Zoltán Glass

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Zoltån Glass (26 April 1903 - 24 February 1982) was an Anglo-Hungarian photographer. Born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1925 he started working as a cartoonist and retoucher. In 1931 Zoltån moved to Berlin where he established him self as a photographer. A keen motorsport enthusiast, Glass covered most of the big races at the Nurburgring and the Avus circuits. His photos of the Mercedes-Benz team received widespread public acclaim. However in 1936 he was dismissed from the newspaper Berliner Tagblatt. In 1938 he fled Germany bringing his negatives to London.

During his London period Zoltån Glass had a second career as a fashion and naturist photographer. Pamela Green was one of his regular models. Some of his work appered in Lilliput, the Daily Mirror and Life magazine. He also worked as a stills photographer for Zoltan Korda, Film Director, brother of Alexander Korda. He died in 1982 at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin in France.

His brother Stefan Glass also practiced photography professionally in London.

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