1982 Lebanon War

1982 Lebanon War
(Israel-Lebanon conflict)
Map of Lebanon.png
Map of modern Lebanon
Date June - September 1982
Location Southern Lebanon
Result Results of conflict:
  • PLO withdrawal (1982)
  • Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon (1982–1985)
  • Israeli Security Zone and the SLA (1985–2000)
  • South Lebanon conflict (1982-2000)
  • Syrian de facto occupation of Lebanon (1976–2005)
  • Hezbollah control of southern Lebanon and southern Beirut (1980s–present)
Coalition: Syrian and islamic forces:
Menachem Begin (Prime Minister)
Ariel Sharon, (Ministry of Defence)
Rafael Eitan, (CoS)
Yasser Arafat
76,000 troops
800 tanks
1,500 APCs
634 aircraft
22,000 troops
352 tanks
300 APCs
450 aircraft
300 major artillery
225 anti-aircraft (100 guns 125 SAM)
15,000 troops
300 tanks
150 APCs
350+ major artillery
250+ anti-aircraft
Casualties and losses
Killed: 675
Wounded: unknown
Killed: ~9,798 (Syrian & PLO)
Wounded: unknown

The 1982 Lebanon War (Hebrew: מלחמת לבנון‎, Milhemet Levanon), (Arabic: الإجتياح‎, Al-Ijtīāḥ, "the invasion"), called by Israel the Operation Peace of the Galilee (Hebrew: מבצע שלום הגליל, or מבצע של"ג Mivtsa Shlom HaGalil or Mivtsa Sheleg‎), and later colloquially also known in Israel as the First Lebanon War, began on 6 June 1982, when the Israel Defense Forces invaded southern Lebanon. The Government of Israel ordered the invasion as a response to the assassination attempt against Israel's ambassador to the United Kingdom, Shlomo Argov, by the Abu Nidal Organization.

After attacking the PLO, as well as Syrian and Muslim Lebanese forces, Israel occupied southern Lebanon. Surrounded in West Beirut and subjected to heavy bombardment, the PLO and the Syrian forces negotiated passage from Lebanon with the aid of international peacekeepers.



Main article: Israel-Lebanon conflict

After the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict, Lebanon became home to more than 110,000 Palestinian refugees from their homes in present day Israel. The large influx of Palestinians from Jordan after “Black September” caused an imbalance within Lebanese society and democratic institutions.[1][2] By 1975, they numbered more than 300,000, effectively creating an unofficial state-within-a-state in Southern Lebanon. The PLO became a powerful force and played an important role in the Lebanese Civil War. Continual violence occurred between Israel and the PLO from 1968, which had last peaked in Operation Litani. With the signing of the Israel/Egyptian peace treaty in 1979 the Likud Government of Israel hardened it's attitude to the Arab world and became more aggressive.[3]

Precursors to war

On 10 July 1981, violence erupted in South Lebanon and Northern Israel. Violence escalated with a series of PLO attacks and Israeli reprisals. Finally, the United States helped broker a cease­fire agreement in July 1981. Israel charged repeated violations of the ceasefire, and the PLO responded with charges of their own. The PLO killed on July 15 three Israelis and wounding twenty five in Kiryat Shmona and Nahariya. On July 17, the Israel Air Force launched a massive attack on PLO buildings in downtown Beirut. "Perhaps as many as three hundred civilians died, and eight hundred wounded, the great majority of them civilians."[4] The Israeli army targeted also heavily PLO positions in south Lebanon without succeeding in silencing Palestinian rocket launchers and guns. The strategy of the PLO, and that of Hizbollah later, which consisted in widely dispersing artillery and ammunition stockpiles, largely neutralized the far more powerful Israeli aircraft and artillery, and thousands of Israeli border settlers headed south. On 24 July 1981, United States envoy Philip Habib brokered a ceasefire badly needed by both parties. Between July 1981 and June 1982, the Lebanese-Israeli border "enjoyed a state of calm unprecedented since 1968."[5]

Al Haig's report to US president Ronald Reagan on Saturday 30 January 1982, shows that Al Haig feared that the Israelis may, at the slightest provocation, start a war against Lebanon.[6] The freedom of movement of UNIFIL personnel and UNTSO observers within the enclave remained restricted due to the actions of Amal and the South Lebanon Army under major Saad Haddad's leadership with the backing of Israeli military forces.[7] On 21 April 1982, after a land mine killed an Israeli officer while visiting a South Lebanese Army gun emplacement in Taibe, Lebanon, the Israeli Air Force attacked the Palestinian-controlled coastal town of Damour, killing 23 people.[8] On 9 May, Israeli aircraft again attacked targets in Lebanon. Later that same day, UNIFIL observed the firing of rockets from Palestinian positions in the Tyre region into northern Israel, but none of the projectiles hit an israeli settlement[9] the gunners had been ordered to miss.[10] Major-General Erskine (Ghana), Chief of Staff of UNTSO reported to the Secretary-General and the Security Council (S/14789, S/15194) that from August 1981 to May 1982, inclusive, there were 2096 violations of Lebanese airspace and 652 violations of Lebanese territorial waters (Chomsky, 1999, p. 195; Cobban, 1984, p. 112).[7]

