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Boxes Are Fun
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This user may get around to being a professional procrastinator. Someday. Maybe. |
Zigmo is a bit of a mystery to many, and a mysterious enigma to others. A few just find him odd. His wife usually finds him napping. Regardless, these views have not stopped Zigmo from continuing in his quest to remain Zigmo-y even under extreme duress from the forces of conformity. It's admirable really, and isn't there just a little bit of Zigmo in all of us? Yes, even you. And you. Okay, not so much you over there. We're losing the point here people.
It has been postulated that Zigmo is simply a nom de plume of some perfectly sane individual as a thought experment. This is a lie.
Zigmo wants more Userboxes
Zigmo has an alignment again and a userbox to go along with it. He's not entirely sure he agrees with it, but is glad to be pigeonholed again.
Little Boxes Are Fun Too!
When this user looks at their own accomplishments in life it helps to recall that the case of Joan of Arc proves greatness is rewarded by having a bean brand named after you. |
Little Zigmo In Slumberland