
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Who is this Zulugrid fellow, you ask? Well for starters, you have the capitilization wrong. It is either zULuGriD or zulugrid. But I left it at the default because I am lazy. Also feel free to call me z, but never ever capitalize it!

Anyways, I'm basically just your average person, except I have no qualifications to speak of other than a basic common sense that most people seem to be lacking nowadays. I guess it'd be better referred to as a basic uncommon sense. But whatever.

I'm an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My main interests on Wikipedia involve improving and adding articles related to my religion. So far it has been quite entertaining, with the exception of a few antichrists who feel the need to attack other people's religions when you haven't even a clue about your own.

Yes, those who go around bashing other religions are antichrists! Look at the definition and follow the logic: "An enemy of Christ." Since Christ taught to love thy neighbor as thyself, and these people are obviously not loving anybody but themselves, they are inherently enemies of Christ and thus antichrists. So :oP

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Bold indicates articles that I frequently monitor and participate in improving. Italics indicate articles that I started and, obviously, monitor and participate in frequently.