Zhao Jiuzhang

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Zhao Jiuzhang (Chinese: 赵九章), 1907.10.15 ~ 1968.10.26, a Chinese meteorologist, geophysicist and space physicist and engineer [1]. He is a pioneer of Chinese space technology and is considered as "The Father of Chinese Artificial Satellite" [2].


[edit] Life

Zhao was born in Kaifeng, Henan Province in Oct 15, 1907. 1925-1927, he studied electrical engineering at Zhejiang Industrial School (now Zhejiang University) in Hangzhou [3] [4]. He then transferred to Tsinghua University in Beijing. He graduated from the Department of Physics, Tsinghua in 1933. 1935, he went to the University of Berlin; 1938 obtained his PhD.

He was a professor of Tsinghua University, National Central University (now Nanjing University), National Southwestern Associated University.

[edit] Membership & presidentship


  • Academician, Chinese Academy of Science, 1955 election
  • Director, Institute of Meteorology, Academia Sinica
  • Director, Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Science
  • Director, Institute of Applied Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Science
  • President, Chinese Academy of Satellite Designation
  • President, Chinese Meteorological Society
  • President, Chinese Geophysical Society


[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Jiuzhang Zhao "Meteorologist, geophysicist and space physicist."
  2. ^ 张九庆《自牛顿以来的科学家》第31章“两弹一星”与中国科学家 赵九章是中国人造卫星的倡导者和组织者,可以称为“中国人造卫星之父”。Translation: Zhao Jiuzhang was the urger and organizer of Chinese artificial satellite, he is regarded as "The Father of Chinese Artificial Satellite"
  3. ^ 浙江大学校友总会网 1925至1927年就读浙江公立工业专门学校(今浙江大学)电机工程科。
  4. ^ 解放前曾在浙大任教、求学,后成为中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士的校友 1925年至1929年在浙江公立工业专门学校(浙江大学前身)电机科就学。

[edit] Links
