Zenonas Ivinskis

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Zenonas Ivinskis (b. May 25, 1908 in Kaušėnai Village, near Plungė, d. December 24, 1971 in Bonn) - Lithuanian philosopher, historian.


[edit] Study

He learned at Telšiai and Plungė gymnasium. 1925 he joined University of Lithuania, and choose to study philosophy, although at later changed his mind for history.

In 1929 received grant to continue his studies in Germany. There, under direction of prof. Albert Brackmann 1932 he received Ph.D for thesis Geschichte des Bauerstandes in Litauen. 1933 in Gdansk he was habilitated for his work Lietuvių ir prūsų prekybiniai santykiai pirmojoje XVI a. pusėje (English: Lithuanian and Prussian trade in the first half of 16th century). After return to Lithuania he was drafted to army, and at the free time ha was giving lectures at the Vytautas Magnus University, and finally in 1940 became extraordinary professor. at the same year he was invited to Vilnius University. 1941-1942 he was appointed as dean in faculty of Theology-Philosophy in Vytautas Magnus University. For his active public defense of university autonomy, Nazis put him on the list of the "honorary" prisoners, to be transferred to Stutthoff KZ. he was saved by the fact that he was ill, and was at hospital at the time for a half year.

[edit] Emigration

1944 he retreated with to the West. Ivinskis did not emigrated to USA, as most of Lithuanians emigrants did, and chose to live in Germany. He was giving lectures as Gastprofessor at Baltisches Forchungsinstitut in Bonn, and from 1963 history of Eastern Europe in Bonn University. The next year he received his second habilitation in Lithuania's and Poland history and was appointed as a full time professor. Form 1953 he began to participate in creating Lithuanian encyclopedia. While living in Germany he used to travel to Rome often, and conducted research at Vatican archives.

[edit] Important works

  • Geschichte des Bauerstandes in Litauen, Berlin 1933.
  • Lietuvių ir prūsų prekybiniai santykiai pirmojoje XVI a. pusėje, (English: Lithuanian and Prussian trade in the first half of 16th century), 1933.
  • Šv. Kazimieras, (English: Saint Casimir) 1955,
  • Vyskupas Merkelis Giedraitis ir jo laikų Lietuva, (English: bishop Merkelis Giedraitis and Lithuanian of his time, (manuscript), based on research in Vatican archive.
  • Lietuvos istorija (iki Vytauto Didžiojo mirties), English: History of Lithuania (until death of Vytautas the Great))1991.

[edit] External links

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