International reaction

U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim noted: "After several weeks of relative quiet in the area, a new cycle of violence has begun and has, in the past week, steadily intensified." He further stated: "There have been heavy civilian casualties in Lebanon; there have been civilian casualties in Israel as well. I deeply deplore the extensive human suffering caused by these developments." The President of the U.N. Security Council, Ide Oumarou of Niger, expressed "deep concern at the extent of the loss of life and the scale of the destruction caused by the deplorable events that have been taking place for several days in Lebanon".[11][12] Haig critics have accused him of "greenlighting" the Israeli Invasion of Lebanon in June of 1982. Haig denies this and says he urged restraint.[13] The American reaction was that they would not apply any undue pressure on Israel to quit Lebanon as the Israeli presence in Lebanon may prove to be a catalyst for the disparate groups of Lebanon to make common cause against both Syrian and Israeli forces. Haig's analysis, which Ronald Reagan agreed with, was that recombining of Lebanese groups would allowing President Elias Sarkis to reform the Lebanese central Government and give the Palestinian refugees Lebanese citizenship.[14]

Palestinian and Lebanese forces

Lebanese Army APC, Beirut 1982

Lebanese national army unit of 1,350 were under the operational control of the UNIFIL commander, HQ located at Arzun with sub-units attached to UNIFIL Battalions.[7] The Palestinian forces continued to grow in Lebanon with full-time military personnel numbering around 15,000, although only 6,000 of these, including 4,500 regulars, were deployed in the south. They were armed with 60 aging tanks, many of which were no longer mobile, and 100 to 200 pieces of artillery (Sayigh, 1999, p. 524). According to Israeli analysts Schiff and Ya'ari (1984), the PLO more than tripled its artillery from 80 cannons and rocket launchers in July 1981 to 250 in June 1982.[15] The same authors also refer to Israeli intelligence estimates of the number of PLO fighters in southern Lebanon of 6,000 as "divided into three concentrations; about 1,500 south of the Litani River in the so-called Iron Triangle (between the villages of Kana, Dir Amas, and Juya), Tyre, and its surrounding refugee camps; another 2,500 of the Kastel Brigade in three districts between the Litani and a line running from Sidon to northeast of Nabatiye; and a third large concentration of about 1,500-2,000 men of the Karameh Brigade in the east, on the slopes of Mount Hermon".[16]

Israeli casus belli

One of the reasons for the invasion, according to Sheldon L. Richman was "the discrediting and destruction of the PLO, which, by June 1982, had observed its cease-fire with Israel for about a year and had been pursuing a diplomatic strategy."[17]. Despite the PLO having observed the ceasefire, Israel continued looking for the "internationally recognized provocation" that Secretary of State Alexander Haig said would be necessary to obtain American support for an Israeli invasion of Lebanon.[18] On 3 April 1982 Israeli diplomat, Mr. Yacov Bar-Simantov was assassinated by the "Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Fraction", this incident was blamed on the PLO by Israel.[19] On June 3, 1982, an anti-Arafat splinter group which was not a part of the PLO and was headed by Abu Nidal paralyzed Israeli diplomat Shlomo Argov in an assassination attempt in London, providing Israel with the "provocation" it needed to justify an attack. Prime Minister Menachem Begin had been informed by Israeli intelligence that the PLO was not involved in the attack on Argov, but withheld this information from his Cabinet.[20] Rafael Eitan, who was then the Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, responded to the aforementioned information in his famous saying: "Abu Nidal, Abu Shmidal. I don't know, we need to screw the PLO."[21] In late 1981, Begin compared Arafat to Adolf Hitler, telling a high-ranking Israeli general at the Waldorf-Astoria, "I want to see Arafat in his Bunker!".[22]


An aerial view of the stadium used as an ammunition supply site for the PLO after Israeli airstrikes in 1982.


On 6 June 1982, Israeli forces under direction of Defense Minister Ariel Sharon invaded southern Lebanon in "Operation Peace of the Galilee".

Course of the fighting

Main article: Siege of Beirut
Israeli troops in South Lebanon, June, 1982

Israel's publicly stated objective was to push PLO forces back 40 kilometers to the north. Israeli forces soon reached that target but were determined to drive the PLO from southern Lebanon.[23] Tyre and Sidon (major cities in South Lebanon, still within the 40 kilometer limit) were heavily damaged, and the Lebanese capital Beirut was shelled for ten weeks, killing both PLO members and civilians.

