
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi all.

My real name is Daniel and I’m a North American, Canadian citizen. The name Zelpha is a variant of the name Zilpah, which means "frailty" in Hebrew.


Hobbies: At the time I’m trying to get some more good hobbies that don’t use up too much of my needed studing and social life, time. Here is a short list and personal description of some of my hobbies, also all of these things can be found with a quick search on Wikipedia.

- Warhammer 40,000 - A table top miniature collector game based on the future in the year 40,000 / 40k. It’s really fun and almost anything can be customized to your liking. There is alot that can be done, and the whole future setting and large variety of things that can be made makes this a favourite hobby of mine.

- Ogame - Ogame is one of my most favourite things to play, right next to World of Warcraft. It’s a Massively Multiplayer Brower Based Online Game. I know that the name itself “Ogame” may not sound the greatest ( the “O” representing “Online” ) but it is something that I play everyday and as often as I can. I have played several online massive multiplayer games but this one is truly outstanding and unique of all the others. Ok, maybe not as outstanding and great as World of Warcraft but that is for you to decided, this is just my opinion. The game is also available in most languages.


( Underconstruction / Not Finished )