
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] Zsmall3687

This user page has been created at the request of Howard Welser for a sociological experiment.

This was the first edit I made to The Wiki. I was the first one to do that. Our original plan was that I would take what people wrote out and then I would simply put it on the Wiki for everyone so they wouldn't have to deal with it. After a few people didn't send me their stuff on time and one person sent it as a Jpeg and expected me to retyped their whole thing we scratched that idea. But here is my original edit. I reworded Jennas paragraph she sent and worked into into the article. Then I copied and pasted her 6 dimesnions directly.

Here are my other 4 edits. Alot of it was figuring out what I needed to do to make the lists appear correctly but also I had to add in some of the groups Citations at the bottom of the page.