Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung
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The Zeugnis über die Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung (ZOP) from the Goethe-Institut exists to verify sophisticated proficiency in German. The required proficiency should allow the examinee to understand difficult texts and to adroitly communicate both in both spoken and written forms.
The ZOP is also valued as a qualification proving mastery of the German language in business contexts. Possessing a ZOP cerfication is considered valid proof of German language proficiency for anyone seeking entry into a German Hochschule or University. The ZOP has furthermore been assigned equivalency to Level C2 under the CEFR, the top level of linguistic proficiency, certifying comparable capability to an educated native speaker.
The Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung may only be administered to persons at least 16 years old and who have not learned German as a native speaker.