said. European Union members and the Olympic Committees voiced opposition to a boycott of the Beijing Games over China's handling of the Tibet protests, saying sports should not be linked to politics. Patrick Hickey, the head of the European Olympic Committees, said in an interview with the Associated Press. "Under no circumstance will we support the boycott. We are 100 percent unanimous. Not one government leader has called for a boycott. A boycott is only a punishment of the athletes."[104] Australia's Olympic Committee have also objected,[104] and, to date, no foreign governments have called for one.[105] The French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner did not rule out the idea of a "mini-boycott" in a first moment.[106][107] However, in a second moment he backtracked describing it as being "unrealistic" given the importance of the economic relations with China.[108] On Tuesday, he stated his boycott of the opening ceremony would depend on China's actions in the interim. Belgian Vice Premier Didier Reynders has also not excluded a boycott of the opening ceremony.[109][110]

The 14th Dalai Lama himself reiterated that he was against any boycott, saying Chinese people should not be blamed for the situation in his homeland. He said Beijing needs to be "reminded to be a good host" of the Summer Games.[111]

The Olympic torch was lit in Greece on March 24 despite a protest from media rights group Reporters Without Borders who broke through a cordon of 1,000 police officers.[112] Tibet protestors now plan to dog the Olympic torch throughout its journey across the globe.[113]

Many Beijing Olympic sponsors are now facing pressure including Lenovo, Coca-Cola, Samsung, and McDonalds.[114] The unrest is being compared to sponsor boycotts of the 1996 Atlanta games over Southern U.S. homophobic culture,[115] as well as the 2000 Sydney games over Australian aboriginal rights.

Kenya's Nobel Peace laureate, Wangari Maathai, has withdraw from the Olympic torch relay in Tanzania for human rights concerns in Tibet.[116]

By the end of July 2008, the leaders of more than eighty countries had decided to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, more than in any of the preceeding Olympics. The safety of these leaders worldwide becomes a tough test for the Chinese government. Beijing is in high security, but some Beijing residents have complained that this will make the Olympics less entertaining.

Other government actions

Though the Olympics went ahead as scheduled, the Chinese government canceled a major international anthropology conference of the ICAES scheduled for July in the city of Kunming in Yunnan province.[136]

See also


  1. "10 dead in violent protests in Tibet capital", USA Today (2008-03-28). Retrieved on 2008-04-05. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 "Fire on the roof of the world", The Economist (14 March 2008). Retrieved on 2008-03-19. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 "温总促达赖停止西藏暴力 (Premier: ample facts prove Dalai's role in Lhasa riot, door of dialogue still open)", Wen Wei Po (31 March 2008). Retrieved on 2008-03-31. 
  4. Dalai Lama Calls Again For Crackdown Probe
  5. "Chinese police open fire on protesters" (in English), United Press International (04 April 2008). Retrieved on 2008-04-04. 
  6. Beck, Lindsay (24 January 2008). "China and Dalai Lama face off over Tibet unrest" (in English), Reuters. Retrieved on 2008-03-18. 
  7. "Dalai Lama backs Olympics, says violence outdated". Reuters (2008-04-10). Retrieved on 2008-04-12.
  8. "China urged to drop Tibet from Olympic torch route" (in English), Agence_France-Presse (4 April 2008). Retrieved on 2008-04-04. 
  9. Pradesh, Himachal (4 April 2008). "Dalai Lama calls for more global pressure on China" (in English), Sify News. Retrieved on 2008-04-04. 
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  116. Nobel laureate Maathai withdraws from Olympic torch relay
  117. IOC's Rogge says he hopes for 'peaceful resolution' in Tibet. April 9, 2008
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  119. Rogge meets with Chinese premier. Yahoo! News. April 9, 2008
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  133. "Brown will not attend Beijing opening ceremony", guardian.co.uk (2008-04-09). Retrieved on 2008-04-09. 
  134. "Cameron Olympic 'dithering'claim", news.bbc.co.uk (2008-04-10). Retrieved on 2008-04-09. 
  135. "U.S. Lawmaker's Bill Says Bush Should Shun Beijing Olympics", Bloomberg (2008-04-02). Retrieved on 2008-04-02. 
  136. Minutes of the IUAES Executive Council meeting, July 17-18, http://www.leidenuniv.nl/fsw/iuaes/10-04-kunmingcongress.htm, retrieved on 2008-10-07 

Further reading

External links