The Israeli Air Force shot down 86 Syrian aircraft, with no air combat losses of its own. This was the largest combat of the jet age with 150 fighters from both sides.[24] It also performed ground attacks, notably destroying the majority of Syrian anti-aircraft batteries stationed in Lebanon. AH-1 Cobra helicopter gunships were used widely against Syrian armor and fortifications. The IAF Cobras destroyed dozens of Syrian armored fighting vehicles, including some of the modern Soviet T-72 main battle tanks.

An agreement was reached later in 1982, and American, French, and Italian peacekeepers, known as the Multinational Force in Lebanon, sent more than 14,000 PLO combatants out of the country in August and September. About 6,500 Fatah fighters sailed from Beirut to Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, both North and South Yemen, Greece, and Tunisia — the latter of which became the new PLO headquarters.[25] Philip Habib, Ronald Reagan's envoy to Lebanon, provided an undertaking (i.e., assurance) to the PLO that the Palestinian civilians in the refugee camps would not be harmed. However, the United States Marines left West Beirut two weeks before the end of their official mandate following the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing.

On 14 September 1982, Bashir Gemayel, the newly appointed President of Lebanon, was assassinated. Israeli forces occupied West Beirut the next day, in violation of the Habib agreement. At that time, the Lebanese Christian Militia, also known as the Phalangists, were allied with Israel.[26] The Israeli command authorized the entrance of a force of approximately 150 Phalangist fighters' into the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, claiming there was a remaining force of approximately "2000 PLO terrorists" in the camps.[27][26] The result was a massacre of at least 800 civilians by the Phalangists, who themselves suffered only two casualties. Meanwhile, Israeli troops surrounded the camps with tanks and checkpoints, monitoring entrances and exits.[26] Further Israeli investigation by the Kahan Commission of Inquiry found that Ariel Sharon was indirectly responsible for failing to prevent the massacre, leading to his resignation as Israel's Defense Minister.[26]

Outcome of the war


It is estimated that around 17,825 Lebanese were killed during the war, with differing estimates of the proportion of civilians killed. Beirut newspaper An Nahar estimated that 5,515 people, both military and civilian, were killed in the Beirut area only during the conflict, while 9,797 military personnel (PLO, Syrian, and others) and 2,513 civilians were killed outside of the Beirut area.[28] Approximately 675 Israeli soldiers were killed.

The security buffer zone

In September 1982, the PLO withdrew most of its forces from Lebanon. With U.S. assistance, Israel and Lebanon reached an accord in May 1983 that set the stage to withdraw Israeli forces from Lebanon while letting them patrol a "security zone" together with the Lebanese Army.

The instruments of ratification were never exchanged, however, and in March 1984, under pressure from Syria, Lebanon canceled the agreement.

In January 1985, Israel started to withdraw most of its troops, leaving a small residual Israeli force and an Israeli-supported militia in southern Lebanon in a "security zone", which Israel considered a necessary buffer against attacks on its northern territory. The Israeli withdrawal to the security zone ended in June 1985.

Political results

In the voting in the Knesset on the war, only Hadash opposed the war (and even submitted a no-confidence motion against the Israeli government). Hadash Knesset member Meir Vilner said in the Knesset plenary session that: "The government is leading Israel to an abyss. It is doing something that in the course of time might lead to crying for generations." In response, they were condemned, and calls were heard, among others from the editor of Yediot Ahronoth, to prosecute them for treason. Left-wing Knesset members, including Shulamit Aloni and Yossi Sarid, were absent from the plenary for the vote. Even the Labour faction voted in support. By mid January 1983 Rabin was saying that the Israeli attempt to impose a peace agreement on Lebanon by the use of force was a "mistake" based upon an "illusion".[29]

Syria backed the anti-Arafat PLO forces of Abu Musa in the Beka valley from May 1983. When Arafat castigated the Syrian government for blocking PLO supplies in June 1983 the Syrian government declared Arafat a persona non grata on the 24 June 1983.[30]

With the withdrawal of the PLO leadership from Tripoli in December 1983 there was a Egyptian-PLO rapprochement, this was found to be encouraging by the Reagan administration but was condemned by the Israeli government.[31]

But heavy Israeli casualties, alleged disinformation of Israeli government leaders and the Israeli public by Israeli military and political advocates of the campaign, and lack of clear goals led to increasing disquiet among Israelis. This culminated in a large protest rally in Tel Aviv, organized by the Peace Now movement, following the 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre. Organizers claimed 400,000 people participated in the rally, and it became known as the "400,000 rally". Other estimates put the figure much lower.[32]

In addition, it has been noted that the US Embassy bombing on 18 April 1983 and the bombing of the United States Marine barracks in Lebanon on 23 October 1983 were forerunners of the kinds of asymmetrical warfare experienced with increasing frequency in later decades. Such attacks revealed the limited utility of overwhelming superiority of conventional forces in providing immunity from highly visible losses when attackers operate anonymously from the midst of noncombatant populations which the leadership of those conventional forces are unwilling to destroy.

