
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emptiness is form, form is emptiness.
To Do List
Hall of Shame

The following is a series of references I own. I am briefly versed in the following subjects, particularly Theology, Psychology, and Philosophy. If you have any questions on these subjects and need a reference, feel free to ask. I also have several books on programming and mathematics, though they aren't listed here because the books are difficult to understand, I'd never use them on Wikipedia, and there are a lot of people more qualified to answer such questions.

* this is a college-textbook

[edit] Buddhism

Batchelor, Stephen (1997). Buddhism Without Beliefs. New York, New York: The Berkeley Publishing Group. ISBN 1-57322-058-2. 

Landaw, Jonathan; Bodian, Stephan (2003). Buddhism For Dummies. Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley Publishing, Inc.. ISBN 0-7645-5359-3. 

McClain, Ph.D., Gary R.; Adamson, Eve (2004). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Zen Living. New York, New York: The Penguin Group. ISBN 1-59257-243-X. 

Stevenson, Ph.D., Jay (2000). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Eastern Philosophy. New York, New York: The Penguin Group. ISBN 0-02-863820-4. 

Trainor, Kevin (2001). Buddhism: The Illustrated Guide. London, England: Duncan Baird Publishers. ISBN 978-1-84483-426-6.