In 2000, when Ehud Barak was Israeli Prime Minister, Israel finally withdrew from the security zone to behind the Blue Line. Lebanon and Hezbollah continue to claim a small area called Shebaa Farms as Lebanese territory, but Israel insists that it is captured Syrian territory with the same status as the Golan Heights. The United Nations has not determined the final status of Shebaa Farms but has determined that Israel has complied with UNSC resolution 425. The UN Secretary-General had concluded that, as of 16 June 2000, Israel had withdrawn its forces from Lebanon in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 425 of 1978, bringing closure to the 1982 invasion as far as the UN was concerned.[33]


The 1982 Lebanon War had a number of lasting consequences:


  1. Kissinger, Henry (1999) Years of Renewal Phoenix press ISBN 1-84212-042-5 p 1022 "I think with sadness of these civilized men who in a turbulent part of the world had fashioned a democratic society based on genuine mutual respect of religion. Their achievement did not survive. The passions sweeping the area were too powerful to be contained by subtle constitutional arrangements. As it had attempted in Jordan, the Palestinian movement wrecked the delicate balance of Lebanon’s stability. Before the peace process could run its course, Lebanon was torn apart. Over its prostrate body of writing all the factions and forces of the Middle East still chase their eternal dreams and act out their perennial nightmares."
  2. "Black September in Jordan 1970-1971". Armed Conflict Events Database (December 2000). Retrieved on 15 September, 2006.
  3. Shlaim, Avi (2007), Lion of Jordan; The life of King Hussein in War and Peace Allen Lane ISBN 978-0-713-99777-4 p 412
  4. Benny Morris, Righteous Victims,ISBN 0-679-74475-4, p507
  5. Benny Morris, Righteous Victims,ISBN 0-679-74475-4
  6. Ronald Reagan edited by Douglas Brinkley (2007) The Reagan Diaries Harper Collins ISBN 978-0-06-0876005 p 66 Saturday, January 30
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 UN Doc S/15194 of 10 June 1982 Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
  8. Robert Fisk (2001)Pity the Nation: Lebanon at War By Oxford University Press, ISBN 0192801309, and ISBN 9780192801302 p 194
  9. New York Times, april 4, 1982
  10. Benny Morris, Righteous Victims,ISBN 0-679-74475-4, p507
  11. UN Doc S/PV.2292 of 17 July 1981
  12. Sharon's war crimes in Lebanon: the record
  13. "Time Magazine: Alexander Haig".
  14. Reagan, Ronald (2007) The Reagan Diaries edited by Douglas Brinkley Harper Collins ISBN 978-0-06-0876005 pp 87-90
  15. pp. 83-84
  16. pp. 134-135
  17. Cato Institute "Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention, Sheldon L. Richman,
  18. Error and Betrayal in Lebanon, George W. Ball, 35.
  19. UN Doc S/14951 Letter Dated 3 April 1982 From The Charge D 'Affaires (Aryeh Levin) A.I. of the Permanent Mission of Israel to The United Nations Addressed to the President of the Security Council
  20. Gilbert, 1998, p. 503
  21. Asia Times (March 11, 2008) Iran shifts focus fully on Iraq. Retrieved June 30, 2008.
  22. Schiff & Yaari (1984), p. 39
  23. Lebanon 1982: The Imbalance Of Political Ends And Military Means
  24. RealClearPolitics - Articles - Israel's Lost Moment
  25. BBC ON THIS DAY | 30 | 1982: PLO leader forced from Beirut
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 Flashback: Sabra and Shatila massacres, BBC
  27. What happened at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in 1982?
  28. Twentieth Century Atlas - Death Tolls and Casualty Statistics for Wars, Dictatorships and Genocides
  29. American Jewish Committee Archives American Jewish Yearbook 1985. p 260
  30. American Jewish Committee Archives American Jewish Yearbook 1985. p 126
  31. American Jewish Committee Archives American Jewish Yearbook 1985. p 130
  32. http://www.ameu.org/page.asp?iid=266&aid=576&pg=3
  33. UN Press release SC/6878 of 18 Jun 2000; Security Council Endorses Secretary-General’s Conclusion On Israeli Withdrawal From Lebanon as of 16 June
  34. E/CN.4/2000/22/Add.1 of 3 March 2000
  35. Osama Bin Laden Warns America , Terror Leader Admits For First Time That He Ordered 9/11 Attacks - CBS News


See also

External links